03-620� �RlGII�AL Presented By: Ref'erred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 memorandum of understanding between the Ramsey County Sheriff, County Attomey, Public Defender, 3 Public Health, Pre-Trial Services (Project Remand), Community Corrections, Community Human 4 Services and the Second Judicial District Court for participation in the Ramsey County Adult Substance 5 Abuse Court (ASAC) Program. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file in the Office of Financial 6 Services. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 Requested by Department of: Adoption •tified by Council Secretary: BY� ., -�. �.._� Appro Mayor: eDate: � � � BY� � ��/P� � Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA c�3—(� Zc� 205033 �O Police By: Form A oved by Ci orney: By: Mayor By: Adopted by Council: Date: �. _ 2�5 � . �3-� •� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �G Deparhnentloffice/council: Date Inifiated: pD -Pati��an,nom 28-MAY-03 Green Sheet NO: 205033 CoMad Person & Phone• ���M Sent To Person InitiaVDate Chief William K Finney � 0 otice De � �' Assign 1 olice De ent De ar�ent D'uec[or ` Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z y� 17��C, �O I 28-JUN-03 "'°`--- ; For 3 0's OtSce MavodAssistant ' Routing Order 4 ��� - --- � � � �eC�l ��� 7ota1 # of Signature Pages � (qip All Locations for Signature) ��„ €� �� Action Requested: Authorizing the Cily of Saint, Police Departrnent to enter into a memorandum of understanding for the Ramsey County Adult Substance Abuse Court. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission t. Nas this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlflrm p�sess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has an opportunity to participate in the Ramsey County Adult Substance Abuse Court (ASAC) Program. The ASAC programs's mission is to stop the abuse of alcohoi and drug related criminal activity. Advantages If Approved: Alcohol and drug addiction is directly related to crime. This program is an excellent opportunity to assist individuals in dealing with alcohoi and drug addiction. Disadvantages If Approved: None. JUN U � 2003 �1TY �4TTORNE� DisadvanWges If Not Approved: , I Lost opportunity to participate in the ASAC Frogram. - - , �3; Gsn'�r I Total Amount of p Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Transaction: 39 „ FundingSource: ActivityNumber. �+'E�f�� .>. � ���� Financial Infortnation: (Explain) YiEMORANDUM OF UNUtKJCANUING ,, hLLp „��ebinau.�;.o m �cn�c: �� i ..,.�,,.�� :.,.yo...��...... ... � , , v3-(� 2:� MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDL�IG RAMSEY COUNTY ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COURT AGREEMENT between the Ramsey County Sheriff, the St. Paul Police Department, the County Attorney, the Public Defender, Public Health, Pre-trial Services (Project Remand), Community Corrections, Community Human Services and the Second Judicial District Court. The parties to this Agreement endorse the mission and goals of the Ramsey County Adult Substance Abuse Court (ASAC) program in order for participants to eliminate future criminal behavior and improve the quality of their lives. The parties recognize that for the ASAC mission to be successful, cooperation and collaboration must occur within a network of systems. The parties to this Agreement propose the following mission statement: "The Ramsey County Adult Substance Abuse Court intends to stop the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and related criminal activity through expedited criminal court processing, culturally appropriate treatment services, frequent and random drug testing, regular judicial supervision and a host of support services in the community, such as job training and placement services, housing, education, child care." The parties agree that there are ten principles under which the respective agencies will work cooperatively. They are: 1. The ASAC integrates alcohol and other drug treatment services with criminal justice system processing. 2. Using a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel promote public safety while protecting participant's due process rights. 3 Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the ASAC program. 4. The ASAC provides access to a continuum of alcohol, drug and other related treatment and rehabilitation services. 5 Frequent alcohol and other drug testing monitors abstinence. 6 A coordinated strategy governs the ASAC responses to participant's compliance 7. There is on-going judicial interaction with each ASAC participant. 8 A monitoring and evaluation plan measures the achievement of program goals and gauges effectiveness. 9. Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective substance abuse court planning, implementation and operations. 10 Forging partnerships among drug courts, public agencies and community-based organizations generates local support and enhances ASAC effectiveness. INDIVIAUAL AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES AND STAFF COMMITMENTS County Attorney 1 of 5 Y 14 �2003 8 07 AM :�IA-b1:1i4ANllUib1 Vi �AJ��:.11Ahlli�C� liup ��wineu.., �.p.�w mn �� ...�,.:: .. . .. .�.. . � .; ..._".. ..�a..r,� , , . \ � � � � Z�.J 1. A county attorney will be assigned to the ASAC program for the term of this A�reement. as funding permits, and will participate as an active member of the staffing team and the Steerin� Committee. 2. The county attorney will assist in identifying non-violent defendants arrested for specified drug or alcohol —related offenses. 3. The county attorney will dismiss charges against Track I and Track II participants after they have successfully completed the ASAC program. 4. For those Track III and Track IV participants who successfully complete the ASAC program of not less than 18 months, the county attorney will agree to an early termination of their period of probatiott. 5. The county attorney agrees that a positive drug test or open court admission of dru� possession or use will not result in the filing of additional charges based on that admission; and 6. the county attorney makes decisions regarding the participant's continued enrollment in the program based on performance in treatment and in the program rather than on leeal aspects of the case, barring additional criminal behavior. Public Defender � 5. A public defender will be assigned to the ASAC program for the term of this A�reement, as funding permits, and will participate as an active member of the staffing team and the Steering Committee. The public defender advises the defendant as to the nature and purpose of the AS_-1C, the rules governing participation, the consequences of abiding or failing to abide by the rules and how participating or not participating in the ASAC will affect his/her interests. The public defender explains all of the rights that then defendant will temporarily or permanently relinquish. The public defender's o�ce explains that because criminal prosecution for admitting to alcohol or other drug use in open court will not be invoked, the defendant is encouraged to be truthful with thejudge, the case manager and the treatment staf£, and informs the participant that he or she will be expected to speak directly to thejudge, not through an attorney. The public defender reviews the participanYs progress in the program and advocates appropriately when the participant is facing sanctions for non-compliance, when seekin� early termination of probation, or at the time of sentencing should the participant be terminated from the program Community Corrections/pre-trial Services 1. Two case managers will be assigned to provide field supervision of up to 100 AS.-�C participants for the term of this Agreement, as funding permits, and will participate as active members of the staffing team. 2. Community Corrections and Project remand will provide supervision and case management services to the ASAC participants. 2 of 5 5�14/2003 8 07 .��I .wL.A1V:4VAlll.��iUi �hllLi<JtA�,J1i�C� Illlp ��cmnm�..>.pauln::...>>a�;.c... �w...c�t :ui�p.��g�,.�uy�.,�..._.,� ?..,, i . � v� ✓�� 3. Community Corrections and Project Remand will participate in weekly case reviews with the judge, treatment provider and ASAC staffing team. 4. Community Corrections and Project Remand will provide on-site progress reports to the judge. 5. Project Remand will conduct a screening for suitability for the ASAC program and Rule 25 assessments and make specific recommendations relating to the treatment needs of the participant. 6. Community Corrections will provide frequent, observed drug testing on a random basis. 7. Community Corrections and Project Remand representatives will participate as active members of the Steering Committee. Ramsey County Sheriffs Department 1. The Sheriff's Department provides access to in-custody treatment services for those returning to custody as a sanction. 2. The Sheriff's Department cooperates in taking participants on ��arrant status into custody and releasing them into treatment on the judge's orders. 3. A representative from the Sheriff's Department will participate as an active member of the Steerin� Committee. St. Paul Police Department 1. The police department serves as a liaison between the Steecing Committee and the community and provides information to the Steering Committee on community issues related to drug or alcohol abuse. 2. The police department disseminates information, including the referral process, about the ASAC program to al] police personnel. 3. The po(ice department provides feedback to Project remand on potential candidates for the ASAC program. 4. A representative from the police department will participate as an active member of the Steering Committee. Second Judicial Court 1. The Court will make at least a one-year assignment of a judge to the ASAC to ensure consistency. 2. The Court assumes the primary role to motivate and monitor the participants of the ASAC program. 3. The Court actively represents the ASAC in the community and appears before governmental agencies, public commissions, legislative hearings, public forums and the media. 4. The Court ensures a cooperative atmosphere for attorneys, clerks, case managers, pre-trial personnel and treatment providers to stay focused on the task of providing substance abusers with 3 of 5 5/142003 8:07 AM hSC�iUI'v1NllUM Uf UAiltl<J1Ahll1VCi utip. �.mmail o�.�tpaw.mn a>>�,..�... ._. ..,.�,.,.g �� -.. . 03 �o2c� treatment opportunities. 5. The Court provides the necessary reinforcers which the Court deems necessary. 6. The assigned judge will participate as an active member of the staffing team and chairs the Steering Committee. Second Judicial District Court Administration 1. The Court Administrator provides oversight of the ASAC program and the responsibilities of the ASAC Coordinator. 2. The Court Administrator assists the ASAC team with monitoring and evaluation of the ASAC when necessary. 3. The Court Administrator assists in seeking fundin� sources, responds to grant solicitations, implements and monitors grant funds and provides fiscal, narrative and statistical information as required by the funding source to ensure the on-going operation of the program 4. The Court Administrator provides or seeks on-going training of judicial officers 5. The Court Administrator provides monthly strategic planning for the Steering Committee to ensure stability, support and on-going accountability for the ASAC program. 6. The Court Administrator is responsible for the preparation of the annua] report setting foRh the incidence of recidivism among ASAC graduates. 7. The Court Administrator provides leadership and direction under the supervision of the Supreme Court Presiding Judge to ensure compliance with National Standards set forth b} the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. 8. The Court Administrator will participate as an active member of the Steering Committee Adult Substance Abuse and Mental Health Initiatives Steering Committee All parties agree to be represented in this group. This committee will be responsible for modifying and amending this Agreement. The Steering Committee wii] address problems and issues as identified and develop policy and program modifications. Agreement Modifications Any individual agency wishing to amend/modify this Agreement will notify the Steerins Committee of the issue(s). The Steering Committee will address the issue(s) for purposes of modif} ine/amending the A�reement. The issue will be decided by consensus (if possible) or by simple majority, if not. Termination of Agreement Individual agencies contemplating termination of their participation in this Agreement shall first notify the Steering Committee of their concern(s). The Steering Committee shall attempt to resolve the problem to ensure continuation of the ASAC program. If unable to resolve the problem, the individual agency or department can exercise its right to terminate this Agreement by notifying all other agencies in writing a minimum of 60 days prior to such termination. d of 5 5/14/2003 8 07 AM \nL]_�);vV�UlJibl UI l,hlli-KJ1A�U�ACr http in�ubmml.u.s[paul ma _� xnicu�...r.wntcat unupNlgJnluyc�.auu; �n', �iiri �iu o3-t�2.a IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement. S�'8�ond Judicial District Court Judge Second Judicial District Court .. County Public Health Community Public Defender Community Pre-trial Services 0 County Sheriff St. Paul Police Chief s �r s 5/14�2003 8 07 AM