250792 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ��,I� f�y� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` ��r , , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' COUNCIL RE LUTI GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE AtF WHEREAS, Under the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Re- development Act, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (herein called the "Authority") is authorized to undertake Urban 8enewal Projecta including programs of rehabilitation and conservation projects in blighted, deteriorating and deteriorated areas within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, It is provided in such Act that after the Authoritq has determined that a project be undertaken, the Authority ahall not proceed therewith until the governing body of the municipality shall, after receipt of the report of the planning agency upon the plan for said project, and the submission to said governing body of the Redevelopment Plan, Financial Plan and Relocation Plan, and after public hearing upon the same, find that: (1) the land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought; (2) the redevelopment plan for the urban renewal area will afford max- imum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such area by private enterprise; and (3), the redevelopment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and WHEREAS, It is further provided in such Act that the cost of a redevelop- ment project may be financed by those means set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.545, including grants or other financial assiatance from the Federal Government with the proviso that before other methods of financing authorized by � said section are resorted to, an Authoritq shall make full utilization of all such federal funds for which the project qualifies; and WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Title I of the National Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment (successor to the Housing and Home Finance Agency) is authorized to provide financial assistance to local public agencies, such as the Authority, for under taking and carrqing out urban renewal projects; and �0 �RQ Q � .�tRATJ 'EU COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty � ° O , , ������ , Page 2. WHEREAS, It is provided in such Housing Act that contracts for financial II� aid thereunder shall require that the Redevelopment Plan for the urban renewal � project area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the i project is situated and that such approval include findings bq such governing body that: (1) the financial sid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent I with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or re- development of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Redevelop- ment Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a I whole; and 4) the Redevelo ment Plan ives due consideration to the rovision � P 8 P of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety and I welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Authority has entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract I with the United States of America under date of December 9, 1968, pursuant to consent of the Council, and that federal funds were provided for the Concord I Terrace Urban Renewal Plan, Minn. R-37, which Plan was heretofore approved by I the Council on March 22, 1968 bq its Resolution, Council File No. 237700; and WHEREAS, The Authority has applied for additional financial assistance under �I such Housing Act and proposes to enter into an additfonal contract or contracts with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the undertaking of, and � for making available additional financial aesistance for the Concord Terrace Ur- I ban Renewal Project, Minn. R-37, in accordance with the said Application; and I WHEREAS, The Authority has made detailed studies o£ the location, physical I condition of structures, land use, environmental influences, and social, cultural and economic conditions of the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project Area and has I determined that the area is a blighted area detrimental to safety, health and I welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the locality at large, because of (1) age, atructural type, condition and layout of buildings, (2) the overcrowd- ing of dwelling units in initial construction and subsequent conversion of build- ings increasing the number of dwelling units beyond their capacit to provide min- Y II imum standards of health and sanitation, (3) the mixing of residential, industrial, and commercial uses, (4) inadequate provision of public sewers, streets and other I, public utilities, and (5) inadequate parks, playgrounds, and educational and other I minimum comonunity facilities; and further determined that the project area bq I reason of its location, strong neighborhood identification of its residential oc- cupants, and desire of its residents, churches and civic groups to improve the project area as an attractive residential cougnunity by removal of incompatible ���d�2 '� . � Page 3. �, land uses and other conditions of blight, rehabilitation of sound but deteriorat- ing structures and provision of public improvements, could be feasibly rehabili- tated and conserved as a sound residential neighborhood given adequate private ' and public financial assistance, and the members of the Council have been fully ' appraised by the Authority, and are aware of these facts and conditions; and ' WHEREAS, There has been prepared and referred to the Council for review and , approval an Amendatory to the Redeveloparent Plan for the Concord Terrace Project � Minn. R-37, consisting of two (2) pages and one map, supported by the following I supplementary ma.terial, data and recoamnendations, which material, data and recom- meadations, in addition to the documentation heretofore on file, are not a part II of the Redevelopment Plan : Amendatory Application for the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project (Minn. R-37), dated August 5, 1970, containing as contents - ' (a) Section R-201, Form H-612, Applfcation for Loan and Grant; I (b) Section R-212, Project Area Report; ! (c) Section R-213, Urban Renewal Plan; I (d) Section R-214, Report on Planning Proposals; I (e) Section R-215, Report on Minority Group Considerations; (f) Section R-217, Reports on Citizen Participatfon; (g) Section R-221, Rehabilitation and Conservation Data; II (h) Section R-222, Land Acquisition Data; (i) Section R-223, Relocation Report; II (j) Section R-224, Project Improvements Report; (k) Section R-225, Land Disposition Report; (1) Section R-226, Cos� Estimate and Financin Re ort• and 8 P � (m) Section R-231, Legal Data; and � WHEREAS, the said Aiaendatory to the Redevelopment Plan has been approved by II the Commissioners of the Authority, as evidenced by the copy of �aid Authority's duly certified resolution approving said Amendatory, wbich is attached to the a- foresaid Application for approval of said Amendatory; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area prescribes certain land uses for the Project Area and will require, amon� other things, changes in zoning, vacation and removal of certain streets and alleys, the construction and reconstruc- tion of other streets, utilities, and other public actions; and WHEREAS, The Authoritq has prepared and submitted a program for the relocation of individuals and families that may be displaced as a result of carrying out the Project in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; and �� `� I � ��� . ' ' Page 4. , WHEREAS, There have also been presented to the Council information and data respecting the relocation program which has been prepared by the Authority as a result of studies, surveys, and inspections in the Project Area and the assembling I�� and analqsis of the data and information obtained from such studies, surveys and �i inspections; and �i i WI�REAS, The members of the Council have general knowledge of the conditions �, prevailing in the Project Area and of the availability of proper housing in the I Locality for the relocation of individuals and families that may be displaced from the Project Area and, in the light of such knowledge of local housing conditions, I have carefullq considered and reviewed such proposals for relocation; and '; WHEREAS, It is necessary that the Council take appropriate official action respecting the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan for the Project, in conformity , with Che contract for financial assistance between � the Authority and the United , States of America acti b and throu h the De artmen � � � y g p t of Housing and Urban De- velopment; and WHEREAS, The Council is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the II undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assist- I ance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, ', creed, or national origin; now, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon public hearing pur- I', suant to said Council's prior resolution, Council File No. 250607, approved Sep- tember 25, 1970, and upon the consideration of the application of the Housing and Redevelo ment Authorit of the Cit f � I P y y o Saint Paul, Minnesota, for said Council s approval of the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Ylan For Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37, the area of which Project, and boundaries thereof, are described and published in said Resolution, Council File No. 250607, and incorpor- ated herein, as follows; 1. That it is hereby found and determined that the Project is a blighted area, I which conditions of blight are detrimental to the public health, safety and welfa�e; and that the proposed Project qualifies as an eligible rehabilitation and conserva- ��i tion redevelopment project under the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment �i Act. i 2. That the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan for the Project, having been � dul received and considered is hereb a r d i Y , y pp ove , and the Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copq of the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting; that the Redevelopment Plan, dated January 5, 1968 and approved by the Council on March 22, 1968, Council File No. 237700, is aarended in I� accordance with said Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan for Concord Terrace � � � g , .�� � , ��� ��� � 4 Page 5. Project, dated August 5, 1970. 3. That it is hereby found and determined that the objectives of the Redevel- opment Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of the Project Area. 4. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conforms to the Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul. � 5. That it is hereby found and determined that the financial aid provided and ' to be provided pursuant to the contracts for Federal financial assistance, and the financial assistance of the City of Saint Paul and other state public bodies pertain- � ing to the Project is necessary to enable the Project to be undertaken aad for the ' land in the Project Area to be made available for uses in accordance with the Rede- ' velopment Plan for the Project Area. ', 6. That it is herebq found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the ' Project Area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the � Locality as a whole, for the urban renewal of the Area by private enterprise. � 7. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the ' Urban Renewal Area gives due consideration to the prvvision of adequate park and rec- �, reactional areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, � with special consideration for the health, safety and welfare of children residing ' in the general vicinitq of the site covered by the Plan. , 8. That it is hereby found and determined that Che program for the proper re- ' location of individuals and families displaced in carrying out the Project in decent � safe and sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible and �, can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper prosecution and comple- tion of the Project; and that such dwellings or dwelling units available or to be ' made available to such displaced individuals and families are at least equal in num- ber to the number of displaced individuals, are not generally less desirable in re- �, gard to public utilities and public commercial facilities than the dwellings of the � displaced individua.ls and families in the Project Area, are available at rents or � prices within the financial means of the displaced individuals and famflies, and are reasonably accessible to their places o£ employment. �I 9. That, in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Redevel- � opment Plan hereby approved, it is found and determined that certain official actfon must be taken bq this Body with reference, among other things, to changes in zoning, � the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment � of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other , �I OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ������� ,. . CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. � ! ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER I DATF I Page 6. �, public facilities, and other ublic action and accordi 1 this �od thereb � P > > n$ Ys Y Y (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out the Redevelopment Plan; (b) requests the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies o£ the Locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consis- tent with the Redevelopment Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appro- priate action upon proposals and measures desi�ned to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan, including the provision of local share of the financial assisCance therefor. 10. That additional financial assistance under the provisions of Tit1e I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, is necessary to eaable the land in the Project Area to be renewed in accordance with the 8edevelopment Plan for Che Project Area, and, accordingly, the filing by the Authoritq of an application or applications for such fiaancial assistance under Title I is hereby approved. �II I I I � OCT 1 3 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nayg ��- � � �9�� Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine n Favor ���� A_\ � �1��, � ' � a!a Sprafka ,�g�J�� Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. Vice President Meredith �970 �uB�ts��o OCT 17 �o ORI„�`iAt.TO CITY CLERK . � � � � ��� ��` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � • � � � OFFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK - F��E NO. ' . COUNCIL RE�OLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESEhTED BY �� �C COMMISS�GNE DATF WHEREAS,,Under the provi.sions of the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Re- �� development Act, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (herei_n called the "Authority") is authorized to undertake b al III Ur an Renew Projects including programs of rehabilLtation and conservation � projects in blighted, deteriorating and deteriorated areas within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, It is provided in such Act that after the Authority has determined � that a project be undertaken, the Authority shall not proceed therewith until ' the governing body of the municipality shall, after receipt of Che report of the planning agency upon the plan for said project, and the submission to said , overnin bod of the Redevelo ment Plan Financial Plan and Relocation Plan g g Y P , , , and after public hearing upon the same, find that. (1) the lanc3 in the project , area would not be made available for redevelopment without the financial aid to ', be sought; (2) the redevelopment plan for the urban renewal area will afford max- imum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelo ment of s c a e b ! p u h r a y private enterprise; and (3), the redevelopment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and , . � I'� - { i WHEREAS, It is further provided in such Act that the cost of a redevelop- ment project may be financed by those means set forth in Minnesota State.�te��, Section 462�54.�, includi_n�; granL•s nr �t1-;�r fin��ci_a;t assistance �ro.n �h� r�de�ral ^vavernment with the rov�iso fi:hat before other methods of financin auth r z d b I P g o i e y � ' . said section are resorted to, an Authority shall make full utilization of all such federal funds for which the pro,ject qualifies; and II�, ii WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Title I of the National� Housing Act of ', 1949, as amended, the Secretary of the DepartmenC of Housing and Urban Develop- + ment (successor to the Housing and Home Finance Agency) is authorized to provide financial assistance to loeal public agencies, such as the Authority, for under I'I taking and carrying out urban renewal projects; and .; I �o�tr,� �pROV�o � �co.R�o �1t�aD! _sE I �3A. &�1�3�1 V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ...�0 ' - ���� , �� Page 2. WHEREAS, It is provided in such Housing Act that contracts for financial aid thereunder shall require that the Redevelopment Plan for the urban renewal I'� ° project area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated and that such approval include findings by such governing body that: (1) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the Redevelopment Plan wi11 afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or re- development of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Redevelop- ment Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a I whole; and (4) the Redevelopment Plan gives due consideration to the provision '� of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for % neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety and 'I welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; and I�'� WHEREAS, the Authority has entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the United States of America under date of December 9, 1968, pursuaut to consent of the Council, and that federal iunds were provi.ded for thF Concor�.l .. _��c iTr.�sa�� �CecFewdi Pi��n.. M�.nn . Ft.-37,_�:;hicE-� ?lan w�s �her.eta£a�-e app•r.�ved :�y I the Council on March 22, 1968 by its Resolu�ion, Council File No. 237700; and I WHEREAS, The Authority has applied for additional financial assistance under I such Housing Act and proposes to enter into an additiofial contract or contracts '� with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the undertaking of, and I for making available additional financial assistance for the Concord Terrace Ur- ban Renewal Pro�ect, Minn. R-37, in accordance with the said Application; and WHEREAS, The Authority has made detailed studies of the location, physical condition of strucCures, land use, environmental influences, and socfal, cultural and economic conditions of the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal ProjecC Area and has determined that the area is a blighted area detrimental to safety, health and welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof and of the locality at large, because of (1) age, structural type, condition and layout of buildings, (2) the overerowd- ing of dwelling units in initial construction and subsequent conversion of build- ings increasing the number of dwelling units beyond their capacity to provide min- imum standards of health and sanitation, (3) the mixing of residential, industrial, , and commercial uses, (4) inadequate provision of public sewers, streets and other ` public,� utilities, and (S) inadequate parks, playgrounds, and educational and oCher , minimum community facilities; and further determined that the project area by reason of it� Zocatinn, strong neighborhood identification of its residential oc- cupants, and desire of its residents, churches and civic groups to improve the project area as an attractive residential community by removal of incompatible � �����2 � � Page 3. land uses and other conditions of blight, rehabilitation of sound but deteriorat- ,ing structures and provision of public improvements, could be feasibly rehabili- tated and conserved as a sound residential neighborhood given adequate private '� and public financial assistance, and the members of the Council have been fully appraised by the Authority, and are aware of these facts and eonditions; and �'� , WHEREAS, There has been prepared and referred to the Council for review and II� approval an Amendatory,�to the Redevelopment Plan for the Concord Terrace Project Minn. R-37, consisting of two (2) pages and one map, supported by the following supplementar material data and recommendations which material da I Y � , , ta and recom- mendations, in addition to the documentation heretofore on file, are not a part �', of the Redevelopment Plan : 'I Amendatory Appl.ication for the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project (Minn. R-37), dated August 5, 1970, containing as contents - (a) Section R-201, Form H-612, Application for Loan and Grant; (b) Spction R-212, Project Area Report; � (c) Section R-213, Urban Renewal. Plan; ' ��I (d) Sectian 2-�21�, Report on Planning Progosals;.. �e} Sect.ion k-2I.�, R�port on Minority Group Considerations; I (f) Section R-217, Reports on Citizen Par�icipaeion; �I (g) Section R-221, Rehabilitation and Conservation Data; �I (h) Section R-222, Land Acquisition Data; (i) Section R-223, Relocation Report; (j) Section R-224, Project Improvements Report; (k) Section R-225, Land Disposition Report; (1) Section R-226, Cos� Estimate and Financing Report; and (m) Section R-231, Legal Data; ' and , WHEREAS, the said Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan has been approved by the Commissioners of Che Authority, as evidenced by the copy of said Authority's duly certified resolution approving said Amendatory, which is attached to the a- , foresaid Application for approval of said Amendatory; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area prescribes certain land uses for the Project Area and will require, among other things, changes in zoning, vacation and removal of certain streets and alleys, the construction and reconstruc- tion of other streets, utilities, and other public actions; and WHEREAS, The Authority has prepared and submiCted a program for Che relocation of individuals and families that may be displaced as a result of carrying out the Project in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; and � � �����2 � . . Page 4. . _ . '� WHEREAS, There have also been presented to the Council information and data I, respecting the relocation program which has been prepared by the Authority as a i result of studies, surveys, and inspections in the Project Area and the assembling ' and analysis of the data and information obtained from such studies, surveys and fnspections; and WHEREAS, The members of the Council have general knowledge of the conditions prevailing in the Pro,ject Area and of the availability of proper housing in the Localit f r he r 1 ca ' y o t e o tion of individuals and families that may be displaced from the Project Area and, in the light of such knowledge of local housing conditions, ' have carefully considered and reviewed such proposals for relocation; and WHEREAS, It is necessary that the Council take appropriate official action ��! respecting the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan for the Project, in conformity �� with the contract for financial assistance between the Authority and the United � States of America, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Urban De- ' _ velopment; and - � � �� _ WHEREAS, The Council is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertakin and carr in out of urba , ;, ' � � g y g n renewal px�oiects w�.th Feder3l £'.na__c5_a_ assist-. ance under Ti�Ie I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, creed, or national orYgin; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon public hearing pur- �� suant to said Council's prior resolution, Council File No. 250607, approved Sep- I tember 25, 1970, and upon the consideration of the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for said Council's I'! approval of the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan For Concord Terrace Urban �� Renewal Area, Minn. R-37, t°he area of which Project, and boundaries thereof, are �'I described and published in said Resolution, Council File No. 250607, and incorpor- i ated herein, as follows: I 1. That it is hereby found and determined Chat the Project is a blighted area, which conditions of blight are detrimental to the public health, safety and welfa�; and that the proposed Project qualifies as an eligible rehabilitation and conserva- tion redevelopment project under the Minnesota Municipal iiousing and Redevelopment Act. 2. That the Amendatory to the Redevelopment P2an for the Project, having been duly received and considered, is hereby approved, and the Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy of the Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting; that the Redevelopment Plan, dated January 5, 196$ and approved by the Council on March 22, 1968, Council File No. 237700, is amended in accordance with said Amendatory to the Redevelopment Plan for Concord Terrace � � ;���i�y�2 ' L I I Page 5. i Project, dated August 5, 1970. . � � � I 3. That it is hereby found and determined that the objectives of the Redevel- � opment P1an cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of the Pro,ject I Area. � I 4. That it is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conforms to the Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul. ' 5. That it is hereby found and determined that the financial aid provided and I to be provided pursuant to the contracts for Federal financial assistance, and the financial assistance of the City of Saint Paul and other state public bodies pertain- i ing to the Project is necessary to enable the Project to be undertaken and for the land in the Project Area to be made available for uses in accordance with the Rede- i velopment Plan for the Project Area. 6. That it is herebq found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Pro�ect Area_will afford maximum opporCunity, consistent with the sound needs of the Locality as a whole, for the urban renewal of the Area by private enterprise. �. Tha� it is 4ier.eby f�ur�d and defiei•mi:�ec� that the �edevelopment �'Ian tor the Urban Renewal Area gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and rec- reactional. areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with s���al consideration for the health, safety and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. , 8. That it is hereby found and determined that the program £or the proper re- location of individuals and families displaced in carrying out the Project in decent safe and saniCary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible and � can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper prosecution and comple- tion of the Project; and that such dwellings or dwelling units available or to be made available to such displaced individuals and families are at least equal in num- ber to the number of displaced individuals, are not generally less desirable in re- gard to public utilities and public commercial facilities than the dwellings of the displaced individuals and families in the Project Area, are available at rents or prices within the financial means of the displaced individuals and families, and are reasonably accessible to their places of employment. 9. That, in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Redevel- opment Plan hereby approved, it is found and determined that certain official action . must be taken by this Body with reference, among other things, to changes in zoning, the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment , of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other ORIr..'INAL TO qTY CLERK ���� �,�� I . ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� NO. ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' � PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DATF � Page 6. public facilities, and other public action, and, accordingly, this Body thereby II (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out the RedevelopmenC Plan; (b) � requests the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the Locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises, likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consis- tent with the Redevelopment Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appro- I priate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate the Redevelopment ' • Plan, including the provision of local share of the financial assistance there£or. I 10, That additional financial assistance under the provisions of Title I of Che Housing Act of 1949, as amended, is necessary to enable the land in the Project I Area to be renewed in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area, and, accordingly, the filing by the Authority of an application or applications for I such financial assistance under Title I is hereby approved. ' ocT � � i97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19__ Yeas Nays ���- � ,� ���� Butler Carlson Approved 19— � Levine �n Favor i j , � ^ Meredith— �, ��Lti.d. �� ,�..:�.�._-c�-.,': . �ti Sprafka ,���it�� Mayor Tedesco Against ���resi.dent, �MeCa��y� Mr. Vice Pre�id�nt Mereditn PU6�ISHED � QCT � � ��%u ����0 ( ,,, �* . . . ��""YV�".,� ).�'r� . ! .k�..n,,,nr �;:.-..'la,.�I/{.1'�s"y"+.yr^II6.�,(.'�_ .�� � s y �� � ' � ,rr �,,,,...c�i..t-b�.t�.^�3,-;�.,- �l.:.fir'�� . � �� G-7 10/20-60 � ��.`j,� f��'�` �' �.____ CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY y The undersigned hereby certifies, as follows: (1) � Thatshe is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the i Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, herei,n called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of the Local Put�lic Agency; (2) That the attached Resolution No. 70-8/13-4 • is a tr.ue and correct copy of the resolution as adopted on the 13th day of August � 1970 � (3) That the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the LocaZ Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; aad (4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto• set her hand this 9th dap of October , 19 70 . � ; � Secretary , (�EAI.) � � • • - ' RESOLUTION N0. 70-8/13-4 RESOLUTION OF HOUSING �ND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TEiE CITY 0�' SAINT PAUL, MIh^.�'ESOTA, AUTHORIZING ' THE FILING OF AN �l,l�fENDATORY APPLIC3TION F4R L(?:1N I AhID GRANT FOR PROJECT MIIdN. R-3.7 WtiEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint I � Paul, Minnesota, has entered into a Contract with the United States of America, I Contract Minn. R-37(LG) dated December 9, 1968, providing for Pra,ject Temp�rary � Loan authorization in the a.�nount of Six itillion Eighe Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred NineCy-Five Dollars ($6,839,895.00}, for ?roject Capital Grant in the amount of Four Million Eight Hundred Ninety-Si.x Thousand C►ne Hundred Si.xty-Eight Dollars ($4,8gb,I68.Q0) and for Relocation Grant in the amount of Five Hundred I Thirty-Seven Thousand Efght Hundred Sixry-Four pollars ($537,864.00) for the I underCaking of Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Rehabilitation Praject Minn. R-37; and WHEREAS, the Authority entered into a First Amendatory Contract with the United States of America, Contract I�o. Minn. R-37(LG) dated January 13, 1970, wherein the Project Temporary Loan authorizati�n was revised to Eight Million Eighty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Dol2ars ($3,089,318.�0), the Project i Capital Grant auttiorization w�s revised to Ffve Million Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-One Dallars ($5,650,591.00) and the Reloc�ttion Grant was , increase� to One Millian Thirty-Two Tf-�ousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Four pollars � ($1,032,864.00); and WHEREAS, the Authority now determin�s thae a further revision of Contract PZo. Minn. R-37(LG) to increase the Projar.t Laan authorization to an •amount of Ten Millian Seven Hundred Seven Thousand One Hundr.ed Ei.ghty-Six Dollaxs ($10,707,136.00) , to increase the Project Capital Grant authorizatioc� to Nine MiZlion �ao Hundred Tcoenty-Snven Thousand Nine t�undred Six Dollars ($9,227,9Q6.00) and to increase the Relocation Grant �o On� Million Five Hundred Forty-One Thousand Nine He.indred Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,5G1,975.00), all being the maximvm amounts available under Title Z of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended to date, and desires to obtain an Amendatory Contrace to cover such increases. NOW, TKEREFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelapr,�ent Authority of the CiCy of Saint Paul, Micnesota, an Amendatory Application for a Loan and Capital Grant Contract, Contract No. Minn. R-37(LG) b� filed on behalf o£ the Authority for the follawing purpoves: 1. An increase in the Project Temporary Loan authorization from Eight Million �ighty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Doilars ($8,089,318.00) to Ten Million Seven Hundred Seven Thousan� One Hundred Eighty-Six Dollars ($10,7Qi,185) being t�e maximum amount available under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended to date. 2. An increase in the Project Capital Grant authorization from SYx Mi1J.ion Eight Hundred Three Thous�nd Four Kundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($6 ,803,455.00? to Nine Million Two Hundred fiaenty-Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Si.x Thousand Dollars ($9,227,906 .00) being the maximum amount availat�le under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended to date. 3. An increase in the Rc�Iocation Grant fran Five Hundred Thirty-Seven T1lousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Foixr pol2ars ($537 ,864.00) to One MiI.lion Five Hundred Forty-One Thousand N±ne Hundred Seventy-r^ive Dollars ($1,541,475.OQ) being . the maximum amQUnt avail.able under Title Z of the liousing Act of 1949, as an,ended ta date. ...: _ 4"� .�' � �- � � I �-: - , FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforesaid Application is hereby approved and the Executive Director is authorized and directed on behalf of the Authority to execute and file said Amendatory Application for Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the United States of America, and to provide such additional information, to furnish such . documents as may be required on behalf of the e�uthority, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mfnnesota. , ' � � - 2 - o�.�,�,n��,� 250'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r���er . , COMMISSIONER DA1E �� � t� �LM� � tM MifMMti �e�l �IM� �/ M� �nr�1��t �st. �la �wsi� a�i 1�N��w1� MtMslt� �! dw Cit� �! l�4�t t,a�l. 11L.a�.�sa. tlws��• saliN ti�. "�ierarit� i+� a�sisN a �reaio� �s►a 1��1 �r�i�st� irlrMi� �rKsar �i :iatiilitati�a a� ar�statiw ls�,��ela i� tili�tM. �t�st�sati� �N �si+�oraR�! a�►�� viEYi� eM ftit� �i i�l�t larl, 11lrrNta; �M �. 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' ;� ., : ., .��i ..�.'� �'�y�� ����l��,���-���.�� �_�i� . . �AM�k lFta� �.+���. �'�#f��`''Mq�i .i�N���+M �ItR',��€�il���!l�lil� _,�#l+MI�.- � .�r�IR"1i►�r ���� �t ��!.+rliiM �r+���� �i11��� ;��, �:�rN #���+� � �It �MW����M� �'� � ��� d� ��'' 1r��'c�-1 ,�t:,���IrMMM1�` , .�.� �. , , . _ .. _ �k �1t �+III�;� ` , ,. +II�'sIMr�1�t.���1M�` :1ra��:+M�1�1�� _ � , �i � � a � �� � � � � . ��J��� � �'��� ' � �, # - - ,. � 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01, Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 223 5218 '' HOUSING AND REDEVELOPM�NT AUTHORITY OF THE C(TY Of SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � '� . . . . . ,� Mr. Thomas S. Kilbride August 14, 1970 I� Assistant Regional Administrator i, � Department of Housin� and Urban Deveiopment �� 250 North Michigan Avenue I' Chicago, Illinois 60601 '�, ' I RE: Concord Terrace Urban P.enewal Project i Amendatary Application � Minn. R-37 � � � . I Dear Mr. Kilbride: I!, I Transmitted herewith are Binders 1 through 10 of an Amendatory Application for the ! Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project (�finn. �.-37) . �� i The primary pur:pose of this amendatory application is to increase the current r^ederal ' loan and grant to permit the Authorit5* to acquire an additionul 112 residential properties which were previously not identified for aca,uisition, but have subsequently � I been determined to be infeasible of rehabilitation because they have been subject to II rapid physical deterioration and rehabilitation costs originally estimated in 1966 have increased substantially in the last four years. � i : A further purpose of this application is to permit the acquisitio'n of three rehab- ilitatible properties to assemble a site for the detiaelopment of an all weather ice � arena by the Board of Co�nissioners of Ramsey County to serve the residents of the �, West Side. � . The addition of the ic e arena also aecessitates a revision of the Land Use Plan � which is included in this application. . � I Other significant improvements include a vehicular brid�e over Concord Street to be ! provided by the State of Minnesota, additional street lignting and a pedestrian � bridge (previously approved bv HUD) cahich will span Robert Street and link the new � moderate-income housing complex with the existing residential neighborhood and the I school, playground and Neignborhood House. ' � I As noted in the Report on Citizen Participation, the Rio Vista Citizens Planni_ng . � Council, which is the PAC for the Concord Terrace Project, has held numerous meetings �, throughout the area and has informed residents o£ tcie implications oz this. amendatory ! and has responded to their questions and concerns. The general consensus of the � resident leaders appears to be that this amendatory application i:s necessary and in . I the best interests oi the community. , � I � j Lau��rence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. ThamUs, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. 031glish, Victor J. Tedesco � Chainnan I i I '��� �S i�" . �'ia9�'�,_.. �. . . .. ._... . .. �. ..... ... , . , _ , _ .. ... . .. �-' ... . _ta?�.%,�.•-�. i; r ` � - E_ _: Mr. Thomas S. Kilbride Page 2 August 14, 1970 Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanles to Mr. Martin Segal of your staff for his advise and assistance in the preparation of this application and also to our Area Representatiye, Miss Shirley Sailors, who has done her usual excellent job in helpi�ng us assembie this document. If you. have any questions regarding any of the material contained herein, please advise me. Sincerely, f � rt '�'�` r � �n V� Fdc.�ard H. Helfeld Executive Director I � _ . . _ ,. . , .._.:., . .. � . .. . . � ... . . ., . �� , : . _ . { � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOFMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' AMENDATORY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 JULY, 1970 _ � � . : _, , i � • flOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TEiE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINHESOTA AMENDATORY CODE TABLE OF CONTENTS NUMBER Form H-b12 Application for Loan and Grant R-201 Project Area Report � R-212 Urban Renewal Plan R-213 Report on Planning Proposals R-214 Repor.t on Minority Group Considerations � R-21S Reports on Citizen Participatfon - R-217 Rehabilitation and Conservation Data R-221 Land Acquisition Data R-222 Relocation Report R-223 Project Improvements Report R-224 Land Disposition Report R-225 Cost Estimate and Financing Report R-226 Legal Data R-231 � , I , . , ,; • � . : � 'I I . HOUSING AND REDEVELOP'MENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � � . � AMENDATORY ' CODE R-201 - FORM H-612 APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT I � . R-201 � � i 1 , ! ^ . � _ . . _. - � _ I Form Approvc:l Hl1D-612 I Budget dureau No. 63-RQ610 (�y_67) ", � PROJECT LOCALITY ' I • U. 5. DEPARTMENT �F HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELQPMENT � URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM 5aint Paul, Minnesota � � � . . PR0.7cC7 NA�4E � Concard Terrace Urban Renewal APPLICATIQ?! FOR 10AN AND GRANT PRO�ecr NunneeR Minn. R-37 DaTE rECEiv�D (To be filled in by yUD1 /NSTRUCTIO;�`S: Prepare originnl a�i:i iequired copies jor HUD. Place original in Bir.der No. 1, copies in remaining 6inders. A. CORPORATE NAA1E OF APPLILANT � Housing and Redevelopment Authority af the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota B. TYPE OF APPLICAT104 I ; Q Temporary Loan and/or Capital Graat, for project exeeution [Compiete all blocks] ' � Temporary Loan, for ea*ly land acquisition [Leave �locks D and E B:ank� C. .SU9MISStOf! — - , Q Initial application - � - � Revision of previously approved applicat:on dated ___November 11, � 1g69 , for purpose of: �'j Chaage in project area houndaries � Revisioa in Reloca:ion Grant x0 Revision in Temporary L.can Q Revisioa in Rehabiii4ation Grant I � Recision in Preject Capital Grant Q Other (Explain) D. REPAYMENT OF ALYAtiCES Upon unuertaking this project, the Applicani will repay, :vith incerest, Ti�le I advances :n ih° su:ns indicated and in accordance witn t��e coatraci st�.own oelow: ADVANCE.COYTRAC7 NUM3ER� _ � AMOUNT OF CONTRACT AMOUNTADVANCEDUN�ERCOMTRACT .. E E S 5 S • S E. tXISTING �cD�RAL 1,UTHQRIZAT10N5 Estimaced suivey and plannino costs for this project, in accorlance with tl:e most r�cent approved Su�vey and Plaaning Budget No._, appro��ed on , 19_: $ F. TYPE AtiD �4MOU?�T J= FUNDS �cl*JG APPLIEJ �GP. CO:tifPLETE O�'LY'!F RE[';�i0�' TYPE .. —! . (Check appli.able items) TOTAL A"�fGUeti': Ab;OC�NT OF CnANGE I � �+t or !-) 1 —� � TEhIPO�ARY LOA� � 10,707,186 . � #` ) � 2,617,868 � PRCJEC"i CAPITA:.: GRA!�T `� � .d 2/3 3,''4 Basi�: S 7�565�931 ( +1 S 1�915�340 Fiasis C L;mi:ed project costs � 5lnnicipali!y wi[h po�ulation of 50,000 0: less � In Re�!�velopment Area,::�unicip:�lity svith � ' populati�u cf more than SO,OOU ' [�, FtELGCAT;o�� U�,:�ti� _ s 1,541,975 c 1 s " 509,111_ � � � NF,Lir'i$:'L1"i�:TiO:d GR�:vT �' 120,000 � , � •6 - � ---- 1'it[e ! of �he �;�e,in•� Act of 19�i9, � � Ti.te I cf thL �J'lSl��, :?c: c: :9;9 as a;ie�ded � G. 4'ROG�A!A �� „ L—= 2s amen ded te :!ate r� �rior to the E;ousir.; Ac1 of 1954 L_�.._.._._. frevious editio:: rr-:y 6= us_d. �� (Jver) ' --r!"� _._ .. .� , . . , � ` _ � - _ � r . . � . H. CATEG�RY OF PRO!ECT ELIG131LITY Enter Roman number designation as checked on Form HUD-6120, Summary o(Project Data: � If project is under "disaster area'� provisions of Seetion III of Title I,�check here: [� I. APPIICATION , The Applicant hereby applies to the United States of America for the financial assistance indicated in Block F above, under tr.e. provisions of Tit1e I as identified in Biock G above, to aid in financing the project described in this application. J. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION The documentation submitted in supperi of this application shall be considered part of this application. K. ESTIMA7ED COMPLETION DATE OF PROJECT EXECU?ION STAGE: OCtOI�eT � �q73 1 . (Com.plete the followiag estimated time schedule of major steps in executing the projectl � - � NUNBER QF MONTHS � FFOM CONTRACT EXECU�TION. TO - PROJECT ACTIVI7Y TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY START OF ACTIVITY COM. OF ACTIVITY (a) (b) (c) . ____ __. .._ 1. Rehabilitation to meet project completion , requirements . • 2. Land acquisition � 4g November, I968 October, 1972 3. Relocation of site occupants 51 Decembe� 1968 April, 1973 4. Demolition and site clearance 51 January, 1965 May, 1973 �. Site preparation, including instzllation • of project improvements 41 June, 1969 November, 1972 6. Disposition of land in project area 50 August,1969 4ctober, 1973 i. Financial settlement and project completion (A(ter completion of above activities) 6 OCtobeL'� 1973 Mareh, 1974 L. PRQJECT AP,EA BGUNDARIES Z � ' . The projert area herein described is the identical area covered by the tirban Renewal or Redevelopmznt Plar. as approved by the governing bcdy of the Local Public P.gPncy on Ma� 4, , 1��. (Descri6e boendaries o(project as set forth in eaeh Plcn and attach to this application) � l�. EXECUTION : ' IN WIThESS•K;HEnLOF, the applicant has caused this 2pplicatioa to be executed in its name, and its seal to be • hereunto fixed and attesied, this day of _ , 19—. [SEAL] . . Corporete Name of Applicant By Signature . Executive Director Title 55 E. Fifth Street ' fiddress Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 City. Stace. and ZIP Co�a --- , 1 For an Ap�licaticn [cr Early Land Acqcisl!ion Lo�.^., en:er estimated effective date o[the Convact for Loan and Grant for proyect executior.acti��i- . :ics. Complote L.lnas 2, 3, er.d a, and leave Lines 1, 5, 6, and 7 b:ank. = Foc an F.ppticatton tor Early LsnC Aequiaitdcn Loc�, delete the phrr.se "covered 'ny the Urban Renewal or F.edevelopme�i Plcan as aoproveci" anG � G.sert"de4crihed in:hc R^solution adopted". :23891-n HUD-Wash.,0. C. HUD-612(1'[•67; '._. . '' 1 : :. _ � � • ' j ; i i HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' . AMENDATORY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT ' MINN. R-37 , � . � � I CODE R-212 - PROJECT AREA REPORT • � R-212 . � I i i i � FROJ�CT AREA REPORT 1. Map of Project Area and im:nediate surrounding area, showing: ' A. Boundary of Project Area � B. Boundaries of Clearance Sections amended to include an additional area, "Clearance Section V." ' C. Numher of buildings with deficiencies, and in clearacice sections the number of substandard and blighting structures warranting clearance. D. ApproximaCe property lines and outline of each building. � 2. Project Area Data A. Data Establishing That Clearance Section V. Clearly Meets the Criteria of RI-ir� 7207.I, Chapter 1, for Clearance Redevelopment in Built-Up Areasc ' Clearance Area V. The total site is proposed to be acquired by the Authority � for sale to Ramsey County for the development of a public facility, a county ice arena. The current Concord Terrace � program proposed acquisition of three of the ten parcels, nos. 23-7, 23-3 and 23-10, and acquisition of these parcels has been completed. Parcel 23-1,was classified as "may be acquired" and the Authority is now in the process of acquiring this parcel. Parcels 23-5 and 23-8 in this site are now proposed br acquisition since they have now been determined to fall into the infeasible of rehabilitation category, and are so classified elsewhere in this Amendatory. Therefore, in order to complete acquisition of the total site for use as an ice arena, it would be necessary to acquire three • additional parcels, nos. 23-6, 23-7 and 23-9 for a public purpose. � R-212 .. �'�� . �� ,.. . ., . . ..:.. . . . . :�-.� � . . .....� . . . .. � .. . �. . ��.. ..� . �. . ..��, . . �.. {.:.. �..�.. . . . . . , . .. . � . . . . . , . . . . . • . . . , .. . Parcel 6 contains the construetion office for a stuccoing firm. Parcel 7 contains a house that may be capable of being rehabi2itated, and Parcel 9 contains two houses that are probably capable of being rehabilitated. All properties proposed to be acquired for a "public purpose" are listeZ on page 4 of Exhibit A attached. Criteria and survey techniques utilized to determine substandardness and other building condition classifications are as set forth in the currently approved Application for Loan and Grant. In addition, the pracedure for determining buildings which must be acquired due to infeasibility of rehabilitation is set forth in Code R-221 of this Amec�datory. The data for Clearance Section V. are summarized as follows: To Be Acquired For: . Parcel Blighting Infeas.ible to Public No. Substandard Influence Rehabilitate Purpose 23-1 X 23-2 (2 hldg) X X 23-3 X - ?.3-5 . x �. 23 6 X 23-7 X � 23-8 X %� 23-9 (2 bldg) . X . � 23-10 X �� These properties are also infeasible of rehabilitation � B. Rehabilitation Area ' Properties proposed for acquisition due to "infeasibility" � , are shown on Exhibit A attached. All properties listed R-212 -2- � ._ ,, ; � :- � except 23-5, 23-8 and 59-5 are located within the Rehabilitation Area. Parcels 23-5 and 23-8 are within the proposed new Clearance Section V. and parcel 59-5 is located within Clearance Section II. Also attached as "Exhibit B, is the listing of properties that have either been acquired or will be acquired as approved. by Amendatory I, May 20, 1969. Pages 3 of S, 4 of 5 and S of 5 of Form H-6120 , includes area, dwelling units etc. , �rom this listing. . ,, i . , � �� I'I � I R-212 �� -3- � / � • Fbim approved � IF-6120 Page l oi 6 Budget Buresu No. 63-R884.5 (.�1_63) PROJECT LOCALITY HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY Sa�Rt Palll, Minnesota URBAN RENEWAL �1DMINISTRATION PRO�ECr NaME CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT NUMBER SUMMARY OF PROJECT DATA Minn. R-37 � (Urban Renewal Program) coNeRESSiown� DISTRICT iN wnicn 4 ! PROJECT AREA IS SITUATED INSTRUCTIONS: Plaee orisina! and 2 copies in Binder No. 1, and one copy each in other binders. A. CATf60RY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY (Check one; see Urban Renerai Manuad, Chspter 3-2) CATEGORY PRESENT CHARACTER OF AREA EXTENT OF PRESENT PROPOSED REUSE CEVELOPMENT - -� ,��C� I Predominantly residential BuiLt up ,;_. Any , , �,,II Predominantly reeidential Predominantly open land Any �� III Not predomin�ntly reaidential Built up Predominantly residential' �� IV Not predomivantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantl5 residential �� V Nonreeidential Not predominantly reeidential Built up Not predomiaantly reaidenti�l �ception C� VI Nonresidential pot predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residenti�ll F�ception �� VII College, University, Any Built up Any or Hoepital • �� VIII College, IIniversity, � or Hoapital Any Predominantly open land Any �� ig - Open land Predominantly residential I �� g - Open land Not predominantly residentia� �� xI Are��aCep�evoelopmeot pat predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residentia� Area Redevelo�ent �� RII �ception Not predominantly reeidential Predominantly open land Not predominantly reeidentiall �� � B. TYPE OF TREATMENT OF AREA _ �� C[,F,ARADi(� AREA ONLY (Coapltte Blotks C, F, and C) li �� OpNS'ERVATION ARF.A ONLY (Cowplete efocks C, H, and I) �x� �$INAT ION OF CI.F.ARANCE AND OONSIItVAT I0N SECI'IONS (Co■p 1 e r e B i o ek s C t k r o u s h I) SUBMITTED 8Y: July, 1970 _ paee Si6nature HUUSING �:�D R1�EV:sLOPMENT AUTHORITY OF 'PHE CITY 0� S�'1I`<T PAUL, riINNESOTA �xecutive Director Loeal Publie Aseney Title — � � � • . , . � _ � _ . . . .. , . J Page 2 of 5 H-6120 �(11-63) G. ENVIRONMENTAL DEFIC)ENCIES�(Check and cowplete one) � No change in descriptions gi�en on Form H-6101, pr6an Renenal Area Data, ' Bloek J, eubmitted for this project on April 19, � 1g67 �� See following descziptione � DESCRIPTION OF EXTENT TO WNICH CONDITION EXISTS CONDITION (Give souree of inJor�ation. If additionat spatr it requtred, . eontinue on a ptain +heet and atSach to' thia for�) 1. Overcra�vo�ding or improper location See "Final ProjeCt Report" oi •trnctures on the iana Part I, Concord Terrace Project Minn. R-37 ' April 19, 1967 See "Final Project Report" 2. F�cessive dwelling unit deneity part I, Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37 ' April 19, 1967 3, Conversions to incompatible typee of See "Final Pz'ojeCt Report�� uses, sach as roominghonees smong Part I� Concord Terrace Project� Minn. R=37 family dwellingt . April 19, 1967 �. Ob�olete DaildinQ ty •, such aa large See "Final ProjeCt Report�� re■idence. or other �nildinge which part I, Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37 t6roueh lact of uee or maintensnce hsve s 'blighting influence April 19� 1967 6. Detrimentsl lend uses ot condition�, See "Final Project Report�� � ' snch s� incampstible ueet, �tructuree , - 'in mi:ed nee, or adverse inftuences Part I, Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R.-3Z . , irom noise, amote, or fumes . April 19, 1967 See "Final Project Report" 6. IIns:te, congeeted, Poorly designed, Part I, Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37 or otherwise deficient streets . Aprii 19, 1967 7. Inadeqaste pnblic ntilities or See "Final Project RepOrt�� co�,uaity facilitie. contribntinQ to Part I, Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37 onsatisfsctory IivinQ condition� or econamic decline Apt'il 19� 1967 ; � See "Final Project Report" e. OtLer eqnally �i�nffic�nt en�ironmental Part I� ConCOrd Terrace Project, Minn. R-37 I deficiencies April 19, 1967 i . . �� , ; : ., . : ,. . �. . �. - � ' - � ; . i � Page 3 0! 5 µ-6120 i(11-63) DATA ON PROJECT AREA (Complete this page only if project area includes both cleardnce and constrvation sections). D. -PAESHIT CHARACTER, COItDITiON OF BUILDIMGS, AND PROPOSm LAND USES (ATtas sAal! 6e tho�n to neareat tenth of an acre. Totaf area vithin peri�eter 6oundaries of tke projeet thall �t areouRted for, e:eeptins only any interior areas •hich Aave 6een e:eluded froa the project area. Yeonin�s o� tfrwi ure identica2 •ith tl�ose in Ur6nn Reneral Yanual, Ch. 3-Y. nnd ■aterial in Ck. 3-1 under tAe hsadin6 "B��ldins Defieieneies") ACREAGE CONDITION OF BY PRESENT CHARACTER BY PROPOSE� BUILOINGS ACR�AGE IMPROVED ACQUISITION BK . ITEM TOTAL NUMBER PROPpSED WITM W/OTMER UNIM- NOT TOTAL WITH �AND '�USES BLDGS. OR IMPROV'E- PROVED TO BE TO BE BUILDINGS DEFI- STREETS MENTS ACQUIRED ACOUIRED CIEN:CIES �`� 182.0 148.1 33.9 103.2 568 528 1ts2,0 1. Streete, Al1eYa, Public ..................: ................... ................... :::::::.:.:.:::::: . . ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: Riehts-or-war, Total 77.8 �::::::::::�;�::::: 24.2 59.6:::::;::::::::::::: �:�:::�::�::::::��: , a. Msjor Trfnsportstion """""""�"' �::::::::::::�::::: ::::::::::::::::::: � 3 3.4 I b.l :::::: 17.3 .:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: .�.__..�.:_ �4 � 0 �. ............ ................. .......... ....... ................... 1 With ederal ::i::::::i�:::i:i: :::::::i::::i::ii::: :::::i::::::::i::i :::::::::::i:::i:i: :iii:::::ic::i:i :i:ii:i:i:::iii:: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: � � F . . . Hi hwa i :ii::::ii:i::�::ii ::i::iiii::i:i:ii:i: ii:::::ii::::i:i:i ::::::i:::::::::::: :::::::::::::::c ::::::::::::::::: ::.::::.:::::.:::: ::::::::::::::::::: B yAd 6. _ . . .. :�:•:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ' 1 ... .. ... ................ .................. ............. ............. ................ . . . ..... .... ................. . ............ . . ... 2 Without Federal :... ......... ' � ) . . . ... ... . .... .... .. .. . . Hi 6wa Aid :::::t:::::.:::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::;: ::::::::........ ................. .................. ................... B Y :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::ii�:::i:::i�i: ::::::ii:::i:::: :i:i:::ii::::ii:: i:::i:::::::i::i:i :i:ii:::::ii:::i::: .....:.. ............ . . .. .............. .................. ................... 1�7. :::.:............. ::i::r:c::::::::i i::::::ci:ii::::::: b. Ot6er Streete, Alleye, """""'"""' :::::::::::•:•:::: Public ftighte-of-Way 37.5 :::::::::::.:::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::�:�::�:::::�::::� 6.9 17.t3 � ::::::::::::�::::: ::::::::::::::::::: �. Residentisl, Total g5.[i. 76.7 8.7 S�,g 33.5 CE79 446 102.0 s. Dwelling Purpose� 75.9 67.2 8•7 49.0 427 h. Related Pablic or Semipubl ic Pnrposee 9.5 9,5 : 19 16.2 3. Nonresidential, Total 18.8 � 8 - 1.0 8.7 10.I � a. Cmmiercial 11.1 1.0.5 •6 5.1 67 61 12.6 , b. Industrial � 7.Z 7.3 ,4 3.6 4.1 22 21 4.7 ' c. Public or Semi ublic (Inetitutional� � � �1 ', ` d. Open or Unimproved ................... ................... .......:........... ................... ........:...:.::::: ::.:............... ................ . Land Not Included in ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :.................. ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................. . ................... ................... .................. ................... ................ . 8s, b, oi c above ................... ................... ................... ................... . .......----... E. CONTEMPLATED TREA1t1ENT ' NUMBER NUMBER TO BE NUMBER � � ITEM TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER TO BE RETAINED FOR WHICN. • CLEARED' DESIGNATED FOR w�THOUT TREATMENT NOT �i REHABILITATION TREATMENT YET DETERMINED 1. Area (iri Acres) of Parcels WitL 94.5 Bnildines SI.3 27.5 15.2 0.5 2, All Buildin¢s 568 371 Z54 40 3 a. Residential Buildinge 47 9 � 32I 24 b. Nonresidentisl Buildinge 8 9 50 3 0 7 2 . 9. All Dwelling Units 674 252 239 1 a. In Building� With Deficiencie� 92� 674 252 0 1 � D. Ia Standnrd Bu i ld inQs 239 0 0 239 0 . . _ : _ _ � � • j i i . � _ � . . . .. , . j . { . � Page 4 oi 6 1�-6120 11-63) •.--, DATA ON CLEARANCE AREA, bR CLEARANCE SECTIONS OF PROJECT AREA F. PRESENT CHARA�CTFR. CONDITION OF BUILDING3, AND PROPOSED LAND USES (Area: shali 6e +horn to neare:t teneh of an aere. Meaninss of ter�a are identieal rith tkose in Urban Renera2', Msnual, Ch. 3-2; ■aterinl in Ch. 3-1 under the headin` "Buildins Defieiencics"; and eriteria ia Ck. 10-1 Jor "Clearanee nnd Redevelopatnt") ACREAGE CONDITION OF BUILDINGS BY PRESENT CHARACTER BY PROPOSED NUMBER NUMBER I IMPROVED. ACQUISITION STRUC- ARRANT TURALLY ING ACREAGE ITEM TO7AL WITM w�TH TOTAL NUMBER ��B- CLEAR- Y wI7H PRO OSED OTMER UNIM- TO BE NOT TO BUILO- STANO- ANCE TO BUI�D- �M_ PROVED AC- BE AC- IN65 DEFI- ARD RE- REMOVE L ND , 1NG5 OR PROVE- QUIRfD QUIRED CIENCIES QUIRING BL16MT- U$ES STREETS MENTS CLEAR- ING IN- ANCE LUENCE �'u' S6.6 38,g 17 . 40. 16.4 158 156 61 ?9 Sf�.6 1. Streete,Alleye, Pnblic . . � $i ht�of-Wa Total 9. . g r. lU. 21.1 10:6 :::��::::::::�� 12 0 :���:��::::�:::'::�:�:::::::::::::� �:::�:`:::::::: :�:::::;:.;.;. 1 .6 - a.'Major Traneportation 6. 6.6 ::::�:::::::::::: :�:�::::��::::::: ::::::::::�::: ::::�::::::::: d,6 � W' F dera � ) ith e 1 H+ w i h a A'd -8 Y i 6 6 2 W' h e a it nt Fed r � ) 0 1 :iiiii:ii:i:::cc c::icc:::::c:i :cii::::i::::i ::i:i:�iii:i:: ��:i:i:i:c:ci: :i:i:::::ii::: ii:i:i:ci:::::::: i'r.::i:iiii:::::c ici:i::::i:::: :c::ii::::i:cc I Highway Aid ....... ......... ..... ........ .......... .......... .............. .. b. Other Streete,Alleys, Pnbtic xighce-of-way p 5.4 :':: 1 .6 :'::::::::::::: 9.1 2. R3sidentisl, Totsl 29�6 7°� . 26.4 3.2 126 126 `�2 19 38� s. Dwelling Purpoeea ' 27.1 2D.1 7.0 23.9 3.2 120 120 51 15 29. b. Related Public or Semipabl ic Purpoees 2.5 2�5 6 4 9•� 3. Nonreeidentiel. Total 5�$ � 5.9 .3 4.7 1.2 32 30 9 10 s. Co�e rc i s 1 2.6 2.6 .5 1 20 6 6 4. b. Indnatrisl 3.3 3.0 •3 2.6 .7 c. Poblic or Semipnblic (Institntional) � � I d. UPen or Unimproved :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ................. ................ .............. .............. ................. .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............. ... .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............. ... Land Not Included in .............. ....... .. ... ................. ................ .............. .............. ............. ,.. .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............. ... .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ . . Sa, b, or c above .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ....._.......:. ............. . ............ ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ ... G. CONTEMPLATED TREATMENT � ' ' NUMBER NUMBER TO BE NUMBER ITEM • TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER TO BE DESIGNATED FOR RETAINED FOR WHICH • CLEARED REHA8ILITATION WITHOUT TREATMENT NO . TREATMENT YET DETE&MINE 1. Area (in �crea) of Psrcele With 28�2 26:3 1.I .S 0.3 � Bnildings 2, All Bnildinge j�g 148 7 2 ' j I s, Reeidential BuildinQ� 126 122 4 0 0 b. Nonresidentisl Bnildinee 32 26 3 2 1 8. Ali Dwellina IInits 29( 290 6 0 0 a. In Baildings With Deficiencie• b. In Standard Bnildinge 0 • 0 0 0 0 . .;,,. , . . : _:. .. . . .. ,. ,. i . .�.,.�� . , �� . , ..� -��� . :.� � , . .. . . . .�.. . .G. .. . . . , . � � � .. . . � . . . . � � . . . . i ! ' � . {! . J Page b oi b H-6120 (��,11-63) DATA ON CONSERYATION AREA OR CONSERVATION SECTIONS OF PROJECT AREA H. PRE$ENT CHARACTER, CONDITION OF BUILDtNGS� AND PROPOSED LAND USES (Areas shalf 6t shorn to ne�rest tenth of an aere. Meanin6s of teras art idtntical vith those in Ur6an Reneral Yanuat, Ch. 3-2; ■aterial in Ch. 3-1 under the heading "Baildin6 Deficieneies"; and criteria in CA. f0-1 for "Clearanee and Redevelop�ent") ACREAGE CONDITION OF BUILDINGS BY PRESENT CHARACTER gy PROPOSED ACQUISITION NUMBER NUMBER IMPROVED STRUC- ARRANT TURALLY ING ACRIEAGE NUAIBER y TOTAL SUB- CLEAR- IT EM WITH w�TH UNIM- BUILD- W�T� STAND- ANCE TO PRO OSE� TOTAL BUILD- OTMER PROVED TO BE NOT TO INGS DEFI- ARD RE- REMOVE ��1ND IM- AC- BE AC- CIENCIES U$ES INGS OR PROVE- QUIRED QUIRED QUIRING BIIGMT- � STREETS MENTS CLEAR- ING IN- ANCE LUENCE ��' 7.25.4 109. 16.i 3g 6 410 372 46 24 �2 ,4 ............. ................ ................. .............. ............. 1, Streete, Alleys, Public Bighte-of-Way, Total 43� � 13.7 .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. .............. ................ ................. .............. ............. . .............. ;, . . . ' a Ma' ra e rtat' n .............. . . . ,, . Jor 'F n po �o i:::::i:i:iiii:i i:::::::::::i:::: :ii:::::::::.: ::::::::::::�: 26.8 16. ::::.:::::::`: 10.7 :::::::::�:::::� :::::�:::�::::::� :::�:::::::::: �::::�:�::::�� , . . ............... ................. .............. .............. ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::.: :::::::::.:::: :::::::.�::::� :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ................ ................. .............. .............. , �1) WitL Federal ............... .............. .............. ........:..... .............. .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::� :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::; ::::::::::::::::: :::::::.:::::: :::::::::::::: .. ............ .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ................ ................. .......:...... .............. HiBhwayAid ..:............. .............. ...:..:....... ..:........... .............. .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. 9,.9 ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................ ................. .............. .............. 2 , e s .............. .............. .............. .....:........ ................ ................: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: � ) Withont Fed r 1 :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::� :::::::::::::i::.�::::i::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ................ .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ . H' hWa Aid :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::�:::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 16',.2 1 e y ................ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ........ ....... ... . .. ... . . . . . . ... . . ....... ..... . ........ .............. .............. b. Other Streete, Alleye, . .... ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 24�0 pnetic Righte-of-�aY 29.9 26. �::::::::::::: 8.7 2 2 ::::::::::::::::: :::::::.:::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: 2. Ites ident ial. 'rocal 55�$ 54. �,7 25.5 30.3 320 45 63 ''3 s. Dwel l ine PnrPoees 48�8 47. 1.7 25.1 336 307 43 ip 56�3 b. Related Public or Semipnblic Purpoaee �. .4 6.6 1� 13 2 3, Nonresidential, Totai 12, 4.0 8.9 57 52 1 13 i2.�2- � s. c.armercial 7. 3.0 5.5 46 11 S.K► j 41 1 b. Industrial 4.4 4. .1 1.0 3.4 11 2 3, c. Pablic or Semipnblic ' (Inatitutional) 0 0 � Q .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ .... d. Open oc Unimproved .............. ............... ::::::;s::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::<::;;::;._ .............. ............... ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ . .............. ............... ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ .... Land Not Included in .............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ .... ............. .............. ................ . ............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ ... 3a, b, or c above ............. .............. ................. ................ .............. .............. ............ .... I. CONTEMPLATED TREATNENT NUMBER NUMBER TO BE NUMBER IT EM TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER TO BE DESIGNATED FOR RETAINED FOR WH�CH I CLEARED REHABILITATION WITHOUT TREATMENT NOr' TREATMENT YET DETERMIN D . 1; Area (in Acres) of Percele 9Gith � I Buildinge � 66.3 25.0 26.4 14.7 0.2 2. All Bnildings � 410 223 147 38 2 �� . a. Reaidential Buildingn 353 33 1 h. Nonresidentisl Bnildinee 57 24 27 S 1 I 3. All Dwelling Dnite 870 384 ! 246 239 1 � a. In Buildinee with Deficienciee 631 3is4 246 0 1 b. In Standsrd Buildings 239 0 � 239 � . r�o eeo•»3 ; -. ,, ' � � • EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTIES TO BE ACOUIRED DUE TO INFEASIBILITY OF REHABILITATION Blocic and Parcel Owner Area In Square Feet 11-6 Ahern McGlade & Vernon Irwin 15,000 11-8 Edward Mike 7,500 � 12-3 Iiattie H. Poechmann 5,750 ' � 12-4 Lloyd Roth 5,750 , 12-10 Mrs. David Schmidt 5,750 _ . ,, ,. 12-11 Raymond Hessler 5,750 � , 14-2 Mrs. Garmond J. Bauer 15,000 ' 14-3 Robert Marquardt 6,250 14-7 Abe Sechter 6,250 , 15-2 Freda L. Augustine 5,850 15-3 Anthony Martinez 11,700 15-4 Hyaian Ede.lman 6,700 15-5 Reinhart W. Schade 5,000 'i 17-5 Donald Giblin 5,000 '� 21-1 Lydia Baehr 5,000 . i 21-2 Guillermo F�ias 2,075 II, . � �, 24-2b Raymond F. Hollen 2,870 26-8 Gavino Garcia 6,250 I''� 26-10 Melvin S. Schofield 6,250 � . 26-12 � Julia Zaine 3,200 ', I 27-1 R. J. Thomas 7,500 II, 27-10 Mary Gusinda 5,000 I I i . 27-11 Jess Soman l0,OQ0 . � 29-4 Florentino Ruiz 10,940 I i 29-8 Isadore S. Feldman 9,600 I 31-i Ernest Quackenbush 4,227 �� � 31-2 Vivian M. Kellander 4,786 �I, 32-1 Charles K. Schoen 4,590 �I, - 1 - II A I . ,__., . . . ... . . ., _ >. _ �. . . _ > � i r - $2ock and Parrel Owner Area In Square Feet ' 32-3 Rose M. Woebkenberg 5,060 32-13 Mabel Nelson 10,12Q 32-17 Becky Frank 5,060 32-18 Johanna G. Reed 5,060 32-19 Doris M. Johnson 5,060 33-4 ' Marie �lasquez and Marie DeSoto 6,325 33-5 Paul Gabriel 7,590 �'i 33-6 - 33-6a Moren Koury 4,800 � 33-10 Richard J. S.choen _ _ _ . . . 5,060 ; 33-13 Mathilda Foley� 5,060 , ' 33-14 Roger Gross 5,060 ; 33-16 J. Knick 5,060 36-T* William J. Larson 5,000 43-9 Anna Gilbert 6,825 43-11 Wiiliam Morrissey 4,550 , 44-2 Joseph Ramirez 3,460 44-3 Arthur Mendez, Sr. 5,060 ' 44-6 Douglas Anderson 5,060 44-9 Baltazar Franco & G. Garcia 5,060 � � �� 44-10 Moren � Badway Koury. 5,060 � 44-11 Mrs. Abraham Abdella 5,060 I I 44-12 Joseph George 3,500 � � I , , 45-3 Antonio Zepeda" 5,060 �'I 45-5 Joseph A. Schaab S,Q60 ` �' 45-8 Irwin A. Clausen . 5,060 45-15 Joseph Salas 5,060 45-16 Gabriel Grinsteinner 5,060 45-17 . Joseph Salinas 4,997 45-20 Bentura Hernandez 5,060 45-21 Lawrence Chapin . 5,060 45-24 Robert Ernester ' 2,520 *Partial acquisition. = 2 - �: 1 �' ; � Block and Parcel Owner Area In Square Feet i 46-2 Sabino J. Ramirez " 5,060 ' 46-3 Manuel Jo Contreras 5,060 46-10 Thomas J. Crohn 5,060 46-11 Micky Alsides 5,060 46-12 Reinhardt A. Jacobson 5,060 � 4b-13 Elroy H. Lamberg 5,060 , 47-7 Harold 0. Dahlquist 22,138 48-2 Placido L. Mendez 8,244 --- ; 49-4 Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe 4,802 51-2 K. W. Scherado � . 2,520 i SI-3 John M. Rivas 2,457 ' � 51-4 Trinidad Herrera 9,776 ' 51-7 L. Sapsin 7,332 �, 51-15 Joseph Trejo 3,250 li � 52-1 Frank Abdella 3,529 52-2 Richard Furlong 4,162 , ,, 52-3 Minnie Bearman - 4,214 I 52-4 Jerome G. Holm ,. : 4,266 II � 52-6 Francis J. Patrin 4,3�70 52-7 John E. Blomquist, Inc. 4,422 !i 52-8 Pedro Morales 4,474 I! 52-9 Donald G. Fleming 4,526 �I 52-11 Clarence W. Lamb 4,583 'i ', 52-14 William Mateer, Jr. 3,704 ! . I 53-1 Mrs. Walter G. Todd 4,680 � I 53-2 Mrs. Reinhold Markgraf 4,680 � �I ; 53-3 Agnes Waitolovich 4,680 I�, i 53-4 Jack Weber 4,680 I . I 53-6 Cecil B. Agnus 4,680 _ 3 _ . . .. .,,_._ ... .. . . .. . _.. ..w. _� . . .. � _ l � • � . i ,I Block and Parcel Owner Area In Square Feet' � 53-7 Julio Ceniceros 4,6$0 . 53-8 Mary James Gubash 4,680 53-18 Roy E. I:aCoase 3,783 I 53-19 Theodore Fibison � 3,667 1! 54-1 � Joe Shomion 4,445 . 54-2 . Franeisco Torres 4,445 �I 54-3 Louis M. Liefschultz 4,445 ' 54-4 Vincent E. Martinek 4,445 ' .54-5 Gertrude Mike 4,445 �, 54-6 Carl R. Neubauer 4,445 I�, 56-4 Ora Frautschi 8,929 1�� 56-7 Mrs. Effie Raymond 2,000 i 56-8 Mrs. Effie Raymond 4,000 I� 56-9 Frank Cruz 4,000 I 58-13* Harry K. .Lieberman 4,800 I 58-14 Raymond Varela 4,118 i i 58-16 Julius Sadowsky 4,736 59-5 Albert R. Hovey 6s140 I, �� 589,157 . I ; �' � PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED FOR A PUBLIC PURPOSE I � ��, ; ' 23-5* . George J. Augst et al 2,920 23-6 B. W. Griebenow, Inc. 4,500 23-7 William H. Lancelot ' S,000 23-8* Peter M. Mansur et al 5,000 ' 23-9 Mildred Radant 7,188 � 24.608 . I �These properties are also infeasible of rehabilitation. - 4 - . , _ : . _ ' , , � l • � i EXHIBIT '$" � PROPERTIES ORIGINALL.Y IDENTIFIED AS • "MAYBE ACQUIRED" PROPERTIES [v'HICH WERE APPROVED ' FOR ACQUISITION UNIIER AMENDATQRY I, MAY 20, 19b9 i Block & Parcel Owner Area in Square Feet � 12-1�b Raymond Hessler 2,875 !, 15-9 Alphonse E. Weyand, Jr. 11,700 16-12 Estate of Clarence Aokensan 3,282 , 23-1 - Kavl i.-&ealty Company 10,313 ' 29-5 Fernanda Fuentes • 6,940 32-11 Edward 0'Connor . 5,060 , 32•12 Donald C. Appleby 5,060 'I, 33-3 Estate of Frank Z. Aguilar 6,325 33-7 Debf Mike . 5,060 , 33-9 Raul Gomez 5,060 � 33-1Z Wayzata Enterprises, Inc. 4,934 ' i 36-7 James A. Boyd, Administrator 5,000 '� Jenny Boyd T7cust Company .. , I 43-1 John A. Michelson 2,1A0 43-3 Harry Bursott 3,412 �i, 43-4 Emanual Wilkins 3,4I2 �I '� 43-5 Morris Nobel 7,508 43-13 Michael A. Lewis 1,800 I'�� � 44-4 John B. Blrnaquist 5,060 44-5 Norinan Schmidt 5,060 . 44-15 Iletta Scott 5,060 'I i 44-16 Huspek � Sons Realtors 5,060 �I 44-21 George Sticha 5,060 45-6 Betty A. McKnight 5,060 45-7 Mrs. Reinhold Markgraf 5,060 45-18 John Medtna 5,123 R-212 .. . _ � .. �� . / r. , �` I � � i I 'i Block and Parcel Owner Area in Square Feet � 47-1 Evelqn Berrq 47•2 Elaine �lilson !' 47�-3 . Mrs. Anna Laiuste 9,488 I , � 47-4 Mrs. Inez M. Price '� . , : 47-5 Manuel Sanchez 'i � 47-6 Wanda Jacobson I 47-12 Bernard J. Chuddars 6,325 � � i, 48-5 Estate of Victor Hendrickson 11,500 . 'i i 51-10 Emilio Garcia 4,971 'i 52-10 Mrs.: Edward Heinsch 4,558 � i I 53-9 Perfidio Hernandez 4,680 II 56-6 Julius Toth 2,U00 ' . 173,906 ; ; i , I� I . , � ; II I ,I � � � i I I . � -2- R-212 , . } . , . � � �` � � ,.. DEMOI�ISTRATION REHABILITATION PROPERTIES . TO BE DEMOLISHED DUE TO INFEASIBILITY __ .,t�, r�nd Parcel Owner Area in Square Feet I I — �S'-10 Peter Cepenas 5,060 51-9 ' Jahn M. Gallegos 4,971 :;'{; I 10,031 ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES ORIGINALLY i � INTENDED FOR S TRUCTURE ACQUIS ITION-QHLY � - � �•���;-� ... , i -;;>:� and Parcel Owner � Area in Square Feet �.. ._..._ � 33-6b Maureen Koury • 1,525 ' � OTHER "NOT TO BF, ACpUIRED" PROPERTIES THAT ' HAVE BEEN DETERMINED INFEASIBLE THAT IiAVE BEEN I. PURCHASED OR ARE INTENDED F(3R PURCHASE ' � �ic and Parcel Owner A�ea fn Square Feet II' _ ._.,. II-2 Joseph Zucker ' 2,500 i I2-12a Raymond Hessler ' � - 2,875 i 36-6 Mrs. Mamie Morgan 5,000 � 32-9 Katerino Romero .- � I� 5,060 i 45-23 Midwest Federal 2�421 I �"8 Mrs. Lloyd Farnsworth I, 4,500 ��'6 Helidoro Mercado 6,250 '1'1 Burton Wirth 2,871 - 31,477 � 216,939 -3- R-212 �,. . , .. .. - �:����r�� �.�. _ � l � '� ` � , � ; i � �� . 'I I' � � ; , �� �, i � C L E A R A N G E B 0 U N D A R Y M A P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . I� i I • '� '� '�I I � . I R-212 .. :_ . . . �. . . . , _ _: . ,.,�. ' • • ' I , I I HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY � OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � , i i I - .AMENDATORY I i • . I CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 � I . j � I, , ' . . REDEVELOPMENT PLAN i I � ' �� . �I � . � � . II . R-213 .. � . .. . . . .. . . . S ��'�.'.. . �' � '/ , � . . I I I ItEDEVEIAPMFNT PLAN: I � The following changes are to be made in the approved Redevelopment Plan: ' � 1. Page 7, Section 2, "Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements", I � I �a) "Statement of Uses to be Permitted and Regulations, Controls I ' ' or Restrictions to be imposed by the Pla,n on the Sale, Lease or � Retention of all Real Property Acquzred." The first sentence which reads, "This plan sets forth six areas identified on the Land Use Map, Map No. 2 attached," shall be amended to read, I "This plan sets forth six categories identified on the Land Use Map, Map No. 2, Amended July 1970, attached." � i 2. Page lI, Section 3, "Area No. 3 - (Educational - Recreational) ' (ObjecCive)", which reads, "The principal objective is to develop an inter-related complex of educational, institutional , and recreational facilities to ineet the needs of the neighborhood ' and co�anunity, " shall be amended to read, "The �principal objective � is to develop inter-related complexes of� educational, institutional ! and recreational facilities to meet the needs of the neighborhood I� and communitv." I i 3. Page 11, Section 3i "Area No. 3 - (Educational - Recreational) , Regulations and Controls", which reads, "The park and playground ' shall be designed and developed in a manner satisfactory to the � City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment � I Authority," shall be amended to read, "All permitted uses shall ', be designed and developed in a manner satisfactory to the City of Saint Paul, and the •St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Aufhority." . I R-213 . I i �I , i . . . • • �� � . ; � , , 4. : Page 1b, Section 1, "Land Acquisition", (a) "Identification of Real PropertY Proposed to be Acquired for:" (1) "Clearance and �� I Redevelopment", which reads, "Properties presently identified 'I for acquisition or possible acquisition are shown on Map No.l � ,� entiCled, BOUNDARY AND ACQUISITION MAP, Attached, "shall be . '� amended to read, "Properties presently identified for acquisition III I or possible acquisition are shown on Map No. 1 entitled, 'i ACQUISITION MAP, Amended July, 1970", contained in the Land � i Acquisition Data Report R-222. I I I � I I !I . I I I � ' R-213 -2- � ! � �� . , � . !� : '�, LAND; USE MAPL MAP N0. 2, AMENDED JULY 1970 �i � j ' � I�i �I 'I • i . �i I i � I I I � � �i ' I . I I I R-213 , _ :� • • � I HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � AMENDATORY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 . ! ; CODE R-214 REPORT ON PLANNING PROPOSALS ' � � � � . j R-214 . i : . : 1 • • � � � I REPQRT ON PLANNING PROPOSALS � 1. Zaning District Changes �I The zoning district change indicated on Ffap R-214-3 titled "Zoning I • I Changes - Amended July, 1970" within the area bounded by Isabel, I � Congress, Wabasha and Onega Streets will not be necessary for the II ' principal use (public), or the �alternate use, residential; since �I both would be permitted in the present commercial district. However, if the alternate use is implemented, the Authority may I I institute a rezoning. I, . 2. Basis for Determination of Proposed Land Use In response to requests from the community, the LPA staff examined the project area for a possible site to construct an ice arena II facility. The State Legislature, during its last session, adopted legislation which enables Ramsey County to construct and oQerate � facilities of this type. The County has now determined to construct and operate facilities of this type. The County has ' now determined to construct three arenas as an initial test program, I and the residents of the West Side have expressed a desire to have . I one built in their coucnunity, The amount of money established for each facility is $250,000, all of which is needed to construct the facility. Additional help is needed for site assembly, demolition, etc, - As the residents of the West Side have searched for a site, questions concerning the availability of land in the Concord Terrace portion of the West Side have been raised. The Authority has studied a � variety of sites and recotmnend that all of Block 23 (excluding Parcel 4), see Acquisition Map R-222, be used for this purpose. R-214 -1- . � . ,_ : . � � i � I Block 23, approximately 1.4 acres, is bordered on two sides with Ili major streets - iaabasha and Concoxd, which connect the Upper West Side with the Concord Terrace area. Zt is within five blocks of I Roosevelt School and within seven or eight blocks of Humboldt �i Hi�h School, It is within six blocks of the Dunedin Terrace public housing project and is within one block of the proposed 142 unit, II � Torre De San Miguel, low and moderate income housing site. - While central to the West Side, the site is not immediately i proximate to the residential development, and therefore, would not generate adverse effects on adjacent housing. It is surrounded by bluff on the south and heavy commercial on the north, east and west. . The feasibility and desirability of this site was recently explored � at a neighborhood meeting. After the meeting, members of the I I cotmnunity, the President of the West Side Booster Club, members of �I I the County Ice Arena Selection Committee and the President of the I I Project Area Committee seemed enthusiastic over the idea of this �I site being developed as an ice arena facility, �� I . i As previously pointed out, the alternate use o£ this site is I, ' I proposed as multi-family development. The original Part I attempted to save five single-family structures located on four • parcels. 'Ihese.are. parcels 23-5, 23-7, 23-8 and 23-9, (two structures). It was hoped .that due to their clustered arrangement that these I homes could be rehabilitated and successfully retained in the I project. However, rehab investigations have shown two of these 'I homes to be infeasible of rehabilitation. These are properties . 23-5 and 23-8. Redevelopment of these properties with single- family homes would be imprudent if not impossible. Commercial I R-214 -2- , '. , , _ " :` : : { • � I � � . development, as currently proposed, is no longer considered to be II the optimum alternate use when balanced against the other commercial II areas available in the project, and the general ❑eed for housing II in the City in general, and this project in particular. If, however, II a large site including all of bloc k 23 except parcel 4, can be assembled, �I , a multi-family development �o uld be very desirable at this location � because of its central location, close proximity to downtown, I convenience shipping, churches, schools, etc. Any new residential � development in this block would not allow single-fan ily structures, but rather larger multi-fam�ly structures that would be more � compatible with surrounding development. Therefore, the proposed land use has been chan�ed from commercial to public for accomodation I I of the proposed ice arena, with an alternate use for residential II development of the multi-family native. I �I . � � � � � . I � � . �I ' ' � .I � R-214 -3- • • �;, flOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AMENDATORY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 CODE R-215 REPORT ON MINORITY GROUP CONSIDERATIONS CODE R-217 REPORTS ON CITIZEN PARTICIPATIQN R-215, R-217 . ... . . � . . � . � ' ' ���� � . .. .. .� . . .� �.e � .... . . _ . . ' �� � . .� _- � � � . � � � � � � � • � �II i II I � � C.ITIZ�T PARTICIPATION II I During the planning stages of R-37, most of the communication between I!� L.P.A. and the residents was done through Riverview Citizens Association �i • (R.C.A. ). This group was an umbrella organization encompassing some I I 50 neighborhood-based organizations. Theirsrope of involvement included II I � not only the Urban Renewal Project area, but also approximately S00 III �� areas of land outside R-37. While the L.P.A. acaaited Federal appraval � of the project and activities of the H.R.A. This group, consisting of I � � perhaps twenty residents, traveled to our regional office to discuss R-37. • - � These are the embryonic stages of Rio Vista Citizen Planning Council. � During the Fall months of 1968, this group organized and applied for . funding under L.P.A. 458 (dated June 24, 1968). At this point, R.C.A. withdrew its activities from Concord Terrace and concentrated on that area outside the Urban Renewal boundries. In view of L.P.A. 458 and the local concern for H.R.A., the community decided to apply for P,A.C. funding. The co�nunity �roup, hereby referred to as the P.A.C., elected an executive secretary, drafted By-Laws and submitted a budget. The first year's budget was for $5,800 to include: salary for one full-time executive secretary, promotional supplies and social security. The budget has since grown to approximately $12,000 to include: one full-time executive secretary, part-time clerical staff, promotional materials, rent, etc. The group decided it would be more advantageous to enter into a third party contract rather than a direct contract. The Health and WeLfare Planning � Council of the United Fund was chosen. The third party contractor was . to provide; supervision of P.A.C. gersonnel, disposition of P.A.C. funds, establishment and maintenance of records, establishment of social security and Internal Revenue accounts, organi'zation and program consultation ' as required. R-217 .I, I _ � � � ' . The ur oses of the P.A.C. are: P P I 1. To become as familiar as possible with urban renewal policies I' and guidelines. � I� 2. To involve citizens in meaningful participation of the activities I of H.R.A. as the plan is implemented. ii � 3. To implement the communication between the residents of the project �! and the staff of the L.P.A. I'i �� 4. To assist the L.P.A. in future planning by making the wishes of i the residents known to the L.P.A. . 5. To assist the L.P A. in determinin riorities du.rin the im le- e . . • g P � P >�E � mentation of the project. � � 6. Effect the planning proc'ess and participate in new plans. �i To date, during the twenty-one months of operation, the P.A.C. has accomplished these goals, by monthly. informational mailings, bi-monthly general meetings, conferences with neighbors regarding their concerns about urban renewal and making progress reports available to the couQnunity. The P.A.C. group hosts block meetings in order to facilitate rehabilitation, Eigh� such meetings have been held to .discuss rehabili- tation and disseminate rehab information to approximately 120 hoaieowners. Technical assistance and supervision is provided by H.R.A, and Community Health and Welfare Planning Council, respectively. The P.A.C. executive secretary communicates daily with the project site office and .is informed of all administration changes. Also, See Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, & G. R-217 '� • f � • !I � _ i . ; � I � _ �..�. � �chibit ��An �i , _ . • -. � �i Summar Evaluation y I RIO VISTA PLANNING COUNCIL I � �� i � First-Year Operation . , . � Some bf the ground-work for Rio Vista was done by the River �� View Citizens' Association. There was some continuiCy and overlaping �li membership with RCA representing the whole West Side as distinct fram i� Rio Vista in Concord Terrace. However, there were distinctively I ' " authentic qualities about the group process leading to Rio Vista's �-�' ••� < h organization with high morale factors stemming from the trip to Chicago , . A� and beginning success experience. I While the initia], membership was drawn from existing groups, the membership policy remains open with respect to the project area and during the entire year, there has been a representative kind of partici�pation from throughout the project area. There is a warmth, openness., objectivity and familial quality about the organization that makes it possible for residents to freely express themselves through it. : The lack of critical issues with respect to the Urban Re- newal Planning has prevented Rio Vista from achieving anything like the strength it had at the beginning from the magnitude of the big issue over any particular situation during its first year. However, there has been good participation on neighborhood issues bearing some relation to the Urban Renewal Planning like the stop light, the con- struction schedules, the rehabilitation loans and suggested modifica- tion of the street pattern. . By comparison with other St. Paul neighborhoods in renewal, there is an extraordinaril.y high level of trust among the people in � -- - Concord Terrace who are concerned with community improvement. This is extremely helpful in arriving at concensus, but sometimes obviates exploration of viabTe alternatives. The local housing authority staff has proved openness to -- suggestions from the residents through Rio Vista and the Authority generally has acknowledged a significant contribution of citizen' in-put toward implementing Urban Renewal Planning. - CH&WPC 1/22/70 R-2I7 ... ' . . - j • � -I i i ; 3 _ II ; I � . . .. . . .. . . .. . . � . � � - -. .- . _'�"'_,�.� � Exhibit "B" � � i� ' � �I . . I July 29, 1970 � Board of Commissioners Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota SS East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sirs: I am writing in response to your lettex of July 10, 1970 concerning the Ice Arena in Concord Terrace. It is the recoromendation of the Rio Vista Citizens Planning Council that Block 23 be utilized for the site for this arena. We feel this location is geographically situated to serve both the upper and lower West Side equally. An.Ice Arena on this part of town would be most advantageous for the youth. Block 23 is strategically located so it could be used �by Dunedin Terrace Public Housing residents from the upper West Side as well as Torre de San Miguel families. The selection of this site has our whole-hearted support. . Sincerely, . � � , c_.._,✓c�''�;"?-��''�:��.��"� �r John R. Flores . President of Rio Vista . R-217 _.. _ , ,� i : � . • , �� � � ; ; - : �,I � � '� � . . � � '� - � RI 0 VISTA CITIZENS PLANNING COUNCIL 179 East Robie Street St, Paul, Minnesota 55107 I� 227-9291 �i . il . I�I July 27, 1970 � Housing and Redevelopment Authority � 55 E. Fifth St. � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: On July 6, 1970 Rio Vista Citizens Planning Council held its monthly meeting. Qne of the items of discussion was the Amendatory your agency is proposing for Concord Terrace-Minnesota R-37. Robert Simon and Jerry Mangle of your staff explained that you would be requesting additional moneys to acquire 108 additional parcels of land. We also understand that this does not necessarily mean the Housing Authority will acquire 108 additional parcels because this land will onl be acquired if the homeowner requests acquisition. Rio Vista realizes that if this amendatory gQes through it will enable the Housing Authority to buy the homes that have become incapable o£ being rehabed and also to purchase homes that are eco- nomically infeasible to rehab for the present owner. Rio Vista therefore whole-heartedly endorses this amendatory because it will help many of the Concord Terrace residents; many of whom have al- . ready requested acquisition from the Housing Authority and are pre- sently waiting for this additional money from the federal government. We hope your agency will do everything possible to speed up the additional funding badly needed for the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area. Very truly yours, ' - � , / � � C��GCc`,�� � � � Esper/anza Ceniceros . Executive Secretary EC:bz i i' , . � i . � i � ; . i � ! _ . . . . I . • `• • � �j . ; , , . , _ � : _..J� Exhibit "C" , : � � i , � ��� � �a�or�� �� o� h BOARD OF DIRECTORS � ���� I Richard H. Bancroft, Jr., President I Mrs. Robert C. Knutson, Ist Vice President � James E. Henly, 2nd Vice Presidenf I 7 9 E A S T R O B I E S T R E E T - 2 2 7 - 9 2 9 I � � Mrs. William E. Mears, $ecretary S A I N T P A U L , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 I 0 7 � Benjamin Mintz, Treasurer Mrs. David W. Aberle � Mrs. Donald C. Appleby � - Mrs. Norman E. Biorn Dyer J. $rogmus Mrs. H. G. Dillingham July 27, 197� Mrs. Carl B. Dreke, Jr. Mrs. James Glanton Kenneth P. Griswold John L. Hannaford James A. Harris , Mrs. Albert H. Heller, Jr. �. Gerald Seigler Mrs. Wiiliam T. Hiland w�n�em Hoffman St. Paul Housing and Redevelopffient Authority Mrs. Thomas E. Irvine '' ' ' Joseph L. Kramer 12/{ $a$t Winifred Street Alan T. LeWin Drake J. Lightner .St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Earl E Lilljenberq Rolf G Ljungkull Mart�n J. Mansur Wallece A. Martin Dear Jerry: Dr. Warner Ogden � Marvin J. Pertzik � � � � � � I John J.Pierson Mrs. Thomas R. puinlan At three separate meetings 1.3St week, the staff, frank J. Rodriguez Mrs.John H. Roe, Jr, t�le PYOgrS1Il Committee, and the Executive Committee Mrs. Harold D. Roussopoulos roh� a. sa�a9e voted unanimously to endorse Block 23 in the Hous- Mrs. Howard J. Seesel in and Redevelo ment Authorit �S ac uisition IIl3 Gordon Shepard g P . }� Q P Mrs. E. J. Weschcke as the s�ite for the ice arena�. We understand that � E. Irving Whyatt Dan A. Williams this is the block which is bounded by Isabel Street, HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Congress Street, Wab asha S treet and Onega Street. Mrs. C. L. Ames , Charles J. Birt We believe that this ice arena would bring untold Frederic Crosby benefits to the residents of St. Paul, particularly Mrs. $tan D. Donnelly those who live in the Riverview area. While the M�S. Welte� B. D��:�oll relocation of families from this block is unfor- Dr. Milton G. Walls tunate, it is our understand.ing that, in general, Mrs. Fred Weyerhaeuser tt12 3CQuj.SltloTl Of structures in this b10Ck WOUld • Mrs. H. B. Zimmermann CSUSH the Ze3St amount of hardship iri COIIlP3L'1SOri � � EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR with other possible sites. Franklin A. Hijikata We are pleased to make known to you the action of these three bodies . Sincerely yours, , . � � �-'� // . /�,/ /f� ..,��i.. .���� _ ' .. � ���� �LL ��"�-:-�L,l�. l.�! J ��._j/ . . V FrankTin A. Hijikata � '.-: ,_1_1N FAH:tb ' � � �.d,�', i ��!`'��'r;�,'S�'�,�� V �Y+ l� , �.: ,t�a G�'� �� � :; � � •�s�ti � ^, I, � � � a_ .. i, i . �,: ', J� �a: : �iy>> � �; H F �n � U,.� d�l� �;i L.., � / . . i', � �. � j � � . ! .�\ •,� /�Q . � ��; �:�� .. • �, �,�(?. .� . ' R-217 ��z � • • I � . Ij - � �:� . � pchibit ��D�� I� ' I TORRE DE SAN MIGUEL HOMES, INC. I 179 East Robie Street �I St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 � 227-9291 I � I I � July 24, 1970 Mr. Edward Helfeld, Director � Housing and Redevelopment Authority 55 E, Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Site for Pro,p.osed Ice.Ar�na on the West Side Dear Mr. Helfeld: At the Torre De San Miguel Board Meeting of July 22, we were given a status report on the ice arena. The Torre Board is naturally con- cerned with all opportunities and benefits the neighborhood is given, but it had a special interest in the ice arena because it was rumored that a possible site for the ice arena would be the same site the Torre Board has been counting on for the 236 Housing Development. You can be assured that the Torre Board was very glad to hear that the Housing Authority Commissioners had clearly stated that the Torre De San Miguel Homes site would not be considered for the ice arena. The Torre Board concurs with the suggested site, block 23, which is bounded by Wabasha, Congr�ss, Onega and Isabel Streets mainly because of its central location in relation to all of District 43A. � We are glad to note that the Housing Authority is trying to work . _ with Ramsey Countyls Commissioners to meet the wishes of the West Side residents. The Torre Board would also like to express its appreciation that the Housing Authority is attempting to follow the wishes of the people it serves, no matter how dificult the task. . . � � Very truly yours, . � � ���n ���� ,, ��, � / ��,_I_'-► �., i " �\`�- �--c,/� , . Ruben Ruiz i�>-�%' g";�t"s , � Vice President RR:ec /,.�%, °fi;', � 'r�� ,� �'-1'' yv�� 'f . ,;4-2---� _-� s:�, � , �', �'r '`���; �° ' S � - �'.?� fa �-.. • �.;-,� �,, ��� C��',_� %`,,. � .r�;� `%? /'�-� �r! ,.1����` ���/, � ' / l�\ �����f/ R-217 . . l ; . + - i � � � � � ... .. ,:1,-. ,S� � . . .. . . . '. .. _ . . �...... � n�"�`C Exhibit "E" I � � •�, � CULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTER I i � �; CONTINUATION EDUCATION CENTER j � _ � . � - � . �uADALUPE AREA PR:OJECT ��- "PROGRESS OUR ONLY DIRECTION" �'dward{Yelsc�h / �t'illiane/foJ(ntan�t �� 61arv Jo Richardsori ,�� � � ���iy.� �"-Y" � � Fatlter Rati�Alarsour / � ��� // � � Frnak Hi�ikata - � r�i u (/ -���''� � Joseplr RrrJim•dso�r /� Robert Rode�r �� iC � % Janies Borgstron: `�� � ..����' 1 • � -�/��*/1/ l`'� Advisory Board � !�� �� � �� � /.ucina rtdaniea `1 � ��..- /'✓������/�� �� . H�i!liant Hilmid ��Z � � �/ L" ' �'�„�i'✓ il/arri�cl Kirc�ra � r ��/ � +----. . _ Ra�wiond Kenrpc :' 1 � �J ��U`� . �G� Ruebe�t Rr�r� / ,� ,,,�t^-- !�,..���C` ' � , ' �`'r�- Smuano Ortiz /���t�:/ G,�✓ ' // . j � I��..`� _� ' i/ Robert/�apas � " ✓ J���- ; / � Cartre!l Cooper F � � �� ii�� � Afikc Kodi•iqt�e: �`� ` '���C' �,� �/"z� ^ Celia Hllaird ��L� � � • �J bfari�Loza�ro /" � ,� �-�L i Carolinc Orti= ��" Sistcr:t/an�Joseph ;�ti� °� .,'/ '" '_.. /".�/���..Z. � `�_Z,; C_-�=- Sister RL Brig�d l / `��----r-�` �� / � ���-c.� 1 `. � , r;�` �_ � � '..�ti �� . L`��.r�� �j�,��c/�'`"� . ,i �;:�. �G'�-- � _`v�i'' �" - i �.� ��ti �� �i< � ,/ i� �'__•.v'i� �l���`�f ` ,� �,��,�r_ �L� �1�1i� /f� G� ..�__- � '�� ��-�` "� ,�- - - /w , � ';� � ,%� �, �/..��; ,,�-� � ,� e-fi�.t:i%G� �_�c;-�-�-,-� s-:�-r— i _ '" ` ,�i�� L�� �"J�''c'�-�-�`� / ' f� �",: _-,•-y-•-✓ '�� " j � �L�,�,,.��-.--' r �_ �� .� � . ; , �� � �--�� , �,� �!,,i-�-L� i: ��_. � y�,�-�."� -�'s� �• ��`"z C�, ti � ., �. ' ' �"'�""--�• � ,�� �`" � � .�� �y �,� i' 1 ,/ � � �,' ° ,,� � , J � /� �- � 6�, c/ `�� '-�. ` � �� � �.✓ {""" -�-' - . --� -� G! ` �--�``�`'� � -� , � �' s i;. �1 ���5/ �• , ��� �I �= � �� �- /� ./�. �,,,�.�L L. ` �� �, � '. i-- � ��,., /�� "1 ,P�AG�� �!'/ ��, �-:'� �,� ���„/'i� � r 0 �� � �/ �� d����� c��y� �� � , �� L � � rn s ' . 381 EAST ROBIE STREET, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55107 — TELEPHONE 222-0757 S. M. GIOVANNi, S.S.N.D. — DIRECTOR R-217 . . - ,� . , ,. ._. �_ ....,:, . . .>.. .� � � • -��� � ,. `• . ... � r�, . .. � . . . . . . . . . .. • � .. .. � � � � � � .. . . . . . . . . '� .� �hibi t "F" `'UV�S� �[�� ��O�te�i�' to benefit West Side Youth 179 EAST ROEIE I SAINT PAUL. MIN\ESOTA 55107 TRUSTEES 227_g2gy STANLEY FISHMAN, ARCHtTECT EDWAR'D N. MANSUR, ATTORNEY . JAMES HENLEY, cotisutTaNr SETH R. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY FRANKLIN HIJIKATA DIRECTOR• NIEGHBORHOOD HOUSE July 24, 1970 Housing and Redevelopmenz Authority 124 E. Winifred Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 ATTENTION: Jerry Seigler Gentlemen: After reviewing the proposed ice arena site which is property hounded by Wabasha, Congress, Isabel and Onega Streets, the West Side Booster Club whole-heartedly supports the site. We understand that we are endorsing a plan which would involve. total clearance of that block. We feel that it is highly impor- tant that the ice arena be located in this area making it very accessible to the many children in our community. ' Sincerely yours, •��%fGc� , , Joseph Ruiz -- President JR:bz ��JN� � \� �� .,, r`�lx',� n�,� �,�'�F, f,� 2 � � -- J(� ' °. � � � � � . � . 6 yo�;�� �%'�v,`�,;�; 3 . S vfh � Rt, .�t� j, � n� t ad ar�t cer ' zJ G�hj��� � � s � R-2ll . . _ � � • � I � � ;.... �� �, Exhibft "G" ' � I � � � July 27, 1970 � � . Mr. Gerald Seigler St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority - 124 East Winifred Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Mr. Seigler: � The WESCOT (West Side Community Organization Team) at its July 21st meeting went on record supporting the proposed HRA site for an Ice .?rena on the West Side, St. Paul. The site is bounded by Congress , Wabasha, Onega and Isabel Streets . The site is strategically located and its acquisition is economically feasible. We hope that our support of this site for the arena will be taken into consideration in granting permission for acquisition of needed ' land and granting of funds for construction of arena. Sincerely yours, ��.Z.._ /�-�u.�� ,Z� Clare Blanchette Chairman WESCOT � lly�_L�� . �,�y��r��>. �2� . �, � •.� ��� ��'� y�/�C� �`.i �1 Si�v.,� ��;', � �`, o iy •, �\ 5,t aG���';/,`t�G .,`� `I i - �% ���� .rj�, Y! . . . . � � ♦ � . v�� s �� R-217 ' - 1 � I * . li I . _ I -� i . I HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � AMENDATORY . CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 CODE R-221 REHABILITATIQN AND CONSERVATION DATA . R-221 ���.,� _ • • REHABILITATION REPORT During the eigh�een months the Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project has been in execution, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has encountered a considerable change in the feasibility of rehabilitating a great number of the residential properties. Basically, the problems in accomplishing rehabilitation ' are twofold: 1. Properties originally designated for rehabilitation during the Survey • and Planning stage t�ave deteriorated more rapidly than had been anticipated, partially' due to the desire of property owners to defer repairs and maintenance until the work could be done with the assistance of the 312 program for rehabilitation. 2. Construction costs have increased drastically in the last three years. This factor alone has aade r.iaay of the properties economically infeasible. T o substantiate the feasibility of rehabilitation, the Housing Authority purchased six "typical" residential properties to be used for demonstration rehabilitation. The Scope of Work to be done on each property was patterned after the rehabilitation standards for the project. In addition � to the purchase price, the rehabilitation costs for the three properties were $15,750, $16,000 and $19,000. This demonstrates infeasibility for � structures of this age and condition, rather than feasibility as was the primary purpose. • In 1966-67, before project approval, the staff of the LPA and the City Code inspectors inspected all properties designated for rehabilitation in the project area. During the 18 months that the Concord Terrace Project has been in execution, the rehab staff assigned to the Concord Terrace Pro,ject has conducted an in depth analysis of the 239 structures. There are SS structures in the process of rehab, 7 have been complet�d, 106 structures have been classified infeasible, 6 have reiused to rehabilitate and 92 are still actively considering rehab. R-221 -1- _ . . _ • • The Code inspection reports and the current xeinspections of these properties are the basis used for determining the infeasibility of the 106 structures now being reclassified as "To Be Acquired." Section D, Project Proposals, of the approved Redevelopment Plan for the Concord Terrace Project sets for the conditions under which property not now designated for acquisitian may be acquiredt . R-221 -la- ------ . _ . .. . � . u .. . .,, • � (b) Conditions Under Which Property Not Now Designated f4r Acquisition May Be ?.cquiz�ed Structures which do not meet applicable laws, codes, ordinances and regula- tions of the City of Saint Paul or property rehabilitation standards of this plan, and are capable of being rehabilitated, but whose owners are either unable to or refuse to take such neasures, or properties which are in such a substandard condition that the carrection thereof cannot be accomplished through the enforcement of the above regulations, codes and standards, may be acquired by the Authority. Upon the acquisition of such properties, the Authority will elect to: DEMOLISH the structure or structures thereon and dispose of the land in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan at its fair market valt�e to a developer for redevelopment, or SELL the property to a private purchaser subject to its being rehabilitated to all the conservation objectives, or REHABILITATE such a structure prior to resale. The list of properties which are to be included for acquisition under the Redevel- � opment Plan, based on the condition set forth above, were determined infeasible to rehabilitate because of the following structural deficiencies: Basic Structural � 1. Foundation A conservative estimate is that 907. of the properties have lime.st,one founda- tions. Many have deeply spalled or open mortar joints; some have stones missing and vertical cracks and settlement. Also, many buildings have partial cellars and the unexcavated areas have only � grade line foundations or do not extend below frost line. 2. Posts , Beams and Joists These support members are primarily of Bouglas Fir, but in many properties are undersized and �are overspanned. Wood posts under Che main beam have settled due to decay at the base of the posts which were not installed on proper footings with plinth blocks. Stair openings have been improperly framed with only single header and trimmer joists, causing additional settlement in .the � building. To help correct or prevent further settlement, shims have been used as well as other vertical members such as jack posts , single and double 2 x 4's, fence posts, porch columns, etc. Joist ends embedded in the limestone foundation walls have decayed and, in some instances, have deteriorated completely. To attempt to prevent or correct further settlement, spliced wood members have been nailed to the R-221 , -2- • • existing jois.ts rather than extending the wood member from the foundation wall to the center beam. Crawl spaces in buildings with partial cellars are not properly ventilated or heated, causing dampness and conditions conducive to decay. 3. Outside Walls Due to settlement in the foundation, the walls have also settled as evidenced by the out-of-square window and door framese Balloon framing, used in ,some. properties, creates a path for fire (should it __ , get into the walls) from the cellar to the attic. Also, improper roof framir�g -. :, 5 and a heavy snow load have caused the walls to push oueward. Very few of the exterior wa11s in the Concord Terrace area have been insulated for weather conditions. 4. Roof Structure Some roofs are sagged to a considerable degree due to the absence of purlins and struts for the overspanned roof, valley and hip rafters. Softit and fascia boards are decayed or missing, especially on the structures that had the old built-in gutter systems, where the moisture problem wasn't - � attended to properly. These conditions allow for the entry of moisture and provide a haven for squirrels and birds. 5. Floors • in many instances, floors are sagged and/or sloped to a considerable degree due to the settlement and deterioration of the support members. � The great majority of the cellar concrete floors have only a butter coat of concrete and are broken, heaved, cracked and spalled. Some cellars have just the earthen floor. R-221 - 3 - , i • � � Mechanical 1. Heatin� Most of the hot water heating plants are old, deteriorated and have sprung � i leaks which have been patched. � Warm air gravity and pipeless furnaces are inefficient to properly heat the structure to a 70° F. temperature when the temperature outside is -20° F. Some of the converted groperties with warm air heat have a mixture of air in all units; this condition is undesirable, especially with sickness in the _� . . - . building. Also, controlled heat is not possible in the units that do not have a thermostat. . Many of the units have oil or gas space heaters that are hazardous and inefficient. Adjacent areas are not adequately heated to the required temperature where heat must flaw through more than one door opening. 2. Electrical Practically all of the properties still utilized the outdated, inefficient 30 ampere electrical services. Most of the properties which have been converted to two or more living units have not increased the size of the electrical service. Consequently, lighCing circuits are somewhat overfused, appliance circuits are not provided and homemade or unapproved �airing exists � in most instances. 3. Plumbin� . Aga�n, in most of the properties that have been converted to two or more . living units, additional bath facilities have been installed without benefit of venting the fixtures. A few of these converted properties have shared bath facilities with aecess off public halls which is a violation of City Ordinanee. Waste lines that have developed leaks have been patched with tape, string, radiator hose, etc. Many of the wall hung sinks are chipped and worn and are R-221 - 4 - � i not vented. Most of the propertfes have the water meters in pits, thereby affording a means of ingress for"rodents. (Plumbing repair costs in the City of Saint Paul are exorbitant due to the Plumbing Code which restricts the use of modern materials such as plastics.) The above deficiencies do not include a description of the condiCion of the � walls, cei2ings, windows, porches, stairs, �doors, roof covering, and the site work ' that would be included in determining feasibility. Each parcel folder is individually documented concerning the work required to � � • - bring the particular progerty fnto compliance with the°applicable codes of the City�� � � " of Saint Paul. R-221 -5- ; � _ _ ' � • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � I AMENDATORY � CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 CODE R-222 LAND ACQUISITION DATA ' , R-222 - �,R*'�Y..R�F,,"KT9G��., "XL'fT+'.�+°'.'R'i_ _ �a�..� . _. . . ....�;!'s:�..c _`!�s.C� =�S'..�.-,w�r�,•�.+::.�v.qo»y.r..�.r.,.„g�,n..e.-w�..��.y�... ::�a � . . . . . :ti;57na��.:S:.'�.:8...�2°.. . ... . xti`k ' ., . .. .. . . . . . . � ,,, .. . :. . . . _. . .:; .. .,; . , ;., , ; > ,;. . . _ . .: . m.� • , _ _ . • � � LAND ACQUISITION DATA 1. Property Map See Acquisition Map amended July 1970 attached. 2i AcquisiCion Appraisals ' Submitted under separate cover are the Rea1 Eatate Acqufsition Estimates made by the LPA Real Estate Officer. 3. Yroperties Reclassified to "To Be Acquired" A list of identified properties to be acquired as part of this Amendatory are attached as Exhibit "A". See R-212, Project Area Report. . , . R-222 , ,_� _ _ y. __ _ . _._ _..: _,.. .�a.. .� . .��...�..__ _ _ . _ <> . � . . . . , . . . � , , -. , �. . ,�.. r ;'.,. . � . ..� ..: �. . . ., . -. � .. .. . ... - . . . • � � � . . • � - .� . � TA$ULATION OF PROPER'TY TO BE ACQUIRED Es.timates of Land Area �A I Value and In A raiser's Valuations Estimate of ; Acquisition No. of Square Acquisition � Cost ?arcels Feet Land Onlv Total Cost � � . a. Total pur.-, . chases and � 111 613,765 $1,570,000* � donations b. Purchases (Total) 11.1 613,765 . 1,570,000* � �Federally , � � Owned or - I,eased Other Pcib- licly Owned . - Privately Owned 111 613,765 1,5�0,000* Public Util- . ity Ease- � ments Da�age to . - . •Property Not Taken � c. Donations . (Total) . ' Vacation of . • ' Streets and � � Other Public . Rights-of- iJay _ Donations by LPA ' � Donations by � Other Enti-. � ties , . *�he table does not irtclude $72,000 for the service station on Parcel 61-4, 5� and 6. (See letters attached.) � _ . _ � < - . � i . � ; . � _ _ ,. .� ....____.._ '�!_ ��., . ... tµ£Ni�� i.., .. � � GGi���"1�. � f o..''��� �" s° � , ' � t_F .• iI{�,;ji� = DEPARTMENT O� HOUSI�.G AND URBtiN DEVELOFMENT �/ R �� ;* '�;j'�5.� * � G� i J i=�i' '�sY ����j:�� +� 360 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLIN015 60601 ? . ��3A30 H�• . . � ��� �� V REGIOM IV 'IN REPLY REFER TO:%T1W? cYi+."v2 ��� ��J� � TQ: _�.. � � t-ts°• �'�ZT'�....�'t� pi. ��L'��C.�.C� M.ANDE2SQN c�E�� � �.^ . [� R. fl.�. $ �S� .. �!:(r'�:��'J�` �:�.,t.'t+l~n iv~ J. UA'tNfGAN E. `•- ,�. ,. .. Fr'ii_EY ,�� ��•- �,,.,�► �'ii• �'�tJ!Z ��h's'�^i:i:;.?a l�."'!�� D. BUDDtFJC'i �,;. Gl;.^ c � j ,��.�,s'�,:,� �r'1•�� �L7 .,Y Y � r{ �r�� '. �� t r •� 1 j�i".C�GV��G `:,:.lv �:%i'i._,.��'��:,y" D. COOP�� f' I':1Ct ` i : � „ ' � +�'';', ,. , �_ !.� rt� �W�.� r ti , ....� ,�. '�.. ;� -+.,. L i.i �._l � t_. .�. .,�z:..�:� n. cosc,tcve � r�n,rr `' ►�^'.,'G• ��L!';1�.' I.'.�„�',t te;..^-.J'i;3 rj�`��� V. COUGN...�l P. � � _` ��v�`�"�,�1j`l,��C��<�,r � . " r.,�,;i��,�iE � �. .1 �9 a. �ra�ic `, � �iU�sin��,'?�t3ev: .� �i�::Y �:Z'o �C'7.:'i�t�: -- � ;a?��� �iG'.`ct!Cl,i�y FiCc�Vlti: �, .�'i: �2°FA(.�h;iur,u. '0� SE.,. P;iE +�:��:� - � f 5�N'�1er.:,: �j°���:�� S'o. i''S�?�S. I:-�'j F'�EPr1�c R��LY `� �� .:i�=��• \ I'c:'s'�r��g �1_!}� >> L:::t3 G FOR YLUft li,ir����,",aTl�i�� '� �'��' 1� t�r� i'.;�'L' S."�'.���'.�i�:.�� �G:1 �'�l�:` 1 r'i',��'L° �S' �',�1.f 'ca.�?.g 1�.'v9� �?.'•1�.C'll ?�t°UVa�^3 �LI i�;'��.'� ^ 3�'•`• . .C...�;._-...�1 il�Y' '��3 ��%f!��'��3:�.u).O.il t1'�i:�'l t)?'�j.r.'C'i� �S.'L':.':.e�� p�' 1'.?.�^. b i?:.�.�.�?��.^� �. ��::�'V'3.0"�..' u�^.L7+i'. ;,a _3• � ., �''.�� 1'!�ii �.'Ct±l„ �};�tv V''iC ��.SI�Qi:;.'.'ti.uS.C�:3 uF::"w:_'13:u'`uC:� 'J't?^u'L.�4_�.''�^':i 1�1t.^. r1L'.�'e:t?,."l,�v �s' _:.^ �".�..,f��}�I� �I� 1: ...�J."r�J� I,�.;r_S�1i �i:.�6•S� ��i���:i:�1r l 1.�.:i�rS� . � A�' L�v i:y��C.t:�i 1�:�.� P�.t.�a.�.....�1 v �6� h3�1:.�'..�i ���.,,�..,� l.w"R.t�J�1 t1� �� "4� 1�V t '1 '� !� t n'•ry.!.� . Z � �::L ll � L C� ::a�L�.. �5�... V.� 6r�..�� .��..•w Uu:�� b.^.�'L'.`_1 (::�.��^_';' l f�C^� n.-�'-:�:�J:�. 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C�..�, Z')f.� .�?:.t::'.t '1:� C�._ a''! �:`2^ �:Cis="::'.v'�C:! _�:.':�C� fi�r 1�.�:iL� O�`� �.3��37'�Cir�� Q+:'1Wy' �s�.'..�'a�S A':.� L�Y::�::::J�.0 iG� . �3il�`�:'£.i1:S'�.3 "4`•s v�'lt`7 '"r��a"J V�:;:��::L V• •1 ;3� 21� .N,`�'.'J's'i� C.^.�!1C:,'�tl"S�'� t7,,.v L1C{i:�.�� O'3 t:°�! �^�.� L`'J �i,P.w'� C�`zC�'s'o�.�� �?1c�;:� e_v� y 'z�. y o �'�..".�.s �l."L�%^,��:�;�• ��,�nr..���r ��..w�n ""'v �i i'f . �:. j 1 ._ ._. :— ',, / : • • �j�' '����/ . '�,1, �Q� .�5.'S1��.�.:.i �'U O L:-31.:.^:.'.L`� �y �.r ��-,�..��'y�!• �'1 b^I' 1� �.�.! ! .�.t� • (SG�v.�S��� 11v.3.iwt�. ..:,e y.'.�.-��.�e�:: � L.:.'.:.�1.�1..'d.e3�iy,"'.,'�.i�J.C' iG�.a' l C:?'.::�t�'.��. �'.:�+.�i.wL4,:�.°� . �� � . • ♦ � . . �:►: � i . jr . ' ! Mr. �omas S. Kilbrlde � . � Acting Assist��t RP�;ianal hd�ministrator '�Zp Z�' ig�i9 �or RenPwal Ac�s��tance - , • B�spa�rcr.,�nt of 2+.ouaia�; nnd Urban Devalopment 3EiO ?�fl3'th ?�iChic=,.in Aveatse Chfc4�a, Illinol.e b�Jb01 ' Ret Fraps�rty Acc?uisition Parc:els b1-4-�-6 Conco�d ��rrace &pnewai pro��ct � P4inn. £-37 I3�sr Hr. Kilbride: Ia re�aon�� to yr�ur 1cttPr o� 3��:nfl I$, 19s9, c:� Ar� t�nn�,�:itTi�ri �ere�.i�h � l��al a;�ininn t��;ndere;�3 b� tt�c� CLCy's Co:pazatio� C�:sz�seL r�:;a:din� t:;;; 3SSUai�r� o� a �necial uaa. pai-�it for tlie construction or a servica �tation in Sain[ Pa�;l. Since you have pr�e=iou$ly indic�►ted that w� h�d both tha oppartu:�it•� ar.d th� ���i��ta.on t� g:e:-�nt tite constrsc�io�t oi thQ Fhillips E�� ;��tia� irt ts<� Co:�c��a '�:•�:.�c� ;�^�e*.�at �':°f'=�:t, saQ as:c t�iat you e�ain review this �aCter in light oz tha atta.:h�d 1��:�j npizsinn.. Si.�cerslY, E�!ward ;i. hels�:d E�cecutiv� fiit•ector EL�/�h � cc:ljSii�on:op�rations:rea3fr.g;files : �j,�.,. . �.r� , � s : . � _ • _..._:_._..d . . . . � � , � • � . . ��YlNI�� � I• � � . � M� . .. vt �Ii��ll'�� y�+ . . • . . �* � �II' * o DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT s-, 11111111 � � � a )3��M�4 ' . . ; �• � 4xF September 4� 1969 , Hr. Edward rJ. Helfeld Executive Uirector Housing b Redevelopment Authority _ 4�1 �.'abasha Street � St. Paul, Aiinnesota 55102 Dear Mr. llel.elds Sub jects Pro ject i+o., 'eiinn. P.-37 Parcels t�o. 61-4,5,6 Your letter o£ July 29, 1969, with aceompanying legal opinion sufficiently justifies �hQ acc;uisi�ioa of thc rhillips 66 5tatio:�, iurceis 61-�,�5, and , 6 with project funds. You raay now subr�it a E{tiD-b144 reaiestin� ca�zcurrence fn tha acyuisition oL this proper�y� lund nnd ir�prove�ents. Si,nce funds for the ncquisiti�n of the builcliu, c;cre reraoved from the �en- datory a,�plicatio:� su.�nitted i.i .:ay, you s�a� use conti:t,_;ency func?s to j rovide for purchase of the ini rove.�ents snould }�ou c:esire to procee� iu�rlediateZy. Sincerely y�ours, Thonas S. I�i.lbride, Actin� Assistant Re;ional Ad:ninistrator for fienewal t�.ssistaizce _ �� . ... ..}�: . . . . . . .. . . . .. . , ,. . . . . .. � � �. . . � ..• .. � .. . . .. . . . . .. • �.. � � .. [v"_`""d.�y.`��es'•:�..:.. . .. . . .. . , � . . . . .. . . . ..:..� 1 I I �i''.w'� �'��.'�'9 d+• �.:�s'���.��� �a�� ��,� ��'�4 !':c.t:f:'�� ��^t�'��:�;�� ;..�;�o:a�J� !�':�*�ga�k��or � _. ���,� ���:�a���.�$ r.�������;:�� . r�;,•.,,,..,ya.�.�:�r+ +t ►y�„ ^�nev �+'��..^..':1 �^.�,l�P.�'�":'""�':>lS�.' a.•.... ..k.:.e.i,....F: �D:. �.;.::�_ ..� �.'!t'� t. !��, s:,..'..,,.e..s �es !l e�.+ � ..�� �.:,.�..3 .�»�a2�';::� li�t'C.._,.'� � �.,n /� .� S.•�.�.�.,.i°.+'�;.r�! �ub�s+a4r� . EA�.�.-.'+,.�� � � . t-'',AS �l^«r',�'�f3aC�.C!&! �� �?`CL'�,Lf �*"'r5s �! �1 r,�^�r� :'c�cwa �'.:.�w:�.:^�� e��;;°�a� �t"�'4"�:.^�G Z:�. t:i.::�3. �:":� �'��� �?"�. f�:z��1c;t�t - �,'e.e!"��*� aV�� �R .n.�.°.'".�� 'r'���.�. �a .3^J�� * ��a Ms., � x y +:: . s�r�.�iv La-.�.�+L:�+M.. b' ar� „ � .. �.a ���:. :�s �'�s� �cru ��,a��.+a� 4� "'"� � ?'a �:';;..'°w;':9."'� %:��Q.`Ca� �.�i�<<* �t !�.?';.? F'J l'°'.�.�.a ^.;.J�i�r� ��.'..^.f1�• a:t;:a,",:^^J^11w��� [a,'� wC!nr;.+,�u°::!� C�'! i.'�^`y'i e«�:.:9 a;..:.:"�)L�rW C�'J `•�..w'r-."n'c�'i�i3� I�.Tr1 �.�:�'3 G"�.C'`'wS'i.'.,".3��,.`�.t�^':1 C�d: C.;���M.'� �°a+�'r,i�,�'1"�w,�•�r��..-.A..J �.,.':�d:.3 ��.Y, �,.�,,...»����• :,�: :::*.�3 z��!:"�"� �� �-�-.�� ?:^_wu^�. nf; _.v ,.�r�Cr, i �. �. r,..,; �. �, --.,,�, .� �. .� �, .. � n. �!a . �C'J'v.:..'� �.`.�3C) �C?.�.._:°�v �:�:.� '��.;:5`�„"'y," ��',: �'p. .3 .•:,.�!w A'.`�-�}s�� S•!�.�'n! 6:;";r�.�•.,.n ��. f,! .�'.! .^. � " '. - :�. ..,-.�h .R..r.� r�e C :•n���� q L_.0:� �;.:�,a C�_ .. c..a..i�.,. t,. � �.-.. .....,S:r� f.?a G..'�;..:�..f"`,;� Ca►}..2 ��i..."-.� � ri'� C'�.�.:.w.. s.-..:v w.-s ..i�...+..._wa.�' . �� � �w rp!o � r'' �..► (�. 1h'C'�"?�1rr M;�.�. (�R t ro,yen �w,nsn,.�.�..,.4 �f .?� . . :'o �.�ua�5,.���.m>:.,J �:�4� ���` y-�.��r4 �..,.t �.► .:c.E� L�F.� Aw4.L:...�� �1Ni.1,�i,!���...A �i6."u.��.• _ ' ��.-�.��i��ry,~��!'. �p��� �� ^1�^R,.i'�:J TM'�!�;,�'.� c�.�i ���.f..�.�iS.�°.w �.:`i�w C��:�i.1��~w� 4.�4� ^W'�.�i�w.�.�}���'1 /yu`.�.:�.1'�i::X.::C-.::.i - .! R.�. �}if w�.,J ..�w. T � .'�.r, *.,µ •h. e•,.�.. ,J;•w r 4 .,� n..+ew.,�a.......! p � �.'.�i L�.i..,_. �.� �:'y:�.:..1.'���::1 f. . .,..'�.i..f.'!a� ��'3 i.:.� tJ:�.`���wf�1:� Ys�..�r�v�.�v..y.S� .'Pe�;.:.��L�,�. .. r.` � ,...'<.:.:i� I�.C� . . .wF .eM�h h�+�R �: �° •rMhrr+ .n� «..��nf r-, t'.+.�.yr . ..��r� e+-0n Q �n r.,. '+a,•,.ry�ys .,. ..: ,.,.... �..sl� �_.�,:,C� t3,. .� :1 w..'J .. _�. .L�.:_1 1..'+_.+:...... �;<'!:3 C._._...1f3..A,.,�� �':r. �:. t"...._�.. .. �.,�a �y (,.,• +n i•n +/� 6�+�,,„ ,�♦' 'y,`'dn �.^n�r4tw (/� p �p ,. ��+�r� �h `�¢n^,"° ..�'u.� l.Q., ,., �± . ...�}.'.J �iA..c.,� 4 yw�.✓.Ji✓J �.1�3 �j��4i�s�� a��{. �'+y� b1�.F�� F� w�V' �1��.:�;a:�J�J .I.�YY� � 13 GoS4V31'ryY�Wi40 ..fiwr�✓+J,.Y ��M y�l�As �,r:6;� 4 . 9',, � a,.s:'a��.°'u�;b,Y p � R*•a r.:4'�`.1 e?• t:.���ri�c� .. ,w . .K s..� !�� . ,.. '"�rr'•v.u"'r�! ��+.iq,'3'�,.'yv�' nTt��� L�d✓��s� C£..': �"ic'2�'$l.�i�1�C�S3?i �^�2'�1Id' ^�A�: • �- . , . , �:...y� � . . .. . . . . P�Ra�.,�.. -.�..:.�. _ .:��Rr!'..., .. .. _. ..::.;t . ._:.: . . .:.. ..,. . . .:,.: . .:;.; . .,, =; ' . . , _ , :.-' ' �.:. � �::i. ,.,....';��.. .... .... : . ..�, f��,L'_�.��. , II�� .. . • � � . � . . . . . .. . . * . . �. .. . . . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � i AMENDATORY . CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT A4INN. R-37 � CODE R-223 RELOCATION REPORT R-223 ���=- �. � . _. . .�. , • • 1 � � � 89 individual householders) was a result of displacement from the � Early Land Acquisition area, the Triangle Housing Site and acquisitions for hardship based on requests of property owners. � b. Proposed Rehousin� I I � The data shown in Block V is based on information obtained from � interviews regarding occupants' financial capabilities, expressed desires with additional consideration given to the availability of both subsidized and non-assisted housing resources. . _ . In the case of the ten families of six or more persons shown in . .._ _. Block VI as eligible for public housing, the rehousing plan for . these families shows them in Block VII under Section 3, Standard Sales Housing. This determination is based on several factors: all the families are owner-occupants; all have sizable equities in their homes; all will likely be eligible for the maximum Replacement Housing Grant; and all have expressed a desire to re-purchase. Information on existing and new units to be available is derived from an analysis of city-wide resources and units to be provided - - • in the project areao This data is discussed in detail in subsequent sections of this report. c. Method used for det.ermining the distribution of rehousing reguirements into public housing, private rental and private sales. The same procedure was applied as described in sub-section b. above. � d. Number, size, rent and sales price of housin� expected to be available durin� the displacement neriod (Block VII), (1) Standard Private Rental Housfng Estimates of availability for standard private rental housing are based on the following: (a) The extent to which mass media and other public advertising reflects the availability of such housing at one time. This was based on dwelling units - 2 - R-223 / ;� � � • . advertised in several issues of the Saint Paul I Dispatch-Pioneer Press. - � � (b) New private housing units scheduled for construction � and completion during the displacement period. I NOTE: A more detailed description of the method used to estimate total housing supply is included in ND-507, Exhibit G, "Estimated Housing Inventory of Saint Paul," previously submitted. I (2) Standard Sales HoasinQ Estimates of availability for standard sales housing were arrived at using the same procedure as the standard private rental housing. In arriving at the estimates of private housing resources, the figures were adjusted to reflect the current rates of substandard- ness in the housing stock. • (3) Federally Aided Housing Estimates of the federally aided housing resources are based on the following factors: (a) Units available to displacees through turnover in existing . public housing under. the management of the Authority and RHA assisted housing. Actual turnover rate of the current - year (by unit size) was utilized in arriti�ing at these estimates. (b) Public housing units programmed for acquisition, construction or leasing during the displacement period. . (c) Proposed federally-assisted moderate-income housing to be provided through FHA programs, primarily under Sections 235 and 236. - 3 - R-223 '. • , _ • The estimates of the housing resources are summarized as follows: EST Il�iATED HOUSING RESOURCES FOR THE DISPLACEMENT PERIOD Federally Assisted Housing Existir� (Turnover) Number of Dwellin� Units jUnits available to displacees through � turnover in existing public housing units . or leased housing units under the management of the AuEhority. 1,844* Units available to displacees through � turnover in existing FHA 221(d) (3) and . 236, hous ing. 70 1,914 Programmed or Under Construction Torre de San rliguel - Concord Terrace (Minn. R-37) 142 (FHA 236 Housing) Disposition Parcel 67 - Concord Terrace (Minn. R-37) 50 Single Family Lots in Concord Terrace (Minn. R-37) (FHA 235) . 25 Single-Family Lots in Summit-University NDP 25 Minn. 1-12 (Leased Public Housing) 220 Minn. 1-13 (Elderly Pubiic Housing) 1743 East Iowa Street 148 Minn. 1-19 (Elderly Public Housing) • 10 West Exchange Street 193 Minn. 1-24 (Elderly Public Housing) - Jenks-Edgerton 1.45 Minn. 1-21 (Scattered Sites Public Housing) . (Single-Family housing to be built and/or acquired) 116 Demonstration-Rehabilitation (FHA 235) NDP 140 Site "A" - Summit-University NDP (FHA 236 Housing) 47 � Site "B" - Summit-University NDP (FHA 236 Housing) 80 Site "C" - Summit-University NDP (FHA 236 Housing) 97 Skyline Towers (FHA 236 Housing) 506 � Battle Creek Apartments (FHA 236 Housing) 300 2,234 Total Federally Assisted Housing 4,148 * Based on turnover rate (23%) for the previous year (922 units per year). There are presently 4,015 public and leased housing units under HRA management. - 4 - R-223 � � • I • f , � ' � Private Rental and Sales Housingi� Number of Dwelling Units I Units availabl2 at any one time on the • I private market � 617. Non-assisted construction in urban renewal iareas (including Concord Terrace) 291 ; Other new construction expected to be � added during l-he displacement period � ' on the private market3� 1,825 1 2,733 - � � � . 1/ Breakdown by rental and sales housing shown in attached Form HUD-6122, .., .... Block VII (Exhibit A). �. 2/ Based primarily on dwelling units (xental and sales) advertised in several issues (over an eight-month period) of the Saint Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press newspaper. This reflects resources at any one ti.me during the period. 3/ The estimates show the net new construction (difference of expected new construction and demolition) . $ased on the average net new construction during the last five years, it was conservatively I estimated that at least 1,825 new housing units will be added to the Saint Paul housing inventory during the displacement period. Of these, 261 were estimated to be in the sales market. 2. Assumptions and conclusions from analysis of,. data. . The resources which are expected to be available through public' programs and the private market should be adequate to meet -the needs of families _.._ , and individuals to be displaced. This assumes that a substantial majority of disp2acees will be accommodated in housing to be provided within the boundaries of the renewal area. � This conclusion also assumes that acquisition and subsequent relocation activiCy will be programmed to provide maximum opportunity for . displacees to utilize housing to be constructed within the project area. 3. Basis for the estahlishment of rent-income ratios used to determine abilitY to pay, � ' Ability to pay standards are established in the LPA Relocation Housing Standards as follows: a. Renters (£ar,iilies) Not to exceed 25% of gross monthly income. - 5 - R-223 � • _ ,I � � b. Home Buyers � Ordinarily, cost of house not to exceed 2� times the gross annual I � income. Exceptions would apply to families eligible under FHA 235, where FHA ability-to-pay criteria are utilized. c. Individual (householders and non-householders) I . Criteria described above for f�milies are applicable to individuals. Other considerations used in determining ability to pay are elaborated in the approved NDP submission under ND-507, Policies aad Procedures. _ 4. Competing demand generated by other �overnmental activity. DISPLACING ACTIVITY Family Individual . Businesa Other Urban RenewaL (NDP)* 432 272 S1 State Highway Programs 80 43 10 . Code Enforcement 63 41 - Public Housing . - 51 13 - � Puhlic Works 3 2 - Parks and Recreation 24 9 1 Library Department . 1 1 - . TOTAL ESTIMATID DISPLACEMENT 654 381 62 * Ineludes carry-over from previous NDP AcEion year. _ Evaluation of Competing Demand . The LPA does not expect any difficulty in carrying out relocation in this project due to the effects of possible competing demands from other displacement. This conclusion is based on the following: a. Relocation resources for this project will be provided primarily � from within the project and competing demand for these units is expected to be mfnimal. b. Resources for other displacement activity will be sufficient outside the project area to provide for competing demands. - 6 - R-223 � � . � � - i � � � � � c. 1he LPA is the Central Relocation Agency for all public displacement activity aRd is Cherefore in a position to coordinate concurrent relocation activities in the locality. 5. Description of special relocation p�oblems (if any). It is the opinion of the LPA that adequate solutions have been developed for the rehousing of families and individuals who may present special problems. Among these are the use of a broad range of subsidized housing programs and innovative approaches which the LPA has developed in • cooperation with agencies and/or organizations in the commuaity. The function and activities of the Rehousing Folicy Committee have been I described in previous submissiona and reference is made only to serve as an example of the LPA program to provide for special problems. Attached as Exhibit C is a separate Form HUD-6122 showing a breakdown of Spanish-American families and individuals to be displaced. These displacees are included in Form HUD-6122 (Exhibit A) showing total displacement. ' . Although the project area probably contains the largest concentration of Spanish-Americans in the city, there has been a continuing trend toward assimilation into other neighborhoods throughout the city. It has been the experience of the LPA that this assimilation has been achieved with little or no difficulty. For this reason, the resources ' � shown in Block VII, Form HUD-6122, have not been distributed according to availability to minorities. It is apparent, however. that many of Che families will be encouraged to remain in the project area through the availability of new housing which will result from the redevelopment of the project as a residential area designed to serve the existing population. 6. Estimate of individuals to be displaced. Refer to Form HUD-6122 (Exhibit A) showing estimate of individuals Co be displaced. All individuals to be displaced reside in housekeeping accommodations. , - 7 - R-223 / • ; • � 7. Description of type and quality of housing`,available for displaced individuals. Refer to Form HUD-6Z22, Block VII (Exhibit A), for estimate of housing resources for individuals. ; � $. Estimate of non-residential displacement. � � The chart attached as Exhibit D indicates the types of busiaesses to be displaced. The LPA does not anticipate any problems in relocating these seven non-residential occupants. � 9. Description of financfng available to non-white families or individuals :._... ... ... ... � who wis�h to purchase home.. The project is displacing two non-white families and one non-white . individual, none of whom wish to purchase. 10. Arran�ements to uti�ize housin� units assisted nnder the federal rent supplement program. The rent supplement program has not been utilized in this locality for other than Section 202 Housing for the Elderly. No arrangements have been made which anticipate the utilization of rent-supplement units as relocation resources. However, the LPA aaticipates the use of its SecCion 23 leased public housing program in lieu of the rent � supplement program. . 11. Coordination of relocation activities with the plannin� of low-rent public housing. ' The LPA is responsible for both urban renewal and public housing programs. Consequently, public hous�ng planning is directed primarily toward the provision of adequate resources to meet pro�ected dfsplacement needs. � The LPA currently has in development 340 units for the elderly and a reservation of an additional 370 uriits. Also, out of a total reservation of 300 family units with two or more bedrooms, there are in development � 120 units to be acquired or developed on scattered sites throughout the . city. Currently, six of the family units have been provided and the remaining ll4 units will be loca[ed according to the indicated demand generated by displacement activity. Site locations will also be dependent upon availability of cleared parcels in renewal areas and - 8 - R-223 ; _ . : - i • • I' � � I � 'i ex3sting privately-owned structures ausilable for sale within cost limitations. These consideratfons are reflected in the estimates of I'I housing resource availa�ility. II I 12. Description of steps taken for locatin� private rehousin� resources avaiiable on a non-discriminatorv basis. A complete description of the LPA's efforts and local laws regarding � non-discrimination in housing is included in ND-507 of the latest , spgroved Neighborhood Development Program submission. The LPA, however, � does not consider discrimination to be a potential problem for displacees I . I i� this project. 'I I III. DESCRIPTION OF LPA PROGRAM TO ASSURE AVAILABILITY OF NEW HOUSING. I 1. LPA Housing Production Staff I The following LPA staff inembers are directly involved in the production of new housing under federally-assisted programs: i � Housin� Economist/Planner (Actual Title: Senior Res�arch Analyst) Prepares, implements and analyzes studies and surveys of housing and population with respect to supply and demand relationships, displacement activity, building activity trends, consumer preferences, etc., and recommends long-range program objectives for housing � I development. He is also involved in determining the adequacy of programming to meet replacement housing needs. • HousinA Finance Specialist (Actual Title: Operations Technician) Prepares feasibility studies for various housing development programs including rehabilitated units. Works with LPA staff, developers and contractors on financial elements of proposed housing developments. . � Prepares documentation for submissions to FHA, � Demonstration-Rehabilitation Officer Directs the rehabilitation of single. family homes puxchased by the LPA for re-sale (direct or through a non-profit sponsor) to displaced families under Section 2350 - 9 - R-223 , , � � � � � � , Proiect_Architect (Principal Designer) �I Works with develapers and. contractors to achieve housing designs I, I which will be feasible under program cost Iimitations and will be I '�. attrsctive and desirable to potential oGCUpants in terms of I function and appearance. I � Chief Planner for Project (Principal Planner) Identifies development sites for housing and determines types and densities of dwelling units for each site. Promotes interest in I development of l�ousing in the groject area by developers and displaced I home owners through numerous contacts and pxesentations in the . { community. � �I � Chief of Design � Provides overall coordination for most of the activities of the above I personnel with the exception of the Chief Research Analyst. I Relocation Workers Promote in[erest in purchasing new houses under various programs and � advise .displaceas of opportunities and procedures for obtaining land, financing, etc. . In addition to all of the above personnel, the Housing Director (public housing) of the LPA supervises seven engineers and technicians (in addition . to l�.anagement personnel) who are engaged in the productioa of additional public housing units. I Included in the ManagemenC staff (public housing) is a Leased Housing Section responsible for promoting and implementing the Leased Housing _ Program. " 2. Breakdown of new private units necessarv to meet relocation needs. The table attached as Exhibit E ahows the total number of private sales and rental units which are needed for rehousing resources. This includes units constructed on land available from previously approved acquisition and acc}uiaition proposed under this plan amendment. - 14 - R-223 : _ . � • • II I II I I � It should be noted that at least 85X af the anticipated rehousing demand can be accommodated with housing proposed for construction within the project area. (The remaining 15� includes those elderly families and I'� individuals who desire public houaing high-rise units in other areas of the city.) However, an analysis of preferences stated in interviews for I'' rhe Amendatory workload (see Exhibit F) and the data included fn the � . . � LPA mobility study of relocation experience to date (see Exhibit G) I indicates that only 50� of the new units will be needed to meet rehousing needs. The data shown in the table reflects this ratio. I � 3. &4. Number of new private units now under construction and revuired in � addition to those under construction and estimated dates of availabilitv. Refer to Exhibit E attached. 5. Description of st�ps taken to ascertain that builders are interested in constructing the new dwellinfis needed. that required rental or sales prices are achievable, and that sites for new construction are available. Based on an analysis of land acquired and to be acquired under the original nrban renewal plan and land to be acquired under this amendatory, the LPA projects a total replacement of 120 single-family units and 387 multi-family units. This projection includes the 142 dwelling units scheduled for construction on October 1, 1970, under the FHA 236 gragram. � � - Sin�le-Familv Housing � The development of nine single-family homea ie �currently under way utilizing the FHA 235 program. These new homes are beiag made available to displaced families on a priority basis and appear to be Well received by the project residents. This development is a direct result of LPA staff efforts to encourage the participation of small residential contractors in the construction of housing under federally-assisted programs in renewal areas. The LPA staff solicited interested builders to submit house plans or to adopt plans prepared by the LPA meeting FHA criteria for Section 235. - 11 - R-223 . : , , _ �, � � � � I � Six contractors have submitted offers to purchase lots from the LPA for development of single-fatnily homes which meet FHA criteria under , Section 235. All of the contractors have obtained reservations from I FKA for commitment of 235 mortgage subsidies. The LPA also has I � 235 reservatfons which may be available to assfst buyers. � � The relocatfon staff has been provided with illustrative material (refer to Exhibit I) on these houses and have been encouraging potentiaZ home � buyers to considex this resource as a desirable solution to their i rehousing needs. �, ' I Multi-Family Housint� I At tha present time the LPA is assembling sites that will.provide a yariety of multi-family rental and single-family sales units. Numerous meetings have been held within the cammunity to explain the.necessity for a broad I � range of housing types and to obtain a general expressioa from the . � � community in terms of their preferences. 'I With the exception of the Triangle Site (see Subsection 6, below, for status), � � the LPA. has not had authorization to condemn residential properties in order to assemble residential re-use parcels. However,. the assembly of � II - - several housing sites is virtually completed as a result of property owners- � � � having voluntarily approached the Authority to request acqufsftion. � The community has requested the site designated as Disposition Parcel 67 - - - + be made available for early development of .low and moderate income rental housing, through either a non-profit sponsor or a limited dividend sponsor. I This site will provide approximately 50 multiple dwelling units. Acquisition of the site is substantially completed with the exception of � two parcels containing a total of three family units. All of the property Within the site is approved for acquisition under the original urban renewal plan. Another housing site which will be available for early development is Disposition Parcel 13. This is a commercial block which contains two - 12 - R-223 - : . - � � � � � i active business occupants and will be acquired under existing authorizatfon. �, � This site will provide approximately 20 multi-faraily units. Other multi-unit parcels are generally located along the Concord Street I bluff and Rabert Street. The LPA staff has delayed discussions With i potential redevelopers in regard to the Concord Street bluff area since II earlier discnssions revealed concern as to the general deterioration of II � the housing on the opposite side of Concord Street. This ameadatory I includes acquisition of properties on the opposite sfde of Concord � � that have presented obstacles to redevelopment.. It is proposed that -- � � � - discussions with redevelopers of parcels of land on both sides of Concord� • � ••� -°� ' � will be reswned simultaneously with the submission of this document. � Discussions with potential redevelopers of multi-.family sites along the east side of Robert Street are in process at the present t�e. I 6. Estimated dates of availab.ilitv of new private units. I The nine single-family units mentioned above will be available for � occupancy by early fall. This program will be expanded (by fall, 1970) through the availability of an additional 18 lots located throughout the project. These additional, lots will be utili�ed as financing becomes available for construction. The 142 unit FHA 236 development in the Triangle site will commence construction within 90 days (October 1, 1970). All site occupants have been relocated and site preparation is in process. It is estimated that construction will begin on sites yielding an� additional 60 to 94 units of moderate income housing during the next � year (Disposition Parcels 13 and 67 discussed above). . The chart attached as Exhibit E shows only the number of new units needed to provide rehousing resources in the project area based on LPA evaluation of workload. However, as indicated previously, additional units to be provided within the project area will substantially exceed rehousing requirements. . - 13 - R-223 ,, _ � I • ' • ';� � � 7. Description of any arrangements made with builders or,management firms I to a mit site displacees. I� The LPA Disposition Policy requires of developers that all new units . constructed on redevelopment land be offered. to project area displacees � � on a first priority basis. ; � I 8. If new dwellings are to be constrncted, copy of letter from locaZ FHA � insuring office, or other c���etent sources, indicating the feasibility ' of constructing the new dwellings at the required rental and sales prices. See Exhibits H and I attached. I IV. INF'URMATION ON P[TBLIC HOUS ING � I 1. Number of units under management and turnover. I . Size of Units 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 5 BR Total � � I Number of Units 794 1,739 657 524 214 87 4,015 � Annual Turnover 83 221 295 216 73 34 922 � 2. Plans for additional units. � See discussion under Section II, Subsection 11. � . 3. Income Limits* . For Initial For For Initial Occvpancy If Occupancy Continued I Size of Family Displaced by Public Action Al1 Others Occupancy I Annual Monthly Annual Monthly . Annual Monthly I 1 Person $3,200 $266 $2,800 $233 $3,200 . $266 2 Persons $4,100 $342 $3,600 $300 $4,600 $383 3 Persons $5,900 $k92 $5,000 $416 $6,000 $500 4 Persons $6,000 $500 $5,600 $466 $6,600 $S50 5 Persons $7,200 $600 $6,200 $516 $7,200 $600 6 Persons $7,400 $617 $6,800 $566 $7,800 $650 7 Persons $8,000 � . $666 $7,400 $616 $8,000 $666 8 Persons $8,600 $716 $8,000 $666 $8,600 $716 9 Persons $9,100 $758 $8,600 $716 $9,100 $758 10 or More _ $9,300 $775 $8,800 $725 $9,300 $775 * Net family income after allowable daductions. - 14 - R-223 - _�. .. . , , _ _ .. . _.. -.: - .� �. . . � , : _. ` : . �. • • I I I I 4. Min:imum Rent Char�e II Net Family Income Minimum Contract Rent Under $1,2Q0 per year . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.QO per month $1,200 or over per year . . . . . . . . . . . $26.00 per month 5. Priority of admission and availability. � � � Families and indfviduals who are displaced by any publfc action will have, i first priority for admission to all units which become available in public _ housing. This applies up to a maximum of three years after the date of � such dis�lacement. See HLock VII of Form HUD=6122 for estimated i availability. • I � � 6. Admission requirements other than family incame and composition. � A family or indfvidual householder will be admitted to public housing ff I � the €ollowing requirements are met {in addition to those relating to fncome and family composition): � � a Net assets I ( ) (not including personal and hausehold effects) do not exceed $3,000 at admission (for non-elderly families), or $6,000 � I at admission (for elderly families). NOTE: Up to $15,000 of proceeds received as a result of purchase of Che I applicant's residence due to urban ren�aal or other governmental � - action will not be considered as assets in determining eligibility. . (b) Past records indicate that the occupancy of the applicant in the ' project will not be detrimental to the well-being of the community. (Before any family is rejected for this reason, the case will be reviewad by the Housing Operations Committee of the �4uthority.) . (c) The household does not own residential real estate within Saint Paul, . or a radius of thirty miles from Saint Paul, in which it is possible for such household to reside. (This qualification must be meC regardless of the fact that the equity of said household may not exceed the limitation on net assets specified above.) NOTE: There are no residence requirements applied to displaced families and individuals who are otherwise eligible. - 15 - R-223 - . . . � � � � j '� �i I E X H I B I T S � �I I A. FORM HUD-6122 . �� DIS1'LACEMENT - AMENDATORY YARCELS B. FORM RUD-6122 . I� REMAINING DISPLACEMENT - ORIGINAL URBAN RENEWAL PLAN �, C. FURM HUD-6122 � BREAKDOWN OF SPANISH AMF.EtICAN MINORITY � D. ESTIMATE OF NON-RESIDENTIAL DISPLACEMENT I, � �I S. NtTMBER OF NEW UNITS NEEDID ANID ESTIMATES OF AVAILABILITY � I F. ANALYSIS OF AREA PREFERENCE I � �I G. MOBILITY STUDY OF COMPLETID RELOCATION I H. FHA PR03ECT FEASIBILITY LETTER FOR I TORRE DE SAN MIGUEL HOMES I I. DRAWINGS OF FHA APPROVID 235 SCATTERID SITE SINGLE FAMILY UNITS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION II . I J. ANALYSIS OF REPLACEMENT HOUSING QUOTA AND PROPOSID � � '�{ CONSTRUCTION TO MEET NEIDS � I I � I � " R-223 . . � .• � { �I � i ' � ... _ __ _ _ .� � , .' . ' Fonn approved NU�6122 Pa�• 1 of 6 Bndget Bureau No. 63-R92b.5 FAMILIES ( 1-66) PROJECT lOCAIITY � D�ARTMENf OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPNmvT S a i n t Pau 1 Mi nne s o ta URBAN RENENAL PROGPAY PROJECT NAME EsTtNATED HOUSING REQUIREMEMTS AIFD Concord Terrace Amendator I RESOURCES FOR D I SPLJICED FAM I L I ES PROJEGT NUMBER Minn. R-37 � E571MATED LENGTM DATE OF SUBMISSION I INSTRt1CTIONS: Plaee orisiw�l aw1 ow� eopy in Binder Xo. 1, OF OISPLAGEMENT ' •wd oar topy •ach in other 6iwder�. , PERIOD: MOS. `Ttliy 1� 197� 1. MUi�ER OF FNIfL1E3 IM PROJECT AitEA AND MIRIBER TO BE DISFLACED ' � FAMIL�ES TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE a. Esti�atad nuabsr of f�ilies in projset area I b. Estifatsd nu�ber to b• displaced from property to be acquired by LPA 146 144 2 c. E�tl�cted nurber to be displaced from property to bs acqulred by other publie bodie• { d. E�ti�atsd nu�ber to ba diaplaced by rehabilitation, coneervation, I or code eoforceeent activitiss.froo property not to be acquired I I1. CNARl1CTERISTtCS OF FIWILIES TO BE OISPLACED FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BT LPA i ESTIMATEO NUMBER OF FAMILIES WHITE NONWHITE I TOTA� TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS I a, rvraL 144 83 61 2 2 0 I b. Eliqible for fedsrally aided public hou�ing 6 6 �+0 2 6 1 1 0 c. E1Sqibls for State or loca117 aidsd public hou�ing � Q 0 0 � � d. Inaliqible for public hou�inq 7$ 4 3 35 1 1 � 111. •CMARACTERISTIC3 OF FAMILIES TO BE DISPLACm FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED DY OTHER PUBU C BODIE3 WHITE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO MUMBER OF FAMILIES TOTAI TENANTS OWHERS TOTAL TENANTS OwN'ERS a. '1�(71'AL b. Eliqible for federallr aided public housing c. Eligible for Stats or locally aided public housing d. Inellqible for public hou�inq _. IV. CMRRACTERISTICS OF FAMILIE3 T0 dE DISILACED BT REHABILITATION, CONSERYATION.. OR COdE ENFORCEMEMT AGTIYITIES, .-� � : �_ FRpI PROPERTY NOT TO BE ACQUIRED ESTIMATED NUMBER Of FANILIES WHITE NONWHITE TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS 70TAL TENANTS OwNERS a. TUTAI. b. £1lqible Eor federa117 aided public housiag c. Eligible •f•or Staie or locally aidsd public housing d. Ineliqibla for public hou�inq V. �ROPOSEO RENOUSIMC OF FAMILIES IMCLl70ED IN BLOCK3 II, III� and IV ABOYE WHITE NONWHITE PROPOSED REHOUSING TOTAL XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAL EXISTING UNITS NEW UNITS a. 1'C1fAL FAMII.IES 144 �' � 2 * * b. Pri�ate rental housinq 3 3 * � 1 * * . c. Pri�ats •al�• housinq 6� '+ti 7k Q * * d. Fsdsrally aided public hou�ing .51 �lr tk Z �k * s. Othar public housing Q tk �r 0 �t 7k * See Block VII. � Exh ib f t A . _,_ . - _ � _ K. ., . a � • ; � . I � . � i tiGm�.d..::� �:; . _�.;;� � FAMILIES ��MUU-C121 PaQe 2 of 6 I ( 1-66):I rRO�ecT �.re Concor.d Terrace (�;endatory} PROJECT NUNBER MLALI. R— i Yt. 31ZE ANO BEDii00M REQUIREl9EMT3, 8Y IMCOME, OF FAMILIES TO BE DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA I (/neludt uII I��ted undrr II, III, ond IY) I A. SIZE, AY INCOi�. OF 1►HI'iE FAMILJES TO BE DISPLICID FHOM PROJE(T ARf'Jl TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER OF FAMILIES BY fAMILY SIZE 1 MOMTHLY FAMILY INCOME Of FAMIIIES 2 3 4 S 6 7 6 9 OR MORE rotu 144 61 29 16 13 7 8 3 7 0-199 16 16 0 � 0 0 0 � I - ' 17 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 - 1 3 300-349 7 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 350-399 8 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 � 0 400-449 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 450-499 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 500-549 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 550-599 6 2 2 1 1 0 . 0 0 0 6on-649 � 21 7 6 2 3 1 1 0 1 650-699 11 2 2 3 1 0 1 1 1 700-749 7 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 750 or more 27 . 4 3 5 2 4 4 2 3 B. BEDEi00M REQUIFiElEM3. B7 I11C01�. CF �fiITE FAMILIE3 TO BE DISH.ACED MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM REQUIREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS LL BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE T°�u' 144 42 54 27 14 . 7 0-1 99 16 14 2 . 0 0 0 200-2 9 17 10 7 0 0 Q 25(1-299 5 I 3 1 0 _ �-3 9 7 1 4 2 0 0 350-399 8 0 6 2 0 0 400-449 8 1 3 3 1 0 45Q-499 4 1 0 2 0 1 500-544 7 3 2 2 0 0 SSO-599 6 1 4 1 0 0 600-649 21 5 9 5 1 1 650-699 11 2 4 2 2 1 700-749 7, 2 1 1 2 1 750 or more 27 1 9 6 8 3 1 Drar a si�sa` lia• diif�r�atiati�� •li�ible frw► i��liQiDi• faroilies, D� famil� sise. for adsi�sioa to pablic hoa�i�Q. _ , _ , _ � .� . • i � � � ; � I ! . � � �_,� . �' , � ` _ . .... _ _ . _. . . . ___ _.. � HUD-612 P�oe E oi 6 FAMILIES ( 1-66 PRO�.ccr ��rt Concord Terrace (Amendat�� Pac,�ecT MUMBER Minn. R-37 Y1. �IZE AMD OEDR0011 REQUIRENElfT3. BY IMCOMIE. OF FAMILIE3 TG BE DISPLACED FfiOM PROJECT AltEA--Contleu�d (!eel�de s{! [i�ttd u�de► II, lll, a�d IY) C. SI2E, B7 INCC�, OF HOt1�HITE FAMILIES 1'0 BE DISPiJICID FZlpt PAOJEC.T ARFA MOMTHLY FAMILY IMCOME TOTAI NUMBER NUMBER OF FAMILIES BY FAMILY SIZE 1 Of fAMILtES 2 � 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE TO?AL 2 2 0-199: - 1 250-299 350-399 I 4Q0-449 . _ ' ' 450-499 500-549 I 550-599 600-649 650-699 . I 700-749 750-br more 1 1 D. BIDAf�OM REQUIRE�IlI'S, BY INCOI�E, OP NONwHI1'E FANILIFS TO BE DISPLJIC� MONTHLY fAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM RE IREMEIITS OF FAMILIES 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS 4 BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE Trn'iu. 2 1 1 0-199 � �50-399 ' 400-449 45�-499 � 500-549 � 550-599 . ! 600-649 650-699 700-749 . 750 or more 1 1 , 1 Drsw s ai�zaQ liee diftereatistinQ eliQiDle lrom iaeliQiEle tamilies, b� tanil� eize� for ndmieaion to pablic DoueinQ. ' . . � _ . � � • , , ; � � � � _ _ _ _ . � � � . � . - � . . • - . Huasizzj PaQp � or 6 ALL FAMII.IES ( 1-66) � �PROJFCT NAwf - . - � � PROJECT NUNBER - _J Concord Terrace (Amendatory) Minn. R-37 i VII�ESTIMATED RENOUSIMC REQUIREIENTS AND AVAiLABILITY i ' A. Number of Units Requfred and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. � I � O" 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS Y OEGRUOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS TO BE TO 8E T0 8E TO BE TO BE TYPE OF HOUSING RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AVA1 U BLE RE_ AYAILABLE RE_ AYAILABIE pUIRE pUIREO QUIREO UIRED UIRED EXtST- NEW EXIST- NEw EXIST NEw EXIST- NEw E.7t15T NEM i ING ING ING ING (NG �. PUBLIC NOUSIN61 23 603 340 18 590 14 10 432 �0 0 146 28 0 68 12 I .-.,..;:. `�: Federally Aided Rental 0 15 568 13 30 568 2 25 189 0 - 14 p - - TOTAL 23 623 908 31 620 582 12 467 249 0 146 42 p 68 12 2. STANOARp PRIVAT� RfJITAL HpJSiN6 TOTAL RENTALS 9 1313 650 8 903 463 1 683 321 � 313 143 0 163 77 Under $90 0 38 - 0 17 - 0 14 - 0 - - 0 - - � $ 90-99 0 4 - p - - p - - p - - p - - I z w � $.100-109 1 3 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - ' 0 - - a x z $110-119 � 0 11 - 0 8 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 : � $12Q-129 3 20 - Z 11 - 0 11 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 � " $130-139 2 19 190 3 13 - 0 11 - 0 - - 0 - - $140 and over 3 34 460 3 41 463 1 32 321 p 31 143 p 16 77 'POrTAL SALES ASG. 10 16 - 15 773 73 1S 1163 147 13 493 63 7 233 2g F1iA 235 Sales) 0 - - 0 - - 6 - 32 2 - 14 2 - 4 Private Sales Hsg�� 10 16 - 15 77 73 9 115 115 11 49 49 5 23 24 Under $14,000 0 2 - 0 S - 0 10 - 0 2 - p - - � $14,000-14,999 1� 2 - 0 - - 0 3 - 0 - - 0 - - � $15,000-15,999 1 1 - 0 3 - 0 4 - 0 - - 0 - - M , � $16,000-15,999 2 4 - 2 11 - 0 3 - 0 - - 0 - - � 17,000-17,999 0 - - 0 6 - 1 11 - 0 - - Q - - � 18,000-18,999 S 5 - 6 22 15 1 17 8 0 3 - 0 - - 19,OOo-19,000 �1 2 - 3 7 15 1 23 20 0 7 - 0 - - 20,OA0 &over 0 - - 4 23 43 6 45 87 11 37 49 S 23 24 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Pro�ram. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. • � � � I + ' I 3 . . . _ . . � - . . . _ . . . .i_,�. � t , ' FAMILIES nuo-eiz2 � Paae 6 ot 6 ( 1-66) IROJECT MAME PROJECT NUMBER i Concord Terrace (Amendatory) Minn. R-37 V11. E3TIMATED REHOU31N6 REQUIRfl1ENT3 ANO AYAlLA81lITY-Continwd B. NUIBEEA OF UNITS RDQUI�D AI�iD F]�ECI�D TO HE AVAILABI�: DUAII�IC DISPIJICElQ�7r'P PIItIm 'PO NON�HTfE FAMILIES I i BEDROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEDROOMS n BE�ROOMS S OR MORE BEDROOMS I TYPE OF MOUSING TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO 8E RE- AVAIlABLE RE_ AVAILABLE RE- AVAIIABIE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AYAILABLE QUIRED QUIRED QUIRED QUIREO OUINED EXIST- NEw EXIST- NEW EXIST- NEw EXIST NEw EXIST- NEw ING ING ING ING ING 1. PU6LIC MOU31N6 ` a. F�d�rally aid�d �- b. Stat• or locally aid�d 2. STAMDARD PRIVATE REMTAL MOUSIN6 TOTAL 1 Under $90 � 90-99 � r �a' 100-109 r .a � 110-119 0 : � 120-129 1 0 a � r3o-i39 _ __ , 140 and over � 3• sr�ouro s��es Masiwc TO'fAL . Under $14,000 ]4,000-?4.999 15 0�0-15 999 . I w u �. � 16 (100-16.999 � 17,�00-17 999 v, ___ _ is 000-is,g99 . 19 .000-19,999 20 000 & over . . � . . � . � � . . � (�O 99Y•OOY . . . . . . ..,. :� l � _ � � � I ; � � . �. .� _i i • � 4 Pa�� 1 ot 6 Budget Bu.reanPNo��6S-R926.b Ij�jVjDjjAj,,S �p"666 I � ) PROJECT LOCALITI' • DE�ARTMFNT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVQ,OPM�IVT Saint Paul, Minnesota URBAN RENERAL PROGRAY PROJECT NAwE I Concord Terrace - Amendatory � EST I NATED HOUS I NG REQU I REkEPITS AI�D I PROJECT MUMBER ! RESOURCES FOR DISPUCED INDIViDUALS Minn. R-37 � ESTIMATEO LENGTM DATE OF SUBMISSION INSTII(/CT1011S: Plae� ori�iw�l •w1 ow• cop� in Sinder No. 1, OF DISPLALEMENT •w1 e�� copr •acA �n etAer Ai�der�. PERIOD: MOS. July 1, 1970 I. NUIeER Of ZNDIV� IN PAO.JECT AREA A110 MU4dER T0 BE �ISPLACED - -- — � INDIVIDUALS TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE a. E�tl�at�d nu�Dsr of�D�. in proj�ct czea i b. Eati�atsd nu�b�r to b• dl�placed from prop�rty to b• acquirsd by LPA 5 1 5 1 � � e. Esti�ated nu�ber to bs di�placed from property I � to b• acquired by othsr publie bodies d. E�ti�aEwd nu�ber to ba diaplacsd by rehabilitatioa, conaervatdon, or code eaforce�eot acti�itie�, (roc property not to be acquired I it. CMMtACTERISTiCS OF IND IV. TO BE DISPIACED FROM PR4VERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY LPA EST IMATED NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS WH I TE NONWH i TE TOTAI TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANIS OWNEftS I °• T°t"L 51 36 15 0 0 0 I b. Ellqlble for fedsrally ald�d public houainq 2 1 i5 6 0 � � I c. Ellqibls [or Stat• or locallr aid�d public hou�iaq 0 � � Q 0 0 I d. Inaliqible [or public hou�lnq 3Q 2 1 9 Q Q Q III. CM/�ACTEItISTIC3 OF jj��� TO_BE D13PLACED FROM PROVERTY TO BE AiCQUIRED sY OTHER PUBLIC BODIES WHITE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS 7oTAl- 7ENANTS -41MNER5 TOTAL TENANTS OMN'ERS a. 7'UTAL b. Eliqible for fedarallr aidsd public hou�icg � c. Eliqibl• tor Stats or locally aided public housiqq d. In�liqible for public houslnq IV. CNARACTERI3TICS OF IND IV' TO SE DIStLACED SY REHA8ILITATIOM, CONSERYATION, OR CODE QIFORCEMENT ACTIVtT1ES, FROI PpOPFRTY NOT TO BE AC�!1 RfD . ESTIMATED NUMBER OF IND IVIDUALS wHITE NONWHITE TOTAL TENANTS OMNERS TOTAI TENANTS OWNERS a. Toru b. F1lqible fot federall� aidsd publlc hou�inq � c. Ellglble for State or locally aid�d publle housing d. Inellqibl• for public hou�tnq V. �ROrOSED RENOUSIM6i OP IIV�D TV. INCLUOED Ip BLOCKS I1, iil. snd IY A80YE WHITE NONWHITE ' PROPOSEO REHOUSING TOTA� XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAI EXISTING UNITS NEW UHITS a. TUfAL INDIVIDUALS 51 * * 0 * * b. Prl�cte rental hou�inq 2,5 * * Q * * c. Prl�at• •al�■ hou�inq 5 �k 7k Q * �k d. F�d�rally aid�d public houslnq 21 �k �k Q �It * •. Oth�r public housia9 � tk 7k � 7k tk * See Block VII. Exhibit A � � , . , :, , ��-=��x� < �:�a�+ I . • I I �I , . - � !. _. �., . - .:�:_�i I � . , i,nuu-elzz I Pa`e 2 of 6 INDNIDUALS ( 1-6h) rao;,ecr N.wE Concord Terrace (Amendatory) PROJECT NUNBER Minn. R- YI. �IZE AND BEDROOM REQUfREMEMT3. 8Y INCOME, OF IND LV. TO BE OISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA .���I�ICIYC[ all I�sted under !l, lll, and IY) � . . . � A. SiZE, BY INCO►�. OF 1►tiI7E I��� 'CO BE DISP(.ACID FROM PROJECI' AIi£A TOTAL NUMBER I woNrH�r INDIV.INCOME Of INDIV. 2 3 u 5 6 7 6 9 OR MORE � Tar�u. 51 0-1 99 15 - 11 � 2 - 300-349 2 � 350-399 2 � ' 400-449 3 450-499 3 500-549 6 550-599 0 600-649 4 650-699 I 7n0-749 2 750 or more 0 ' ' B. BFDROON AEQUIREIf?R'S, 87 INCOIE, ae rn�t� INDIV. ?O BE DISPLACED TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS MONTMLY IND IV.INCOME �f I��� 1 BEDROOM ? BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS u BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE rcn'ni. S 1 S 1 0-1 99 15 15 20�-2 11 11 250-299 2 _ �-3 9 2 2 � 350-399 2 _ 2 400-449 3 3 45Q-499 � 3 3 50�-549 6 6 SSO-599 0 0 600-649 4 4 650-699 1 1 � 700-749 2 2 750 or more 0 0 _ . , •��r�� � ���� � . . ., _ - �` . . . ., ._. ...,.: ��.�,.m. .. ,,. , _ - . , :: ` . : � • � � � � _ � ; � � � � �� � � .:,� � ' , ' , I HUD-612TI P.Q• a ot 6 _._._.-_.. ��IVIDUAL$ ( 1-66�I pNOJECT ��rc Concord Terrace (�endatorv _ ' PRC3fcT NuweeR Minn. R-37 V1. �IZE AMD BEDil00q REQU1RE11ElfT3. BY INCCME, OF INDIV.7� BE DISPLACED fQOM 9ROJECT AREA--Cantlnu�d I (lwcl�da •[1 !lated uwdtr II, IIl, and IY) I ' c. srze, B7 n+ca�. OF NOtA►HITE INDIV. �ro � nispc�►cID t�+a� �o7scr � � -�--_ MONTNLY INIIIV.INCOME TOTAL NUMBER oF INDIV. 2 y 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE 70fAL O 0-199 p I _ O I250-299 p _ � 350-399 p I 400-449 0 I _' _.._ ___; � 450-499 p • I � 500-549 0 I � 550-599 0 j 600-649 p I� 650-699 p 700-749 0 750-or more 0 D. BIDE1pCii REQUTAf]�N1'S, BY INC01£, oe ratvntiire INDN. 1�p BE DISPLACC� MONTHLY INDIV.INCOME TOTAL NtJMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS Of II�ID IV. 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS Y BEOROOMS S OR MORE TQiAL 0 0-199 0 - . p • _ _ O - p 350-399 Q ' 400-449 p 450-499 p 500-549 p . 550-599 0 600-649 p . 650-699 p 700-749 p . 750 or more 0 . �_... � . , : . : . � • • I . , .,,..� � , . , • • PnQe 4 ot b . ALL INDNIDUALS HUU-b12 ( 1-66 PROJECT NA�E PROJECT NUMBER __ Goncord Terrace .(Amendatory) Minn. R-37 VII. ESTIMATED RENOUS�NG REQUIREf1ENTS AND AVAILABIIITT' ` A. Number of Units Requfred and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. O" 1 BEUROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 4 DECRUOMS S OR MORE BEOROOMS . TYPE Of HOUSING RE- AVA/LABLE RE- AVA/LkBIE RE_ AVA/lABLE RE_ AVAILABLE RE- AYA/UBLE OUIRED QUIRED QLLIRED UIRED UIREO EXIST- x15T- fXIST Ex157- � ING NEW ING NEw ING NEw ING NEw EXIST NEM _ ING i. PUBLIC MOUSIN61 21 � 608 340 a. Federally 10 15 488 Aided Rental TOTAL 31 623 828 2. 3TANDARO BRIVAT� REIITAL HOUSIN6 TOTAL RENTALS 15 131 610 Under $90 3 38 - F $ 90-99 3 4 - z w '� $100-109 0 5 - �. a Z $110-119 4 11 - o � • : � $120-129 2 20 - 0 a ° $130-139 3 19 150 $140 and over 0 34 �F60 � 3. 7�TAL SALES HSG. 5 163 _ FHA 235 Sales) 0 - - Private Sales Hsg, p - - Uader $14,000 0 2 - �$14,000-14,999 0 2 - � $15,000-15,999 �J 1 - � .. $� $16,000-16,999 0 4 - � 17,000-17,999 0 - - � . 18,000-18,999 3 5 - 19,000-19,000 2 2 - ' 20,000 &over 0 - - 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing sl-.andard private housing available at any one time during the period. � • y .. f � i � � I i � � I i ..¢ � I . . � • , . , INDIVIDUALS "u�-612z l PsQe 6 of 6 ( 1-66) � IROJEGT NAwE PROJECT NUNBER I Concord Terrare (Amendatory) Minn. R-37 � Yl1. E3TIMATED REHOUSIN6 REQUIREMEMT3 AMD AYAIIABILITY—Contlnu�d i B. NUIBQt aF' UNITS ADQUII�D AND FJ�EC'!�D TO � AVAILABIE DIIRIHG DISPUI(Ei�7�IT PFIiIm TO NON�HTfE INDIVIDUE�LS I' � 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 9 BEDROOMS 4 BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS II TYPE OF HOUSING TO BE TO BE TO BE TO 9E TO BE I RE- AVAIIABLE RE_ AVAIIABLE RE_ AVAIlABIE RE_ AVAILABLE qE_ AVAILABIE I OUIRED pUIRED QUIRED QUIREO QUIRED I ExIST- NEw Ex157- NEw ExtST- NEw Ex157 NEw Ex15T- NEw I ING ING ING ING ING i 1. PU9UC HOU31N6 { ra. F�d�rally + I aid�d Q b. Stat• or lxully aid�d � I 2. STAIIDARO pRIVATE I REMTAI HOU31M6 I � raru. 0 Under $90 0 . � � 90-99 p � � 100-109 0 � r � � ?10-119 . 0 � 0 : � 120-129 U � 0 � � Y30-139 0 � 140 and over 0 3. STAMDARD SALES . HOUSING TO?AL O ' Under $14,000 0 1.4,000-14.999 0 , 15 000-15 999 0 w u .. � 16 �00-16.939 0 � 17,�00-17 999 0 VJ —---- 18 .000-18,999 0 19 000-19.999 0 20 000 & over 0 , . . cro e9�•oo0 .__ � a.,, :-,x �� • � , � i �._..�� � Fosm approved NOD-6122 Ps�• 1 of 6 BcQget Hureau No. 6S-R926.b Families ( 1-66) PROJECT LOCALITY DEPARTME3VT OF HOUSING ANU URBAN DEVELOPh¢3VT Saint Paul Minnesota URBAN RENEIIAL PROGPAY RBIri21F11A� D1SP12C2ttieAt under Approved Plsn (Pre-Amendatory ESTINATED NOUSING REQUIRENElITS A�a PROJEL7 y����F- RESOURCES FOR DISPUCEfl FAMILIES Concord Terrace - Minn. R-37 I ESTIMATED LENGTII OATE OF SUBMISSION JNSTMlCTIOIrS: Plaee ori6iw�1 u 1 owe eop� in D��der No. l, OF DISPIACEMENT •�l •se cepr •acl� in other A�sder�, PERIOU: . MOS. 1. MIAlEN OF FMI I L I ES .1 M YAO.IECT AItEA ANO MU40ER TO BE 01 Sf�LACED fAMIIhES TOTAL MHITE NoNwHIT� a. E�ti�at�d nuab�r of f�ili�• in proj�ct arsa b. EstLat�d nu�b�r to b• di�placed from prop�rty � to b• aequirsd by LAA fi9 (�9 c. E�tl�ated nu�ber to bs di�plac�d from property � � to b• acquired by othar public`bodle■ � I d. E�tlAated nu�bar to bs di�placsd by rehabilitatioo, coneervation, or cods eoforce�ent acti�itiss,froo property not to be ccquired 11. CMAitACTERISTICS OF FMU 11E3 TO BE DISPLACED FRON PROVERTY TO BE ACQllIREQ BY LPA ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMILIES WHITE NONWHITE TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS °. �A� 69 42 27 0 0 0 b. Ellqfbls for fedsrally ald�d public houainq 30 1 9 11 0 � � c. E11Qible Eor Stats or locallr aid�d public houslnq O O O O O 0 d. Insliqible for publlc no�.soQ 3 9 2 3 1 6 � � � III. CM M AC'fERISTIC3 OF FAMILIES TO_BE 013PLACED FROM PROPf1tTY TO 8E A�CQUIRED EY OTHER PUBLIC BOOIE3 wMI7E ►�oNwHtTE ESTIMATED NUMBfR Of FAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAL TENANTS OwN'ERS a. 7'C7f'Al. b. Eliqibls for fedsrallr aidsd public hou�icg c. Eliqibl• for Stata or 1o�iir �asa public housing d. Ineliqible for publie houslnq � IV. CNARACTERISTICS OF FA�41lIE3 TO �f DIS►IACED dY REHABILITATION. COMSERYATION, OR CODE DlFORCEMENT ACTIYITIES. FRpI PROPERTY NOT TO SE ACQUIRfD ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMIIIES WNITE NONWHITE � TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS a. TClfAI. b. F1lqibls for fedszallr aidsd publlc �ou�ing c. Eliqibls for State or locallr aid�d public 6ou�inq d. Inellqibl• for public hou�lnq Y. �ROPOSfO REHOUSING OF FANI U E3 INCLUOED IN BLOCKS II, II1, and IV ABOYE WHITE NONWHITE PROPOSED REHOUSING TOTAL XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAI El(ISTING UNITS NEW UHITS a. TfJfAL FANILIES (9 O b. Pri�ate r�ntal 6oudnq 1S O c. Prl�at• •al�• housinq 3 S O d. F�d�rally aldsd public hou�inq 19 . 0 �. Oth�r public hou�inq •O O Exhibit B .. � � ._ . .,. ..._, .. _ :.:� � • � . I _ . - ,_.�.1 - ; .. • , I uhtUU-6121 I, Pe`e Y ot 6 FAMILIES ( 1-66): I � ��AOJECT NAME Concord Terrace . - vRO�ECT HUNBER Minn. R- i Vt. 3i2E AMO BEDROOM REQUIREMEMTS. BY INCOME, OF FAMILIES TO BE DISPIACED FROM PROJECT AREA i (Inelr/t al! f��ted uwder II, lll, and IY) A: SIZE, BY INCOI�, OF RHTIE FANILIES TO BE DISPLJICID FROM PROJECf AAEA I i MONTH(.Y fAMIIY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER OF FAMILIES 8Y fAMILY SIZE 1 I Of fANIL1ES . 2 3 u 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE I T°r"1' 69 23 14 11 4 5 5 4 3 1� 0-199 4 . 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I _ -_ 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 - 300-349 2 1 0 1. 0 0 0 0 0 35Q-399 2 � 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 400-449 7 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 • 450-499 6 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 500-549 5 2 1. 0 1 0 1 0 0 i , 550-599 4 0 3 0 0 0 ' 1 0 0 � � 600-649 15 5 1 3 1 1 2 0 2 650-699 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 � , 700-749 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 750 or more 12 � 1 2 � 2 0 3 0 3 1 � B. RFDROOM AF.(7UIREIE3tI"3, B7 INCDIE, CF �f{I'IE FANILIE3 TO � DISHJICED MONTMLY FAMILT INCOME : TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS Of fAMILIES 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS Y BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE TOfIIL - I 69 15 31 10 8 5 0-199 • .. ?(��-2 S 5 0 0 0 0 250-299 2 1 1 0 0 0 _ �-3 9 0 0 . . 350-399 0 0 0 I 2 0 2 400-449 7 0 5 2 0 0 450-499 6 0 4 1 0 � 1 500-549 . 5 2 1 1 1 0 SSO-599 4 0 3 0 1 0 600-649 15 4 5 2 2 . 2 650-699 3 1 2 0 0 0_ 700-749 2 0 1 0 1 0 750 or more 12 0 4 3 3 2 1 Drar a ai�s�` lii• Ei1f�r��ti�tii� t11�iD1• ircm 1iel�Qib1• fawil�es, b� i+unil� •ite. for adoi��ioi to psblic 6oa�i�Q. , r� ;; � r • � � . � � ; HUD-6122 P.�• a or s - FAMILIES ( i-6e) PRO,,ccT ��rc Concord Terrace �4rW rac,;fcT NuwaeR Minn. R-37 Y 1. 312E'AND BEDR0011 REQU I REIIEMTS. 8Y 1 MCCMiE, OF FlJI I L i ES 70 BE D 1 SPLACFD FROM PROJEC� AitEAr—Coet I nu�d (7wclsdr •!! li�ted under 11, III, a�d IY) C. SIZE, B7 IHGpiIE. Qf' HQMfHITE FAItILIFS 1'O BE DI5P'LJICID FRCII PROJFX.'T AREJ1 MONTNLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER NUNBER OF FANILIES BY FAMILY SIZE 1 OF FAMILIES 2 n 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE TQfAL 0-199 � 250-299 � 350-399 ' 400-449 ' 450-499 � 500-549 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 , 750-br more D. HIDIi00M�REQUIRDif2T1'S, BY INC01E, OP NON�tiITE FANILIFSS TO BE DISPLA(('E� MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUNBER BEDRQOM RE IREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS n BEDROOMS S OR MORE TQI'AL 0-199 �50-399 400-449 � 450-499 � 500-549 550-599 � 600-649 •650-699 7D0-749 � 750 ox more 1 Drar a si�zaQ line difterentiet�nQ eliQiDle from iieliQ�ble tamlliea� b� im-„1� aise, 'for edmieaion to pablic hoaeinQ. r,..,...... .. . ...:... ..:.. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. . . .. . - ... . . . . . . . .. .. ,. . . . , / .. ° {. t . � �� � , � i . ; . . � � . . • - ' _ .. _ . HUD-b12� P�►Qo � nC 5 FAMILIES ( 1-66 �k!%JFCi dnwf PROJECT MUMBER Concord Terrace Minn R-37 � VII. ESTIMATED REHOUSING REQUIREMENTS AMD AVAILABILIT� A. NUM�EA OF UNI'i'S AEQUIRED AND EXFF.C7ED TO BE AVAIIABIE WAINC DISPI.K.�I�TfT PERICD TO iHITE FAMILIES 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 9 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS S OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TYPE OF HOUSING RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AYA1lABLE RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AYAILABLE QUtRED QUIRED QUIRED QUIRED U.IRED E%IST- NEw EXIST- NEw EXIST NEw EXISi- NEw �X�ST- NEM ING ING ING ING IMG 1. 'PUBIIC HOUSIN6 °�a. Fedsrally aided 6 9 ' 2 2 � b. State or lxally aided � . 2. STANDARO PRIVA7E RENTAL HdUSING T(7TAL 5 $ 2 Under $90 � 9E�-99 H Z W � � 100-109 2 � �- ..� z 11.0-119 2 � 0 s � 12(1-129 2 4 1 • . 0 cc , � l ?(�-139 1 2 1 �140 and over 3• sruipu+o s��Es MOUSING TO�u- 3 1 S 6 6 5 Under $14,000 14,000-14.999 1 . 15 ,0��-15 .999 2 �i � � 16 .0�0-16.999 4 N • � 17.000-17 0�� a� ' 18,000-1� ,999 3 5 19,000-19 ,998 2 1 2Q,000 & over 1 5 6 5 . . ` . _ � � � I I � i . _ ; . , � � � , . . _ FAMILIES "��b12Z ' PaQe 6 of 6 ( 1-66� 1ROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER Concord Terrace Minn. R-37 I VII. E3TIMATED REHOUSIN6 REQUIREMEIITS AMD AVAILABILITY—Continwd I � B. NUi�ER OF UNITS AEQUTAED AND F77�££CffD TO HE AVAILABIE DURING DISPIJI�f PF]IICO TO NO[i�HITE FAMILIFS I . 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS +1 BEDRODMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS • I TYPE OF HOUSING TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE I QE- AVAIIABIE RE_ AVAI UBLE RE- AVAILABLE RE_ AVAIlABLE RE_ AVAILABLE I OUIRED QUIRED QUIRED QUIRED ' QUtRED I ExtST- NEw ExIST- NEw Ex157- NEw ExlsT NEw ExIS7- NEw ING �NG ING FNG 1NG 1. .pUBLIC HOU31N6 . II a. F�d�rally i aid�d b. Stat• or I lxally ald�d �I 2. STAMDARD PRIVATE I RENTAL HOU31N6 I 'I'OTAL 'I i Under $90 a 90-99 � s H X I � 100-109 r a � 110-119 I 0 � 12Q-129 I 0 '�' t30-139 � 140 and over � 3. STAMDARD SALES MOU3ING '1'4?Al. � Under $14,000 14,000-14.999 15 0�0-15 999 - w u .. � 16 (100-16 .939 � 17,�00-17 999 N -- - - 18 000-1.8,499 � 19 .000-19,999 20 00� & over � • . . c�o eea•oo� , � � m .,.... , ,M:��� . y• • . a t � '� 1 . ,_ � � � ^ Focm approved NUD-6122 ' Pa�• 1 of 6 ' � Budget Bnrean No. 6S-R926.5 INDIVIDUALS ( 1-66) PROJECT IOCALITY D�PARTMFIVT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPhh�33VT Saint Paul, Minnesota URBAN RENEiIAL PHOGRAY ` Remaining Displacement under Approved EST.tMATED HOUSING REQUIREhRfNTS AIlD Plan (Pre-Amendatory) PROJECT NUMBER RESOURCES FOR DISPLACED I�'DIVIDUALS Concord Terrace -= l�inn. R-37 E5TIMATED LENGTM DATE OF SUBMISSION IMSl1tt/CTIOMS: Pfaee orisiwal aw1 ow� top� in Dinder do. 1, OF DISPIACEMENT ' •wl e�• top� eaeh tn otAer Aisd�rt.. PERIOD: ' �_MOS. I. IItA�ER OFlndiv. IM PAOJECT AREA Ap0 MIA�aER TO BE OISPLACED �r IriC1�V1c1u81S TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE � a. Estl�atsd cu�b�r oF zI1Cj1V. ia proj�ct area , b. E�tl�atsd nu�b�r to b• dlsplaced itom property • co b� a�y�+trad by �� 33 32 1 � e. E�ti�ated nu�ber �o be displacad from property ' to bs acqulrad by othar publlc bodie■ d. E�ti�atsd nu�ber to be dlaplaced by rehabilitation, conearvation, I or code enforce�ent acti�[tis�,(roo property not to ba acquired It. Cf1A�J►CTERISTICS OF Indiv. TO BE DtSPtACED FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRE� Blf LPA WH�TE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO NUMBER Of Individuals TOTAI TENANTS OWHERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS °. ���" 32 26 6 1 1 D. Ellqlbls for fedsrally ald�d public hou�ing 1 8 13 S 1 1 c. Eliqible for Stats cr locallr aid�d public hou�iaq d. Insllgible for public hou�lnq 1(+ 1 3 1 ILI. CNARAC7ERtsTIC3 OF I nd i v. TO BE D13pLAG m FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQuIREO DY OTHER PUBLIC 800tE3 ESTIMaTEO MUNBER OF I11C11V1C1u31S WHITE NOMWHITE TOTAL TENANTS OriNERS TOTAI TENANTS OWN'ERS a. 7'Clf'AL b. Eligible for federallr aided public housinq __ __ c. Eligible for State or locally aided public hou�inq d. Ia�liqible for publie housiaq IV. CMAitACTERI3TICS OF IP.::iV. TO dE DIS9'LACED dY REHABILITATION, CQ�SERVATIOfI. OR COOE EMFORCE}IENT ACTIVITIES. FRQt PROPERT`( NOT T'd 9E ACQUIR£D WHITE NONWHiTE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF Ind1V1c1U81S TOTAL TENANTS OMNERS TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS a. T(7PAI. b. £1lqibls for fedsrallr aidad publie housing � c. Eligible for State .or locallr aid�d pUblic 6ou�inq d. Icsliqlbl• for public housinq V. ►ROrOS£D RENOUSIIYC OF lticil'V. IMCLUOED IM BLOCKS I t, 1 I I. and IV A60VE WHITE MONwNITE PROPOSEO REHOUSING TOTAL XISTING UNITS NEM UHITS TOTAL EXISTING UNITS NEW UNITS a. T(7TAL Individuals 32 1 _ b. Pri�ate rental hou�icg 1 3 1 3 e. Pri�at• wl�• Aousiaq 1 d. F�d�rally aidsd public houslnq 1$ 1 1 •. Othsr public houslnq _ EXHIBIT B. . � . j ' ty9��n'�'''+7lE3�tl4?�?'&d9":�!ur _ ` . : . • • i � . .i : .� _ . _ ...� , . . �� iiH Ul}-612'l PsQe 2 of 6 � Il`TDIVIDUALS ( 1-56) , rao,,ecT H�Me Co.ncord Terrace iROJECT NUNBER MLIITI. R- Y1. SIZE AMO BEDROOM REQUIREMEMTS. BY IMCOME, OF Indiv: TO 8E DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA (lnclude a!I [i�ted undrr ll. I77. and IY) A. 5IZE, 8Y INCOI�. OF WHI'IE j:2d1V.TO BE DISPLACID FHOM PflOJF.CI' AA£A I TOTAL NUMBER ►wurHir Indiv.�NCOKE oF Indiv. , 2 3 u 5 6 7 B 4 OR MORE I raru 32 I 0-] 99 � 2 0- I 300-349 4 I 35Q-399 � �� � �+00-449 4 I 450-499 3 ' 500-549 2 1� 550-599 60�-649 1 � 650-699 � 7np-749 750 or mor.e 1 1 � B. BEI�i00M REQUIREIENi'3. B7 INCOIE. �' 1►HI7E Ind3_v. TO � DISPLACED TOTAL MUMBER BEDROOM REQUIREMENiS MONTMIY I,n�j1V.�NCOME OF .LI1Cl1N.. 1 BEDROOM T BEDROOMS j BEDROOMS 4 BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE Toru.. �32 . � (�-1 99 13 200-2 9 1 250-299 2 2 _ �-3 9 c� t� 350-399 400-449 3 3 450-499 � 4 , 500-549 2 2 550-599 � 600-649 650-699 1 1 700-749 750 or more 1 1 . ..,, . ���._�.. ,. _.,_ �_� ` : _ . , : '. � • � � � � ' . I . . . . . .. .. . � . . .. .. . . . . . .. I `a I ' ' . . . . . . .. � .. , - . . .. . �I . HUO-61�z e.Qe a or s - _....__.. INDIVIDUALS ( i-661) oRO�EC� MAME C�[1COTC� T2TT8C2 PRGvfCT NUMBER M1IIII. R�37 v1. 31ZE AND BEOROOM REQUIREMEIfT3. BY IMCflME. OF Indiv. � BE DISPIACED FRON 9ROJECT AREA—Contfnu.d (I�tl■de .lI lt,esd uede. II, lll, a�d IY) C. SIZE. BT INCCME. OF NOti�HITE I:1d�V. '.'O BE DISPiACFD F�A1 PROJD(.'f ARF'.!1 MONTHLY IIIC�1V I NCOME �F�Zq���ER l, tl 5 6 7 8 9 UR MORE TOfAL 0-199 . 1 25Q-299 350-399 ,400-449 450-499 500-549 550-599 � 600-649 650-699 � � 700-74 9 I 750-br more D. BIDF10C�1 AEQUIR�1'S, BY INCOIE, OF NONiHITE Indiv. TO BE DISPLJIC�D MONTNLY jnd1V I NCOME �OF AL MUMBER BEDROOM REQU i REMENTS I nd i v. 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS 4 BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE TQfAL { I 0-199 1 __ = I :�SO-399 400-449 450-499 . 500-549 550-599 � 600-649 ' . 650-699 700-744 ' 750 or more �„ . • _ , . _ . ___. _ . �� , : { � • • '� � � . - � � _�� � INDIVIDUALS Huo-�1�� � PaQP � ot 5 ' ( 1-6 } vHt�JFC� r+awt FROJfCT NUwBER Concord Terrace Minn R-37 , Y11. ESTIMATED REMOUSIN6 REQUIREMENTS AMD AVAILABI�ITT A. NU►BF�i OF t1NI1S AEWIAED AND IXPP.C'PED TO BE AVAI[J1BLE DURING DISP[JICEI�?7t PERICD TO V}1TCE Individuals 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS . 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS TO BE TO 8E TO BE TO BE TO BE I TYPE OF HOUSING AVAILABLE AYA1lABLE AYAIUBIE AYAILABLE AYAILABLE RE— RE— R{— RE— RE— QUIRED QUIRED QUIRED QUIRED UIR6D ExIST— NEw ExIS7— NEw ExIST NEw ExlsT— NEw ExIST— NEw IHG ING ING iNG IMG 1. pUBLIC HWSIM6 a. Fedsrally ' aided I8 b. State or lxally aided 2. STANDARD PRlVATE � RE11TAl HWSING roru. 13 Under $90 1 H 90-99 g Z w � � lOQ-109 5 � J z 110-119 I 0 : � � 12(1-129 4 0 a • ° l ?n-139 . 140 and ever 3• sruiouio s��Es FI�U31 M G TUfAL 1 � Under $14,000 ' 14,000-14 .999 � 15 .00�-15 .999 � N � 16 .Of?0-16,999 � 17.000-17 0�� � � , I8,000-18,999 19,000-19 ,99E ?.0,000 & over 1 ,: ,H , . . ._ :., . _ . � ... . �., � ,� , .... _ �; �• � ; . ' ; i � .__.�..� , PsQe 6 or 6 INDIVIDUALS "uw612z ( 1-66) '. �ROJECT NAwE PROJECT NUMBER Concord Terrace Minn. R-37 � YII. E3TIMAFED ftEH0U31M6 REQUIREHENTg ANO AYAILABIIITY—Continu�d I B. NU1BE1i oF' 11NITS ADQUIF�D AND D�£(.'1'ID TO BE AVAILABIE DURIlIG DISPIAtF.IE�]�f PFRI(D TO NOlRFiTfE Individuals 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 9 BEOROOMS tl BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS TYPE OF HOUSING TO BE TO 8E TO BE TO BE TO BE RE- AVAILABLE RE_ AVA1 U BLE RE_ AVA1lABLE RE_ AVAILABIE qE_ AVAILABIE OUIRED pUIRED OUIRED QUIREO QUIRED EXIST- NEW � EXIST- NEw EXI'ST- NEW EX1ST NEw EXIST- NEW ING ING ING ING ING _. PUBIIC NQU31.M6 �. F�d�rally . aid�d 1 ; b. Stat• or locally eld�d 2. STAMDARD PAIYATE i RENTAL HOU31M6 TOTAl. Under $90 .� 90-99 � H � 100-109 r ..� � l 10-119 ' 0 : � 120-129 0 � . � Y30-139 140 and over 3. sr�o�ro s��es HOUSIp6 TO'TAL Under $14 ,000 14,000-?4.999 15 0�0-15 999 w u . � 16 (100-16 ,999 � � 17,�00-1 7 999 N - --- 18 000-18,499 19 .000-19.999 20 000 & over . . . � . . . � .. � .GPO B9i-009 ... . . . . . . . . ,_ � , w.. , . .. :.. .. .,.. , - . .... . �`.R�IC�n'.�'„�S .• _ • , I ; . ,` . . II� 1 � � Fo+m approved NUD-6I22 Ij Ps�♦ i ot 6 - Bndget Bnreaa No. 6S-R926.b FAMILZES ( 1-66) i : PROJECT 40CALITY ° DE�ARTMETVT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE,'VFI.OPA�IVT I ' Saint Paul , Minnesota � URBAN RENENAL PROGRAM PROJECT NAME greakdown of S�anish American li � Minority Fanilies j EST(MATED HOUSING REQUIREI4ENTS A1lD PROaecT NuweeR i RESOURCES FOR DISPU►CED FAMILIES Concord Terrace (Minn. R-37) Amendatory � ? ESTiMAT�O LENGTM DATE OF SUBM�SSION � INST110CTIONS: Plate orisiw�l �w1 ow• eopr in Dinder Mo. 1, OF DISPUCEMENT MOS. AU�USt 1� 197� � •sI e�• eop� eaeA in otAer A�wders. PERIOD: � 1. MUle ER OF FMIILIES IM PROJECT NtEA_MID N U4sER TO BE OISpLACED � FAMILPES TOTAI WHITE NONWHITE � a. E�ti�at�d nu�b�r of f�ili�• in proj�ct area b. E�tlwt�d nu�b�r to be di�pinced from property to b• acquired by LPA c. E�tl�atsd nu�ber to be displaced from property to b• acquired by othsr publlc bodie• d. £�ti�ated nu�ber to bs di�plac�d by rehabilLtation, conservatioa, � or code eaforce�ent aetifities, froo property not to be acquirsd 11. CNA�ACTERISTICS OF F/WILIES TO BE DISPLACED FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY LPA ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMILIES WHITE �Sp3rilS�"i AmOT, ) NONwHITE �I TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS ' °. T�"� *53 33 20 �� b. Eliyibl• for federally ald�d public housinq 2(�, 1[} 1 0 e. Eliqible Eor Stats or locallr aidsd public hou�inq d. Inellqibls for publSc hou�inq 2 9 1 9 1 0 III. CMARRCTEltISTlC3 OF FAMIlIE3 TO BE DISPIAC m FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED oY OTHER PUBIIC BODIES ------------ - ------- - — --WHITE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO MUMBEIt Of fAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENAHTS OMNERS a. 1'CJl'AL b. Eliqible for fedsrallr aidsd Public housiag c. Eliqfbl• for Stats or locally aided public housing d. In�liqible for publlc housinq � iV. CNAbtACTERISTICS OF F/WILIES TO SE DIStLACED EY REHABILITATIOM. COIISERYATIOM, OR CODE QIFORCEMEMT ACTIYITIES. ' � FRQI CROPERTY NOT TO dE ACQUIRfD WHITE NONWNITE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS a. TCJfAI. b. F1lqible for federallr aided publie hou�inq • c. Eligfble for State or locallr aid�d public housiag d. Iceligibl• for publlc hou�lnq V, titOPOSED RENOUSIN6 OF FIWILIE3 IMCLI7DED IN BLQCKS II, Iti. and IV R80VE wHITE (Spanish Amer. NONwHITE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAI XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAL EXISTING UNITS NEW UNITS a. TCITAL FAMILIES 53 b. Pri�ata rental hou�inq 1 3 e. Prl�ac• ■al�• hou�iaq 2 3 d. F�d�rally aided public 1 7 hou�lnq •. Other public hou�inq *Separate breakdown for Spanish American minoriLy families - Total displacement of 144 White families, 53 (36%) Spanish American minority. Exhibit C � - � . ,.., _ _ _. _ .. .. � y _ � • • �� - � � � � ' �� i � � ..�..� <. _ . � ��MUt�612"L PaQe Y ot 6 FAMILIES ( 1-66) IROJECT� NAME COLICOTC� TeTrHC2 � PROJECT NUMBER�� � Mlnn.. R- - Y1. �IZE AND BEOROOM REQUIRENEMTS, BY FNCOME, OF FAMiLIE3 T0 BE DISPIACED FROM PROJECT AREA (/ntludt alI I�ited uwder II, III. and IY) I A. SIZE, BY INCO►�. OF IIHI'IE FAMILIES TO BE DISP[JICID FROM PROJ£(.T AAFA �PA r A � I TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER OF FAMILIES 8Y FAMILY SIZE 1 MONTHLY FAHIIV INCOME Of FANILIES 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 OR MORE T°T�u" ' S3 17 12 3 7 3 4 1 6 � ` 0_] 99 6 6 j I 2 0- 300-349 1 1 350-399 3 2 1 ' � 400-449 1 1 ` 450-499 1 , 1 500-549 2 1 1 550-599 4 1 2 1 600-649 10 2 3 3 1 1 I 650-699 5 2 1 l 1 � 700-749 4 1 1 1 i 750 or more g 2 1 3 1 2 B. BfDH00M RF.(7UIREI�IIM'3. B7 INCOlE. Cf' 11HI'IE FAMILIES TO BE DISPLJICED SPA�ItSii Ai�iERICAV i�1SNORITY TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM REQUIREMEN7S MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME OF FA141LIES 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS � BEDROOMS u BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE TQ�u' S3 11 20 9 7 6 �-1 99 . 200-2 9 4 1 3 . . . . __ 250-299 3 : _ �-3 9 _ 350-399 3 2 1 ' 400-449 1 � . 1 450-499 1 1 500-549 2 1 1 SSO-599 4 1 2 1 600-649 ZO 1 4 4 1 ' 650-699 5 2 1 1 1 700-749 4 1 1 1 }. 750 or more 9 2 1 4 2 1 Drar a si�s�a lia• diff�r�atisti�� �li�ible from ii�liQiDle families, D� famil� sise� for adoi��ioa to pablic hon�laQ. � : : . • • � � � �a _ � � � :_ .� - . ,. . � HUD-6122 P.Qe a or 6 FAMILZES ( 1-66) PROJECT ��rc � Concord TEITdCE �r� PRGJfCT NUMB�ER Minn. R-3�7 � V1. S12E A11D BEDR0011 REpU1RE�ENTS. BT IMCf#IE, OF FANILIES '�0 BE D0S1'IACED FROM PROJECT AREA—Contieu�d (Iwcl�d• •!! Itited ueder II, IIl, awd IY) ' - C. SIZE, B7 INCOI�, OF NONIIHITE FAMILIFS TO BE DISPLACID FRCi( PAOJEGT hRf'J1 MONTNIY fAM1LY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER NUMBER OF FAHILIE5 BY FAMILY SIZE 1 OF FAhiIL1E5 2 q 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE TUf'AL � 0-199 i 250-299 i 350-399 400-449 450-499 ' 500-549 550-599 600-649 1 650-b99 700-749 750-ar. more D. BIDAU01( AEC�UTAF]�NI'S, BY INCOME, OP NONRtiITE FAlIILIESS 1'0 BE DISPLJIC�D MONTNLY fAMILY IMCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS Of FAMILIES 1 BEdR00M 2 BEOROOMS j BEOROONS 4 BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE TQfAL 0-199 � "s50-399 400-449 45�-499 � 500-549 � 550-599 . 600-649 650-699 700-749 750 or more 1 Drew a ziQznQ line dilferentintinQ eliQible irom iaeliQible iamtliea, b� ienal� aize� for admieeion to pnDlic looeinQ. � , � 5� , f : • 1 • ' : : . .. _ 1.. � � _ . . � , . � Hua-�i2� P+�qP � nt 5 FAMILIES ( 1-66 VHOJFCT NAwf PROJECT NUMBER • Concord Terrace _ AMEI�TDATORY Minn R-37 VIi. ESTIMATED REHOUSiNG REQUIRE!£NTS AMD AVAIIRBIIITY SPANISH AMERICAN MINORITX ; A. NUIBF3i OF llNIT'S REQUTAED AND EXPECI'ED TO BE AVAIIABLE DUNING DISP1.14C�1�lIf PF�iICD TO l'HITE FA►fILIES � i 1 BE�ROQM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BE�ROOMS u BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TYPE OF HOUSING RE_ AVAIlABLE RE_ AYAILABLE RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AVA1lABlE , pUIRED QUIREO QUIRED QUIRED UIRED EXIST- NEw EX►ST- HEw ExiS7 NEw EXIST- NEw EX�N�T NEw i ING ING ING �NG L PUBt1 C HOUS17t`6 , c. Federally • aided 6 6 4 1 b. State or locally aided � 2. STANDARD PRIVATE � RENTAL HOUSING • rcrru. 4 9 Under $9Q < 40-99 2 �- z w � � 100-109 1 I � a . � z 110-119 2 0 s � 12(1-129 1 3 � ' o � . � ] ?0-139 1 2 14� and over 1 3• SrAMDARD 3ALE3 HOUSING . Tvru. 1 5 5 6 6 Under $14,000 14,00('-14 .999 . � ] 5 ,0��-15 .999 N g 16 .0f?0-16.999 1 N � 17.Q00-17 00� a� � 18,000-18 ,999 1 1 1 19,000-19,998 2 1 20,000 & over 1 3 �6 �6 �10 are ownez/occupied �aitn substant�ial Equity in present homes , plus eligibility for Replacement Housing Payments. The remaining 2-families have incomes of $889/mo and $1 ,453/mo. __ ... .� � ^:�+��� -.�..x�,.. � : , ,,, .. . , ,. -:,. �a�%^ . . , � � ` : { _ • � I � i � � � � �,._ � ' ~ FAMILIES nuo--eizz � I-66) ' ',.�♦ � af b ; PRQJECT NUMBER I � -. 'R:.'lli NAMC � . . Concord Terrace Minn. R-37 ; a : __-__ -�_. . � y��, �1T�NATED REMOUSINC REQUIREMEJIT3 AMD AYAiLABILiTY—Continwd � 1 4 � M��E�1 pF' UNITS pF74�If�p Aiip t7�£CI4D TO HE AVAILABLE DUHING DISPU� �I� 'ro N�MHTTE FAMILI6 � ! , 1 BEDROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEDROOMS Y BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS i i i ; . i TO BE TO 8E TO BE TO BE TO BE 1 il�E OF HOUSING AVAIUBLE AV#ILABLE AYAIIABLE AYAILABLE AVAIIABLE ; qE_ RE- RE- RE- RE- OUiREO QUIRED QUIRED OUIRED QUIRED �, EXIST- EXIST- EXIST- EXIST NEw EXIST- NEIM . � ING NEw ING NEw ING NEw ING ING . ! " �_'•�t�LIC NOUSIN6 . L----=�- . � s. F�d.rally ' aid�d . �_--- o. Stat• ot l�ally ald�d � ? �+UIDARD PRIVATE I � i"F�TAL HOUSIN6 � ;� TO[AL ;:nder $90 � � � � ?0-99 . Z _ :00-109 � . = ' 10-119 � ; � � z � � :2�-129 � � � � �30-139 �i40 end over • . _ _..� �j• STAIIDARD SALES N�USING 'I'dTAL Under $14,000 ' 14 ,000-?4.999 ]5 0(10-15 999 w � N � 16 �00-16.989 ? 1 7,noo-1_7 999 _ -_ --- . v, - 1 f3 000-18,999 1 � 000-19,999 �� 000 & over . � � � Cp0 99i•009 �..,.;.:..:..,..,.,.,.,. . � . - . . . . �:. ,. _ i . • • ! � � " � � � � � � � � i �. . . i _ . . _�� , � Fonn approved HUD-6122 i� Fa�� 1 ot 6 Badget Bnrean No. 63-R926.5 INDIVIDUALS ( 1-66) I PROJECT LOCALITr ' D�PARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPI�IVT St. Paul , Minnesota URBAN PENEIIAG PROGRAY Bregl{dOWi2 of Spanish American Afinorit n ' � EST I NATED HOU3 I NG REQU I REt�NTS A1lD rRO�ECT NuNeEa � RESOURCES F0� DISPL.�CED INDIVIDUALS Concord Terrace {Minn. R-37) Amendatory I ESTIMATED LENGTN DATE Of SUBMISSION i INSTM/CTIOMS: Plare orisin�! �w1 owe copr in dinder No. 1, OP DISPLACEMENT •wd e�• topr •acA �n other Ai�der�. PERI00: MOS. AI1gUSt 1� 1970 i i. IIU1bER 0F .IildiV. �M PROJECT AREA A[I� MI�IQER T0 BE DISPLACED I IIV'DIVIDUALS TOTAL NHITE NONWHITE �I a. Est Lat�d nuab�r of f�ili�s in projsct area b, Etti�atsd nu�b�r to bs dlsplaced from property I to be ocquired by LPA c. Estl�atsd nu�bet to be displaced from property I to be acqulred by othar public bodiea d. E�ti�atsd nu�ber to be dirplac�d by rehabilitation, conservation, or code eaforce�ent aeti�itie�, fron property not to be acquirsd II it. CMNtACTERISTICS OF Indiv. TO BE DISPLACED FRdI PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY LPA SP�NISH AM^�RI(:AN I WNITE • 7 NONwHITE i ESTIMATED NUMBER OF Individuals ToTa� TENANTS OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWkERS � a. mrAL �9 8 I �I b. Ellqlbls for fedsrally ald�d public hou�ing 3 2 1 • I, e. E1lqible for State or localYr aided public houaing Q O O d. Iueliqibla for public �,o�.so9 . 6 6 0 {Ii. CMARACTERISTICS OF-,_In�iV.TO BE DI�LACm FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED QY OTMER PUBLtC BODtE3 ESTINATEO NllMBER OE ' WHITE ! NONWHITE Individuals TOTAL TENANTS OMNFRS TOTAL TENANTS ONN'€RS a. T(71'AL • b. Eligible for fsderallr aidad public hou�inq c. Eliqible for State or locallr aided public hou�inq d. Iasliqible for publfc housinq IY. CNARACTERI3TICS OF F�lMIL1E3 TO DE DIStLACED EY REHABILITATION, COMSERVATION. OR CODE QIFOitCEMEMT �CTIVITIES. FRQI PROPERT'Y MOT TO QE ACQUIR'ED . ESTIMATED MUNBER OP Individuals w►+iTE NONWNITE TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS a. 7'UfAI. ' b. F1lqibla for federallr aided public hou�ing c. Eligibls tor State ot locally aldsd publie hou�ing d. Ineliqlbl� for public hou�lnq V. �ROPOSED REFIOtJSING OF In�'iv� IpCLIAED IN BLOCK3 I I, I11. and IY ABOVE wHITE S�anish Amer NonwHirE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAL XISTiNG UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAL E%ISTING UNITS NEW UNITS a. TpfAL Individuals 9 � b. Prl�ate rantal hou�ing 6 c. Prlvat• ■al�• hou�inq � d. F�d�rally aid�d public O hou�lnq •. Other public hou�lnq 3 *Separate breakdown for Spanish-American i�finority Individuals - Total displacement of 51 White Individuals, 9 (20%) Spanish American Minority. Exhibit C �_... ,� ,: . . � � _ � • ' �.<i.� I 4 • . i uM UlY-6122 I Ps�e' 2 or 6 II�IDIVIDUALS ( 1-66) I 1NOJECT N�AME � CQ[1.COZ�d T�2rTECe PROJECT NUMBER M1I1Il. �R— � � V1. S12E AMD BEUROON REQUIREMEMTS, 8Y IMCOME. OF Indiv. TO 8E DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA ' (Intludt all Ii�ted under II, III, and IY) �. stze. AY tt+co►�, oF rt�t� Indiv. TO BE DISPUI(� FAOM PROJECf ARFA SFANISH AMERZCAN MINORITY MONTHLY Indiv.INCOME TOTAL Nur+eER INDIVIDIALS Of IIIa1V. p 3 q S 6 7 9 9 OR MORE Taru . 9 0-199 _ -. . 2 0- l 300-34� 35�-399 � . I 400-449 � � 450-499 � I 500-549 2 550-599 60(1-649 1 I 650-699 1 700-749 1 � 750 or more 8. BF�Ei00M RF.QUIREIEM'8. B7 INCOIE. CF' At1I'IE TO BE DISA.ACED MOMTMLY Irid1V.INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM REQUIREMEN7S oF Indiv. �1 BEDROON 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 4 BEUROOMS 5 OR MORE Tc�ru . 9 9 0-1 99 3 3 . 2C��-2 1 1 _ . 250-299 1 1 _ _ _ : _ �-3 9 350-399 ' 400-449 450-499 � 500-549 2 2 � 550-599 . ' 600-649 1 1 , 650-699 � 1 700-749 . 750 or more . _ _� a � i • • � � � . � _ ...j � I HUD-6122I FaQe s oi 6 . "_r INDIVIDUALS t 1-66)I VNOJECT MAME � � CO[1COTd TeTrfl�CE � PRGvfCT MUYBER Minn.� R-37 - V1. �12E AND BEOR0011 REQUIRElIEMTS, BT INCC�iE, OF IriC11.V. ro eE ois��c� FaoN vaaECr ur�►--c�tr��.a (Iwcl�d� aI! l�iled undtr II, II�, awd IY) C. SIZE, BY INCQ�, Of' NO1f�HITE Indiv� � D�spucID t'ftca �o�r � MOMTHLY II3C�IV�MCOME TOTA` �M�HeER IivDIVIDUc'�LS Of Zr. z.v. � �I 5 6 7 6 9 OR MdRE TOfAL ' 0-199 . . � 250-299 350-399 :__ . __ __ I �+00-449 . .__ 450-499 500-549 550-599 , 600-649 650-699 ' 700-749 ! 750-ar more D. BIDAOCM RF�UTAF7�I�ffS, BY INCObE, OP NONI►HITE �ndiv. TO &E DISPiJ1CID I MONTHLY jndiv I NCOME TofTAL NUMBER BEOROOM RE I REMENTS ; I riC�1 V. 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS j BEDROQMS U BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE Taru . � 0-199 i �SO-399 400-449 450-499 , I 500-549 550-599 � 600-649 ' , 650-699 700-749 � 750 or more i . �a ,_ _.,� .� . . . . r ; :. . �; �,..r . r _ , . . .,. • � f , . :�::�:;:t a���--t�.�.�. _ :-..�.� _ _ • , • . ►+ua-h i 2z P�QP 4 nt s _ INDIVIDUALS ( 1-66) �WC:JfCT Nawi PROJECT NUMBER Concord Terrace Minn R-37 Yil. ESTIMATED REHOUSIN6 REQUIREMEMTS AMD AVAILA8IUTY A. NU#iBE31 OP UNITS AEQUTAED AND EXFF.CTED 'f0 BE AVAIUHIE WRING DISPI.K�FF�NNf P�II� TO VHITE Irid1V].dUa1S � 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS 4 BEORQOMS 5 OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TYPE OF HOUSIN� RE_ AVAIlABIE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AVAIlABIE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AVAIIABLE OUIRED QUIRED OUIRED QUIRED UIRE� EXIST— NEw Ex15T— NEw EXIST NEw EXIST— NEW El(IST NEw ING ING IHG ING ING i. pUBUC HWSIN6 1a. Federally aided 3 b. State or locally aided i 2. STANDARO PRIVATE REIITAL HOUSIN6 T�l'AL Under $40 2 � 90-99 H z w � 100-109 r ..� Q110-119 4 I : v� 1 ?(1-129 : 0 a . � l ?c1-139 14� and over 3• STAMDARD SALES FIOUSING T(JfAL Under $14,000 • 14 ,00�-14.999 � 15 ,00�-15 .999 N � 16 .O(?0-16,999 � � 17,000-17 00� � ' 18,000-18 ,999 19,000-19 ,998 20,000 & over "�,`s',� °°.�-.-�.�.m...__. _ <:�:����� _ • • _ .. � INDIVIDUALS nu[>-ei22 PaQe 6 of 6 _ ( 1-66) tROJECT MAME PAOJECT NUMBER Concord Terrace Minn. R-37 Y11. EITIMATEO REHOU31M6 REQtI1RElIFJITS AMD AYAIIABILiTY—Continu�d 8. NUI�ER of' UNITS RDQLlIRID AND F�'E(.'IID TO � AVAIIJIBIE DURItiG DISPIAfE1Q3tT FfRICO TO NCMFiITE IACI1Vlciilal.& � 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 4 BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE BEDROOMS TYPE OF HOUSING TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE RE- AVAILABLE RE_ AVAiIABLE RE_ AVAILABLE RE_ AVAILABLE aE_ AVAIIABLE 9UIRED OUIRED QUIREO QUIRED pUIREO El(IST- NEw EXIST- NEw EXIST- NEw EXIST NEw EXIST- NEIY ING ING ING ING ING 1. �UBLIC HOU31M6 'a. F�d�rally aid�d b. Stat• or locally aid�d 2. 3Te�DARD PRIVATE REMTAL HOU31M6 TO'fAl. Under $90 � a 90-99 s H � 100-I09 N a � 110-119 0 : � 120-129 0 x " t30-139 140 and over 9. STAIIDAR� 5ALE3 HWSIM6 1'0'fAL Under $14,000 14;000-�4,999 15 0�0-15 999 w u . N � 16 000-16.989 � 17,�00-17 999 h - — --�---- -- 18 000-].8,499 19 .OQ0-19.999 20 00� & over . � � , . . . � GPO B9Y•009 � , . _ - � • � a� �, .-+ ..., .-� � o .-� o ,n y w v xa � � � c o .-� o 0 0 o r-+ c� � ,., ,-� w O �+ W O O O O O C7 O O t C O � z . a G � a +� H ro vxi o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x • z o o " w - 0 .�, � � � � w cn c'1 W � >+ pG E-i C O O O �-+ O O O � u � � � W as C � A+ � d �+ �, � a . u cn � pA � �-+ N r+ o o .-� � � a � .°-+' 0 �-+ H � 3 � G H r+ ar. `c� � u � � � � � � pG o `� � � � � � C 1 H N � N tV N N � z w � x • O .�-a N � .-�-i � .-�� � p .'� .-� . w �° a► o o w t+ H � Y� � d N H +� H �+ l��+ W � V �-+ '-+ N r-+ .-+ O .-+ .-� ^ C �f o +� U 0 . H y oD +� G � � t� V� N � � U U tA � , . � fA 1 �rl •rl •ra � 3d . m 00 � fr > y V c0 d 4J G O A 1+ f-� •.a R. •� �N •ia a�.i 'L7 !] � 1•'i � v� 3-r � U � C1 'O � � U S-�i � N tn � ,C W �.�1 W v) Q O C � � • o � � c •� � •� ro � ,., � o L s� m a �+ � � � v w ¢+ w � v� H , Exhibit D R-223 � . . . . ._ . . . _ , ... . s...x�F • . • .. � _ c�1 � G�i -� �t �O � � � .�.� N a� .-+ 'ty � � � � � r.] r1 N N �O O� U1 'L7 Q1 d � > vA ..r -.{ af � H . M M � � 'o � p c� .-� r+ a� � v� at ++ .n > H .-i 'v � e0 +a C tn �-+ O u1 �n � � u"� C 1 .-+ .-+ W m c"1 4f O N N 'C � C d � l+ O U •.a O •.-� c0 6 +� � u�.. u� � w op � V� •.1 � �.+ O cn .0 N � 'G r1 � N O� M F+ O .0 O �--t O � U W � U l0 •� y.l M w .-i O C d � .0 4-+ . .rl N E �+ � a .°C `° °' v�i � B H O .�C .-+ O aJ w u 1 i/1 u'1 O .0 1-r O 1+ +� � � • �v .-r a ` d -a a �n •a o _ H -F N �t �O Sa N •�� H �7 � � •.� .-a �, � .-a O m Gi 1� t� w •� Q � � O O O �.] N N t"1 �'�l al O C •.-� H M �+ �+ i-� � c�i � v � a d L .o �C � C v � a �z, •.1 N c"1 M G C1 O 9 Q ` �-1 r� RS ,� 3 •� W .-1 m W d �a 6 'v +� .�n A �+ � O O O � G Q 1 .-� .-+ .0 W tC r+ W � E t� �� H o � v 3 � � � � � � w�� � .a N � u AA .-+ a� � 3 � � M M c") � � L T ? A L Cj �--1 CI i� 3�+ >C L G O a N � •� � � x '�w � •a s+ z � � � • cn a, v, u �, . , v� s+ �v cr e� H .-a W w a1 .x �+ H 1 Ol �+ 3.+ •,a � o � � �v � � � a, a r-+ �o o ° ¢ ai o z + ..� r, M s� �, ..� � w � a' � • v`�, �, � r+ . ,� .�'u a�'i cn.�c � W O� M _ M C''1 �D � � O .,.C.i 1.� � .-a C O .0 .0 W U y •� � •.1 z °a° o ai °o ai aroi r1 N •�1 C 3a �+ L� . L 'p Cl qS a u �v a� +� cn � v .n Rt u y.r u � � u .-+ u u o •� a� � �n � 3 3�+ •n . O C •n i-+ L1. O O O 3�+ u � �+ a� a • � ^ �' ao � °� y G .. p '�7 7 C C � 6 � � c!� O C O O O 0 1+ � � cn � � a) C3 •r1 s�+ � N W >, v� rn ' t9 d p" E � `i c� i � .� .�c � �-+ w a"'o °v x 3 °o •• o `i' aCi " � �+ ,� c1� W r+ C W O �0 Q F+ O � � � o � H "�¢ � � o �c �+ +-� a a a, x �+ � �+ o z � � �u o o u a o o a a1 .-� CY H v} G c1 H o a� a.+ � O 6 �-1 `-� cL � v G i} �+ +� .0 .0 �-+ •.-1 N � pW.� Z d crl � � M Li+ O � 'O �3 �3 �-+ H H c� ro w c� a�'i oo a�i � o o a w � � d F� L •��.• ci N H 3 3 N O � � � .--� N Exhibit E . � � - < _ :� AREA PREFERENCES OF FAMILIES AND IPID IVIDUALS TO BE DISPLACID CONCORD TERRACE AMEPrDATORY ACQUIS ZTIOI3 � . TYPE OF HOUSZNG West Side West Side No Preference Out of Suburbs Metro. Area . , s �ublic Housing 31 - 21 - � � Private Rental 23 1 9 1 Ha � �I � w ; Sales Housing 30 9 16 5 � TOTALS 84 10 46 6 Public Housing F� 10 - 11 - �,.��._.._.: .r.._..�.�._..._.r � � Private Rental 8 1 16 - � � � . ~ Sales Housing - 2 3 - � H TOTALS } 18 3 30 - � ____ __ _ _ -- --- .._. - - � � �WrirT���ii�n�� -- - - - . . . . . Public Housing 41 - 32 - � cn C� F-+ N � Private Rental 31 2 25 1 aQ • .� M � ►'� r. wP � H Sales Housing 30 11 19 5 o � r H � TOTALS 102 13 76 6 E:chibit F R-223 � _ _ • . • ANALYSIS OF RELOCATION EXPERIENCE TO DATE CONCORD TERRACE URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT (MINN. R-37) The attached chart gives a numerical breakdown of mobility by area and type of housing for all displacement activity to date, including moves since date of Letter of Consent (August 9, 1966) for early acquisition of the park-playground site and Loan and Grant execution, October 18, 1968. A total of 258 families and individual householders have been relocated from acquired properties. Some of the more significant findings of the study include the follawing: - - - 160 or 62% moved to housing located on the West Side or West Side Suburbs (see. map attached showing location of the Concord Terrace Minn. R-37 Project and area of the city referred to as the West Side and West Side Suburbs). - - - 67 or 26% moved to housing located elsewhere in the city or other suburbs. - - - 3i or 12% moved out of the metropolitan area. . - - - 71 or 28% moved into public housing units (43 or 61% on the West Si@e). - - - 96 or 37% moved to private existing rentals (53 or 55% on , . the West Side or� its suburbs). - - - 9Z or 35% moved .to private existing sales units (64 or 70% on the West Side or its suburbs). . Exhibit G (Sheet 1 of 3) R-223 _ � • at .. .� .�. a� � � � , �+ N � N O W Q � e-� r-� � � . 1� p v v � Q, O ,--� L 1r � � � O �-+ � 1 O� .-+ p � 6� N .�1 p Cs �-+ .-+ N r-+ '-+ �-+ � D, � � • � ti W W .L1 � � � O �+ � � \ U� Q7 .� N c'�'1 N z V � � v v H G t!� � � `'� �. oo � � � .o t O co � �n � � O �f7 � .--i e-� c") e-1 r� M N N .--1 �O �� . . � x ca +-+ .� U _,.. _.. _ Z _._ ...,,__..._._�...._.,. O � . H E-t � � i-. d c1 � � � U "fl .-+ O O Q •rl fJ] .-1 r-1 � �--i . . h,.� (!� � v v v C4 +� � 1J Vf .a i f� .-� CO i t`� N O� 1 �y' M 1� C � � rl r-+ � .--� •N � k+ 3 �n � � O _ H a z " H a, o a� H r. r. � . �1 +a � m � � � q U 'D �n �n N �-+ c� •.� �r1 �7' �n � a � v v v W t� m � Q 1 �n N M 00 M '-+ �O c'1 O c*'1 O� .-� c'') � 4L' 3 N N � O� N r-a - �' �7' M �/1 M • .--1 C". G ,� G4 � � p � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � U N o0 O rn �t � 00 1� u'1 . �U �--� N N U1 <"'1 u'1 N M M }.� qf v � v v v � v v v cn }+ +� a� o - H H H �o 00 �n rn u� ao �o rn � � �-+ ao � C�1 �' CO � M �- � 00 f� O� � O� �1'1 . . � �p r-1 N >� O • u a o 6 U � z �-a � G Ri GO G cd b0 C �C OU ¢ y�.i w •,a a� C •a a.� q •a u C O � tn C •.-1 m C •r+ u� G •.a (-+ O � a) �n � � tn � Ql m ,.""� O tZ � C W � O W� . x o .-+ x o r+ x o .-a w G x � c� x � a� x �s o u �u .0 u � �+ u .0 ,� �,-� co v� o •�-+ cu �n o � ca m o d r+ > d H r-+ > � E-+ .-a � v H CL 1� •.-1 �-+ ,a •,a r-+ .o •.a '--1 7, � �+ af � �+ c3 � S� cC • F+ a w cn a a v, a a v� 0 rn � � r, W U H "' � z a � N � ►.a � A x � �q � � � ~ F H Exhibit G (Sheet 2 of 3) . � � • . . , � ._. � . � , -,; , � , � - , _ .. ---, ''. I, s.-��_._.. _. '_.. - ; __,_ - , �:� � �-. ` _ , - - a-� � � , i ; I I �� � � r . ; ` ` i , .�� ., i � _ - - ,... __ �-�:� ; -� ,• .1 ;�;c, �. ...---� _--•.-.—..- ��..--... �>-^���:-<:«;..,���«��. .c;--���< "�.--« :.mh1ti � ��:� . . , . � /� . ,y! �`� t ' l j� \ � � ''� ��f�-�-J•f'''� rZ , , . , , _ t � . ,: _ •. � ,�• : • - -..._.__ .L�G' _� . . �1. . � �.. . '..\ ,✓7 ( ' ...1 �1`� � ir�! .. .. I i e •. , ; = �G �t / „ ,i ... . , . .... ..�,1 \ , : ' i.. .' 1 ! 1 ' . - �' i . �. . ., � � .. � 1/•� _. ti , , . . , . .. . . . . .. _ .... , ._.__., . � ' ._ �. � +� �..__ _ . �� /j� � �,�/� � , � ,� � i _ .. i �; � . , , � � / - � �: / , ' j�� . '; . . . ' ._ . .. � ep / . C' ' ^'„"1 ' '. / ' . . . / � � � ... � . _..... . � �� / . .. .. :. �� �:. - , � r I _� 1 ./// I � (. � (./ .�. . , , . . � � y ', / � f / / �. 11 \ ... �I . _. . .__ � . � 9 ' l ,'1 , . ..... _ � ... � ... .... � �1� �',I�\ . � � I �� � \ =_ �� .���� . . . . . .- � .�� ' . ..... ,. . ., `'- . , ,". � a. 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'` J-! 1- . . . . .. . . .�. �, . . . �� ;.� .. , .'�. � "�.. ..__—_ _.�_.�..� _..,...o- .��.,,_._ ..��.. :. . ..� ._. . . .. � '.� � ".,,' � � � � j. .� �-� .:. .. , . . . r Z . .� ._ � � . _ .. .� . � � - 'H - �- - �� � � ������_� - . . . . j .U . .' . �' _ •,\ _ _.._ �i,,�\ �,y,._,i/-:. \ • . �. \� �`� , , , _--__,_.___.. , <:� . .. �W......._.._.,..___.,_._ , :_..,.... __ . .: ... _ - <, _ _. ___ _...... ,. _:_ . � , . . v `�� , W � , i ' O _. -- —— _ �\�� �� , , ; _ _ _ � . E_.. I a ,. , f . ,. , _ . _ _. _ -- , . _ . :. , . _ . ... _ _ . r w • � , . , _ � c� �: : � : _ �; . � _._ _. . . _.. ... __.._._.. ._r-_�_..._�....�. .�.... _... _ .. �_....__...� ..__ .__.. ._.____ ._ - ' . � H . � . ' . . - ... . . .:.,. ' . � ..... .: '.... ' . ,. \`.- ��. . . �I . . . ... . �: . '� . . Q'a. . . . . ..... -. . I � ..... .._ " , . ... .. ,, _. , . .... �.._ ... , . . � . . ',.� _ . . ,.. . , ., . .. . ,1 . .. .� i , f , �,. . �� ;: , - ' a . . _ : ._, , �. _: '-- _... .�. � �� _ _ _ : , , , . ; . : __ . � _ ,` ;;" , �' z �` zP� . . � 6 H - . i _ _...___. . . - ._�. _ . . .._.,: _.--- -°.._�._�__.. ----'- � -- ' fA H , . ._.._..,.__- -- , .,-�. '' , _ : • _ � .__. . � . �� � � �. . . . " � Ri H . . .:' - '� R�i � r7 . , ' r , , _ • .'�- .�L` � Np . : • f. /,, , _._ .._... . ....- , . V V � ti a � V O _.. .. .._ . ;. ___.. '' �_. �. ._ _.,, _... . H W _...__. __.__ � ! �, CY, p�.:.; -___ _.._._- ,` _ q A A O W ' . � • �w � '\ O H H C_7 � ._. x ._ . E-+.GL ' �.` V] C/� U W ,.._ :,. ..� ;4 O : . i , `" _ � 6 ::. o � � � H .. . . - : : `;;. � . : � � Fa c H � � 6 � . , O _• � Cn .. . . ��.'�.: �.' . �, ,y.. . W� . .� � .. � . � ' . . � � � . : ,.. . C.) CL+ _ . � . � � Qi Qi Exh.ibit G (Page 3 of 3) R-223 _W . .. .,. _ . . n. . : _ _ , � � �._x����r�s�.��.,. . � � � ' �. - -.. • � ,,M,.,o, �h�` R�UTC i0 ' � ,, r' �- k. . III ;, is���p�� A ^rbicl. � j , I ' 1 r �!'���� �r � f)E_f'P F?T M E�,T O F f 1�)�1<.�tJ�; A��O �IFrF 4SWr(4�E�J'(�1:tDi'M!�k�f ! i" , t-� j�� �I��i1is o° , !U. D',iilR���"� f �t r.����;,; " j /-� � �-�E�1F��2�1L ►IGIi�.���i� Ali4�'1:1, �'f� � '��' . , . °��n�o N�a� � ��lil;�tl It� M. ,A4�'t . , April 16, 1.9'l0 ' __ � � � � � '� w �n �;,t � t . , , 1- � A(.TIJP�� i �- SEE tA� `y ( ,.>1, oFric:F or ?M� t��atci��+ PkEPaGE REPIY .� ..�-_ . . �. . � • FOK,Y llR !ytU NAtlo�y Miiineapoli3� Minnc�sota 55�01 TOD�L`:t t�r�cr4+ri Qr�CiX'� ��� � . �\ '` L�'t•� ��/�j�. � /\, �r�j . • `. � �+ 4 t �� � • Mr. Er,�warci N. Helfel.d, ��cutiv� llirecj�or ��; 1�'�,�� �����1 Hotvi.n� and it�devel.a�ent Autt��^i ty of the _� �,1- � City of�Qis�t P�u� � n.�,,s�;,� � E���U � 56 Ea�t 'r if't� atroct ' '� � \, H, �,, . � Saint F�au�, N,innssot.a 55Z0� ' �� �� �, �. ' , ,,., � ?n K�: ::cction 236 - Preap�sl icatio\` ��/ � '`, � \_ �v ' y/' fri<in�;la i'+na��inr :�it,c� - U�ar Nir. Ne1fALds Concor� 2'arrsco - '�'Iinn. R-3'1 Wo havc� caraplet�d o��r pr�app]-�c�tion reriew of tt�is projer.t applica- tian. In o•,:r ,�te�t;��:�� tl� prvjoct is foasible. We h<iv� cancluded th:at a �axit�uusa caort;age of v2�n&2��300 iJ pOJJibl.e. This pre—SLlp��5�3 f.113t tho s�Le ean be acquired at ,��Q�.00 per unit or $71,UC0. Iiased on ti�� residt:�tl approacn, this is the r�.?,�cicu�:r� th�s pru ject can affurd. The are� in the �out't�t�st qtiacirant in the vicinity, of Starkc� Strc�ei. appears to be �l.locat�d fcr r�:creational facilities. 'i'his would. incli- eato that Starkay :.fiareet is Lo i�e vacated. 'I'hi:� shoulci b«� vcjrll'1Ud. h'xisting haalCh;�r troe�s on the eit,� �t�uid bo preserv�ci a� feasit,la. Cthcc�r pl�nning iCa�LS which slr�ul�i � di�c�:.ssed .in depth xitti the F'HA Architcic tural ;iectian includ4: (a) U�Q of cFU-pc�rts�. (b) Accessory t�ulld�ngs. (c) Necrea�ional �;�acF�s for scn�zll children. (d) Centr.�z1 trash co.locti�:.. (o) Full floor sep:sr��icn of bedroota ax•eas fro�n tho bathroorn � in th:oe sn<.� four bBC�PC?Op L1il�L3. Ploa�m have the spon�ors contact fL. vangeltnoff to reviow t,ti�so p��ir►ts. It �houlr� be undyrsta�d thhat .thi.s :s not a formal Fe�yibility CsLi,er since tr.:�t ty�� of lett,�r can only be issu�cl when contracL F�uLhurit.y uith wtLich tc� gr!avi.�� the int,c�r�st subsic�y fund:� �s avzilabL�. '1'hi3 pro,�er.t x�tll tx� �nr�lyzod to det,�r�'�e it,a priority in i't:n�.is:�; uh�n gdcilLional 'l"3b sut��ic�y funris arf� ��:.cie av�ilable to this office. � Sincc�r�ly� � � j ! '` . , 1 � , �c ,_ Joa�p=� F. aabler UirPetor cc: Mr. :�antarN� F:, �'?rt,1 r. �+-.��+,t��♦ - 1'rrrr, �w '�an Mi��in) H�►nAS. Tn�^. Exhibit H R-223 . . • � - ro c� o H 0 ; L H � � ' � � � � z M � H C� a � �.A ,,W�, N 0! CJ O � � W � d � � a W' vs H O .-t ��O �r1 �r1 �/1�vt O U1 U11 O 1 u'1 �O � c'1 ��t U1 � �u"1 � �+ V] H 'C� N 1� M N M �l1�.-� N M rq� cv ch .-+ .--� .o r� .o •�• � � �.,� W ic .-a �.-+ r+ c�1 i. c�+i 6 -o �S O � �4 .t? N a� H - � � � � O �+ �, � u a � � N x � r d E, �n c d u o z s� a.+ "'' u H � � + � � a� W �a. �N �t �7 �O N N ��O ,...� � �I O t O �7I� 1 00 1 I 00 00 O� �N O �W 00 a W o •a �n n � � � � p4 U � x 'O af ►a 1.k1 Cl ; *G�! d O �' r-+ + o °�° c. � O t� U W � �7 � �I� O� O� �ill O N �CO 1 O� ��C'�1 1 1� t I f� M 1� �t� U �`0 O.�rl '-+ rn .-d .-r .-+ �11 r+ .=+ N .-1 1� CO 6� •,-1 ftif . � v�i .. �... C � �. e-+ v °a z a . � a � �' .�c � i°+ b � � � H � cn ! a� �. y_ . (� °a�' "� c� a W V �� Z O t� v1 .0 ►a Cn �'�7 c1) P4 R: � � � �� ' �� � � �� c0 � +-+ � .a .a JD .fl c0 .a �3 �1 �O .O U W f� H O A W N N N N N N N N N N tA � p L �` � v s+ H W H 1 � �1 I� 1 O �N 1 M �� / N �O t rl ��� , OOMN G � .7'. .c] z r� � � � "� CJ H U � Z t/� � � O h C Gl u G W .0 •.-1 'L7 C� � W Pa R'r � 'a r� � z W � � w "a � �.y+ H X i�-� H C•' o � 'O � W f1, O � � . QJ �J .G Q) S � a � 6 ,-� ,� „ 3 �, �, f-7 r. E-+ + t '-+ ��O 1 a0 �t� t r+ �� 1 O �7I�7 1 00 t I o0 1 0� �.-+ N tn o •r+ � � d � 6 � � .-+ � .-a .-+ .-+ �-+ r-+ .7 cv r` cy�s �o'� x 3 +�-a v C � '-�i GS • N CJ ra i t0 L }� H � c/� W' U c+1 C � a.i c� dO q C�G O N � aJ � � O H � •� � c9 U .-.(-� �qn �•�i .o u u�i u H O v U W 1 O V1 1 1� CO t�1 t O �1(v1 1 6� � M i t� t 1� 1 M N u'1 U � � G' �I fA U � W `'� ��--� I r"� r-+ I�"� I^� I � �� t/� c"1 �+ � �.-t Of� 2 . N CS. V; C xo � a � a� > � �+ cn � � � }°, � � � � � � O ,� � •� �; � � z zH � H � PWO � � ��� � � � �� � a '�U � � 3 V z c� ,n u � .n u at .c v Pa+ L] '� O A W *-+r+ .-i .-+ �--� .-+ .-+ ,� .-+ � 3 �.1 O cJ (ys�� '�" r.� H � u 'O � � O " (,�j v W H (,pz] � O O O O u1 �!1 vl O �1 O 1 1 1 1 t 1 / 1 v1 O O U1 G � "� � �+ W d � N � .7 I N N N �O� N �M �O � �� '� 'C7 t]. O LL •'+ � O � a � � � � � � . itN CJ O ?. S�+ }-i � H 'R'' r-7 w+ � t�' � ' � ^ C3..� .o � � a aa y (ti L C u a� a� .-� •a z � H � �+ .n c i 0 0 •n W rl O 'U Q � � L+ t� � TJ O +� H � H + Q" a v, v� wb N C) O � � M � �"� M a�y' .-+ N � 1 t 1 1 i 1 1 1 r-I a0 �D �11 C ""� � � O � .y� � � M �CO N � r-a��7 r-1 ��I OO � r-t � rl O •rl .-+ W � z '�'� d a � tA CL � C � O � •rl Vl U Ri U .� •rl p CI � f�l 'W m �+ a z G o ai 3 � 'a � � H •.� ,-+ E >, a �H cn q v� � cJ ct3 cU v U [:] �7 O �O� O� N O�O O N �M 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 M � v1(N � ?, U .� U .Q (z] �7 M f� .-t r-i ��7 •-� •-+ (� �t �-+I� � ��.+ .-�i � 0 1J G � � E aa� s � .-+ c�f C) U vs v cd W 3a C � .0 e •� �-a � , C . � u� y .--e u p� �p .-� ;i •rt cC a� a� a� d a� o� �+ a cc o c� � .-� �, �, �, .,., a.� ,., � c .� .-+ a V � i0 .-+ �0 .-+ ctt r+ t� �--� Rt .-� ctf '-+ >, v� •r+ v� .a l.+ N �..� 1+ cC �+ Gf 3+ ty �+ N ia cfl Sa �0 •--� -� tn cQ •.� 3� 0� .L� i-1 � .L: 1.1 � N .0 L 4'� .0 3J � .L' 1J U y' lJ � (4 iJ 1! .O p�,, 3 ro no 0 3 •v o0 0 3 •o o� 0 3 �v co 0 3 •o eo o � v oc o � � '� � '�' +� O O •� H O O •.+ E-� O O •�+ H O O •�-+ H O o •.-� H O O ��+ H � � � `� � -[ � a � x .� � x .� � x a � x a .� x a ;� x w � s� � x .� , a c� v +� a� � .,.�i � +�-+ ` w � i-+ ° � r-t t9 •� U R1 r-� H N � W' '�„� C•i FA a � c: .� t�+ .�: r-a � H ,,..� H ,e, v t!a E-+ �+-+ +-� <; � 10 N c'1 �7 �n H � � ..-1 N '1z Exhibit J ---...�,« . �' _ h , i `°"""�"�"'a,..° ""�u'""'*'s�"�`3' � � G � i F � � k 1' f! il I P , 6 i i J i p I. 4 I' I' • � A �I �I I� I'. F li �I I � II �' �, 4 �'� �'. � �' 1 yI; Y h I � R-9�4 � � t • • AOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AMENDAT�RY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MZ1dN. R-37 ' CODE R-224 PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS REPORT • � R-224 _ . � ,. . . • • STATEI�SLEI�FTS IN SUYPORT OF HUD-620Q SUPPORTING SCHEDULES Concord Terrace Reaewal Project.No. Minn. R- 37 1. S�I�DUI.� 1. I.and Donations. No changes in land'donations are antiripated. 2. SCHEDUI:E 2. Demolition and Removal Work. A. Structure Demolition� Rodent Ext�rminatian and Basement pill iJork Thia item has been iacreaaed to covex the cost of demolition of etructures on the parcels being added Co the acqc�isition program includtd in this amdndatory. Unit coets for demoliCian have been adjusted based on our recent experience iq taking bide for demolition work for similar tqpe struc[ures and conditions. . B. Water Service Cutoffa Thia ftem also has been iacreased to cover the cost of water service cutoffs for thoee parcels that are being added to the acquisition program. The cost per cutoff has �een increased to teflect actual recent costs for this tqpe of vork. 3. SC�DULL 3, Project or Site Improvementa. A. Street Lighting Work All atreet lighting Wo:ic is now inciuded as a NoncaYh Local Grant-In-Aid in Section HUD-6200. The amount previously iacluded aa an Item I Project �cpen- diture haa :been eliminated and is now inc�uded in the attached HUD-62Q0, Schedule 3 Estimate. The Lighting Bureau of the City of Saint paal hss eelected a mvdern atyle pole and light fixture as a atandard to be used in residential areas of the City. The co8t per fixture has been increased based on recent experience in obtaining iids for these light fixturea for other areaa. New fixtures Will be placed on • � alI project atreets that are not being vacated� except for R�obert, Concord and part of Wabasha Streets. B. Water Service Connections • The CiCy Water Department has had to re�lace a significant numbar of old . lead water service connectiona with copper servicee from the street main to the stop box near the property line. Coat of this repla¢ement is traditionally borne by the home owner, which often reailta in a financial hardahip for the ho�e owaer. The major portion of the Water servicea in the Concord Terrace Project are the lead type. If the Water Department zrere allo�+ed to replace these servicea at a later date as they develop leaka, nev street conetruction �+ould have to be 1 . R-224 . , _ , _ , � . I, • torn up. To avoid tearing up new streets and to avoid a potential financial hsrdship for project residents, replacement of all lead water service connections with copper connections is being included in the program. This work will be done prior to campleting new street constructions. C. Pedestrian Bridt�e Over Robert Street iApproval of the Original Part II by HUD was based on the condition that a pedestrian bridge be constructed over Robert Street to connect the large housing site located west of Robert Street with other facilities located east of Robert Street. The other facilities referred to include shopping areae, the school, park and recreation areas. This pedestrian bridge facility was, not . included in previous budgets and is now being included with this Amendatory. The proposed bridge locatian is' over Robert Street at Delos Street. Cost estimates are bssed on informa'tion obtained from Che Minnesota Highway Department. ' 4. SCHEDULE 4. Public or Supporting Facilities. Under a recent State legislative act, eight ice skating arenas are being con- structed throughout Ramsey County in strategic locations: One of these arenas is proposed for a site in the Concord Terrace Renewal Project. Because several of these arenas are being built, each has a direct, supporting effect on the neighborhood in which .each is constructedo The attached Exhibft "A", which provides data for determining the eligibility of this supporting faciiity, showa the proposed location of the ice skating arena in relation to the neighborhood and Project area. Based on these facts and the criteria for determining the relative benefit of such facilities as cited in RHA 7216.1, Chapter 2, credit . is claimed as shown on the attached supporting cost estimates for Schedule 4. The total number of familiea in the ice arena service area referred to in Exhibit "A", �is based on residential census data and the rn�mber of Concord Terrace Project families referred to is based on estimates of the total number of families that will be in the Project upon its completion. 2 R-224 , , , ; _ ., ,. . � � - _ _ ., I! • � � COST ESTIMATES IN SUPPORT OF SCAEDULE 2 _ KUD-6200 FOit D�iOI.ITION AND REI3�l�OVAL WORR Coacord Terrace Reneval Project No. Hinn. R-37 UpTT I'TF.tt UNTT COST Qt1A�tTITY 1�OTAL STRUCTURE DEMOLITIOR . Intluding Rodent bctermination and Basement Filling g7� S�ructurea cu. ft. .095 12,280,000 $429,800 � Conting�nciea - 10� 42,980 Engineering 'and Inspection - 107. 42l980 Total, Including Contfagencies, Engineering and Inspection 515 76Q NATER SERVICE CUTOFFS 374 Services each $150 403 60 450 . 3 R-224 � �% .. . . . . . . . .. . , - � . . 'r � .. .r,, . � .. . , . .. . . .. • . . ... . . . GOST FSTIMATES IN SUPPORT OF SCHEDULE 3 HUD-6200 FOR PRDJECT OR SITE IMPROVEMENTS Concord Terrace ReaeWal Project No. Minn. R-37 UNIT IT@t tll'QIT COST QUANTITY TaTAL STRE�T LIGHTIi�1G • Iacluding Fixtures, P�vles and Conduit lin. ft. $9.50 18,750 $17$,125. Cantingencies - lOx 17,SZ3. Bagineering and Inspection - 18� 32,063. Total Including Contingenciea, Engineering and Inapcction 228 001. �IATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS each $200.00 360 $72,000. Contingencies - 10� � 7,200. Engineering and Inspection Included in Unit Gost 0. Total Includitig Contingeacies, Engineering and Inapection 79 200. . 4 R-224 ,: ' ; � • COST ESTIMATES IN SUPPORT OF SCHEDULE 4 . HUD-6200 FOR PUBLIC OR SUPPORTI1vG FACILITIES Concord Terrare' Renewal Project No. Minn. R-37 UDTIT ITEM UNIT COST QUANTITY TOTAL - P�T�E&��tIAN �;IDGE tiv�er 'Robert at Deloa Bridge Superstrantare lwnp sum • $48,OU0. Spirals �nd Abuttmeats lump suai $45,000, Sidevalk and TraffYc Control Devices lump sum $10,000. Lighe Fixturea each $400.00 20 $8,000. Landacaping lump sum � 2 000. Subtotal $113,000. Contingenciea - 10� 11,300., Engineering and Inspection - 18Z 20,340. Total Inclnding Contingencies, Engineering and Inapec[ion 144 6400 ICE SKATI1dG ARENA Building sq. ft. $10.00 25,000 $250,000 Land lump sum 50,000 Total $300,400 *Minus I.neligible Credit (100-23.8%)=76.27o X 300,000 � $228,600 Eligible Non-Cash Local Grant-In-Aid $71,400 * See Exhibit "A" for determination of relative benefit. S R-224 . • • SCEtEDULE OF CHANGES FOR AMHNDATORY Concaxd Terrace Renewal Praject No. Minn. R-37 Lo�ation of Latest This Reaso� Schedule Itea� in Last Approved Submittal for Number ldentification Bud�tt' Coet C4�t Change r r 2 Strueture Demolitioi► Page 3 of 4 $433,027 $515,760 See Narrative 2 �[ater Service Cutaffs Page 3 of 4 $31,875 $60,450 See Narrative Proj. Street Lighting Work . Page 3 of 3 $75,000 $228,001 See Narrative Expend. � 3 � Water Service Connections � � _ 11ot�Included , $79,ZQn See Narrative 4 Pedeatri�n Bridge Not Included $144,640 See Narrative 4 Ice Skating Arena Not Included $300,Q00 See�Narrative 6 R-224 � �,: � : . , ^ __ . .� �< <� ,,, r� . � �.-. �. - , „<: �=� ., .�� . .�` � � ,,,, �, q ; . , ; �a v :e �4 ' �v ,, e:� ,� ; �'� � �.►: „ ?o t , .u� °� ., /,a �t i u -r .. � ... S., � �e m .s � , .,, � _ � „ '' T ,, ' •�. w yi • _ ..• •� - '� :• 2J ?2 ' � e 6:�b0` S4 � \ ,�L�5 �•�• � .L\ � �O ��•1 .1 .7� � �• ; . � . - . 2 '.. � � 29 '�'� � ;l, ��„��' �9. '�� :v • ��, '�" 2S"_' '?a�.'�'��=__ . ` . � �• � Ma �. �. 4 _ i. � � 'ay ', � 1 � �` 2 � ol��f Z�1 ?7 i 28 �j�. � . . , . ,/{. . . - .� �.6b\1 �� • ��:^�.� �,., b . •.J'� ,�." 6 1 . `�-i•.. �� '� 3D 3I y'•� 3` �� _". . 1� � � �-.\ . . .1�Y, • T t/ '� „t •p ' ,2 , ..� �� ` . 'k'� � .r �.► � �� .�.:. SS `� eA � 1. .. 10 � �. " \ •,a ,` . �\\ • ,,�3 �• `�° �� .. ''' ` '�'i.. 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Cr�. :J+J�l� l �l�I(:r' 1�/S..:i J,I1'� �� � De fe�r„i„a�.'o,�, o f iPe%z f�'�e t3 e n� � �f '' Gonico�� TG � �.i' fo �he R .. A c[_ iP£-NL-wA� /-�,�a✓�C T � . � . ( L G- Cs G-N/� . j � Lvc��,o,� of �aci/.'�J � ............, Ser✓��e Are �f a a� �=U c;/, y :::: CONGa R!� /c�Z�QAC i_: INNESOTA, BY CENSUS TRACTS AND BL.00KS: 1960�'�.�������������� :� ��2o ✓G-CT A,e�A SCJ�It IM fEET ��TA L /�AniJiL i�: S i.� Sc/2 ViC� f�RcA =S4SJ e ��, ,� � �...�.....i - L � "."' , "°° rM,�,Es , i� C'o.�co�Z.v ic'�eR.� c�_ iccc�o � /PG N� WA G �RG tft C� , �CK NUME3[It$ ?7 A% G G U S(�" ' ��,N,,.,Bt a� , o l�.e c� c�c= G - / 3 v C 'R�� eOl1NO�ft�ES� � � � + ) �� �-M�+iMENT Qi CJMMERCE. tlUNE.W (X iNE CEt6l/5 � . A�► r�+�cr NUME3ERS PRFCCDED BY-SP ��L�4 � t✓L`' 1J�N�f/� _ I,3 O O — - ,Z3.�j S, �5 l . _ __ • . HOUSING AND RIDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AMEN LIATORY CONCORD TERT2AC E PROJ EC T MI 1�.TI�I. R-3 7 CODE R-225 LAND DISPOSITION REPORT R-225 ` , , ,, .. . , , . : � • � _ � LAND DISPOSiTION REPORT An amended plat showing tentative as well as fixed redevelopment parcels, entitled Disposition Map Amended Julg 1970 (R-225 A), is herewith attached. As .shown, many of the proposed parcels wfll be assembled with the previously established disposition parcels of the Concord Terrace Part I, The following is a breakdown of the number i and type of reuse parcels generated by this Amendatory: 71 Single Family Farcels 12 Multf-FamiIy Parcels 1 Public-County owned Ice Arena 1 Semi Public - Non Profit Institution 4 Commercial Parcels 89 TOTAL ' In order to accomplish construction of new single family homes on the single family lots, the Authority proposed the continued use of the 235 Program as it is operating in the project at the present time. The Authority has mutually planned with FHA a variety of single family hotnes ranging from three to five bedrooms. These hosaes are within the cost limitations of the 235 program and have been favorably accepted by project area residents. At this time, four homes are under construction and the Authority receives additional inquiries each day from project residents. This pro- gram envisions expansian of construetion to 25�SO new houses per year until project completion. Eligible displaced families will be given priority to purchase these lots, Parcel 115, one of the multi-family parcels indicated above, is envisioned as being disposed of to a non-profit sponsor for the additional development of low and moderate income housing. This parcel contains 5,000 square feet of area and is proposed to , eventually assemble with the low and moderate income housing site to the iannediate north which is being sponsored by the Torre be San Miguel Homes, Inc. This assemb- lage is estimated to take place in 1972. Discussions are currently taking place with other potential developers of the remaining multi-family sites. These discussions include private developers as well as non-profit and limited dividend developers. R-225 -1- �,, ,. ,., . , ' • • TABULATION OF IAND DISPOSAL ESTI?SATES Valuations APProx. Redevelvpment No. of Azea Zn Appraiaer's LPA's � Parcels Square Feetl� Estimate Estimate ' l.. Total Uses 89 613,765 � $147,362 ?� ,; 2. Total Public and Quasi-Public Uses 3 39,208 13,393 a. Streets and Other � Public R/W (by dedication) b. Streets and Other Public R/W c. .Parks, Play- • grounds, etc. ' (by dedicaCion) . d. Parks, Play- . grounds, etc. . e. Public Utility Easementa f. Low-fient Public . Housing g. Other Public • Uses 1 24,608 9,843 h. Nonprofit , Institutiona2* 1 . 9,600 2,300 i. Moderate Income ' - Housing 1 5,000* 1,250 3. Tota1 Private Uses g6 574,557 133,969 a. Residential 82. 545,683 119,532 b. Cou�nercial 4 28,874 14,437 � c. Light Industrial d. Heavy Industria.l e. Other f. Moderate Income Housing � 1�Areas shown in this column must agree .with areas shown on the preliminary dis�osal plat. Total areA must equal total area of land [o be acquired (7208.1, Real Estate Acquisition, Chapter 3, Appendix l) ., See Land Area Listings shown on the Acquisition i4ap, as well as Exhibits "A" and "$". ' 2/This chart does not include estimated disposition proceeds resulting from the acquisition of property approved in �mendatory I, May 20, 1969. See E�hibit "B" attached. Estimated value far this property is $4G,055. These disposition parcels are also shown on the � "Disposition �fap" attached, and the sum o� both are added to Line 12 of Form HUD-220, ' Project Cost Estimate ac�d Financing Plan. �'This parcel taill be asse:nbled with other parcels for moderate income housing. . �_,.,,_.. ....�.,_.,,...,.,.».Q.xr�:.,,._. _.,........._��..�.,->—.�_,....,,,.,._„�.,.-.a..,.a.......�.,.:�T,,..�.,,�.-.�...,.,,�-..�•��.�—�,.�,._ .....�r.—._,�._ - ,.. �F �: i I� • ' • IXHIBIT "A�� NEW DISPOSITION PARCELS - AUGUST 5, 1970 Parcel Area In :Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 100 7,075 Commercial I101 � 7,500 ResTdential � � 102 15,000 Residential 103 11,500 Residential 104 (omitted) " 105 5,750 Residential 106 5,750 Residential 107 24,608 � Public-Ice Arena � Alternate = Residential . 108 21,250 Residential 109 6,250 Residential 110 5,850 � Residential I11 � 5,850 Residential 112 5,850 Residential lI3 5,850 Reside�tial 114 5,85Q Residential 115 5,000 Residential Moderate-Income Housing 116 (omitted) 117 (omitted) 118 2,870 Commercial • 119 3,200 Residential . 120 6,250 Residential 121 6,250 Residential , 122 7,500 Residential 123 5,000 Residential 124 5,000 Residential 125 5,000 Residential ,. • • Exhi.bit A ;.continued Parc:el Area In Y.roposed Humber Square Feet Re-iIse 126 5,000 Residential 127 8,929 Cotmnerc ial 128 10,000 � Commercial 129 � 10,940 Residential 130• 9,600 Semi-Public 131 9,013 Residential 132 4,590 Residential •. 133 5,060 Residential 134 10,120 Residential 135 7,590 Residential 136 7,590' Residantial 137 6,325 Residential I38 7,590 Residential 139 4,800 Residential 140 5,060 Residential 141 5,060 Residential I42 5,060 Residential 143 5,06U : Residential � 144 6,825 . Residential . 145 4,550 Residential 146 3,460 Residential 147 5,060 Residential 148 5,060 Residential 149 7,590 Residential 150 7,590 Residential � 151 3,500 Residential 152 5,060 Residential 153 5,060 Residential 154 5,060 Residential 155 7,558 - Residential -2- . _ • Exhibit A coRtinued Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 156 7,559 Residential 157 5,060 Residential 158 5,060 Residential 159 2,520 Residential � 160 5,060 Residential 161 5,060 Residential I62 6,325 Residential 163 6,325 Residential 164 7,590 Residential 165 22,138 Residential 166 8,244 Residential 167 4,�tJ2 Residential 168 14,753 Residential 169 7,332 - Residential 170 3,250 Residential 171 5,750 Residential 172 . 5,200 Residential ' 173 5,221 Residential , 174 5,442 Residential 175 5,550 Residential 176 6,800 Residential ' 177 . 4,SS3 Residential 178 3,704 Residentia�l 179 7,020 " Residential 180 5,850 Resi�iential • 181 5,850 Residential 182 ' 7,020 Kesidentiai , 183 7,020 Residential 184 7,450 � •Residential 185 7,620 Residential -3- � ., .. :., . ... . , , ��. . �- . .. . .F. ,.�y� - . � : � . . .: . : . . . � . .. �. . . '� . . • . . . I . .. .. . . . .. •. � Exhibit A continued Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 186 6,350 Residential 187 6,350 � Residential 188 6,350 Residential ; � 189 , 8,918 Residential . , Ig0 4,736 Residenti,al 191 6,1�+0 Residential Total 613,765 . �, -4- . , , . ; ' , l� • ; � EXHIBIT "B" DISPOSITION PROPERTIES ORIGINALLY I�DEIvTIFIED AS "bfAYBE �;CQUIREB" PROPERTIES APPROVED FOR ACQUISITION U�'DEK AME?�1DATORY I, MaY 20, 1969• Parcel Area In Proposed Number S�uare Feet Re-Use I 71 5,060 Residential � 72 5,060 Residential . 73 4,971 Residential 200 10,313 Public 202 5,750 Residential 204 5,850 Residential _205 5,850 Residential 206 3,282 Residential 207 10,000 Residential 208 2,000 Commercial 209 6,325 Residential 211 5,060 , Residential 212 5,060 Residential 213 4,934 Residential 214 5,060 Residential 215 5,060 Residential 216 6,940 Residential 217 3,900 Residential 218 14,332 Residential 219 � � 5,060 Residential 220 5,060 Residential . 221 5,060 Residential 222 5,0G0 Residential 223 5,060 Residential � 224 5,123 Residential 226 9,488 Residential 227 6,325 Residential -1- _ _ _ . _ , ' . ' _ • Exhibit B continaed Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 228 11,500 Residential 230 4,558 Residential � 231 4,680 Residential Total 179,781 DISPOSITION PROPERTIES RESULTING FROM DEz�AISTRATION REHABILITATIOi1 PROPERTIES TO BE D�?OLISHED - DUE 'T0 INFEASIBILITY . Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 75 4,971 Residential 76 5,060 Residential Total 14,031 DISPOSITI0:1 OF PROPFRTIES ORIGIIIALLY I�TE\?D;D FOR STRUCTURr AC�UISITION ONLY . Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 210 1,525 Residential DISPOSITION Or OTHER "NOT TO BE ACOUIRID" PROPERTIES THAT HAVE BEEN DETEP.1�IItiED INF�'1SIBLE THAT HAVE BEEN PURCIIASED OR A}ZE - INTENDHD FOR PURCHASE Parcel Area In Proposed Number Square Feet Re-Use 69 4,500 Residential 70 5,060 � Residential ' � 201 2,500 Residential 203 6,250 Residantial ' 225 2,421 Residential 229 2,871 Residential ' Total 23,602 _�_ , . � � LAND DISPOSITION REPORT � LAND DISPOSITION IiAP R-225 , _ , .. . , r . • � • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY 4F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ; , AMENDATQRY CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 � CODE R-226 CdST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING REPORT . R-226 ..... . :�....� . . . � . ,;., y , ..: . , . : ,. ,: . . �� . . I, � � . - . .. . �•... . - Form epproved - MUD•6�C0 N't'�C 1 Of 6 8udgef E�reou No. 63-R4G?.? ' (1-L$) ' tJ:S DEPAR:MEnT OF H0;15)VG AvO Ut�3AN CEVELOPMENT Pao�ECT �OG��i7r t►RBAN REA:°'NAL PRO�RAAt SS1[lt Paul, Minnesota � OROJECT hAr.�n � - PRO��CT CosY �ST�;�-�i F ar.� Fli�;h���c ���u - � Conzord Terrace Urban Renewal I�Y�TRUC7'if1.�'.5_ �uhrnit nr�^�nRl am! a second signed cupy in Binder.Vo. 1. end °qo�ecT �u.�e�R �npies in Kinders ::u. 1. .?� 1, .�� b, ur.d 7. Minn. It-37 SUBAl1S5t4N jCFrck and crir.:pltte tae.description u,�h:cn app[iesJ � � ACCOMPRNIES FINAL PrZQ�cCT RcPORT REVI5�5 PROJECT C�ST ESTIMATE AND FfNANCIPJG PLAN . � � SUBMiTTED BY LPA ON r�3y2U ,g 69 OATE� . 19 . , � � ACC�PTED @Y HUD ON November 7 , �s69 .SEC7tC� A. ES i I�;ATE �F GF,OSS Ar1D J:�T PPO�'cCT CCSTS TO 6� CO.'r°LETED 3Y LPA i-OE�COMV�.= =-j [ , INITI:.I F+Y HUu EST IMnT E INE �T�M OR REVlS'eD - ESTiMATE NO. � � LATEST cSTIMA'E ACCE°7£Q � AGCEPTED BY HUD EST IMA7 E (a) (b) (�) [TE�! ! aF C,ROv P�OJrCT Cr'ST t-1 TOTAL PR'�f � i �: � \�� :,�:=� /:',-��R :orm :iUD-5?�U, fir.e 19) � 5 fi,936,454 S 9���-�F5�2.1�. I s ITt�t 2 l): GR0�5 ?:G�-:��. C,G�: ��,orca�:^. L.oc:I G':i:�ts-in-Ai±): '; �-2 Cas�t t3iL'c OL :z^;? ...,ni:icas If�r..�-:�u.pporc:r,z �c.^.euule t� 215�17.5 21.��j7�` A-3 Denolicioa aad re�o.al cror'x /�ro.r. Supporiin� Schedr:!e 2) ]09��1(� szo 322. �i�; Prajecc orsi:e i^�;,:o�ements (f-o�: �cpporter.j Schecule 3) ( 1 71� 363 2�024,564 �3-S Pu�lic or sueporting faeilitirs (jrn,^ Sc�FOrti^S Scf:eduie .�� l 575,703 791 743 � r1-G i OtF.c: noacssc loea! b::sa:s-ia-aid (j-:.^ J_oaortCr.o�c'r.cic�le �) .. . � i � � , TOTnL\OXC:-.SEI...O'::.LGR.�\Ti-i\-�ID ! ' ' a�i (SU7:t Of L:r.45 s-�'� �i:fOL'�r . ' . . :;�i S 3 217 255 S 3 851 804 �! s i A-8 GR?S5.PROJ�[i CCST iI:c.'.!l oiu ITE`.t Z) lline ,-1-I plus .-l-7) ' S - � �12�$97�015 ( j � PROCtED: F�U`•: oa_CicCT L.�`:�. ' �-9 Siie pricc ef c:ojec: '_, ;o �e sei� �S 1�2s5,863 ` S 1 479 280 I S ' � � A-IQ Capi.al value inpuce3 co projece ::`.� to br lease3 �i-I1 Ca?ital ":lllie oE ;.ro;ect land :o be :�:ained by [_Pn I I I TOTAL PRn��F.�:,c �?4J1�'2�);°C='Lr'.\U �. . + A-IZ (su.T ort:��s -�-9, -?-!�, �.�� .-i•!�) " S 1 285 863 S I 5 1 �-t 1 . , --1 3+�:T °aoJ::c� co�r �t:.� :t-a r:_=_s :I-!2J 3 $,867,846 I 11.417 35 � g a : SfIARi\v OF ::c? : . „Ji:•:�:' r:��'— ---- 1 —�i=�' —'_ �-t� `�: ?:�;-�� CJ�: _. .i....f:O;_: �.-_.. _ :;-. :r; ' 8,867,846 ' s �-IS ��; P:�ject Cos: vf ��::cr p_uic�.s '.: aZy� po�:�d �i,Ei . � c6is �:J'CCL�P.�T �..��,,r:c^� � � 5� • 1��IG Ah.:c_��rc Xe: F:o��ec Co>-,s`:�r c.i .c an•! o:ier ;rosects (if an.y} I • ! in �ic rool /1��,- .;-i-- �i,:; ,;-!Se I 8�867 11 417 735 I � �. �1-17 !.Sini:i:-i Ic.'s? :'Zn;-i�-iia :_a�sic�r:'_ fn- :�:is 1II1 o;ncr �coj:ccs � ( � i=: s���� « �:.' ^�Jt � - � � 2,955,949 3 805 912 . > > --- � � •1-jS�'iLr:-,�Tn:sl IO.:,l� -.:1.^.:3�1•7�111 ._ :C ,:J�l�l'u fuc otne: I � I 7:OIC::S �tt t:t C�C r_� I ! �A-1:� (r•l�i: , !.S:ni:�c:- ...,.ii �:�r.c�. ...-i`� .. ,_�rcc :c.: :n:. p:o;tc: E S � 5 1 �� ,�,,.. .�`;- :, ,-; .'` � 2,955,949 I 53,805,912 ( � � �_ , r r 't � F ; . i . . : , � , : , ' : � ._ . � .. . . � � � . .. , ,...,.._.J � Y . . � . . � . . . . . . . - � • . __._.... . .�. . _... .-. ._ __,' . �. . � .�.. .: .. _ � . _ . _ . . .. . .:. .' .-'--'---"" � _.�.__.. ... � _ �.- . _ . . . _ . ' . . . . . . . . � . , , . HUD-6200 Pa�Fe 2`of 6 -:, � it-681 �. SEC7tON A. .C.STlh1AT� OF GROSS Af1D N.�.T PROJECT CQSTS (Cnntiaue�l) - .�- TO BE CC'.tPLETED 9Y LPA TO BE COr.tP�.ETEO . . . . � • .. ' . . . . BV HUD LINE . ITEM . � �INITIAL ESTIMATE ------ NO. � � �R REV15E0 EiTIMATE ESTI�tATE ACCEPTEU , (g�LATEST ACCEPTEO 8Y HUO � tSTIMATE ' ' ' (�) �h1 (cl tiflAltl\(; U{� \l�.'f I'Kf))l:(.'l' ('Otil': (Cr�n:irturrl) 1.0(::�{_ GI<Atl'ti-I\-A1l), 'I'lil� i�HU)t�:(�T: A-2(1 \onc.►sh 1��c31 tirancs-invil (����rn line.•1-;) S 3 217 255 S 3 851 $��+ S A-3L Cash local grsnts-in sid � � A 22 TOTAL LUC:�L GRAtTS-(�-.4ID FOR Tt{IS 1'ROJECT (linr .a=?0 pl�s .a=?l/(neu..t be n:ot l�:s tharz :l-19) S 3�217�255 S 3 851 804 S A-23 �ROJ[:CT CAF'[1'�iL GR:�tiT (linc .-t-!1 rnirsus A-32) 5 6 S � " s . R-2•S RGLOCATIO\ GR.a\T (from Form flL'D-6230, line�ZO) 5 S 3 '�-35 RFNAEiti.11'ATIO` GRA�T?jrorrc Forrrs HG'D-6220, line 3I) $ 120,0�� S �2� 0�� s :1-26 TU7'AL EF[�I:HAI. CAPITAL GR.�\T (sum o�lines�i-2.3, .-1=1�. �tR<< t-'.�1 5 6,803,455 � 9,227,905 � SECTION 8. SOURCES.Cr �U;�DS F�R Qrc41�CT �XPEN�JITl;RES, RcLOCATICN PA.YMcNTS, AND REHA�(LITa710N GR.{,N7S TO BE COM,PI.ETcD BY LPA TO Bc CO'�1?LET�� � . Br riuo LINE ITEM � IINITIAL EST�h!ATE ! NO. �R REVIScD ESTIMATE ESTI?.IAT� ACCtPT,cC " • (��1.>TEST ACCEa7E0' gY MUD � �� ESTiTdATE . (r) (b) (�i 7otal eash :cqui•er�i:n:s to: projec: es�endicures, � �-I Kclucation Yay'^cnts. sad �«=5ili:a:ior. G:�nt� 5 $ 089 318 S IU 707 186 3 (suci n( linr, 1-/. -i-?1, ar.;: �-15J > > _ � � � �. Cas� :ocal sran.s-:n-ai�; ACTUAL OR � ESTIMATED : • .SOIlRCE OF CASH DATE OF RECcIPT - D_Z - S s 5 f 8-i a-a , � !B-S Real est�:e t.:x credits (�rom Form f!C'G-6:':f0, lir.P 5h1 I To:al cash locat Krar.;s-in-ai1 ' ! , 0 S O S E3� (.sam, nf lirt�, li-_°1hr�,a:;i;R-i/ S __. --- -- �_7 'Tctzl Eun�s :� bc apj�iic:i cu �:.,�e�: csr�n.li:crc�, � : Rrluca[co� F'�y�:c�;�, 1n,: R�h:ibilt;.�ciun Gclnc�, frum She[:-[e[m bo:cu•.�.in,� u:hc: chln C��.,.r vn 'ir.e IS-�)beluu• $ $ $ �-s s::b:��.,i �%r,�_� r.-� �,�,:., n.-;� s p s p S �{-9 P2UJE•:(:1' 1 i:tti'vi:�i:l' LU.�\ �C;!'?i;['Gi( ()Iii:.�:T ��f�— ' �F'R1�'.�Tc FI\?\C_��i; L\:)iiii L(>:1\ a..`;(1 C�f> ',\-I- � CO`1'�2�.C"r %,:�.• ;;-l. �:in�: R-8! � $ 8�089�318 IS 1U�707�186 s M� � , : . -. , , • � � � _ � � F . . ' . . t�..�. ,'� . ..'.� '- "_-_--- _' -- �• . � . _ . . � . , � ♦ ' . 4 � . . . - . . . . .. .. ' " - . . . _ . . ... .._ ..... . . . . ..-- " . � � . . - . - � � � - � - • . � .. � � . �V-�+fv� � . paRe.3 oE 6 . (t-b8i SEGTIOH C. SOURCES OF FJNDS FOR REP�YMEr�T OF PROJECT 7E�,�PORaRY �oAN TO 8E COM?LETED BY LPA TOBECQ'�'PLETcO ,i: BY FiU O INITI�I .. LIKE . . ':� .. � . � - � �� [STIMA.TE � � � �� . NO. �T�M� OR REVISED ESTIMA7E . . �� �lATE57 ESTIMA7°_ ACCEPTcD AGC:PTED BY MUO �STIMATE . ' (a1 fb) ' (c) G-! TOT.�L PRUCE:EUS F'ft011 PROJt;�T I.�1\p (frwn :ine .�{-1.) $ 1,285,863 8 i�479�280 a G2 Pcoject capiwi r ant (�r�m line .-1-_3) 4�896,168 7-565�931 G3 Reloca�ion Grant (jrum line .i-:-iJ 537 864 1 541 975 C-3 Rchabilitation Crant (Jrom 11RC 'I•3�J 12����� 12U�0�� C� TO"f.aL(su�� o�lincs C•l Gltruuoh C-1)(TRr surrt shore�n on thiv linc � " rnust G� rn�ul to�r.:ount shoi�n.un line R-9, ubo�c•� t 6;839,895 s s 10,707,186 Accep,ance of the esti:nates submitted is hereby requested. ' August 4, 197U Dah SJan�fura uf Au�horized 0(licer Housing and Redevelopment Authority , of the City of Saint Paul, P�Iinnesota - � . aVpntlt'ISTP ➢lY'P(,'}"[lY Loeaf PuS11e Aae�cy • Zltle ' •;`- , ACC�FTA,�'C� The es.imates are accepted as indicated in rhe appropriate column. Dat� ' $lgnaturo , TIl/s . . , � _ _ 4 1 � t � , � ; . j + t . , , ; . . , . � j • � .. � Page 4 of 6 . . . Huo-62Uo ' (1-691 r- SUPPO?71NG SCH��i1LE5 SCHcGULE 1. L:40 �ON.�iIGNS (Land Pcrcals or Land Intaresis) , •`- TO 8E C:��- �ETE� ESTIMATED aY ^��� I; . � CASH VALUE �ST!At.4;`c0 CA_r. I IDENT('FtCATION . NAME OF DONOR SUBMiTTEO VALUE ACC��TcD I 8Y LPA BY HUD I � �'� �b� (�) (d) � 1�-1'• State of Niinnesota S 1,100 3 4-5 ' State of Minnesota 2,175 14-.1 � State of Minnesota 3,750 _ 2�-12 State of Minnesota 2,250 33-12 State of Minnesota 25 . 63-1 State of Minnesota 1,000 ' . 66-1 State of Minnesota 1,000 j 10-1 City of St. Paul 82,000 ' �21_2 City of St. aul 300 Cit of St.P�Bd of �d 121,400 29-1 . Por� Authority_ 150 31-4 Port Auttior�tv 25 CASH VALUF OF LAVD L�OVATIO\5 (En:er on line A-2J • S S 215y17S SCkEDUIE 2. DcM�L!TION AND R�MOVD.L �+'On�— NONCaSH LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID. (Include worh w.hich has beer, or wi11 oe providec j � TO BE GO,v,ai�-t� ESTIMA7cD NET =Y ''!'J� IpENTI_FICATION OF DElti10LiTION NAME rJF �STIr.!:.;`� N=T OR RcPdOVAL WORK JOc�S COST SUB:71T7=G OST HCC_. TcD I PROVIDING ENTIiY � r r_o BY LPA BY HUD �a� (b) I (�) (d) A nd (3) 1 Structure De;nolition City of St. Paul a 515,760 S A °nd (3) 1 Taater Service Cutoffs City of St. Paul 60,450 1 Water Main Abandonment City of St'. Paul �• 3,780 1 Water riain'Ahandonment State of Minnesota 750 2 Sewer Abandonment - City of St. Paul,.. , 2,100 2 State Street Bridge City of St. Paul 4u,680 3-15 Street Removal - City of St. Paul 196,802 - TOTAL s7E`!OLiTiO`� A`�D �E�-!OV:1L 'd"OR'ti TU BE CFiARGED TO iTF.�t Z OF • GRO>j �ROJ�CT CO�T /r,::_er er. line .4-3) . IS 820�322 S . SGNcDULE 3. Pi;O�=CT CZ S!T� I,.�PP,OV'c;,t�?:TS—N�VCASH LCCAL GRANTS•IN-AID • ESTIt.!ATE SUBhtl�TcO =y Lpq I TO 9c CG!A�L°_T�� - 9 Y H',. , CHPRGE �Q PROJE�T� ESTIMATc 4�_=� � ED I i�ENTIFiCAT101v NA�° �^ TOTAL COST I 9Y HUD • PROVIOI�IG �^tTITY ' ',• AMU U N T q AMO U N T / ��C).� ���� �a� �b� lC� ��i �°� �f� ��� j ' . STREET f i R �.�_i $ S s 16 Wood Street City of St. Pau 24,473 100 24,473 I 17 Colorado Stree City of St. Pau . 177,472 100 177,472 , 18 Delos Street City of St. Pau 44,967 100 44,967 I . � 19 Isabel Street City of St. pau . 113,575 . 100 113,575 20 Congress Stree City of St.. Pau 113,759 100 7"3,859 SOI 18,950 21 Wi�nifred Stree City of St. Pau 100,619 100 100,619 � 22 Robie Street City of St. Pau 290,390 100 156,140 f , � i:a s;eciil �ss_:sr.ca. .;�;:as: �:o;'ct•ac�•..�? ::,�,i is ir.•:�(v_:, ��rf; r�c ?er-c:: cf.i:rec::�i_(i: ra 'ie proieet t:uT t:e i^:n:o•ic-enr :o i:s tocs, eos: aed se^cr..:: i.�� ::�_' .:���r.: ize ;�t�lrer.ac^.c:�; ;:�e s�e��a! �s,es:a�e�:t se�ins; c5e ,ro�ec:-�cquir-d l.L:d. �t ! i � t � .,, _ . . . � � � : � . � � � � .. . . . _. . .. . . � . .._. � . _ •-•-- - �--- - _. . . _ . . . . _. .. . . . _ _.. __-- - ; , . . . . . ' . - . _ - . • .. . . HUC)•6700 �2sas8xs#� . Page 4 (�) ' ' l�-tia, SLlPPOP,T1,�iG SC'tiECUL�S ,r'C:�a:;rr�r�r,l1 SCHEDULE 3� PRCJECT OR SI7E 1MPcZOvEMENTS—t�ONCASFI IOCAL G�:.NTS•IN•Ai0 �4�'�j��"����1 ( EST11.1PTE SU8`•tIT��D 9Y l..aA I TO Bc :.J+�?'�E'c_ { 9Y �-'J� � ESTIMfLTc ?�CCc°'Eu ' CMARGE TO PROJEGT� � BY HUO � NA4tE OF IOENTIFICATION TOTAL COST PROVIDING ENT17Y .. .. . . � AM�O V N T ' � � . . 1. " � . �. . (�C)x�d)� . AMOUNT . : �a�• (b) (cj (d) �e) �E) <B) _ - s s s 23 George .Street - C^.ty of St.Paul 7,622 100 7,622 24 Concord Street City of St.Paul 91,170 100 91,170 � 25 Wabasha Street City of St.Paul 49,730 100 49,730 - 26 Parnell Street City of St.Paul •24,264 . I00 24,264 27 Livingston Avenue City Qf St.Paul 68,072 100 b8,072 28 Robert Street City of St.Paul 42,973 100 42,973 . 29 Clinton Avenue . City of St.Paul 102,764: 100 102,76U 30 Greenwood Avenue �ity of St.Paul 29,698 � 100 29,698 ' 31 State Street City of St.Paul 4,094 100 4,694 32 Ada Street City of St.Paul 30,128 100 30,128 - 1 ?OTAL F'RUI^C;T (�K �[TE I�INRU`;':i�;:\?� TC� 3E ' . . S S CHARGFD TO [T£:�•t Z OF G�o�S PROJ�CT COST (F.�2� ; � . See 4 d nrt �ine .i-�1 j ' SCH�DULE 4. FUwLlC OR SUP?C�71NG FACILITIcS � TO 6c CO"=�°—?'�—' � ESTI!�!'.'E SU3�dt'�'TEU EY L°A �„ y��� J � ES i Ih:i+`c :..._?-�� I ' CFiARG� TO P+jaJeCT EY HUO NAM.� OF. • It7EN'TIFICATION pROVIDING ENTITY 70TAL C057 . � . . � AMOUNT RMOUNT . " ([c)Y Cd)) � !a) (b) (c) (d) (e) lfl (K? s s S I � . t.� � - . i - � . ' : • � . 1 . ! — (T�:AL ���U����tz�r«c; r-�.,�;i.�z�!::: -rc� ��,•: �:ti.�Eic�E=.G I s . I � j _� TO !�c.0�F:('T (F.r.lc' ��.z ier.� :i-�l � # � . . - _• . I( a spee��I �as's:e-at ��.�:e:e ^re�ect-�eGe::�l 'r.�! �s ie•�:�:�frl. �,-.�'1. •.. �e;r.-^• ef c'Sr�.t b-:efi:t. t4e -,ro��et lcon t�e �r.y.a:en-,• �t E�e�:�^: t� tts:oe�l ea;t ais s:��::.�et :.'r., r:»t a.;:o.r.: :.`.a :oc�l .,r,o�i::.•! t!:e <,-c.::, .t•:se,s.r.en: .�d_:^s: tr.e ;:ojeer.+:y�_:ccs 1.+�.:. F � � : . , . • • _. . . _. . . - - . . � . �.. .� . _ '- ---•• ---� - . . . . _. . . . - - •�� ----- . ; • : � � ; . . . . . � . . . . . � ►tu n-a�oo ���Y Pa�e 4 (b) • �i,-ks� SUPPOP.TI;iG SCNrDUL�S %C���itr�u�r�l) SCNEOUL.E 3. PROJECT OR SI�'E IMPKOvEMENTS—rtONCaSH LOCa� GR:.,�75•W•��D ,C,�r�:���.•,t� ( ESTt�dATE SUB'diTT�p 8Y Lp� I TO Bc �J��?�£'�'_ � . . . . . BY ,r;.l i ' _ � E5?IMATc �'CCc?'D i I • CNARGE TO PRO�ECT • 9Y HUD � NA.Y,E OP ' IOENi'�FICATION pROViDING ENTITY T07AL COST � � ' . .. AAfOVNT « . . • ' � . � . . . . - • x .����� �d�� . . AM6 V N 7 (a) (b) (c) �d) (�) �f) (8) 33 Bancroft Avenue . City of St.Pau� s 45,207 100 S 45,207 s 34 Andrew.�Avenue City of St.Paul 15,315 100 15,315 . � ` 35 Kansas Avenue City of St.Paul 15,182 100 7,591 � 50 3,796 36 Alley Improvements City of St.Paul 83,116 100 39,100 � . OTHER ST�ORM SEty'ER IrIPFOVII� •NTS: 36 From Qutfall near Brc,�n -- - : � & Page to new Hwy ��3 City of St.Paul 31,875 ' 100 31,875 37 Grown-Winifred to ne � Hwy ��3 System City of St.Paul 7,�375 10.0 z,875 - 37 Congress & Ada Sts. City of St.Paul 5,47�3 100 �,478 - 37 New State Hwy ��3 City of St.Paul 100,000 100� 100,000 TOTAL F�rtUJ:-:t:T OK �[TE (�l:'�U� ���;tJ�'S 'CC� �.i� CH.�RGED TO [T;:�•t 2 OF G�U�S ��OJ�CT COST (E.z:zr ' � • s See 4(d) S nrt I tRP .ti,t) � SCHE�UI.E d. FUS�IC OR SUPPC;TItiG F:,ClU71cS � To s= ���,_-_"_-, --j ESTI!�;A'� 5::8?dITT�U BY L�?, ov y�,�� J ' � �51 �!�!i�yC -�._.�....= G� ' GNARG� TO PROJeC? ' 6Y HUO 1 (�ENTIFICATION NAM.E OF . � PROVIDING ENTITY 70TAL COST , - � � � 4!AQUN 7 AMOUN T � � ((��Y Cd)) o !a) •!b) (c) (d) (o} !fl � (K) � S S S 1 i . � , ;�_ � ' .. � . � ' - .� � . � ( � . � . � I � � . � —. 1 (i7iAC. ��!t't'��it-` f�i� t�'.�.;I.IT':[� T;) t�r (:fIAfZG[•:C� � s � , . ( � S j 70 N�.O:F.(��I' (f,r.!_• r.z iir.� .i-�l � I J t . I� a z;oeial ass->.,.�ne a�-er:c ;ro�ece-icGL::�1 �a�,f is i:v:.:vrl. i;.�'y. e..- �e:r_^• c!��r�cc o':-(i: t. e4e ;:o;.et fton the ir.p:�,�.cr,.'�-t ac taea:�^: :� tts :oeal eo;t �iJ s:'�::.�cc :. .r.. c:v� a-:o_r.t :`o 'ot�l .,r,o�i:t rf th• �-c..:. a:SG�1TC:iC .la_:.^.s: t;.c ,:oject-.,:-��:i;:� l.+s.!. • � i , � r , � � . t , � i •. � _ .._- _ . , . . . . _ __. , . . . . . . . .. . . . . . _. _____ . . ��iK�c°�K Pa e 4 c . rtuo-a�oo ' fi•n3f . . SUPPOP,Tl;iG SCiiFGUL=S /Cimrr,,,<<�,1� . SfHEDUtE 3. �ROJECT OR SITE IMPKOVE.MtNTS—r�ONCaS�t LOCaI. G�.�,NTS•IN•aiD �1:,•�3:�^:..•,11 E5T1'.t�TE SU?`AITT�p 6Y LPA �'O B: C.;s�?'�_-�_ ` � . � � . - - . 9v �i+.U7 E�TIMA7c ACCcP�u � I NA?.tE pF CNARGE TO PRJ�ECT� � BY HUD � i IOEHiTtF1CAT10N � , PROVIOING ENTITY TOTAL COST � � . . . � Z . AMOUN T . : . . .. (f�)a fdl) . •MOUNT . , �a� (b) (c) �d) (e) (f) �8) - 37 Street & TraFfic Sig s City of St.Pau t 4,500 100 S 3,500 f 50 500 37-3ti Water Facilities City of St.Paul 50,607 I00 50,607 � � 38 Water Fac. b.y M,H.D. State of Minn. 6,560 , 100 6,560 39 Fed. Bridge over Sta � Hwy ��3 � •St�te ;of Minn. 42,000 100 42,000 40 Vehicular Bridge ove Concord Street� State of Minn. 138,a0Q: 100 138,000 � STR�ET IMPROVEME�ITS - MI N. HWY. DEPT. . . 4U Kaasas - Concord to � Robie - State of Minn. 4,619 100 4,619 ' 1 TOTAL F'dUJ:��T OR �li�� I�IE�RU`.'::`•;::��� �;c� 3E � CHAP.GED TU ITf:.`1 ,'. Oc li�O�j FRO ECT COST �L`.:!e� � � S �rt it�C .;-.c i T � � - � See 4(d) , SCHEDULE d. PUSLIC 0� SUP?C�TItiG F?":.IL17i=S ESTihTr".-= SUS`�1ITTEU BY L?A � TO 6� COR�-_°-:D { . . . . � �v 4�J� _� ESTIA'ATc .�+;;-;=?-c_ � CFiARGE TO PHOJcGT� 8Y HUO � (�ENTIFICATIQN . NAM._ OF � PROVIDtNG ENTITY TOTAL COST . � . � . � • � AMOUN T � " � � �(C)C (d)) e .AMOUNT � �a� fb) (c) fd) (e} (fl (X) s .. 5 , S � ! • ,t=_ . � -- _ � , ' � ���" :��4�u [ , i A[. ��t: : ;\i; != ', ;(.I i[:{: TJ ;1r (:lIAKi� To` _ , .... • ��.r� I ' s � :�n(.�jF:(��r !�.r.[,.. ,.-e .�-)I ! ! S ,��� � l � IF a s:'ei.,I aasr>:ecae �+,ee:� ;ro�ect-:c�ci:�l �a.:d is ir,v:.:vcf, .�-�'y. •,. ie:r_^• c(cir^_t o�atfi: t: t�e �:o;.et fcon t�e i:�p:u•:en'a� ar faei:i^: to ��s :�ta! e.�;t t1;t r:�::.�ct :.�.r.. �::�c �.::o.r;:`' totlt .,r.�u::r� t4e c--r.:. .z•:se,i^en: .ad_:^s: crr_ ,:ojccr.,c,�:rcu l�a,.'. � � � � y i - . , : . • _ • . � . .. � . . � 3 } � . . . �. � .. .� . - . .� � � - � ' . ' �'��... "�' � ' • . . . . - � : � � .. .. . � . _. .. . . . .• .. ' ..."�"' ' _ � , • • � � - � . . . � . � . � . . . � ' • � . - _ _ � . � � � . .. . . _ � HU D•b 100 �X►��@�K Pa e 4 d I � (i-�s� � SUPPOP,TING SCH�'GUL�S !C��nri�er<<��il a � � SCHEDUIE 3• PRCJEC7 OR SITElMPZOVEME:NTS-.-NONCASFI I.00,�L GR:.NTS•IM-AID �t:.�J�:+^::..�� TO 9= �:.�t?�ETc= I � ESTt�dATE SU�`dITT�D 9Y LPA gY �„' ESTIMATc ACCE°`.:� � CN/IRGE TOPRJJEGT� � BY HUD � ' IOENTIFICATION NA1dE OF TOTAL COST � PROVIDING ENTITY . . . . . pr.eOVNT . , . . . " 9' ((C)X�d)� , �AMOVNT . (a) �b) . (�) (d) (el (f) (B) •. • s s f 41 Connect.ion from Robie ' to Andrew State of Minn. 126 100 126 ' '41 Connection from Bancroft to Congress State. of Minn. � 1,364 100 1,364 42�Connection from Robie , ; � to Winifred State of Minn. 2,744 200 2,744 . Land Fill & Grading City of St.Paul 50,000_: 100 50,Q00 ►me d (4)Street Lighting City of St.Paul 228,001 -� 100 228,001 �me d (4)Water Service Connect.City of St.Paul 79,200 • 100 79,200 , 1 -roTr[. E�����:�r o� si�� i����o�.���;t���s �r� �� CHAP,GED T� ITE;`•t = OF G�OS� FROj�CT CO�T IE:re� � ' s2 024 564 s nrt �iRe .i-•I) ' SCHEDULE 4. PUSLIC OR SU??C�TlNG FACILITI€5 ! TC 6c C^.t.�a._--:� --� E571h!:.'E SJS�!iT._�U BY �.�A o.. ,y��� � . . � . � � ES� Ih'A . c . ,.. . c': ; CFiARGE TO P"riOJcGT 8Y HUO NAh!E OF • �--T= ~y-^=J- IDENTIFICA7tON pROVIOING ENTITY T07AL t;05T . . AMOUN T AMOUNT ' ' . n (`C, � (d}, o �a� . (b� (c) (d) (�) (f) (R) s s S i I I 43 Park Land Improvement City of .St.Paul� 175,125 100 175,125. 43 Nbrhood. Center Bldg. City of St.Paul 281,103 100 286.,000 � 43 Branch Fire Station, , Isabel St. & Livingst n City of St.Pa 1 195,596 " 38 27,328 Entrance -SExist Ramps 100 87,250 � A&e at Concord & State ' _ � � Hwy ��3 � nA�� Pedestrian Bridge ' City of St.:Paul 144,640 : 100 144,640 l ' meri Ice Skating Arena Ramsey County 300,000 : 23 8 71,400 �5). . . � ' � , ,. . . � 1_.— �. ��'�'�AL �1!V��l�'t:-:'i\�� ('.'.C;l.l-t"!::� TO (1�� (:fIAI�GI-:G � !,S 791,743 I � S _J TO NnQj F.(�T iE.r.t,.• ��a lin� :i-�/ � iI! a s;eei�l �as->._-ne ���:e;t ;roject-:cGe:::el �x.�i is i:,v:,;•rc•!, �,-.�'Y •.. �e;ee^! cf dir�t bc:cEi: t. e4e �co��ct !ron t-e ir,:o:coe-t �t Eae�!�r.• t� lts :ot�I to;t ��:! s,:��::.�ee : •.r.. ea�t a-:o,�t ,.`.e cotal .+r.ou:; , f the �,-,.::, a�se.ire�: .�d-:^5: tec ;:ojec^-.+..;cir:u I.+�.'.. �# I f 1 � � i i • • _ . . � . . . . .. � . _ • : � . , --- - -- - -• *-. _ _ . . _ . . -•- _ .. ._ _ ___ . . _ w , . . . . . . _ ._..._ _ .. . . .. . . .. . Nu0-o?tk� P�c� 6 0�6 _ �t.r,K) SUPPORTING SCH E�UL ES((.�u�rrir,u�•�!J � SCFiEDUIE S. OTHErZ NONCASH LOCAL GRaNTS-tx•ai� ��R��tr��i�Rb tirc. ll_' r�:ururi���r�r! in,.lilur:���rs ��i 6��.:E•it�,l.:; �r;. Id:�'•+ lmr.r��r�t pc�Llirl,�•t�..ir;,;J , TO BE COnn?LETED BY LPA TO BE GORIP�.ETcu lVAME OF ESTIMATE BY HUD (OEIVTiF'ICATION PROVIO�NG SUOMFTTED ESTIMATc ' ' ENT17Y 8Y L?A ACC2PTE0 ' . , . 8Y HUD ' �al (b) fc) (d) a s _ TOTaI. (Erce� na l�r.r .•1-61 • _ $ ($ ' SC7-iEOULE 6. NE7 ?Rv^1�CT CQST 0� OTHcr ?�OJECTS °OOIED wITH i h15 FROJc=T ;Fror� �ctcst acccpt��! . i Form 11C D�_�0, l.�r .-i-i 1, ,��r t;:e (ol:u:r'ir,, �iujccts:) _� TO BE COt4PLETEO BY LPA TC 3E �O?d°LETED ! t • .PROJECT NU��''c_R �ST��!a.TE BY HUD EntCteach ro ect num:?r OATE APPROVED � --+ � (� f I SUBMITTED ESTihtATc • j BY HUQ aY LPA ACCEaTED j BY HUD � �-' � �a) �b} �c) �d) S S . i !. � . . (� i . ' , � — —� �QT:11.(Enter �,n li�:r :I-1�) ( . �S S � �. L. • � 221�7q.p Fev. 1/63 H�JO•'Nasn., D.C. � .., � � f � , { . � � 4 • � . � . . STATEME:VTS IN SUPPORT OF HUD-62Q0 SUPPORTI:V'G SCHEDULES � - « (See Project Improve.ntents ,Report, R-224) - � � / . � � � . , , • � •- � , • ' . ------- _ - - - - - . .. _ : , �. �, , - o , _ _� _ , Fenn approved Pagt 1 of $ B�d9e� Buteo� No. 63-R7�73 PRQJECT LOCALITY ': U.S. DEPARTMEN7 OF H4USiNG AND URBAN,D,EVELC?MEN7 Saint Paul� Ml[1l1eSOtA UR"B'AN R'ENFWAL PROGRAM PRd�EC7 N��rE """'-- — Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Project - RROJECT EXPENQITURES BUDGET pROJECT NUMBER BUOGE7 NO. � Minn. R-37 6 ' iN5"RUCTIOUS: :nitial °udget: Subrr.it original and � copies in Binder tio. 1, and copies in remaining Binder subr,iitted . to HUA. 'Re�•ised Budger. If with amendatory application, .follow "Initial Budget" instructions. Qthetwise, submit original aad -� copies to HliD. OATES G� BUDvET APPROVALS (Complece for revision only) ' F3u�IRet \o. 1. October Ls , I9�8 Latest Approved Bud�et (lVo. S y, May 19, �lq 7� TO BE CQMPLETED eY LPA TJ SE FtIL£D USE ONLY FOR REY�SED BUOGET IN BY HUD LINE AGTIVITY CI.ASSIFICATION� BUOGET BUOGET - LATE57� REQUESTED FOP. pppROVE: FOR . NO. . � - ADJVSTMENT � � APPR-OVED (�� OR —) � . . � EUDGET � � 6O .MONTHS �MONTHS (a1 (b) (c) (d) f 1 TOTAL SL'RVEY A`D PL.�\\!�C E'iPE�D[TliHES . ([ncludes all costs incurred, r.osts esrimated to l�e 3 $ $ $ incurred, and interest on advances to �epayment dace) (R I�01, H 1�03, R i�0 i) 305�767 - 305�767 PRC)JECT F:\F:CL�TI('i` E:\Yr`.[IiTCRf:S: ? ,�dmini�tr:�ti�•c cost� (il 1-110, R :y'::�i 1 2�$ (j13 — 7$ fj],3 3 LeF,.:l .rr�ic•c. (R Ill;i.02. R :-tIi.03. �t iat�.oi. �t i i�.,.u:.) 11 500 11 500 3 Survey and planning:R 1130) 83 8�� — 83�8�� � �lcquisition e�ienses( R 1�k4U.`J2 chro�igh R t�1 tu.ui;, 140,910 35,100 176,010 , �a Te�potarv opr_ration o( ;;cq+tir�u prope•rtv— Prot�t (_i or La55(•) (R t���s) -33�130 58� 130 +25�000 60 ''�mount included in Line 5a as real estate tax f d � � � � 21�453 � � credits(R 11-�8.038) � '' ; Relocation ar.d Communitc or�anizaz:on, excluding 9,670 - 9,670 Reiocatior Pa�:mentu (k 1313) Site cl=arance—Proceeds(—j or Cost(-) ' 8 (R 1�50) _ _ _ 9 Project or site i^pro��ements (R 1��5) . 75,000 75,000 -0- � t0 Dis�x;sal, :ease, re:en:icn costs � (R 1�»1 . 11 Rehaibilitatinn. excludin_ i • Reha�ilit�t�ont,�;�::«�.�t t�}�o� 74 175 - 74 175 ' � �? intere�c(h I t;.'O.Q t:l. fi 1 S`?0.0?) . 415 000 500 415 915 415 13 Ochcr income (—) (R 3�349) ��'�138�441 104�210 �'�'142�651 �-� 1 For a prnj�ct on a three-f.�urtny cap�c�l ernnt S�G�S wiih limite�i projert c.�.ts, entrr zern on I,ines 1 •�+��ugh 6}�. HUO-622� (1-68) r=revio�s edirions o�solrre . , _ . . • � A Y � j j � , . . - �.....�.� .�.�.�+--._....�. . . .._._ ". . _ � . . .. . .. . . � . . . .....�. . ... � .. �... _ � �. . . . � � . . .. . P.<<a ot a TO 6E COMPLETED BY tPA TO EE f ILLEO . � � US£�.ONI.Y FOR REV�SED�BUDGET � . I�N RY HUD BUOGET ���E ACTIVITY Cl.ASSIPICAT10N1'�• tw7esr REQUESTED FOR BUDGET Np. ♦o�VSTraErt7 APPROVEO FOR . . . . . APGRO.v ED �� nr—', . . BUOGET 60 MONTHS T___MONTHS� (x� (h) ic) ldl �� SuLtotal(.cum o(I.ine+,2 thrnugh !3, a a E � C $ txC�ftdi�t� �lltr p"b f 2 [F 1 2J(F [S Cop:in�encie�/(ur Column(c�, not tn exceed . � 15.o u�'Line I-�) �263�471 — 263�471 !� Real estate purchases(R 1440.011 4 324�777 1�642 000 5 966 777 1? Proje�c inspection i R t4 t8) 57 942. 4U G00 97 942 18 TOT�L. PROJECT EXECCTIO� E\PF.\D(TUHE� (s�mofGinesl-�,I�,lo, arzdli) 6,630,687 2�108�757 8�739�444 19 TOTAL. PROJF:CT F!�PF.\DITGRESlITE11 l OF s g a g GROSSPROJECTCO�T)(Line 1 plus !8) 6�936�454 2�108�757 9�0�+5�211 , 20 RPlocation Payments l00� reirr�bursnble to LPA S S 8 , 8 (H 150ll 1 032 864 509 111 1 541 975 Rehabilitation Crants 100� reimbursable to LPA • I 21 cR ��o�� $ izo,oao � - $ izo,000 i 8 � , Approva of the Project Expenditures Budget in the amounts and for the time period shown in Column (c) is hereby requested. . ,. Local Pubtic Agmcy i 1 • � • . � � Date • $iPnacure oJ.4uthori�ed O(jicer Tit[c . . . � I . fIL'il A1'I'I�tl�'�1. . � The Project Expenditures Eudget is hereby approved in the amounts and for the time period shown in Column (d). The project sha'.i be cor.;pleted by , 19—. • Dats Signature • � 'fi:l� J HUD•527.0 (1-68) Fre�ious ecitions cbsclete t ,, . ,_ ' t r . ;; . � ! � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPM�NT AUTFIOitITY OF THE CITY OF S�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA i i AMENDATORY . CONCORD TERRACE PROJECT MINN. R-37 . � CODE 231 LEGAL DATA R-231 � , , _ ..._ , .: , w, . .,.. ._ -