250791 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � � � ��4��1 � , � CIN OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO. Llc�vsE cor��a��, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY l COMMISSIONEQ ,� ���'� � � „�M October 13, 1970 R�SOLV-�: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Bevera,ge and �igaxette licenses made by John Ii. Polson at 205 Forbes Avenue be and the same are, hereby granted on the condit�on that within �days of this da.te said applicant sha,ll comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Iiealth, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Le�i.slative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. _.. i OCT 1 3 197U COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler �°T 1 .� 19�'� Carlson � Approve� 19— Levine �� _ I �/� —1n Favor ,�,�1 M -�e�'�ditl�� :=i�k�..�� May r Sprafka � Tedesco A8'Rinst Mr. Vice President Meredith �B��SHED Q�T 1? ��;�1/ �� � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL a J � / � � Capital of Minnesota �e a�t�nevct o ub�c'c �a et /' � � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PBOTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH BALP'H G.MERRILL,Depaty Commieeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inapector October 13, 1970 Honorable Nayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and riadam: John H. Polson makes application for Resturant, On and Off Sale Malt Bevera�e and Cigarette Zicenses for 205 Forbes Avenue, which is location on the �ast side of the street at the intersection of �,t'est ;,eventh Street. This location has been licensed for a simila,r business from 1948 to 1$63, and again since Februa.ry 1969, the cur_rent licensee being Antonio J. Defintani. There are no other 3i2 pl�ces within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is about one �lock and the closest Off Sale Licuor pl�.ce is about six blocks. The nearest church is three blocks and the nearest school is wbout four blocks. Air. Folson has been employed by the Niinneapolis Gas Co. for ove� thirteen �ears. Very truly yours, ��s �c License Inspect��r �O �i, . . � C ITY OF SA INT PAU�, DEPARTb�NT pF PUBLTC S�.FETY � LICENSE DNrSION I�a te_ Q�- �. �.9�L� —,,...�..'. 1. �,pplication for ,( L Licensa 2. Name of applicant °�����'P'�rT'� 3. Businesa addres� �,,�� ��S � Reaidence_��� �t�/'%',q/,f'�f/F� �( �° s 4. Trade name, if any /� r 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Li,quor Federal Tax Stamp��3.11 be u�pd. 6. (hi what floor loeated��� Number of roams u�ed � , ,.._..................... 7. Between what oross. streeta Which side of' st�ee'�� 8. A,re premises no�r ocoupied �'Vihat businesa Haw long ��.. _ . . _ . - - �y S� t�E 9. A,re premises now cuiocscupiedy�sHotiv long vacant��Q. Previous Use����, /3�� t"' . ,..,,.. 10. Are you a nevir owner'S��"Havs you been in a simi�.ar business before -. / � T -- V7he rq�j0�-J filhenl l�� ---�------ 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally '� . , .,.,. ...� �...._.,.....� If nat, �o will operate it 12, Are you in any o�her business at the �esen� tasn� .�.5 �--�- _._.__..._.... 13. Have there been any oomplain�s again8t your operation of thia �ype of pl,ace_� YYhen ll�here 14. IIave you ever had any licanae revoked O �Vhat reason and dQte 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statea ��Native��Naturalized i��:.� 16. jNhere ware you bor�q, I�te of bir�th ��� � �� 17. I am �rried. Nty (wife 'a� (husband's j name and addresa �s ,L� N� i a� . Y` ,� � /� 18. (If ma rrie d fema le) my �iden name is 19, Sow long have you lived in St. Pa 1 20. Have you e�rer been arrested � Xiolation �f' vvhat oriminal l��aa� ar o�dina►uoe ..,.....,.,. . G� `- � - ! 9G e 21. Are you a regisbered voter in the City of St. Pl�ul Yes Ro. _ -...�._ (Anawer full and aom 1ete1 . Theae a lica�iona are thorou hl checked aad tan alaif ication v�rill be cause for ena.a . ���,R� 22. I�umber of 3.2 places within two blocks � �jV.� � . ,� . .�, 23. Closes� intoxicating liquor plac�e. �n Sal��j(/'�/Iq/j/,$ Uff Sale � 24. Nearest Church Nearest School 25. g7umber of booths__y� Tables (� Chairs�w�,��aala �O : 26. What occup�tion have you followed for the past five y+s�rs, (Give names of employera and dates so employed.) � , - /� 27. Give names and addresses of two personS, residents of St. Paul, �.i.nn,, �rho �a� g�v+e infor�tiox� cancerning you. Nam � [ . Addxess �� �Q�� J L �— Name Addre s$ L ��/s/� N T � \� � igna ure of App ca�, Sta te of Minne s ota� )ss Coan.ty_ of Ramsey ) �1/2J� /�'/f� being first du].y aworn, deposes and �ays upon oath tha�ie has reac�t e foregoing ata�ement bearing his s�.gnatux�e �nd l�ows the aontants thereoP, and that ths sarne is true of h9.s own knowledge except sa tQ those ma�ters therein stated upon information and belief and aa �o thoae matters he belaeves them to be trtzoo ��'� i ture of App13.�an�t Subacx°ibed and sworn to befbre m.e this �� day of�Grt_��1 ,f 1Vo ry �c a msey Co ty, lUfinnes ata �F w�,�,.ff�:. ,.�, . . +' My C is ion expires y "'':� • -, � . (Notes hese sta�ement forms are in dup2icate. Both copies must be f'u17.y �'i.11ed out, no�arized, and returned to the Licenss Divisicm.j'� AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICA,NT ' ' FOR ` �% R�TAII, BF;ER QR LZ�II�R LTCEN$���/ -�--` �R�: �� Sale ���� License Name of applicant �:J p�f/V �/ /� D� S/!/� Business address D� ����_- � � ��� �//�/� Are you the sole owner of this businesa? . If not, is it a par'tnership? corporation? , o�ther? �thers interested in business, include those by loan of znone�, property or otherwisea Nam� Addre s a Hov�r If a corporation, give its name. Are you interestad in any way in any other retail bear or liquor business? � As sole ovmer4 Partner? Stoakholder4 Qtherro�rise? (Through l�an of money, etc. Exp�.ain� Address of sueh business and nature of intereat in same z. ignature of app ican State of Minnesota� )ss Gounty of Ramsey � `, beiz�g first duly svv�rn, d�pases and says upon oath tha� he has re d the for0goin� a�fida,vit bearin� his signa�ture and la�.ows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his a�rn 1�ov11edge, except as to thoae matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters ha �elie es them to be true. i� �K-'���/ ignature o�' applicant Subscri� and sworn to before me this�_day of ��� 19 i7 ary ic, ey Ca ty, inneso a ��. , ,,,�,n. b4y c 'saion expires 1,9 �i� ;j �'� �� .. q ;.oV. 1��. 1��7� e.--; , r� - "t.;. �,. � , « . > t � > � � � STA�'E �&' MIlVNESOTA S� , C(?UNTY OF RA�dSEY S be3ng firet duly avrorn, doth depuse and say that he make� this affidavit in conneat3on �rith 'applic�ation for "��"'Sale" liquor licsens� ("L��S"�le� malt beverage lioen�e) ia the �ity o� . $aint 'Paul, Minne�to�ta; that your affiant ie a raeideat of the St�►te of Minnesota and has resided therein fcr ��eara, ^ motaths, aaui 3.s nvar atnd has bean for the time above ansntioaed Q bor� fide raeident of said Stata s►nd thakt he noqv resides at T � �' Addreaa ��Q�/ , Mi�n.e s ota, City or Towa G��� �� Subsoribed and s�rorn �o before me thie � d�y of ,��19 � . � � o ry o, Ram�ey Cuun ]f�innesota �dy o a s i on ezp3res � (� /'�j' �,, .y�ar<,Rd M. !%.,,�, - ..,.� � :..�.,ti. {V(Ir,l4. . . Nn��r',' -. ' � � � � _ . -i••��c fr'OV. 15. �'�77