247125 ��� '� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�7�25 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE DATF Januar�r 22, 1970 ` WHEREAS, The Mitchell Company, 1669 Selby Avenue, has inad,vertently made duplicate applications for warrn air �permits as follows: 31 E. Sandralee - Permit #105377 $15. 00 1515 E. 6th St. - Pe rmit #1044�9 15. 00 101 Lyon 5t. - Permit #105386 15. 00 99 Lyon St. - Permit #105387 15. 00 1465 N. Dale - Permit #105380 15. 00 1535 Reaney - Permit #104403 15, 00 1533 Reaney - Permit #104402 15. 00 1525 Reaney - Permit #105388 15. 00 1523 Reaney - Permit #104401 15. 00 1119 E. Sixth - Permit #105376 15. 00 2229 Falcon - Permit #105378 15. 00 1566 E. Third. - Permit #105381 15. 00 1562 E. Third - Permit #105382 15. 00 1558 E. Third - Permit #105383 15. 00 WHEREA,S, the Mitchell Company has now requested, a refund of fees paid for said. d.uplicate permits; RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized. to refund the Mitchell Company the amount of Two Hund.red. Ten Dollars ($210), said amount being the total amount paid by them for duplicate permits as specified hereinabove. JAN 2 2 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL— 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 � ���� �h Approved 19— Meredith `� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor � $Against Mr. President, Byrne t�l�i� JAN 2 41970 . � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �(� • ��V CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER iiactt,r .� T�C�P-QC°� DATF Ta�uar� 22� 19?(� ��1H�R.EA�, "�"he IvLitcl�.ell �r���p��ay, 1ba9 ;�elby .Avenue, has inadvertently mad� c�u,p�.icate applications for warrn ai�:• persxaits as follc�w�: 31 E. ��dralee - �?��cr.a-�i� #1t?5�7? $1.5. 0� 1515 �. €�th ��. - �eranit ,t1044`09 ��. �Q 101 Zy��a �t. - :�='eranit #10538� 15. 00 �39 Lyox� St. - Permit '�1@5387 15. Ut7 1�b5 N. �7ale - �e�xni� #1�53�0 15. �0 t535 �te�.n►�y - x'ermi� #104403 15. QO 1.�33 �eaney - �errnit #104402 15. 00 1525 Reaney - �'erm.it #1053g£� 15. 00 1.523 �eaney - T�errni4 #10�401 �5. OU 1119 �. :�ixth - :f�ermit #1053?6 I5. 00 2229 �'aleon - :�ermit #1053'�� 15. 00 156� E. Third - ����►�t #ia��a� 15. 00 1562 �. Tk�.ird - Perrn.it #1053�2 15. q0 155� E. Thira� - � ermit �1053�3 �5. 00� VJ"HERE.AS� th� Iv%itchell Cc�mpany has now requer�ted a refund of fees paid for said duplicate permits; RESOL��I3� th�t the prope� ci�y officers a.re hereby autharizeed to refund the NNEitcl��ll �ompany kh� �ount of Two H�zn�r�d '�'en i��llars (�210), ��i� �.mou�ti being the tot�l amount p�id �ay them for duplicate permits as speci.fied hereinabave. � ���� � � �,� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �}� Approved 19— Meredith ,�� T� Favor Peterson Sprafka �) Mayor A gainst T�o' Mr. President, Byrne O