247124 OR�'+INAL TO CITY CLERK 24�124 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Ted.esco ' January 21, 1970 CO M M I551 ON E DATF RESOLVED, That the plans and. specifications submitted. herewith for Remodeling of Fire Station No. 18 at 681 University Avenue, said plans and. specifications prepared. by the City Architect und.er the d,irection of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved., the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bid.s thereon in the manner provided. in and by the charter. Job #68�50. JAN 2 2 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nay's � ��� 2 2 �,7Q Carlson � Approved 19— �- Meredith � Tn Favor . Peterson � Mayor Sprafk2 A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne pt�Bl,l�ft� �AN 2419�� � DU?LICATE TO PRINTER �C����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FaOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Zrictor J. T�descc� Jax�uary 21� 1770 COMMISSIONEa DATF � �EaOLVED� '�hat the �alans and �pecifications submitted herewith for Rernodelin; af,�'ire Station No. 18 at 681 University �,.venue, said plans and s�pecifications prepared by the �ity �.rchitect under tYs,e direction af the Camrniaeioner caf ]�'arks and Recreation �.nd Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby appraved, the sam� bein� sati.sfactory to the Commiaeioner c�f ?:ublic aafety, and the :�urchasing A�ent is hereby authoriz�d tc ar�vertise far bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. Jab #b8-50. ,_..,:. .r,_ _ �.,....� ���,. t . � �. t ►� ��` �. �:: ' '_ ;:i,�,�y� ,.:�^' �� �G4.�- ., e�-r „ ;:�y.� ,-,� - -�� �.� ;r. o�...s '..N...� � . � �� _a,-` _ ��� �� � ��,�,,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ � F �, Yeas Nays �r�,,''' �� Carlson � Approve� 19— Meredith �-� Txi Favor Peterson Sprafku L Mayor A gainst �� Mr. Preaident, Byrne O