247148 . ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK J���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. "' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E � DATF RESOLVED� That the Council hereby approves the appointments by the Mayor of Gom�nissioner Peterson, Commissioner Dalglish and Commissioner .Sprafka as members of the Committee on Research and Management, of which the Mayor is Chairman. �oa� a P�v;. t _- AKt.�t►rr�vration ca, �A N 2 3 1��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��N 2 3 1910 Carlson „�— Approved 19— Meredith J Tn Favor �^ � ' �M���r . . Sprafku J A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBtiSHED JA�t 3� 197Q Y� o ♦ 1� ,.��.�- ,., . , '_.... - ' . .,^' , . . .: - - ... . ,Fy "-S.� � � . . :��, . . . . , ,�. . ..� �: . _, ..� �.. , e � •i .. . , . �, . . . .. . .,. .. ... �����. .�;-. ..ti. �� M �. •� • ��� NCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1968 25 1 Y 8 —Goodricl� Ave. to to execute, on behalf of the City of Bureau, subject always to the control � ject No.5-1310 Saint Paul, an Agreement for Engi- of the Council. � ON R�LII:F SYS- neering Services between the City of Adopted by the Council January 10, . 5-131G Saint Yaul and J. N. Sullivan and As- 1968. �ouncil January 9, sociates, Inc., for the design and con- Approved January 10, 1968. struction management of the followu�g (January 13, 1968) � =' sewer projects: � 9, 1A68. ; 1, HAMLINE AVE.Midway Stadium � 13, 1968) ' pond, Project No. 5-1175 Council File No. 236567—By Thomas R. � 2. HAMLINE-COMO STORM SYSTEM, Byrne— Robert F. Project No. S-1306 Resolved, That the Council hereby 6557—BY � Adopted by the Council Tanuary 9, approves the appointments by the ,e proper City offi- ` 1'JG8. Mayor of Commissioner Peterson as iorized and directed Approved January 9, 1968. Chairman, and Commissioners Dalglish ialf of the City of (January 13, 1968) and n4eredith as members,of the Com- ;reement for Engi- __ mittee on Research. etween the City of : Adopted by the Council January 10, laswell Engineering Council File No. 2365G5—By Victor J. 1968. lesign and construc- Tedesco— Approved Sanuary 10, 1968. of the following Whereas,The City Council found and (January 13, 1958) determined that that structure located ?- at 944 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, OUTFALL SEWER, g Minnesota, coristituted a hazardous Council File No. 236570—By Robert F. 09 a structure as defined by Minnesota Peterson— Council January 9, Statutes Section 4G3.15, and pursuant Ftesolved, That upon the petitian of ' to resolution, C. F. 235G70, approved Sam P.Battisto and others,that section ' �w y �J, 1968. � November 7, 1967, the o�vners were or- of puUlic alley hereinafter described be ` � 13, 1968) � dered to correct or wreck and re�nove and the same hereby is vacated and ! ` the said structure; and disecntinued as a public alley: i ; ` Whereas, The Council's Order per- That A ',36558—BY Robert F. taining to the re air or wrecking of Part of the east-west alley t n in Slock 2, Governor Johnson Ad- � said structure has not been complied aition, lying between the northerly ' he proper City offi- ' with and the Ramsey County District extension of the east and west lines � Ihorized and directed Court, on Friday, December 22, 1967, of Lot 19 in said block; � half of the Cit,y of affirmed the City Council's actioi. subject expressly to the following con- � grecmeut for Engi- ` herein and authorized the City of Saint ditions and reservations: � �etween the City of Paul to wreck and remove the said aoell &Madson, Ine., hazardous structure forthwith; now, 1. That the vacation be subject to { d construction man- therefore, be it all the terms and conditions of ' �n �llowing sewer proj- `. Resolved, That the Council of the Section 228 of the Legislative i # City of Saint Paul does hereUy declare Code, as amended, regulating � fessie St. to Desoto � that an emergency does exist in that the procedure and prescribing ; S-12G8 failure to wreck and remove the haz- conditions for the vacation of { ardous structure located at 944 Payne public grounds, streets, alleys f Etdgerton St. to Brad- Avenue,Saint Paul, n4innesota,without and highways in the City of f No_5-1247 ` delav. will work an iniurY to the Citv; Saint Paul. � i -.�:�.. . ���"_'_.""_, . 16 � � �Furnther Hesolved, 1'hat ursuant to I 9 Thnt gne�ifi� oacAment� bA *° ' Margaret St. to E. n I tained over the full width of the � Section 291 of the Charter of the City rct No. S-1270 r alley to protect the interests of � of Saint Paul, and �vith the written � Lexington Pkwy. to the Northern States Power Com- consent of the n4ayor and Comptroller, ?roject Nb. S-1240 pany and the Northwestern Bell as evidenced by their respective sig- �camore St, to Jessa- Telephone Company. � natures hereto, the Purchasing Agent � �ject No. 5-974 is hereby authorized and directed to 3. That no building be permitted ST.--Sherwood Ave. pi�rchase the necessary �vrecking serv- in the easement areas without ve.,Project No.S-1251 ices to remove the said structure lo- Prior apDroval of the above ! e Council January 9, ` cated at 944 Payne Avenue without named utility companies. i � advertisement and wi!hout competitive 4. That petitioner pay to the City � � ary 9, 1�J68. � bids, and that the cost of said service the sum of $85.00 as compensa- ry 13, 1968) x be charged to Fund IQo. 0976, Wrecking tion for the vacation and pro- " f3uildings; the estimated cost of wreck- vide tlie Cit,y �vith a bond in the � � Sng is �1,200.00. amount of $1,G00. 23G559—By Robert F. Adopted by tihe Council January 10, � 1�J6II. Adopted by the Council January 10, � the proper City offi- � Approved January 10, 19G8. 1965. uthorized and directed � (January 13, 1968) Approved January 10, 1368. F oehalf of the City of p (January 13, 1968) k Agreement for Engi- r between the City of Council File No. 2365G6--By Thomas R. � :+ Orr-Schelen-Mayeron B,yrne— Council File No. 236571—By Rabert F. - c., for the design and Peterson— ! nagement of the fol- Whereas, The Council Investigation ' �nd Research Bureaii is a vital and im- Resolved, That upon the petition of � ojects: F portant arm of the Council, which has Gerald E. Frisch and others, that sec- � elief System, Project capabilities of providing the Council tion of public al]ey hereinafter de- j S-y8`�$ : with independent studies and data re- scribed be and the same hereby is � ne Council January 9, � �arding legislative matters before it; vacated and discontinued as a puUlic � " now, therefore, be it alley: � iary 9, 1968. 4 Resolved, By the Council of the City That part of the north-south alley � ary 13, 1968) of Saint Paul, that there is hereby in Block 2, Rice Street Villas, ex- �` established a Committee on Researctr,► ending from the south ]ine of Lar- � �, 2365G0—By Robert F. � to consist of three members designated penteur Avenue, as opened, to the E + by the Mayor, which shall have full north line of the south one-half ?� ! power to direct the. activities of the of Lot 24 of said block extended ! t thc proper City offi- Council Investi authorized and directed gation and Research easterly; � � I I ..�.. .......,,. ,. .. ..:iruns:-r4-. � .:� . .., . - .. , . , . . . �., . . . ..-. . ... - .:....... < :: � ,:. � . � , .'. v �';,_. . .:,1'.-. . -'. . -.:.. . . . . ...:, .: ., . ... . 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