247185 ` -�• � %�4�� �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE `� . Ly DATF �FS4LVED, �hat upon and pursuant �o the pertinent appeal, under the �onir�; Code, by Qe�°ald E. Frisch, own�r of the �ub�eet real estat�, �ituat� in the Ci�y of Saint Pau1 and described ast I+ots 1-12, and 2�-30, �lock 2, �iee Str�et Villas; that the pro�i�iona of s�id 2oning �od� her�by a�e dete�mined and varied as and to th� ex�ent neeessary th�refor and the setback requiremer�ts for said pr�mise� �r� h�reby waived; be it FtJRTHER RL34LVED, That aerald F. Fris�h be and hereby 3� grant�d a permit to install and operate a 93-aar parking faeility on prop�rtg loeated on the wes� side af Albemarl� Street betw�en We�t Larpent�c�r Avenue and WY�eelock Pa��way, more pa��iat�.larly de�aribed a� follows s Lots 1-12, and 24-34, �31ock 2, Ricc Str�e� Villas; all in a�aordance with th� plans attach�d her�to; �ub�e:ctt �o the aondition that the so�xtl�east drivewa�y is �6 f�et; ft�r�h�� sub�ea� u to the eondi�ion that 9-foot stalls i�stead of 8.5 foot for the � easterly parking a�ea be in�talled; further sub��ct to the eondit3.on that appell�nt �omsult with the �it� Fore�ter r�gardin� plant3.ng a for the boule�ard; and furthe� sub�ea� to the aondition that �aid � appli�ant-permittee, and his succe�sora and assign�, shall make w � a d�ae complian ee with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinanees, �� s�ate statut�s and �ules and �e$ulativns of ptiblic authori�ies a a having eo�nizanee . ¢ � �: � o � " :lAN 2 7 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,J�,� 2 T �9�� Carlson Dalglish � Approve� 19— Meredith v 9 � �j� Tn Favor Z,���''"�`""� �'C�'PSVn-- Sprafk2 Mayor �gainst ��n� Tedesco � �. � _.. �� :.�! PUBLISHED .lA N 31 1970 Mr. Viea Preeident.(Peterson) � • . f 1 ` ' • •�• BOARD OF �ONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 January 14, 1970 �� ���� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the appeal and application of Gerald E. Frisch to waive the setback requirements of the Zoning Code and permit the installation of a 93-car parking lot on property located on the west side of Albemarle Street between West Larpenteur Avenue and Wheelock Parkway. This property is further described as: Lots 1-12 and 24-30, Block 2, Rice Street Villas . The Board of Zoning considered these matters at its December 18, 1969, meeting. The staff summarized its report noting that the property was rezoned to "C" Resi- dence in December, 1967, and a permit to install an 89-car parking lot was approved in October, 1968. After the property was improved with two 41-unit buildings it was discovered that the parking area was not developed in conformance with approved plans. It was explained that this appeal, if granted, would allow the use of a setback area from Albemarle Street for 13 additional parking spaces. The Code requires a setback of 12.5 feet and this appeal requests a complete waiver. Staff conclusions noted that the waiver would not have a substantial detrimental effect on either the property across Albemarle Street or that to the south. With regard to the application for a permit to install a 93-car parking lot the staff noted that plans meet required design standards . The Traffic Engineer recommends approval if the southeast driveway is 26 feet. He also suggests 9-foot stalls instead of . 8.5-foot as indicated for the easterly parking area. ' Mr. Gerald E. Frisch, the applicant, said he doesn't believe a 1-1 ratio for parking is adequate. He needs the appeal in order to provide more maneuvering space for the parking lot. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning voted to recommend approval of the appeal ` by a 4-0 vote; subject, however, to the condition that the appellant consult with the City Forester regarding planting for the boulevard . The Board of Zoning then voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the permit subject to changes recommended by the Traffic Engineer as noted above. Revised prints will be required if this condition is included in approval granted by the City Council. Ve�y tr_ y yours,, �� / ��// ��f � i �-� �-�_ �.��.�- �/�� ��� PETER J. MAIETTA PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning CLS " �� Z.F. �k6917 and 6918 � � ; ' f„ � � E �� ,� %ot..�.1.�k_,,, s:..c.# , eo � � c-� i . • + , , , . . . ��(� , . GERALD E. FRISCH PROPERTIES � ,� 2350 WEST SEVENTH STREET � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 (� PHONE: 890-1591 November 4, 1969 TIie Nono�ca,ble I�ay�ox and Ci:ty� Counca�l c�o C�`ty� Cle�^k Room 386 C�`ty� Hall and Courthouse St. �aul, 1�i;nnesota Re: Zvning A�peal Gentlemen; T undexstand that i.t i.s necessarr to a�peal fxom the Zona:ng Classification in order to constxuct parking lot �aca�lities to be used in connection w�:th existing �a�king lot �acilities servici,ng a�axtment buildings knotan as 1�0 and 190 Larpentur Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. The name of the applicant is Gerald E. Frisch, 2350 West Seventh St. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55116; telephone number 690-�1591. The real estate involved herein is a portion of Lots 8 through 12, Block 2, Rice Street Villas, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The total property involved with this apartment project are Lots 1 through 12, and 24 through 30, Block 2, Rice Street Villas. The original parking lot on this property was authorized on Octobex 30, 1968, by Resolution of the City Council, Council File No. 240801. The total project is on the South side of I;arpentur Ave. West between Albemarle Street and Woodbridge Street. The portion of the property from which the zoning appeal is herein taken is situated on the West side of Ablemarle Street between Larpentur Ave. West and Wheelock Parkway. The original approved parking lot was for 89 parking spaces for 82 apartment units. Under the proposed use of this property, the parking lot would be increased to a t�tal o� 93 s�aces, a,ncluding 44 garage stalls and 49 outdoor parking spaces. The �urpose o� this a�peal is to authorize the use o£ a portion of Lots 8 through 12, Block 2, Rice Street Villas, St. Paul, Minnesota by� varying the setback and to establish a new setback along the East side of Ablemarle on said lots. The appropriate section of the legislative code is Chapter 64.03, paragraphs i and/'or j . t!l! � � } .; �'��1 � � � � �a G FlLE ��� � nY�� � ZO N I N 1959 C�1`Y t�,t�Ant��lrt; rsv Sai�t �'aul. Mirune�,o A� , � . . ,� � . � ' �2., Enclosed hexewith please find my check in the amount o£ $20,00 representing ap�licable filing �ee, Alsv, �iled simultaneouslr with this ap�eal is an application fox Speci,al Use Pexmit £ox the said �arking lot facilities. Very truly� y�ours, GERA E. FRTSCH �ROPERTTES �� ,�� f - Gerald E. Frisch GEF:r Enc. a 5�� � ZpN�NG FIL� =--�- �3�ARD 'JT' ZONING REPORT AN.D ACT��ON December 18, 19G9 Plat '4ap 31 �ctinc; under Le�;islativA Code Chapter 6� thru 64 nassACl Au�;ust 22� 1922 as amended to april 6� 1968 6917 6918 � . . '�i�:�.��'i'S NA'i� ; Gerald E. Frisch 6848 � r�1 r�t 1--�1 6845 . �:?.',:»IE'IC,4'PI�N ; u Amendmsnt �J Appsal ❑ '�'ermit 1.._J Other 6373-4-5 .�. �'�:c�JS:.' ; Waive the setback require�ent � . ;,'i;:h;1.'JtJ ; West side of Albesnarle 5treet between West Larpenteur Avenue and Wheelock Parkway :;. ',1:�',A:. DLSCRIATIOiJ ; Lots 8-12, Block 2, Rice .Street Villas •�. 1':'.;:SCIaT 'I.�t1IiJG: "C" Residence % . '':�'tS'JA;7: '1'� 7oninp, Code Chaptsri 64 S�ction: .03 Parac*r�ph: i and/or j ", . �'fA�'F J.t1V�STIGATION � REPORTi Datl; 12/11/69 �3ys CLS A. ACTION OF ZONING ADriIN1STRATOR: None. B. HISTORY: This property w�a rezoned from "A" to "C" Residence in three actions 1?./30/67. An 89-car parking lat wae approved for the aite 10/30/68. During the review of a petition by thie applicent to rezone odjacent property, it was noted that the site was not developed in accordance with approved plans. C. PROPOSED USE: Add additional parking to the exiating development. D, NEED FOR APPEAL: No reason is stated in the appel2pnt 's letter. According to the applicant's plan 82 parking apaces Would be provided without the setback waiver or 93 with th� waiver. E. PR�SENT STANDARD: The Zoning Code requires a se[back of 12.5 feet for parking on this property, F. VARIANCE: The appeal requeste e complete waiver or a variance of 100 percent. G. AREA 7.ONING: Comnercial to the eaet, "A" Reeidence to t}►e aouth ancl weht, and Residential uee north acrosa West Larpenteur Avenue. H. SITE CONDITIONS: This development consista of two neW 41-unit apartment buildings. The north portion of the aite is higher end the parking lot draina to the north- south streets �nd to the south along the alley. I. AR�AA CONDITIONS: North across Larpenteur, apartment development; east, the rear of a shopping center; south and west, single-family uses . ----- --- — - — --- _ _— _ _ _ - i Council Letter i 9. 30A.RD ACTION; To Recommend �x �Approval �Denial Dated 1/14/70 Moved by; McPartlin Yaas Pdays Date of lle:3rint*, x �eS 1/15/70 _ I Seconded by; Maietta Cohen __ _,� x Danna (Alt) Council Rction Gadlsr Gauger Secretary's remarks: X Maietta Date Subject to the condition that the appellant x Me?'artLin (Alt) � consult with the City Forester regarding "ian�ur (Al.t) ' planting for the LE�QL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF TiiIS SIiEET boulevard. . ' � . ;� � ` 4 • ' • City of Saint Paul, l�innesota , APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT ' � (Please print or type) TO THE IiONORABLE NIAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL 90 the City Clerk ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing �I y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION , No. of islands and pumps : I No. of tanks and capacity; '' � PARKING LOT for (�����) (���) (private use) (�1��) (� I' (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot g� !I To be used in connection with: 2 - 41 Lmit Apartment Buildings located at 180 and 190 West 1',arpentur Ave. , St. lau , nnesota I � MISCEIJ�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Kefreshment Stand, Used Car i Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) � Capacity of parkin� area: � *Location : 180 and 190 West Larpentur Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota '� Legal Description : Lotg 1 thru 12 �� Blo� thlv 30 Addition RiCe I, k Street Villas Appiicaut's Name : Gerald E. Frisch �°` 2 i Home or Office Address: 2350 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone Number : 690-1591 I FOR✓BY TI�S APPLICANT, Gerald. E. Frisch i 11-3-69 Signature (date Address : 2350 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota Phoae No.: 690-1591 i When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out pians of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minaesota �' Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. �, 2. South side oP Maia St. between First and Second St. *•see attached rse�orandwn. Z�N 1 NG FI LE ---------- D�ARD OF' ZONI�N� REPORT AND ACTION December 18, 1969 Plat M�P �k31 Actinn, under Le�;islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File !Jo� nassPd At��;usx 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 19G8 6918 Also 6917 1, A:'PLICANT'S NAME ; Gerald E. Frisch 6848 6845 2, CI,AS5IFICATION s �Amendment 0 A�peal �Permit ❑ Other 6373-4- X-828 3, PURPOSE � Install a 93-car parking lot to be used in ' conjunction with two 41-unit apartment 4� LOCATION 3 buildings now existing West side of Albemarle Street between West 5� LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Larpenteur Avenue and Wheelock Parkway Lots 1-12 and 24-30, Block 2, Rice Street Villas 6� PRESENT ZONING : "C" Residence '1 � PURSUANT TO Zoning Cod� Chapt�r� 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4,2 8 � STAi'F INVESTIGATION E REPORTs Dst�� 12/11/69 By: CLS A. HISTORY: This property was rezoned from "A" to "C" Residence in 3 actions 12/30/67. An 89-car parking lot was approved for the site 10/30/68. During the review of a petition by this applicant to rezone adjacent property, it was noted that the site was not developed in accordance with approved plans. B. AREA ZONING: Commercial to the east, "A" Residence to the south and west, and Residential use north across West Larpenteur Avenue. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The submitted plan meets minimum required design standards (assuming successful appeal) with the enlergement of the southeast curb cut to 26 feet. The north- south alley is used for garage access and the east-west alley for surface parking access and has a tendency to be used for additional off-street parking. Indicated drainage is to Albemarle and Woodbridge Sts . and southerly along the north-south alley. The Public Works Dept. indicates no objections to parking lot drainage to Albemarle Street. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: 460 feet along Albemarle Street, 240 feet along Woodbridge Street, and an area of 92,020 square feet. Building area is 24,246.5 -- 26.34%. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer recommends approval if the southeast driveway ia 26 feet. He suggeats 9-foot stalls instead of 8� for the easterly parking area. F. SITE CONDITIONS: This development consists of two new 41-unit apartment buildings. The north portion of the site is higher and the parking lot drains to the north-south streets and to the south along the alley. G. AREA CONDITIONS: North across Larpenteur, apartment development; east, -� the rear of a shopping center; sout d west, sin family uses. �ouncil Letter 9� DOARD ACTION; To Rscomm�nd �Approval �Denial Dated 1/14/70 "4oved by; McPartlin Ysas Nays Date of }{earing x Ames Seconded by; Maietta Cohan 1/15/70 x Danna (Alt) Council Action Gadlar Gauger Secretary' s remarkss x Maietta Date Subject to the changes recommended by x MePartlin (Alt) the staff and the Traffic Engineer for M3nsur (ALt) a 26-foot driveway. LEGAL NpTICES QN THE BACK OF THIS SHEET __ _ � -__- _ _ � � � �. , `-'� � �i/ . . . . . . � � �,� i � -L�:[', � . . , {__. f .-_ �-� .. . .._ . . . � ; , ; .�. � .. �J • _� .:3 << -� ;r� i , . . �' ' 1� w. • . .. _ _. � _ .►�.�`. -.___.� i�1`l��T���S Y �� �.i ,'.'.'� � !� a . . , . , . 1 � � � w� ��• •. .. � `'f_�t__ - = ' �•� ��� 4 � 1 � f + '"° ._...._.,-+ `•� < . .. . �J � � � �.��.°,__. A G � �2,4. f � r �. � > < � - � -,;,; —, � . � - 1 � _ a ��� � . .._. �_... .. 1 ' ,���� � j� . �,; � . � , � � � � '_ ' '1 . ;_. .' ' +�I 1 . � .. r �a"I ' ' ... I I I ' � . . � � . � . ;. � , , , ' - � �...� .. . (��: �I • � � _ �,�. _ ��� . _ _ . t � ,.... .� �•1 > ,, � ._. . � � ,.` , ! � 1 .� . . f ( . ^C � � ,� . N," ��• �'�r'i.��.w..,,,., G R S/ EIYG/�� (._ V O < 1 _. ��. . ,- � 'i �A ' � �f ;� �� � •, e �, , � , - ,_ � C) ' . � � ` � � � U h . . 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Frisch L.EGENQ PURPOSE Install a 93-car parking lot to �qND USE be uaed in conjunction with two 41-unit apartment buildings � Q(�jE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING ����� Residence '�` TWO-FAfVIILY � THREE-FAMILY PETITON SIGNERS -�- FOUR-FAMiI.Y �Q MULTI-F�.�►�ILY FILE Na 6918 NcRTH � � � COMh�lERCIAL n � INDUSTRIAL u VACANT .. St. Pau i Planning Boord, Dote� 12/11/69 Property Under Consideratian � - . ' � MINUTES OF THE �TBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BQAItD OF ZONII+iG on Thursdey, December 18, 1969, at 2:00 P.Mo PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Danna� McPartlin, and Maietta of the Board and Messrse Brown and Sorenson and Mrs. Frantzen of the ataff. GERALD E, FRISCH: An appesl to waive the setback requirement aad an applicatioa for a permit to inst�ll a 93-car parking lot to be uaed in canjunction with two 41-unit apartment buildinga now exisCing on properey located on the w�!st side of Albemarle Street between West LarpenCeur Avenue and Wheelock Parkway. Mr. Sorenson su�arized ehe sraff report noting that the property was reaoned to "C" Residence in December, 1967, and a pextnit to install sn 89-car parking lot was approved in October, 1968. After the property was improved with two 41-unit buildings it was discovered that the parking area was not developed in confaxmance with approved plans. It was explained that Chis appeal, if granted, would allow the use of e setback area fram Albemarle Streeti for 13 additional parking spacea. The Code requires a setback of I2.5 feet and this appeal requests a compleCe wa£ver. Staff conclusians noted that the waiver would not have a eubatantial detrimental effect on either the property across Albemarle Street or that to Che south. With regard to the application for a permit to install a 93-car parking lot the staff noted that plans meet required desigxi standards. The Traffic Engineer recammends approval if the southesst driveway is 26 £eet. He slso suggesta 9-foot �talls i.natead of 8.5 foot as indicated for the easterly parking �area. Mr. Gerald Eo Friach, the applicant, said he doesa'C believe a 1-1 ratio for parking is adequate. He needs the appeal in order to provide more maneuvering space £ar the parking lot. Mrs. Frank Pierce, 1b44 Woodbridge, appeared in order to find out about the proposal> Mr. Irving Shaw, appearing in beha].f of these mattera, said there ere about 70 feet between the two apartment buildings, which he feela is a masaive amoant of green area. Mr. McPartlin moved for approval of the appeal with tlte conditioa the appe2lsnt cansui.t with the City Farester regarding planting for the boulevard. Mr. Maietta seconded the motion, which carried unanimously by 4-0, Mrm McPartlin subsequently moved £or approval of tne permit sub�ect to the changes recoc�►ended by the staff and the Tra€€ic Engineer for a 26-foot driveway. Mr, g9aietta second¢d the motion, which carri�ed unanimo�sly �y 4-0. Subm�.tted by: Colonel La Sorensan Rnbert Lo Ames, Chairman -13- City Clerk � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 January 2, 1970 Ffle X828, Page You are hereby notified that a pnblic hearing will be held ia the Couacil Chambere ef the City Hall and Court House ia the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on January 15, 1970, on the application of Gerald H. Frfsch for a permit Co iastall a 93-car parking lot to be used in con�unction with 2, 41 wnit apartment buildings on Lots 1 thru 12 a�d Lots 24 thru 30, Block 2, Rice Street Villas. The property is tocated on the south side of West Larpeatear Avenue hetween Albanarle aad Woodbridge Streets. For further information contact the Planning Baard, Soom 1010 Coao�erce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMgS J. DALGLISH Commiseioner ot Pinance O , :� _ " . �. _. � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT • � (Please print or type) �� TO THE I�'ONORABLE MAYOft AND CITY COUNCIL �3� % the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING 5TATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (����r�) ����) (private use) (���) (�ig) (iadicate type) Capacity of parking lot q� To be used in connection with: 2 -. 41 un�,t A'pa�xtment Build7,nQS located at 180 a,nd 190 �test Iiax�entux Ave, , St. Paul, Minnesota** � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location � 180 and 190 West Larpentur Ave. , St. Paul, Minnesota Legal Description : Lots 1 thru 12 Block, 24 thru 30 Addition Rice Street Villas Applicant's Name � Gerald E. Frisch Home or Office Address: 2350 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Phone Number � 690-1591 FOR✓BY THE APPLICANT, G ld, E F�iss,� �� 'I%�G� 11-3�69 (Signature) (date) Address . 2350 West Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota Phone No.: 690-1591 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. **See attached Memoxandum. �• ,. , � , w . " � . P�EMORANDUM The pux�ase of the attached a�plication i.s to obtain Council ap�roval to amend Plot �lan respecting two existing 41 unit apartment buildings located at 180 and 190 West Larpentur Ave,, Saint Paul, Minnesota. On October 30, 1968, the City Counczl adopted Resolutian Council File No. 240801, granting �e2�nission fax the installation and o�eration of a 89 car parking lot in conjunction with said anaxtment buildings. Subsequently�, garages were built w�ithi;n the off-stxeet �axking area to provide enclosed �arking stalls, the result being that greater axea became involved in the garage spaces xequiring planning �or additional o£�-street �axking stalls. There is adequate area for the surfacing £ox additional parking for 13 additional stalls along Albemaxle Street and the design qf these addit�.onal off-street �arking spaces is based upon the recommendation of the Tra�fic Engineer of the City� of Saint IPaul. The a�proval of the requested amended Plot Plan will prvvide some additional parking s�aces needed in connection with these buildings. Novembex 4, 1969 �`�L�}�?r"t�.�tTr3 ?'�ee �ur�osQ of t}a� �ttacl�ed a�piieatian is to ohtain Councii €���roval t� �,m�ne3 Plot Plan respect3.ng twa ex�.stin� 41 unit apartmen� builc�ir�;s ].oc�teci at 18� attd I�� t�,est Lar�antur Ave. , S�.int Paul, '•tinn�sot�. j�n 4ctoi�er 3�?, 1�6�, the City Cau�cil �.c�a�sted s�esoluti.vn Couneil F�1� r�o. 240�@1, �;ra�tin� p�rtaission for the inst�.�.latfan And o��rat3.on o� a �9 car park�.n� lo� in con,jtmctipr� �aith safd an�rt�ent buildfn�s. �ubsec�ue�tiv, ��rag�� w�re ��tt within the of�-street ��rkfn� area to *�rov�.de enelQSec� �ari�in� stalls , th� rc�ul�t he�r.� that �rea��r ar�a ��ca.�� inrrolved in tc:e �axa�e s�aeQs r�quiring �lannin� f�r addit3az�a1 off-stre�t �ar�ing s�alls. '��;qre i� �dec�uatc� �r�� �or the sur£acin� �or a�dit3.ona1 �ar3:in� �or 13 �dditional sta11� a.lon� l�lber.:arle Strert and the ciesi�n o�,t�eese �:�diti.onal off-street parkin� snaces is b€�ed upon t}ie recamr�endatio�z of. tl�e Traffic Fn�ineer of �h� City of Saint Faul. T�e �.v�roval of t��e r�n�t�est�r� �mend�d �lot �lan w�.II �rnvid� sor�e aa�itional narkin� space$ n�ecic�d in conr.eetion tirith thes� buil�.i?�t�s. .�-� �--� ''�;ove�nY?er 4, I9Ei�l �,�� ����� ���� �� j��� il' ♦ � 7 �w�'v��....`LY � IJ � + '�:. � ` -� t : � � � �� ,� i>+ti�►+r±a°E --�- �' � --�--.-- . ^ � ' S v (� � A, C � . � p ► �r. _ ,�'� �. _' : _ - . � • _ . . . . i . . . . . . . ' �.��.�. � _� . � . "i � . � � . _ � � . ' Y "., . • .. ,��~ `.�` :� : „'. ,. . � '� 1 � � i - S-ri.L � ,� c�a2a��. � �'j� GA2. D O U Or�'Lr �', . � i . + . ' .. -' . 44bx �q��:o�, :� ' . `� -. : ' ' ,.. � - .� ` �. 3 � . � I r, �: � u ��"s � � -- �� � ' � ��; ,,� , � _ ' ~ 1p# .[r� � � '"»� - {-. �� 'i �. � , , '� �. 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