247109 �1 M C➢ty Clerk• - �`� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY � �C��Cu',Ir ORDINANCE NO._ ��� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: ' � ftAn ordinance fi.xing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, �' approved February 13, 1g35, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further a.mended by striking out the speci.fications for Groundsman, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: � I I� - I�I I I ..1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ' Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk o �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �' Otlainal to City Clerk • �,�.' =�� ORDINANCE 24'�109 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � Section 2. This ordi.nance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. i �3" FE� 5 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �— Dalglish �_ Tn Favor � Meredith v ' ) pn+e,.,.,._ `�� Sprafka � Againat �edesco ;j��, , �g�'� �:�'resicl� yrn � A Vice Pr�ai e� (' �� App ed: - � Ci Clerk - Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By - PUBLISHED FEB � 1970 Dnplitate to Priater ORDINANCE 2��'1�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO `° ' A� ardinance arnending 4rdina,nce 1�To. 7b0?, eatxtled: ��Ax� c►rdf�astce fixi�g the dutieo and re�paas��l;�i3itiee and the minimurn qual.ifications for the var�.auB claseee nf poaitfonB ix� the Cla��ified Serv�ce of the City, " approv�d February 13, 19�5, ae amend�d. THE COUI�T�IL t7F' 'T'HE �ITY OF SA1NT PA.�JL T�?Q►E� C?RI�A11�T: Section 1. That O:�din�tr�.ce No. 76Q7, approved �'ebrv,a�y 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same 3� h�r�by further arnended by etriking aut the specific�►tione for Groturderna.n, and by aubetituti�g in lieu thereo€ the followian�: _�_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Printcr ORDINANCE ���r��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � -�� Section 2. 'Thie ordi�snce ah�ll take eff�ct a�d b+e in force thiarty daye after its pa�+�age, apgr�val, ar�d p�.blieation. � -�- �°�:.�� '.,+� ��7Q Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii r6arisvrr— Dalglish � Meredith Tn Favor ve�-°°`:-�e�r3-- � � Against Sprafka Tedesco � � ; �, ,�.;,J�'':+� M'r:�President (Bqrne� ' Approved• Attest: �'�` -_ r>." �.,�.e ,. , d -,,.�; ' - City Clerk Mayor ��� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . ��`�1�9 T't�le of class� �c.� �� I ✓ GROTJNDSMAN ��`�yti��'5 r117C1 respo�zsibilirie5_ �bJnd�r su��r*rs.sia�z; to i�erform rnanua! labor in a park� on a nlay�Jro�,nc�_ o�• other pL:Uli� grounds; and to perform related vvoi•1` as as�ig�iecl; ��'xarr;-�le� o� �x�c�rI: per£orn�eci� Ta o��xate s�I.i-pro�ell�c?,. <�i7d manually operated mowing eq�.�.z�Zrnent. 7'0 �vacer and m.ow go�f �ees: �7•�ena, rou.�hs and fairtivays� 'I'a s^^ �h.�y �I•arinci� ai•e l�.E:�� i�c.�� and orderly.. `io a��i.s�, for�b`ry cde�v�s in �lv�nL.�� af4er t��ixnrning opera�iome an:� ia� c��.:,i�x• fore:?�?•y� i•el,:tte.d work perf:ornzed on the �rotand: '1'o eu� �;r�tss„ spi•inkle lawna�s trsr�� hed�ec�, rake leave�, pick ��p br��;.sh aiid brar,ches:. T o �,±�t a nd l r.a,v �c,d., To <<�rate a�:d f�rtiliz�:; i:ec�v oreen�F fairw�yfr and lawns_ �Co cuw ancl spray cve�dso `i:o m�;.i�h 1�<<ves� To c�.re for p2l�ring �ields: To ac't as c��ew !e�dc.r ,.v1�z�n wor�cing �,v�wh P�r.k Aides� To da n�an�Yal i�bor in coun���ion wixh forestry op^ra.�ions in tiie '�'v a'���--�hed, a.nd in the �'ark T�epar�men�< T�J n�<<izi��,in a:catin� fac.il.iti��; iri�luding �utfiin� up p�les for li�lxts; �end i*istalting hocl:ey ri71z boards.. 'To zx,ak,, ir_i.=.zur repairb to buildin�s and �lay�;round ec��.ipmenr:. To t�13�ce i7iilior rep��irs on mowe.r.s and alher equipment� To se�� �p a.id re;Jair Fence� incl�d'zng bncw fences� °Zo ahovel snow: '�o ���eraLe a s�zcw-�Llo�ving ma,c}�ir�e: To perform �a.nirora.a? �vorxc 12"l� �O fire and m�intain Iow- pr�sst.�r.e boi�,c���: �'o o��ra:t� �haz.zx ��e•�� ';o Gi�� �.p deL��-is and branCl�es. `i'o ;��A fire:�� w�vh po�ver and ma;:ay�.:-�x�y opera'ted ec�u'p.rnen�� '1 0 opLra`�:=� '°.:ra��orb on �;rabind na�.:.u�;enan�.e �.ssignmen��a. To d�����re ;Panm. p��lc�a.ps anc! o¢her. smzl?er �Fehicle, i�:z con2ieC*.ion ypjd;,h 'i;}1Cil' �v('i;:Ic. 'I'o oZ�era�i:e s�.fe•*y devices on aex'sal. iif��� T,�;ilim�n; q�R:.alif:c4'::ic�n�; Ei�h�h grade c�dti�,eawion� :��it�s: be a� I�ae;; 21 yea.rs af. age, �,L.: �_, � � ' ' ' � 24�sos � �tl� �r �i,�.� � 1� r� � `�"�� G j:r�:1 i`1].;;r.�IA?�1 1>>zti�>� ncl , , �•�:��pon�i.:�i.l.i."t�c 5_ tTnc;er su;�c�l..,�1;i.oi�,. to i��sf�,rn� n.<�.���tal labor in a park, on a ,�1�ygz-o�yn:l, o� oi���r-.�+• �al�i�li�, ����u1c�$' �nd to n�rform related 4vos;: as a.s.;i�;i�t=c�. rl�am;.?.�s cf wc�i•1�. j�:�riaj�r,_.�f�° 7�o cpc�,�atn b�ii-�;�•o��ll��c, <,.i�d r���zi�...�liy o�ei•ated rnowialg e�;_i.i1?�,�c�r.�' lo c�rfa�.,f� <:�uc; :_,:�o-�� Uc�l.f tee� �;rF,;�r,s; rou�rZ� and fairways- , ; '1'a �e;-� '.:1za► �rc;L�izc�5 arr ::�r.,� ne�� and o:dni•l�. ro a�ti.:c forc��i•�r e.•c�,��� it: 1;l�r�rzup ar�er frizx�rni��� o�era�ions �.;i-; i1� �%'i�1ei• ='�,.rc�:�.i-y j��.ls�ce�3 wc�rl� p��rfoz•med an �he �ro�nd: 1'0 �:u^: �1��.��„ �p�'inlc2e la���nsf rbr.m 'r.ecigGS,; rake le�.°�'e�P pit;k lY,) IJT'�.i��1 ,:t:1C� '�31'��i�ilC-.b �. U �:;��3.� c?1"I �:t t} !'�"f'I::�.. Tv ae�.•a�:_� a.:c� fc:ctiii�z�: *e��, ;rcenh� fairways anc] lawns. I�O �t,� c:,ric' sLJ�"�.): .veedr. `i o ::�:t�.l^i�. ln�.v�:s. i'o ���.i-^ f���r �1 -��.in.g `i�1c1�: �I�U a+�t a� �l'o?,t7J ::_'cIC�C;l' tiVl�.�Y1 `.J03:it].Tl�' �v"Lsh Yar�k l�ides, °I'o �:lo ��.ax.�.�ai ±�;i3or in �o:in:,.^':ion v.virl� far�stry op°ra:ions in tize ;":�'1F-=�z'_�iier;, -�r�d in tl�L 1'srlc Pe�aix�m�:nt� `;�o is����zz,�ain s'c��in� fa�iliti5�.5 iiicl.uding nu''tin�; up pole� for li�r is; ;xnd in���lling 1ao..1•:ey ri>�k lao�.r�s . 'I'o zzi te:e �r.zx,cr r�psir� to L-�,zilcc:n�s and �;iayorot�nd ee��:ipmen� _ - To n�a�c� rni�zor �er��.i�-b on rnowc:rs ���� oiher equipmeni. Ta se; ��p ��z�a re�:;aix• ien�.�::� inclt..d'xng snc�v fences,. 'i o �}_�.o�v�-�I �noz�: � Io ogsz�a�c a �,^a.� �bl�wiiZ�; n:�r,,.E.?L;n�-. : To pc s°Io�m �ari:4�ori.�I v�oz�k arxd to lire and xi�aintaiz� low- prebsi�re boi�.e?..y. 70 oge�a�';:� �^t�.a�,z� s:-z�v� �o c,_:t t�p clebzin ar,� bx•anches� `I o fel.:� �.ree� �vi�i�. }�owez �n� ma;�.���l�y one,a't.;d equw.prnerxt� I'a aticr�'nc °:rac:o�•� 0:3 �ro►:�,icl nza;.�i'�.�nan�e as�ignmen�se 'I'c rizr.'��v v�an�L pi.�ktzp� axzd o:h�ar �rzzaller •v'ehi�l: � iiz Goxine�iian av i`«':�� �i;i�ic.i.r ��a�^?c� � ':i'o c�er��e saf���y cic;vi�e+� on ae�';al ltf„�,: �li�zii���n, qs�_�.3.hf�ca`:i.c�nx,; i,i�h`�a. ;rade �c?��2�a�:ion.: :�ia,.s;; b° a�; ������: �l y�ears af a�e: A,z.. �A X�n�� ���� ��_�--``�'`•� \ �f; 'eand� fi�n.z�, .�a,� , '�i�6� •usr ua � TCT� ��u'�Pxo s ��2 �Ju�p�t�2I P�'F�1'r/� ,r---- / �..A� •��Q�Bpxmo.zflN .zoa �uua��.s �aad� �� ` � ea�������qn� L49L •pxp �a�c�e a� o uy - 60 +�Z '3 '� `, : �p.rU �u�asa'Tto,� atl� �,�� � =T�±� U o� �ct�PBag �.SxF,� \ �`_ o� .���� �IZ � �;i/�\�,t :��g s�ssa(i / `�. �., �/ ' ' �'� •nv�.mg a��n8 TS��� ��"�a / � ';aur�oe.zaa ,xo .zo��as'FQ ,.� ��._._.!,:�� �xaP�'�H mtor 'ay+i �.�`� ___-� ��.�...�_�:��.�' � � � � � �� 01bt `t� 'utar / . � I st � ' � 2nd Laid over to � -��.s` 3rd and app —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson ��- '---�--�--�- Dalglish r-�r � \Dalglish 24 �1��� Meredith eredith Peterson Re#e�sen—. Sprafka prafka � Tedesco �edesco Mr. President Byrne �.�,�I„r. President Byrne� ""'"t �O'n�lr. V ic. t'i•�sial��t (Z"ezersou):