250773 Orisinsl to�ity Clert .. � � i ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO L.�-1O� /� PRESENTED BY ���.^ ORDINANCE NO � AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO RALPH NORTH, 3524 33RD AVENUE SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, TO ROUGH GRADE ETNA STREET FROM NEBRASKA AVENUE TO HOYT AVENUE, AND THE ALLEY, BLOCK 3 LAKEViEW ADDITON NUMBER 1 . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted to Ralph North to rough grade Etna Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, and the Alley, Block 3, Lakeview Addition Number 1 . SECTION 2 That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ralph North to rough grade Etna Street from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, and the Alley, Block 3, Lakeview Addition Number 1 , subject to compliance of the following conditions, provisions and terms. a. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have furnished and delivered to the City of Saint r Paul a surety bond in the sum of $5,000.00, made and executed by said permittee as principal and a corporate surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul ��� _ as obligee, conditioned that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless and defend said City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees against all expense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising " out of or connected with the construction, by said permittee and/or any successor in interest of the aforementioned rough grading which surety bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall remain in full force and effect until said rough grading is completed to the satisfaction of the Cortxnissioner of Public Works; That said permittee shall procure all necessary permits from the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings and the Department of Public Works, but shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Pauj ,Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construc�ion, dated April l, 1959, Sec. Numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as arr�nded, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this Ordinance the aforesaid section of said specifications, numbered 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by rpference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco -, Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk May �� Form a�p�oved Corpor�tion Counsel By � Ort;lnsl to Clty Clark �� � � O1� DINANCE �5�� � 7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � _2_ Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44, shall , after submission to the Office Engineer's Division of the Department of Public Works, be filed in the office af the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ; c. That said permittee �11 submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Depar�itr�t�t of Public Works; d. That said permittee shall , at its own cost and expense and in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and statutes of the State of Minnesmta cause to ba done said rough grading; e. That said rough grading shall be to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pubiic Works and in accordance with the plans and specifications designed by and on file with the Deparfiment of Public Works and identified as Public Works ProJect Number G-1g69; f. That said permittee shall pay for the publication of thts ordinance and pubiication of all resolutions and ordinances related thereto; g. That said permTttee shali pay the costs, over and above those services provided for under necessary permits, of administration, engineering, surveying, and inspection of said work, and said costs to be �ccounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number G-1969; h. That sa�d permittee shal.l give advance notification to the Constructian Engineer of the Department of Public Works as to the proposed start of construction and proper schedule of operations and shall also notify said Construction Engineer when pro,ject has been completed to ail� for a final J� inspection; � i. Said permittee, after the ince tion of said work sh 1 p , al prosecute said work continuously, with diligence and fuily compiete said work to the satisfactiQn and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works, and said work to be completed on or before October 15, 1971 ; j. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or in�ury to persons or property; k. That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair a1l property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be d�naged due to the construction; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corpora�ion Counsel By Od�lnsl to'City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE �;�U�'�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � -3- 1 . That said permittee and its successors and assigns shall fully indertmify and hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to pErson and/or property arising from or connected with the rough grading, contemplated by this permission and authority; SECTION 3 That said permittee shall within thrity (39) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days frnm and after its passage, approval and publication. � J� OCT 2 3 1�70 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler � Caxlson In Favor Levine 1 Meredith �` � qgainst Sprafka Tedesco OCT 2 3 1970 r. President c rty) Approved A teat: ���� G//J �.._ - �; Ci Clerk ay �� Form a�proved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By PUBLISHED OCT 311970 � �f.�e�e _ , • � � ORDINAII� CE ��� � COUNCIL RLE NO ' PRESENi�D BY ORDINANCE NQ � IkN ORD 1 N1WCE 6RAMT i M6 PERMI SS I ON TI? ; RALPH N4RTFI, 352� ;3RQ AYENt1E SOUTH� ;' � N I NNEAPOL 1 S, M 1 NNESf�ifTA, TO ROi16H 6RADE ETNA STREET FROM NEBMSKA AYENt� TO HOYT AVENUE, IRMD THE ALIEY, BLOCK = LAKEV i EM ADD 170N MW�IBER 1. 'illE COtIHC 1 L OF TNE' C ITY OF ST. �AUL OOES t►RDA1 Ns SECTION 1 � That per�issioA and suthor[tr ar� hereby granted to Ralph ibr�h to rou� grade E�a Strset frow M�braska Awsae to Ha�►t Awn�e, sad tfie Alley, Biock 3, Laic�riew Additiop Na�r 1. � SECTtON 2 � ; That the Ca�isstoner of P�ltc Yo�ks is �reby adttwrirsd t� issue s � penait to Ralph trc>rtb to ro�gh grade Et�s St�t frv� Neb�aska AveAUS to � � Hcyt Aveaw, and the Ailey, BtoCk 3, Lakeview Additit� Nwber i, 3�Jstt to � cowp i i ance of the fol le�i ag e�nd i t i ons, provi s i o�s and tens. � � r s. That ssid peniittae sh�11 noL proceed witM constr�rcttan uniess and � �tll said p�raiittee shsil have furnl�hed and delivered to th� Cit�t af SaLnt :� Panl s sLroty bond in the s� of $5,000,00, �sde and e�scuted bSr said pen�fttes � as principal snd a corporate surotY► co�ps�y duly aathorized to traasact business � ie� tha State of M�nnesota, as su�sty to a�►d in f�vor of tbe City of Saint Paul ; as obifgee, coadttta�ed that ssid psnrittee sha31 inde�nify and hold t�ar�less � and defend satd City of Saint Psul, its agents, officers and ea�playses sgsinst � all sxpense apd 1lability on acco�t of all claims, suits and Judgweats arisinq � out o# o� ca�e�acted with the constructicn, by said permittee and/or� aaY s�ccessor � tn interest of the aforaaentia�ed rough grsding Nhich sufety boad sfiatl be ; in such for� ss �a11 be app�oved by the Corporation Cow�sel, and shsii rea�ain � in �full forca and effect �ttl said rough grading is caapleted to the � sstisfa�tto� o# the Ca�issiaxer of Public Morks; � That said perrpittee shall procvra ail r+ecessary pereilt3 froe tbe DepartmenL ' of Parks, Rse�eatlon and Publlc Buildings and the Departn�t of Publlc Works, ; be�t shall �ot proceed witl� const�uctioe� .w+less and unttl safd per�ittee shall i have fully eo�plied wlth the provisions regsrding insu�ane�eee and indeMnifteation � ca�tate�ed ta thd City of Saint Pan��Departwent of Pnblic Works Speeifieatioas for St�eet and Sewar Constructioa, dated April 1, 1959, Sec. Nuwbersa t.44�of � ssid specifications, ss aa�ended, applicabie to contractors. For ths purpe�se � of this O�dinsnce the afoross�d section of said specific�tior�s, na�be�ed i.�i4, f. as a�aend�d, shall b� road ss though the word "per�oittee" was substit�te� for b the ti+�ord "co�tractor", wherev�sr the same appaan in the aforesaid Sactiaa 1.�4, � as ��ed. Said Sectioh i.�, as ar�dsd, of ths Specifie�tion� for St�e�t fi and Sewe� Const�uction in the City of Sai�t Paui is hereby ineorpoailyd hereiA � by rofarence as fully and as cc�apletely as if set forth ha�ein verbsttm. r , Proif of c.ompliance Nith provisions of the aforesald sectten shsll be in such forw as the Corporstioa Counssl of the City of Yeas Councihnen Nays Pa�sed by the Counci� Butler Carlson � Tn Favbr t Lvevine , � �4�� . A v0l.;71l�: � 8praflta Tedesc� Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: ; Atteat: � City Clerk f�' Mayor �� �� � ;: _ �orm s�Aro°ed Ca�'Aor�t�o�► Canneel By � . . � �, � � � t: N � DqLat�t�lrel�t�t . � - � � � DINANCE �� : � �;� ' CO11t�Cll Hl� NO . PRESENTED BY ORDlNANCE NO � -2- Sai�t P�i r� �ire�t,.a�/ tGs �ocr■s�ts n�ui�N Iry tlir af�r+ssai� S�ctio� t.�k, sMail, aft�� wrwisstou Lo t!� 8ffir�s Eagl�r�s Olvlsio� . of tM Oq►ar�t of «i i� Yorks, bs f i ial ia tl�s off�ia of ths Co�troll�� df � Cttr of SalAt �aui; � c. Tiyt sai� �itt�s ri�s1 i �it iaui a�/ i�swa�a �oc�wts to tM � tMfie� Ewstu�tr of ths 9q►artrwt ef ��iic MMa�ks; � � �. That sa i� �r�1 ttM shal i, at i ts ar� oost a� � sad i s � ae�oa�ano� witb •il �piic.�bl• eNi�s a�f ;Iw CitY � �ai�t hri a�i statnt�s ; of tiw Stat� o�f Nl�s�ota ea� to M � sai� ragh �rs#i�; � � � •. That sat� ro� �ra�i�g sbstl is to th� satisfsction of tM Ce�ission�s # of �ar i i c Ya�ks ar� i a accori�a�s M f t!� ths 't�s a� spsc i f i aat iMS i�a i� h► a��i op f;l• with tb� 9�arts�t of ��bi ia M�ks a�i t�Mwt�ft�l as ►nbi ic � 1lerks �rojset N�iar 6-1969: � � � f. 1'Iwt sat� �s�wi ttN shsi l paqr for ths �1►1 ieatio� af tals oNiM�a fi a�i �lieatiaiu vf ali �asolatio�s aad orri�s nlata thssrte; # i �. Tiyt sai� p�rwittM shali pry #Its Qests, �vsr a�i Now tliayit s�rvi�ass { sror��N fer u�i�r a�asury p�rrtts, of �il�istrstlo�, s�gia�srl�g. :�wyia�. �: a�i i�cttee ef sa1� wsNc. a�i said cssts to be ace�u�tN fer unisr O�partr�t ` of hii lc Ibrks �rojsct Nu�bsr �-1969; � � a. Tlyt sa1� �ottt�s sirill aiv�e a�ra�os +atificatlou to tiw Coastr�tiM Eajia�ar of ths N�artrat of P�bl ic Yortcs as t� tbe proposN start ef � arwstnittio� a�i propar schwule ef o's�atiau ani saall also �wttfY sa�i � CMStrdctloa E�g1�sr tirl»� �roJ�ct has b�se� �t�t� to ati� tor a fiNal , i�ictio�, � � i. Sat� p�insitt+M. sftsr tb� iKq►tlo� of sai� w�k, shai l p�os�c�Rs sa;� �rk �tt�wowiy, with �11i� ae�i fd11r t�l�t�s �sal� work to th� satfsfadtton '_ aM aNp�o�rat �f �tM C�rissioa�r ef liil ic �� sar s�i� +rsrk t4 hs �ist� �: o� er Mfe�+s Ottob�r 15. 1971; ; ; . • J. That sa i� �i t#�s shs l f prop�r 1 y 're,t�tt a l l �xea�r�t ta�s � t a tM ' strwts, sii�wtks �wi Iwwiwae�s btA i� a�f n#�t so as b avol� a11 � ` o� tn�rry ta Nrsaa er '��►ty; < � k. TMrt sai� �ittM slr�ll, rwriw� LM tsn� of ti�is M�+wtt, r+ssta� a� � �f� si i 'rop��rt'!l. wb�th�r .::. �Yi ic �r orlwa, ���gwi �r wwid� ■ry M rw� -�'� �s !�! ti�s co�st�Mat i�w; � � , � . � y ; � � � ;� t Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by t� Coua�il � Butler -� ��OII Tn Fsvor ' Levine 's Meredith } Qpr_�u Ao0A�f1ll�: . �# .. �7 1ii18ii � T@(1@BCO t Mr. President (McCarty) Appmved: � ' Atteet: � Ci�y G7erY �i[�,yor �� '' �orm$pprov!ed Co�pors�on Couaeel By . , :� ♦� ��� � � ' � . �y�� • �� � RDINANCE - -' + . � r;}���, ' COUNCtL FILE NO PRESEN'T� BY: ORDINANCE NO , � � _3_ 1. Tbat said pen�ittee and its :nccassors and assigas shali f�ilY indew�ify and hoid harmless and defend the City of Ssint Pau1, tts a�ts, off icers a�d aaplo�ees sgainst ai t 1 ial�i 1 i tyr oe� aCCOUnt of ai t clai�as, caas�s of acttoa, snits and Judgi■ents oa acconnt a# iAJury to p�son �d/or prope�tr a r i s i Ag f t�an o� connacted w i th the rough grad i�g, conte�p ta�d b�r th i s per�issto� snd. autho�ity; � SECT1011 3 � That sald psr�ltt�a shail withia th�ity (30) ds�►s afts� tl�a passag� o# th t s ord i na�es, f i le a vrri tte� scceptsace tber�of wi th the C 1 L�► C i�e'k. SECTIOh � � This ordln�ce shall take effect and be !a fo�ce thirtp (j0) dsys froia � �d after �ts passsge, approval snd publlution. � � _�: � � � � �. � � � � i 1 } �tf� T � pCT 2 3 1�1!� Yeas Councilmen Nags Passed by the Counc�� � Butler .�/ � Carleon / Tn Faoor � � Meredith �p�� o A erninat � T��O OCT 2 3 1��0 ; Mr. Preeident (McCa.rty) Approved: Atteat; ' > City Clerk Mayor �� ��: Form a�►�mved Co�por�on Counael By .., - ?: , x . FlL�D ;f# .�i ( �.�. 2'i ! �,t i t��J�7 � � � CITY CLE cf�'S C��i!Cc S+ ('}'�ULf 1'i�lil'@. Saint Pa►�1, Minnesota Rovember 2, 1970 ',!'� the Honorable, the City Council Saint Patt7., Minnesota f3entlemen �nd Ca�sr. Bntler: I, the undersigsed, do hereby accept and agree to abide by a�ll the terms e,nd co�ditions o! Coro�ncil File No. 250�73, beir3g Ordinance Xo. 1462�, a�dopted by the Co�ncil on October 23� 197�. � Ralph Forth ��n.�1 -� ��-�.-�.-�. -� � -� �` � . :� � ,�).� � ��' t/ '� �ov�er 2, 1970 � I � i , `--------------- � — �..� / �� \, � ,- � Mr. Ralph North �/� � �' 35��+ - 33rd Ave. So. / �,� ' Minneapolis, Minnesota ;..� �,, � � � ,• �, , �, � Dea.r Sir: `,,,� /, _.__., <. _ �\ We enclvse a copy of O,�c�nance �Nci., 1�+6�?+;�.,granting yau permission to rou�h grade Etna St. �'�o�n N�bxas �,Ave. �o Hoyt Ave. and the alley, Block 3, Iak��riew Ad 3 ion No. I; a so bill in the sum of �35.10 to cover the c�st o�' pu 1 catior� af s ordinance. We call your�s��s�ci 1 a ���c�.n� --�� Par��raph a of Secti�n s'_ ��d to Section/ , which r�;qu��`�--t�tt"e �"iZing of a, bond in the amount specifie ��d the �iling of an �.eceptance �y �he te�ras of thi� ordinanc The accep ce must be Piled in this ofPice, Room 3$b� City Hal , within 30 s. If not ao �ilecl, the ordinance becom�s void. � �, ���_._......� `� Very tru7,y yeurs, City Clerk ng � Is+ � � � 2nd � �� . Laid over to � 3rd and app��_�4dop+ed / !� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler Carlson `carlson Levine �"���� \Levine Meredith �eredith Sprafka � \Sprafka J Tedesco �edesco � Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCariy O