247167 � � T 24���� � Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER couivciL �LE No. By ' Fiie No. 58958 , In the Matter of recoastructigg the sid�ealt 0a bath si�ds of liarth 3t. fr� loumtain St. to Bates Ave. and by dcing all •ther work ahich is neeesass'y sai iacideatal to caaplate said iaprcriea�nt. under. Preliminary Order 246820 agpro�e�- �C°�tier 30, 1969 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissic�er of Finance - upon the above improvemeu�, $nd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the saxne is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ` is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C�uncil-recommends is to reco$s trnct the s id�alk aa both s id�a of 3lorth 3 t. fros Fee��iia �t. to Eates , A�re. aad by doi�g all other nork wbich is nsces�ar� ani ixcid�ntal to c�plete saiei � i�rare�ent# �xcept Nhere goe� aad s�fEicieat �cgred sida�alka ntnr szist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated c:ost thereof is $ 3.iA �ar li�. ft. for 5' �alk � 4.6A ger lin. ft. #ar 6' �ralt Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ' �4th day of �'ebrtiary, 1970 , at the hour of 10 o'elock A.M., in the Council_Chamber of the Co�rt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pau1. That the Commisaioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the peraons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total c:ast �hereof as estima�ed. couxcir�Err JAN 2 7 1910 Adopted by the Cot�ncil Yeas �arlson Naya .IAN 2 7 197� Dalgl ish APprovec� Meredith � S rafka Tr Favor �� , , Mayor "�'+' P S � � Mr. V esident (Petera� A$�'�lll$t A,��� s-6s.za� �� �� PUB'�1SHED JAN 31 ��70