250789 � ;��a7�9 . ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK . . � � �- �, - CITY OF ST. PAUL �ooNC�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. . . OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AM WII�R�AS, an ordinance has Ueen i:ntroduced calling for a sales and use i;a�: i�ithin the City of Saint Paul and 1;lie Counc il finds i;hat a special election should be held so that the electors o� the City of Sain1; Paul_ may vo�;e upon i;he proposal , i;herefore be it ' RESOLV�D� That a special election is hereby ordered to be held, in i;he manner proviclecl by law, in said City of Saint Paul, Miiinesota, on the i;hird day of November, 1970 (which is the saine day the County and State general election tvill be held) for the purpose oF submitting to �;he eleci;ors of sa,id City the question of whether said sales aild use tax sh�.11 be imposed; be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered arrl directed to cau'se the full text of said proposed ordinance to be ; published as required by law at least once in at least three daily papers published within the City of Saint Paul ; such publication shall take place not less than ten days or more •than fifteen days before the date of said election; and be it # � � � � RESOLV�D FUItTHER, Tliat the Ci�ty Clerk shall prepare a � o � ballot stai;ing said questioiz in tlie nianner prescribed by la�v � � and ordered by this council ; and • .o �� . • A � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Ci�;y Clerk is hereby ordered a 9 to give notice of said election in i;he manner prescribed hy latv� o and �;hat the registration records on file in i;he Registra�t;ion � and Eleci;ion Bureau o� �;he City �lerk ' s o�fice be used- as pro– m vided by law; and .s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson p d 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka ayor gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � PUBLISHED OCT � ����IO - � �� . � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK . �5���9 � , - CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. �tESOLVED PURT�IE�t, That �the saicl spe cial ele c-ti on sha.l l be held in the ��9 election precinc�i;s of �the 12 wards of said Cii;y; ancl RESOLV�D FURTI-IER,� That the polls at said special elec�tion sh�.11 remain open during the hours provided by l�.w, and the pol– ling places and the ji.iclges of said special election shall be the same as those ac-ting in said general election; and _ ' R�SOLVED FURTHER, That the proper City o�ficers are hereby ' authorized and directed to prepare the necessary printing , sta– ' �tionery and election supplies , and to engage9the necessary labor and slcill and purchase necessary tools and materials to equip said pollinb places , �the cos-t thereof, together with all eYpenses o� said elec�i;ion, including colupensation oF judges , to be paid out o� ' the �lection Expense Account of �the General Fund ; and l�,ESULiiED FUR`i'HtiR, That �he City Cleriz is hereby au�thorized ��,nd directed to give such notice a,nd do ivhatever else is necessary , for tYie stibmission oF said proposed question at said special election in the manner prescribecl by lasv . OCT 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ._.,, OCT � 1970 Carlson Appro 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka v a r Tedesco � ASainst Mr. President, McCarty ' �'�rsH� ��T 17'� � �I ORtGINAL TO dTY CLCRK ������ j � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL �O. • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEPJERAL FORM I. . � • PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DA7F I I . i � i � , — � '(tiTII�It�AS, an ordinance has beeii i�ntroduced calling ror ; a sales and use �(;aa: i��i�Lhin i;he Ci�t;y o� Sain�t; Paul. and -i;lie Counc il �' :Cinds i;hai; a special elec�;ion should be held so �Lhat -i;he electors I oT i;he Ci�i;y of Sain-i; Pau1 1Ila.y vote upon tlie proposal , i;herefore j be i�; � � RLSOL«D, That a special e]_ection is hereby ordered �to be iheld, in �the manner provicled by la�o, xn saici Ci�ty of Sain-t Paul , � TTinneso�;a, on -Llle -�hird day of l�To�Tember, 1970 (zvhich is i;he same , day the Courity and State general election t��ill be helci) for the purl�ose ol submi�i;tillg to the elec�i;o.rs o� sa.�_cl Ci-l;y the question of �ahe�ther said sales and use �tax shall be iliiposed; be it RESOLV�D FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered anl directed to calise the full text of said proposed ordinance to be � published as required by laiv at least once in at least three daily papers published 1,�ithin the City of Saint Paul ; such publication. sriall talce place not less than ten days or more •than :fiFteen days before the date of said election; and be it �. R�SOLV�D FUItTIICR� Tiia�t the Ci�ty Clerk shall prepare a ' ballo�t sta�t;ing said question in tlie mailner pre scribed by latv and ordered by this eouncil ; and • � R�SOL��ED TUR.T��R, That the Ci.�;y Clerk is he reby ordered -Lo give notice oF sa�cl elec�i;ion in i;he maziner prescribed by law, and �;ha�t �t;he regis�Lrat�_on records on file in i;he I3.egis�i;r�.tion � arid Elecl;ion Bu��eau o� the City �lerk ' s ol�ice be iised� �s pro– vi d e d by 1 ata; and � ,; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays . Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine __jn Favor • Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �O , , ORIGINAL TO CITY CIERK � , . ��o��v�+ • � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL • "� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. . _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � . COMMISSIONER DATF page 2 . , RESOLVTD rURTII�R, Tha�i; -the said special elec�Lion shall be held in -Lhe 1�9 election precinc�ts of the 12 warcis o:f said Ci1;y; and � � R�SOLVED I'URTI-I�It,� That the polls a�i; said special election shall remain open dLiring i;lie �iours provided by l�.w, and the pol– lizig places and -l;he judges of said special eleetion shall be the same as �triose actin� in said general elec�t;ion; and . ' R�SOLVED FUI�TIIER, That the proper City orFicers are hereby ai.ithorized and directecl �;o prepare the �iecessary p.rinting , s�ta– �i;ionery and election Sllp�lll@S � and �to eribage �>the necessary laUor and slcill ancl plireliase neeessary tools ancl materials to eqtiip said pollirib places , . �the cos�L thereo:f, toge�Lher S,�i�th all eYpenses o�f said elec (;ioii, inclucling colliperisation o:f judges , to be paid ou�t of " the �lection �xpense �-lccount of �tlie General P'und ; ancl � � RESOLVED FIJR�I'II�R, Tliat the Ci-ty Clerk is hereby authorizecl � •and cliree�Lec1 ��o give sueh notiee and do svha�tever else is neeessary . ° �or the submission o:f said proposed question at saicl special elec�tion in �the m�.nner prescribed by law . ' (�G� � 19�0 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Qt,;� � �,]� • Carlson Approved 19— � Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty �O ou�ucwn To�e�NTt�t ���� �.. . CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� ND "�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .� COUNCIL RESOWTIOPI-GENERAL FORM • n���.,r ' COMMISSIONER DA*� WIIEREAS, an ordinanee has Ueen introduced calling for a sales and use tax within the City of Saint Paul and the Couneil finds that a special election should be held so that the eleci;ors of the City of Saint Paul may vote upon the proposal, therefore be it ' . RESOLVED, That a special election is hereby ordered to be he1d, in the manner provided by l,aw, in said City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the third �day of November, �1970 (which is the same day the Count y and State general eleetion t�ill be held) for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said City the question of whether said sales and use tax shall be imposed; be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered arti directed to cau�e the full text of said proposed ordinance to be published as required by law at least onee in at least th ree daily papers published within the City of Saint Paul ; such publication � ' shall take lace not less than P ten da s o y r more •than fifteen days before the date of said election; and be it RESOLVED FURTHE R, Tha-E the City Clerk .shall prepare a ballot sta�ing said question in the nianner prescribed by law and ordered by this council; and • � RESOLVED FURTHERy That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in i;he manner prescribed by law� and that the regisi;ration reeords on file in the Registration and Election Bureau of the City �lerk � s office be used- as pro- vided by law; and � . COUNCILMEN � . Adopted by the Co�r*_+cfl 18_ Yeas Nays Butler Caxlaon Appr°°`� 19— : Levine - ' ' T.+ Favor Mereditli � Sprafka �r A an�t Tedeaco �. �ia�t, ��c�ty � �� � : DYr1.ICATt TO NlIN'RR� � � � � .. . . . . . . � �. , ���� �• � CITY OF ST. PAUL . �uNp� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM .���r � COMMISSIONHI DA*� page 2. � RESOLVED FURTHER� That the said special election shall be held in the 1�g election precincts o� the 12 wards of said City; and RESOLVED FURT�IER,• That �he polls at said special eiection shall remain open durin.g the hours provided �by law, and the pol- ling places and the judges of said special election shall be the same as those acting in saia general election;and • . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proper City officers are hereby . authorized and directed to prepare the ne cessary printing , sta- tionery and election supplies , and to engage�the necessary labor and slcill and purchase necessary tools and materials to equip saicl polling places, . the cost thereof, together with all expenses of said election, including compensation of judges, to be paid out of ° the �lection Expense �iccount of the General Fund ; and � � RESOLVED FURTHE R, That the. City Clerk is hereby authorized � and directed to give such notice and do wha�tever else is necessary . for the submission of said proposed question at said special election in the manner prescribed by law . pCT � 1910 COUNCILMEN Adoptea by the Cotmcil 19_ Y� xa� OCT �91�70 But�� Caxlson • Appro� �9— , Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedeaco 't/ ��t Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���