250775 Orlslnsl to CitY Clerk ` � ORDINANCE ���'�5 COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 14523, C. F. 249344, APPROVED JULY 7, 1970, GRANTING PERMISSION TO CARDINAL INVESTMENT COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT SEWERS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Tha.t Ordina.nce No. 14523, C. F. 249344, approved July 7, 1970, granting permission and authority to Cardina.l Investment Company to construct a public sewer subject to certain terms and conditions, be amended so as to add permission to Cardina.l Investment to con- struct a public storm sewer privately within an easement described as the South thirty feet of the North one-ha.lf of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-qua.rter of the Northeast one- qua.rter of Section ll, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Section 2. Tha.t this amending Ordina.nce sha.11 be deemed conditiona.l upon the filing of a letter of acceptance hereto on behalf of the Cardinal Investment Compa.ny and consent hereto ma.de in writing and executed on. behalf of the permittee`s surety compa.ny. Section 3. Tlna.t all rema.ining terms and conditions of the said Ordinance No. 14523 sha.11 remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This amending Ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pa.ssage, approval and publication. OCT 2 3 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler -� Carlson Tn Favor Levine r Meredith l� C� Against Sprafka T�`��° OCT 2 3 1970 Mr. President (McCarty) Approv . - ttes % '�� � � i erk . "�.� `�, �� Form a�proved Corpor��ian Counsel B �u�l�sHEO OGT 31197Q� DqNas�fs lrhar . � . � �� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ���I� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO� � �i �Il� �� �3� ll�. �5�3� C.: �w �!� A�'� 3vL�' 7,� i9?!�, +�lAM�C - �.'�tS�SI� i'� C�1f�I. ��� C�' � ��'" " ? ��. 'i� t'�IL � � CI'�'! � � 2�t. � t��:� 8+��3a�t L '� �rt� t�s�i�n�►as �. 1+���,� C. t. ?�r+�:�, .'� �',� 1�7�� �s� �ss��a a�d a��#.t�► �a C�aa�dlwala��� to E���z�t a ��i+� s�M� snb +ec� �o ���t�a �s � � l�r, b� a�� io � t�ar �a1d �► C+��� ���t t� +aoa- s�t a �rabl� st�aa s�ar aet�rl �rl.�ta► � a�aaaire� ��ac�.b�rd �at 1� 80� t�.rt� i`s� of �we �� a�1�a1� o� �e llo�t��c� aE S�ct� 11s ��ti� lie�t�,�e Z� �, � � � �Itls ��1MI1��' �s • ��Y �. 1'�1lt t�.t �R�.� �f'M�,�.� i�1 b! � �t�. ��t t.�r f�.li� +o� i �Stt►�rr � ara�i�ti�Cre �ar�a � l�if O� t�r ��; �ad � 3�eYSE�► r�4r #a� �.t�aa� a� +panc�t�d +a� b��a�E r#��1�p.�d�t+�aE s s�ua�j► �a�n�►, S+�:o� 3. T1�at a�i� r�� �r�r aa�el c�i�a�r �' � �i i�+ii�c� �a� L�r;3Z3 �1 s�rin �ia fa11 fo�t �d �t. �;��,�.�, o�, .,�,� i�t.�.�t 4. 1'i�4s t�x���s �II t� +�i�t a� �rs �t �s ��r ��i} � l��i� �r its ���► a�d #+�at�a�. �' ��� � Yeas Councilmen Nays Pas�ed by the ouncii OCT 2 3 1970 Butler ��0� Tn Favor Y�eth � A�.��t sp� �. �� t t��c�,> OCT 2 3 1970 Approved: - Atteet: City Clerk Ma�ror �� ' Form a�proved Corporli�ian Couneel By _ - . November 11, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Letter of Accepta.nce for Cardinal Investment Company Ordinance Number 14625, Council File Number 250775, Amending Ordinance Number 14523 Dear Sir: Please be advised that the undersigned, Cardinal Investment Company, hereby accepts the Saint Paul City Council's permission to construct a public storm sewer privately within the easement described in the above amenda.tory or- dina.nce. ,-..-,-� �,� U �- `'- Yours truly, ,. � �'+ "-" CARDINAL IlWESTMENT COMPANY p � [n='� tt.l �*_J t_ �� '�� � `� � '.1l�� . ;- $y: _.._.. �_�., r-- : v The Agricultural Insurance Company hereby consents to the above Letter of Accepta.nce by Cardinal Investment Company and agrees tha.t this consent does not relieve the Agricultural Insurance Company of any of its obligations to the City of Saint Paul as set forth i.n its Bond Number 394684. AGRICULTUR.AL INSURANCE COMPANY .�.;�,� By. : E. Reynol , Attorney-in-Fact R � . � S H E A R & R O O N E Y ATTO R N EY5 AT LAW 93B MINN[YOTA BYILOINO ST. PAUL. MINN. 55101 No. 9r. Pwu� Orrioc■ HAROLD BHEAR �— 2515 - 7TH AVE. N.E. THOMA3 J. ROONEY CAPITAI 4-3361 BP. 7-3070 Ff LE� ., ••,, :�'u' � .; � 2 � ..� ' ;f� November 6, 1970 ' ' `p•�-�. (`� .-.,E.tC r,���nf- .. . r 1 1J... C r� !V � �.'��j 1 �i� �',,J � ,��:�d. Office of the City Clerk City of 5aint Paul, Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Re: Council File No. 250775 - Ordinance No. 14625 By Robert F. Sprafka AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 14523, C. F. 249344, A.PPROVED July 7, 1970, GRANTING PERMIS5ION TO CARDINAL INVESTMENT COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT 5EWERS. Dear Mr. Marshall: The undersigned hereby accepts the above-named Ordinance and agrees to the terms thereof. CARDINAL INVE5TMENT COMPANY ti �� � "'�Q��/� arold 5hear �"" HS:pn P.5. Will you kindly receipt the Xerox copy of this letter and return to me. Thank you. HS Nov 2, 1970 ,.----- \ �_�1``� . : ;j._ `�,'\� v�' : `%� " ; Mr. Harold J. Shear � /� Attorney at Law � �,�'ri� 938 Minnesota Bldg. \���,�/�� St. Paul, Minn. ,---- _ �. <. Dear Sir: !//� ' \\'� �``�,`� \ Enclosed is a copy P an ordina e, No. 1�+625, Counczl File No. 25�`775, amending Ord. No. �+ 23, by ad g permission to Cardinal Investment Co. to construct��ubl ,�torm sc r privately within the ea�ement deseribed in this ��tt"iz^y orc�i�e,-�. We cal your speci attention to Section 2 which requires the Pilin� oP a e ter of acce ance on behalP of the permittee, with consent theret de 3n wr ng and executed on behal� of the �ermittee's surety any. ``�.�..�_...�' Als� enciosed is a bill in the sum of $12.1.5 ta caver the cost oP publication of the amendatory ord3nance. Very truly yours, City Clerk ng I st � � _ "' � 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app.�1�_Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler Carlson �Carlson Levine ��V�/�� �Levine Meredith `�eredith • Sprafka �� rafka �.p �.J Tedesco edesco Mr. President McCarly Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O