247172 s � / ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK I�„� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. Lzc�rrsE cor�zm�r�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM COMM S�IONE � '�u• J&Tlu`�y 27� 1970 DATF RESOLV�3: That Application L-1039 for "On Sale Liquor" T,iec�se, applied for by Stephen & Vietor's Bar, Inc, at 1905 Stillwater Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, tha.t the bond filed by the licensees is hereby approved, and that the City Clerk is directed to issue said licezse. RENEWAL �Transfer Location as of Renewal Date-Renewed for 1905 Stillwater Ave.j Expiring license issued for 472 Wabasha Street� TRANSFER LOCATION Informally approved by Council Oets�ber 21� 1969 JAN 2 7 1974. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JAN 2 7 .���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith � Tn Favor .-�–L� ' � Mayor Sprafka l� Against ����'�� Tedesco ; ..,, ,�;-�,y : �Mx����.o '�. �" ��:d°� �ret�`°n, PUBI�ISHED JAN 3� 1970 0 . , � � . CITY OF' SA�T PAUL • � Capital of Minneaota ���� / � � �e a�t�e�t o kb`ic �a eL� � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M.CONWAY, Depoty CommLdoncr DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inspector October 14� 1969 Honorable Mayor and �ity Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently Stephen & Victor's� Inc. are holders of On Sale Liqunr License No. 7505� expiring� January 31, 1970� Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License No. 1665, expiring August 17, 1970, and nestaurant� Off Sale Malt Beverage� Cigarette and Cigarette Vending Maehine Operator Licenses No. 7498, all ezpiring Januaxy 31� 1970� at 472 Wabasha Street where they have been so licensed since February 1y63. The officers of the corporation are Bettie Cardel li� President; Victor Schloff� Vice-president; and Ida Cardelli, Secretaxy. The sole stockholder is Bettie Cardelli. Due to the YMCA having atsquired the land and the buildings at this address, they must �acate said premises on or before Deceffiber 31� 1969. Application is made by Stephen 8� Victor's, Inc. for the transfer of these licenses from 472 Wa�asha Street to 1905 Stillwater Avenue. At present 1905 Stillwater A�enue is licensed as a 3.2 establishment� the licensee is Arthur W.I,aChapelle who has so been licensed since March 1968� and it has been a 3.2 establishment (only� since April 1957. Prior to this it was licensed as an On Sale Liquor business for about five years and in 1957 the liquor business was transferred across the street to 1900 Stillwater Avenue which location is still operating as such a business. Both locations� prior to becoming liquor businesses were operated as 3.2 places only� from the mid-thirties. The address in question, presently is the only 3.2 establishment within two blocks. The nearest On Sale Liquor place is across the street and the nearest Off Sale Liquor place is about a mile away. The closest Church is about half a mile and the closest Sehool is about four blocks away. Att�ched is a copy of the applicant's application and supporting letters. Very truly yours� �6� /: �r • License Inspectc�r � �� l �--� �"`� �'�`�' � o �.- 1 ,�0 6 v I . .j . ' ���Z,�� ������ ., ���� 1008 MINNESOTA BUILDINO YT. rAUL. MINNE'oOTA Od101 MELVIN J. BILVER RICHARD B. RYAN October 10, 1969 LE6TER D.WALTBRB TBL6PHONii 222•2811 I i , Honorable Mayor Thomas Byrne � City Council of 5aint Paul , Rams ey County Courthous e I St. Paul, Minnesota 55IO2 • _ Gentlemen: '� We represent Stephen and Victor's Bar, Inc. presently operating an On Sale liquor license at 472 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. The premisea are owned by the 5t. Paul Young Men's Christian � Association and they are in the process of razing the building and, ! consequently, our clients are required to vacate the premises and ! are permitted to stay there only at this time by sufferance and will ' � be forced to vacate not later than the end of this year. They have filed an application for the transfer of the presently held On Sale liquor license at 472 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesota to � 1905 Stillwater Avenue and on their behalf, we respectfully urge favorable conaideration of this application. � I Yours very truly, � 5ILVER AND RYAN � ` .1� ,� ��� ` _ . ______ __._...._.�___...:_.._._. _M.e_ �n_._J_.___�lver � I MJS/rd t 4 • � . .. �: October 10, 1969 Honorable Mayor Thomas Byrne City Council of Saint Paul � Ramsey County Courthouae St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 • Gentlemen: As the owner and landlord of the premises at 1905 5tillwater Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, I join in the request of 5tephen and Victor's Bar, Inc. for the transfer of their On Sale liquor license from 472 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minnesota to my building at 1905 5ti11- water Avenue. I hereby consent to the use of the premises pursuant to an On Sale liquor license that may be granted by you to it and in accordance with the lease between the applicant and me. This building was formerly occupied under a liquor license and is to _ the best of my knowledge properly zoned and properly approved by . 1 ' reason thereof. I trust you will give favorable conaideration to the application made by Stephen and Victor's Bar, Inc. - Q . . 4 ,,� � Gordon J. nson , , I � _ � CITY �F' SAINT PAUL ' DEPART�TT t)F P�T$i,IC SAFE7'Y LICEItiTSE DNISIt7N �ta October 10 Z9„�_ 1. Applioatia� Por tr�nsfer ot on sals livuor � Licmnse 2. Na�e of e�pplietant �tep]�wn and Vi�tn:�■ A�r�..3��- 3. Buaiaeas ad$r��a�1905 8t��lw�t�r AvenueResidencse o� pr4�id�t, � 4A0 �N�edh;tt�lri�re� � St. Psul, Minne�ots � St. Paul, �din�etota �. Tre►de x�me, 3.P e�� e s d V 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tampYeORetail I,iquor Federe�l Tax Stamp Ye� rorill be ug�do _ _ .._.,__ ._. .._ , __ 6. C�a �rhat �'loor looated M�in I�umber of rocana uaed`�: ' 7. $etw�ssa �at aros� etreets ��el � Jordq►}� ,Ave�ioh side of street nnrth 8. �Are pr�mieea now oaoupied Yet 1Plzat bu�iness 3. 2 Tst��Yn Ho�r long �v Y�ux� . _ ........,._ ,.. � _ _. , 9. �re premises x�aw un000upied�Hae� long vacant Previous use 10, �ro you a new o�rn.er Y�ve you bean in a simi.lar business bePor� ye� 'fRhere 4T 2 W sba�ha 8t. , S�, Psul, �Rhen pre�ently �- ��I S�( (o S!�s, Minae�ota 11. Jlre you going to operate this businesa personally Yes If �not, 'rho will opaxate it 12. Are you in any o�her buainess at the pres�nt ti�s onlY at 472 'Wabsrl�s Stz�et, 3t. Panl� _ _ _ _ , - . _ _ Minn. 13. Have there been any Qomplaints against your oparation of this type of p�,ace �a Nhen 1Rthere 14. ASVe you ev�sr had any licenae revo�ed No What rea�on and date I5, Are you a aitisen oY the United States Yea Native Raturalized __.._....� _ . : �_ 16. 1�Riere w�re you bora St. Paul, MinAerbRs Date of birth Febsusry 22, 1923 _ _ �. . 17. I e�m�married. �ify (roa�3.Pe's) (huaband 4 a j name and addresa is (iV /A o w El� 18. (If ma rried fema le) v�y ma iden nams is f� /�b/fi /ti A ` 19. Ho�r long hav+a you lived i.n b"-�. Paul a Il my tite 20, Hav�e you ev+ar been arreated No Yiolation, of w}aat crim;inal lavr or ordivanoe __...___._._ 21. Are qau a registered voter in the Ci�y of $t. Pl�ul X Yea No, (Ans�e_T r fu11$/ a17�d OOmp1ef38lys Thsse a �licsations are t�orou hl cheak+ad an�i an falsification �fl]. be cause for enis�lo 22, Number oP 3.2 p].aaes �rithin taro blooke � �p_ti� - . . ... ... _ . _ . . . . . � . 23. Cloaea� intaa�icating liquor plaoe, fhi Sale��s c�P�4Pf Ssle ��`. �L.�,csA� 24, l�esreat �hurah tan blo�,�� Neax�st $chool Ames 25. Number of boothe Tablea Chai�r$ Stoola 26. �t occup�tiori have you fol]:ow�ed for the paat five �aar�. (Give namea of em.plo�ax°� and dates �o employed.) � Co�►ducted the busin��• at 4T2 Wsbatha t 2T. Giv�e� x�amea e�nd addreeaea �f t�o persons, residenta oP 8t„ I�xul, �.i.nnes �rho aan gi�e i�sforme►tion ooncax�rtixtg yrnte g� Hsroid �hspi:o Aaar�,ae i 161 St. Glair Aveaue . St. Paul. MiRn. Aame Besasrd �arv�r Address i���,i Avann�. 8t. Panl, �inn..ats � � .� 1 D�,r: � i �u of pp�. Qan �Bsttie Cazdslli a� 3tate of Minn�asota President oi 8tepben snd 6Tictor's BAr, Inc. ss C ounty of I�amaey . Bettie Csrdslli ` 'tieing �irat duly avrorn, depoeee arxl says upon oath he ha� read e orego statement bearing his signature and l�awrs �he caaitenta 'thereof, and that�the aam� is �rue� of his o�rn l�owledge except aa to thoee a�ttera therein atated upon infornation and balief and as to thoae matters . he believ�ea tham to be true. � �� 6. ,, p�,v S gnattire of dpplia°ant f s e sr ��s Pr�rident ot Stephea snd Victor's Bs:, Iac. blzbsaribed and ew�orn �o before me ' thie � � day of October 19 6Q_ NO blics ey County� , 98C�A ROSEMARY J. DROUBlE Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. II�I C0�88�021 6Spi!'98 My Commission Expires April 10, 1974 ` _ . (Note� These statement fox�ms are �in dup].ioate, �Both copiea muat be fully filled outa aotarized, and returned to the Lic�nse Diviaiono�- . AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT � FOR RETA IL BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: On �le Liquor Licenae Name of appiioant Stevhen and Victor's Bar. Inc. Busineas a�idress 1905 Stillwater Avenue, St. Paul, Minneaota 0 _ / Are you t�{ie sgle oamer of this businessR . If not, is it a partnerahip? /� � c orpor�i on?' X , o�bhe r? t?�hera interssted in buainess, inelude those by loan of money, propert�r or otherwises The undersigned owns all of the stoc,k of the corporatfon. Nams � Address Hpa�r If a a orpor,ation, give its name Stephen and Victor'e Bar� Inc. Are you interested in any rovay in an� other� Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? No As sole oavner? Partner? Stookholder? Qtherovise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) �iddreas of such. buainess and nature of intereat in same � � . � . al � TSi�g ture of appliaan� Bettie Cardelli as Preeident of Stephen aad Vi�tor's Bar, Inc. Sta te of Minne s ota 98 County of �msey Bettie Cardelli being first duly avrorn, deposes and says upon o�th the;t he hae read the foregoing affidavit bearin.g hia signature and lcn.owa the content� thereofg that �the aame is trus of his oam lrnrnnrledga9 except a� to those matters therein stated upon inf'ormation and belief and as to those r,�atters he belie�es them to he true. � ,%�1-P X..C�[��D� l"�A .r wt(J���/.I'. Sig ture of applicant Betti Cardelli as President of Stephen aat Victor'. Bar� Inc. Subsoribed and s�orn to before me this Q �day of October 19 69 Notary ublic, a County, �innesota RQSEMARY J. DfiOUBIE Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M� c3�niSSlori AXp1rAe 19 My Commission Expires April 10, 1974 f , , r• ~ STATE f� �7NNESOTA) � SS CptJNTY 4F RA�2SEY Bettie Cardelli being fir�t duly sworn., doth depose and sa� that � he makea this �ffidavit i.n conneetion with application f or n On ,,c�le" liquor licenae ("� Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant ia a re�i8en� of the State of Minnes�tm and has resided therein for '�6 years, b months� and is nrn�r and has bsen for the time ab�ve 7nentioned a bona fide reaident of said State and that ehe now resides at 400 V1%oodhill Drive St. Paul Minneeota � Addreea , Minnes ota. City or Tov+m ett e Cardelli as President of Stephen and Victor'e Bar, Inc. Subsaribed and s�orn to bePore ms this �0 � day of ��ober 19 69 � �tary lalio, se County9 Minnesota My co�¢nission expires ROSEMARY J, DROUBI� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, My Commisslon �xpires�pril 30, 1974 � r � �'7/ 7� . �_��- �o , CI'TY OF ST. PAUL - APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ..�..�..._._ Name of Applicant__ ..�.. .. .. .......... . �...__... .. .__.__.. ._.,�.... ... . �.(�-�,• . �....._....�.:Z._ ........_.._.._. ftesidenceAddresa......._....._....___.._...._...__.___._.._._...._...___._.._._.................................................... Tetephone No.._.....1..._�_�.....,�.`�.5�..��— Are you a citizen of the United Statea?...._._..._...__ .._.. . _.. . .. . ... .. ...._...._................_...._----__.____...._...........:..w..._....._. Have you ever been engaged in operating a salo , eafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? ..._................................................................_._..__.._......_._....___..._.._.___.. ._ ----......_........_....._.........._.__...._._.._.........._.........._..___._....___ ......_......._ When and where�......................._............,�....��_..__._ ..._... ._........t..-.r._,..�_......�...�..�.�..U..��!....w..._. If corporation, give r�ame an general p of co oration..... .... __....„.__._._. / _.._.. ..._ . e� rP ... .... __r_,.�r�-����� _..._..�..in____..._.............:.._..._._........... .. ......._...._.. ......... ..... �,,...�..�–�c�.�-.�.......G�.�...._..__. .__._ Whencorporated?...._._.._..._.........._..�...�....�1.-..�.�..._.._. ..................._...__------......._.__.__..._......._._....__.__........_ ._ _._...._._ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.._..____.._..._..._.... _....__..._...._......_._..,. How many members?......................._...._...._...:_..._...._..__.._..._... ._ r Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general mana r. . . .. . . . . .. . .. ..............�---..._...........................----........ ........._. . _ ._ '._.�-�-�_...�a v ..�_ .. .�.:._...._.._...._.._ ... . . . _ --. __ ...._.... -- _ ..........................................._.----..-.------.... . _........ .... . ---. ._. ._._.--- �. .......a..._...._. ...... . _..._.........__ .. .. ..........................:........................................ .... 5 --- - ..� . .. ......_fc�_._...�.. . ..,�_......... .._._ � Naines and addresses of St holders: ; ...............................�--�-------....---............. .__...._.......... " __...._.��-��--� ���-.2.�%...._.......r�.�'r......f.a_........1.�.1... ---.. ._.. ... .. . � ...._.�_ ........._.............................._.._._.._...---...._._�.._. .............................----�--�--......_.__....-------�-�...�---._.._..._...._..._..........._........................._..._ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known_......�._�1:..at.l,'.�...nr�..... . .__.. _._..�...._ Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward 1 � a .S� ; � � � ^ . . . . '�How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along street ) ?....._..... ...... ....._... _.���c.� How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?..............��.._.... .... .....-.---•---............_ .....__..�:___._......._._ ._ __ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (mea.sured along streets)?.......��.���.��� Name of closest school-�----�--��.Go----.....__...--................_....._................................---� ...................._...._....._..__._...._ ._..._..._---._........._._.____.__ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._.......................... ..... .. .. .. . ..... ......� ..........__....._........___._.._...__._ Onwhat Roor located?.-•--......................._ _.. ........ _. ..... .. .. ....................---................_..---...__................_...--�--.._..._----..... ..-----....... ..........._.....__ Are premises owned by you or leased?.��._.--:.If leased give name of owner.�...�...�//. .n .. --•• --- . _ ' Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?.........��......���-�.�............................................................_...._................_.....-•----•-•-�---....._....__-__..__ Ifhotel, seating capaci y of mai dining room?.....__.._........._..................................................._........._...._..._...._...........---.....__..................._.......---........._ Givetrade narr�e...- --- --....---- ------- - •- -------..,�'l:-_l.� . .r��7------------�-----•-------•-----�----•-------�------------•--------•- --------�----.... Give below fhe name, or n mber. or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............. ................ ........................................._.................--�•-•---..._......................_........._..........._........__..----........................_._......................---..._...--•--._..__----................_----__.._..__ (The lalormatioa sbove ranet be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sAles). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?...._...._.___.....__...__...._....,_._....-•................_...................._...._...................�...._..._�........_...__._...____....._._....._.. ,., ._� . Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)_..._._..__..._._....._..........._...........�`�...............__.__.._....___.._._.._...._:_. Give namea addresses of thr buain s references:...._...._......._._ _.._.....:..w.. _...._.� _...._ ................ . . . �._......__ .... ._-;- .� � ---.. .�..�.-. .�.._..�.._.__....__...����.-..._.__.._..._.....__ � 2......_....._--- - ... . . .. _.... . _ .... ._........ ..... . ..._.. �� ._ ....--•._...... . - .... ..._. _.. .. . .._........._._..-•---•-----•--._ 3..__...._ .... .._...._.._- - -_....__ __��..�--�_._.�..__......._. . ..----.._.........�....................._ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPOItATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THLS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � M SEE OTHER SIDE � sTa� oF�n�rxESar�,, , COUNTY OF R,AMBEY, �• ...__......... _._ .._._ being lirst duly sworn� degoses and says that he haa read the foregoing application and lmowa the contents thereof� and that the same is true to the best of hia knowledge, information and belie�. Subscribed and swom to before me this................._._.__..._day of.�..... 19 .........__......_...._..._...__.. ._ _. M�... Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. My commission expirea...._...._....__.__....__....._..._...__. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, $g' . _........._----...._._._w._.,.__...._ ...�._�_._.._...._... ....�.__...._..._ .. ._._... _.. ..._...__ .�being Srst duly sworn, depoaes d says tha�.. .....�_th/ •• -- of..... ..., . ..._. �.....�_ ... .. . .. ..... ._ __..__ �....._ ..�a.�,d.�._ ,a corporation; that................._...._.,,�".i......_...._..._....._..... as read the foregroing application and knowa the contenta thet�eof�and that the same is true to the best of....._....���w.-...w...�..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af�xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was signed, aealed and e�e� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora,and said applicstion and the execution Lhereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ���� . $ubscribed and swo to before me thi ....��.�._.day of..__...v.._�---._.._._..19 �.1 � �. ' _..._.........._...._...._...._.. ._. .._.........._...._...._..._.......Ka.:.. .,,____.._.__.._. Notary Public, Rams�C�rz�,�; inn. C' J� .� �? My commission expire�:_ -`���....�.... e� �,:� kl�� ` ��`.. �J . `V\� oct. 14, 1969 Hon. Wm. E. Carlson �---_____� Comsr. of public Safety Public Safety Bldg. � / � Dear 3ir: Attentio : Mr. n el McLaughlin The City Council todqy laid ov to p r 21st the matter oP the application o! Stepher� d� t , Inc. Por the tranafer of On Sale Liquor Lic. No 05, On Sale Liquor Lie. No. 1665, and Re$taurant, �lt erage, Cignrette s.nd Cigarette Vending Ma nra Opera �x I,ic o. 7�+9E� ti'�n �472 Wabe►sha st. to 1905 Stillwe 1�ve. � , Very trul.y youra, i��� `�' � � City Clerk ng \, �� ,_..__�r/ ,,�_..- Oct. 21., 196� Hon. �rhn. E. Carlson C�msr. of Publ.ic Satety Public Safety Bldg. �— near Sir: Atte . Daniel ughlin The City Council today �.nfo �tppxov the application for the transfer �f On Sale Liquor L c No. 75 Sunday On Sa.le Liquor Lic. iVo, z665, Restaurant, OPf S�.le lt .v ra�e, C�.�arette and Cigaxette Vending Machine O�aerator Lic. N� , holders being Stephen & Victor's, xnc., �rvm � sha S�:" to 1905 Stillwater Ave. � Will you please pr re the cu t�pmary es�lutions coverin�; these � rnatters? I // Very tru],y yours, /i--�' _���% i � City Clerk n� \�\ � ��.�.___...-� _��--