247131 � 24'�1�3� �ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ` Lzc�tsE cor��i�m� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L- � � January 22,1970 COMMISSIONE DATF ,�, RESOLVED: That application for Sundayy-0n-Sale-Liquor License, made by the following applicant who ia a holder of an On Sale Liquor License, at the address shown be and the same is hereby granted and in compliance with C.F. No. 235531, Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308.00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. Gerald J. Isaacs & nobert R. Dehas� 2210 Hudson Rd. App. 13824 New NEW Informally approved by Council September 4� 19�9 New Location JA�! 2 2 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Carlson _E�,;�:a 2 2 1,10 �1 pproved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku U Mayor - A gainst �ecl�o Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED JAN 2 41970 0 / CITY OF_SAIN� PAUL � • ► . Capital o! Minnesota �� �e a�t�e�t o a��ic �a et � � � �� ��` POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Comsls�ioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Impeetor Septer.ber 1�, 1969 Honorable I�iayor. and City Council Saint P<:ul, i�innesot�i !ientlerner.: Current,lf Gerald J. Isaacs and :LOUert -�. l�ehart �re holders o�' On �a1e Liquor Zicense P:o. 7617 and riisce'lanerxis licenses, all e:.��irin;; Jam_ia�^y 31, 1970. i�ir. Isaacs has 1-�een associated �-aith this busin�ss since i�i2�r 1967, and 1�Ir. Dehart since June 19�>9. ApNlic-=.tion is made at this time for a Sund.ay-On- Sale Liauor License a:n connection tiaith ttiis btisin�ss� effecti.*e Sund.a�r� September 7, 1969. 'Je�T tn�ly �Tours� L`-w�� O//�p� - License Inspec+,or �� � ,vw� � � i �V , �o � . _ ,. � . . r AFF�AVIT Fi�t 3�Y LIQU�R LICENSB J►PPL�CATIOI�T l�euae �= � �- ' /'t � /�` , � xeaidonoe Addrea�a �)��._S-� �;" ��� / '_ � "( �.(,C. � , ' / �_ � Liaensee .�t - �C� � �1 �ckc�C' .S ;- J1 /JE=��`� 6'CP /F� c( _ , L� , Addreae ot' Buainesa _ �-�%C� 7J��<_r�G;,� �� ' I hereby apply for a .Bpecial Suxiday Liquor lioenee. . I h�ave a Reetaurant - �eI-(cross out vne) lioenre with eeatiag oapaQity �'or L C% �— ���. people. _ �/ � � � Signed / �C�`''� ,��' /��-- Stat�e of �innes ota : SS Cc�mty cf �msey �.�?�� . being Pirst dul�r eworn, depo�ea a aays .ugon oa h t he has rea the furegoing affic2a�rit bearing his - signature and kac�rs the aan.�ents th�reof; that tha same ia true uf hi� o� ]a�.awlec�ge, excsept aa to those a�ttera therain stated upon ir�formatioa an.d balief and �a� to thoae m��ts�ta he believea them to be true. , �� ��-�v' � Si ture of app icant _. Subeoribe� and s�arorn • o before �s � thia �h= day oP 19� �..._._. a N otary i , aamsey uun�y, e ao ta �r ccmun�.sa oa expirea /o -af�/�J7p� DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ � Notary Public, Ramsey County, MIM, M�G Commissloa Expires Oct.25,197_0 Sept. 4, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlson, Camsr. of Public Safety, Tenth arxl Minnesota Sts., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. MeLsughlin Dear Sir: The City Council today informally approved the application of Gerald J. Isaa.cs and Robert R. Dehaxt� holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7617 and miscellaneous licenses� all expiring Janua.ry 31, 1970, for a Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License in connection with this business, effective Sunday, September 7, 1969. Will you please prepaxe the customary resolution? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp