250774 ORIOINAL'TO CITY CLERK �5a�7� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY S p ra f ka COMMISSIONER DATF WNEREAS, It has been found necessary to change, awdify and amend certain portions of the pla�s and specifications heretofore approved for the proposed Grading, Surfacing and Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter for FOXRIDGE ROAD, PARKLAND COURT, VALLEYSIDE DRIVE, WARBLER LANE and the co�struction of BATTLE CREEK WEST SEWER SYSTEM (City Project 70- G-1952 and 70-S-1416) as app�oved September 2, 1970 by Council Resolution C. F. No. 250302 a�d C. F. No. 250303, naar, therefore, upon the recanner�datio� of the Coa�aissioner of Pubiic Works be it RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the above named improve- meflt, as approved by the Conncil , be and the same are hereby changed, �odified and araended in accordance with Addendum No. 1 which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications, and that further, all interested parties be notified of this Addendum. . � � �� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii�T 8 1970 19- Yeas Nays „+� OCT 81970 Carlson A 19� Levine �ln Favor Meredith Sprafka � or A gaiIIBt T.�esee—• Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 101970 ��� � �50'��4 • CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Grading, Surfacing and Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter on FOXRIDGE ROAD, PARKLAND COURT, VALLEYSIDE DRIVE, WARBLER LANE, also construct BATTLE CREEK WEST SEWER SYSTEM (City Project 70-G-1952 and 70-S-1416) ADDENDUM N0. 1 l . DESCRIPTION The intent of this Addendum is b notify the 8idders that an item for Tree Removal (Clear and Grub) is to be included in the bid form. The Bidder's attention is further called to the fact that the storm and sanitary sewers in the easement, Drawing No. 4265, are to be constructed prior to November 30, 1970. In addition, one catch basin is to be con- structed on the western most end of each cul-de-sac as shown on the appropriate plan sheets. 2. ADDITIONS AND/OR ALTERATIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS a. Bid Sheet Add E, TREE REMOVAL (Lump Sum) $ b. Section A4, BASIS OF AWARD Under A4a, add item No. E, a lump sum bid for tree removal . c. Section A5, TIME SCHEDULE, ETC. This section shall be construed to mean the remainder of the project not covered under Item No. 1 above. d. Section F il , BACKFILLiNG Backfilting shali be amended to include the following: Backfill in the easement shall be placed in layers not exceeding 18 inches with each layer being thoroughly compacted by mechanical tamping, all in accordance with Section 15. 16, Paragraph "C" for Type It Backfill . Backfill , where the easement sewers cross the cul-de-sac shall be accomplished in accordance with F il of these Special Provisions as originally issued. In addition, no frozen clods or clumps of earth will be allowed in the cul-de-sac portions of the easement sewers. o�►.���t����� i��`/� .� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNqI NO • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C.�OMM�ONER Sarafka nATe MHEREAS, It hes bssn found nacassary to chanys, aadify and an�snd ca�tain portio�s of tha plans and spscifications her�tofore approvad for tha proposed Grading, Surfacing and Construction of Concrste Curb and Gutter for FOXRID6E ROAD� PARKLANO COWtT, VALLEYSIt1E DRIYE, MARBLffR LANE and the c�st�uctton of BATTLE CREEK IiEST SEWER SYSTBM (Ctty ProJsct �0- G-1952 and 70-5-1416) ss spproved Septemb�r 2, 1970 by Council Rssolutlon C. F. No. 250302 and C. F. No. 250303, rww, thersfore, upon the rac.�sndatton of tha Caamissionsr of Public Works ba it RESOLVED, that ths plans and spscifications fo� tha sbovs na�sd iwprove- nient, as app�ovad by the Council , be and tha sa�na ars heroby chan�sd, abdifisd and aaanded in accordance with Addendum No. 1 whTch is attached to and a�ads a part of this Resolution and of the afarea�a�tloned plans and spseifiw tions� and that further, all �nta�astad partlss be notified of this Addendua�. OCT i 1�70 COUNCII.DREN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays �..� OCT � 1�70 Carlson Approv� 19_ �°�e ✓ Tn Favor Meredith �yor Sprafka v Against Te�leaee�� Mr. President, McCarty � ���