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Theunderaigaedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of 8eint Paul,vt:.:
I�prove HAI�II.INE AVEAit� .(City Pro�eEt P��3�OB) fro� IIniversit�_.Avenue to P3erce Btttler
............ .... ___..... ...... ......... .... .......... ...... ........................... .. .. ....... ...
Route as follaWS: widea, grade and pave; conatx�zct esncrete curb and geitter; eoastruct
; �t�,...�11.e.�..sr�...s�rris�ay.--x��ux.�;...�true.�..�a,..�i.*auaai.an�a..�axerls�;...r.Qns�ruc�..��.ax�u........
�a.ter draina�g� faeilitieB; �onstru.ct se�rer, water ar�d gas se�ice eonnections; reconstruct
`� a tra.f�'i�..�a�'t�ral.�y.�tae�o;...re�conatx:u�..c.r�ncr�ei�e.lral.k.Aa.batb..sir�,ea.Af As i i nP �Q�....�cc�m.
` Universit Ave. to Sherburne Av�.; and do a11 other srork �rhich is n�cessary and ineidental
to1uu� sai d�;w+v�em�n�............ ............................ ............................................................__.w........
Datedthie... .................dsy of.............................................. .. ...., 1��.r,..
..............�����•-`r`�_.,�.v ....... . ..............
WHEREAS, A written propoeai for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
I�prEnre HAI�IlqE AVENUE (Cit�► Pro�ect P-0��+4B�. fro� Universit�._Aveaue to Pieree Butler
Rou.�"'e°as��alloryra i ���.c1en,..grai�,e..and�pave;. eons�ruet��eoncrete curb��ancl gutter; �eori's�rue�
�ater drainage facilitiea; eonatruct sewer, water aaci gas service connections; reconatruet
s ��t..�am#�sjl..ssy_a�.�;...r�GQnet��tu�...c�r�ee�.xa].l�..ca.bnth..sidea.A�.Ba�tl.i�a�e...A�....�om.
Uni�ersi�y Ave. te> Sherburne Ave.; and do a11 other wc�rk whieh is necea�arytand in�identel -
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............................................................•--- - -
�,�! .............._..
therefore, be it
RE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the neQeeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the totsl eoet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. -
4. To stste whether or not eaid improvement is asked gor oa 4,he petition of three �r more ownere.
G. To report upon sll of P,he goregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of F'insnoe.
Adopted by the Counail.............i;�tl.'�...�.'..����...........-•---.............._..
:lAN 2 7 1970
Councilman Carlson
D a 1 g l i s h �PPtovecfl.................................................................... ,. .
�,:�te�ree�� ...... ...�...�..\�.. ...
Tedesc� � --°-� •
��� � ���` . Mayot.
� � Vfee Presidrat (peterson) ��,����
l� /J PUBLISHED JAN 31 1970