03-616z. �. ' LJ i�t i vii1i11y,� Presented By Referred To Page 1 of 2 Council File # �3 — { � � Crreen Sheet # �� � ay � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA a � / i Committee: Date: 1 WHE�ns, the Capital City Partnership has provided mazketing services to promote the City of Saint 2 Paul for several yeazs; and 3 4 WHE�as, the City of Saint Paul has provided funds to the Capital City Partnership, which have been 5 used for marketing and promoting the City in areas such as communications, neighborhood events, investor 6 mazketing and business recruitment; and 7 8 WHEtzEas, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such marketing events serve the public purpose of 9 promoting the City of Saint Paul; and 10 11 WHEitEns, the Capital City Partnership seeks matching funds from the private sector as part of its 12 marketing campaign for the City of Saint Paul; and 13 14 WxEREas, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such solicitation serves the pubiic purpose of 15 promoting the City of Saint Paul; and 16 17 WxEREns, the Capital City Partnership seeks to continue mazketing and promoting the City of Saint 18 Paul; and 19 20 WxEREas, puzsuant to Sec. 10.07.04 of the City Charter, the Mayor recommends the following transfer 21 of $140,000 in 2003 budget from contingency to contribution to an outside agency; 22 23 Transfer From: 24 Special Projects - General Government 25 Promote Saint Paul 26 050-30108-0548 Council Contingency $ 15Q000 ($140,000) $ 10,000 27 28 Transfer To: 29 Special Projects - General Government 30 Promote Saint Paul 31 050-30108-0545 Contribution to Outside Agency 1,458,100 140,000 1,598,100 32 33 All Other Spending: 232,500 0 232 500 34 35 Total Spending: $1,840,600 $ 0 $1,840,600 36 03— P��zofa Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Hazris Iantry Reiter Yeas 'i� � f ✓ Nays V � A�e„t I Requested by Office of Financial Services By: S �— � Adopted by Council: Date 5 app3 Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary , B � � �� Approved by or: Date ` �� By: ��✓�'�' /� Approved by inancial Services By: Form Approved by City Attorney Mayor for G:�Shared\O F S�ResolNtions\Capital Ciry Partnership.frm 03-�v1�, � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � FS Finaucial Se�vices Cor�taet Person 8 Phone: Matt Smith 266-8796 Must Be on Couneil Aaen Total # of SignaWre Pages 09-.IUN-03 I Green Sheet NO: 3001241 � Assign Nusnber For Routing Order 0 ivancial Servi 1 'nancial Services De artmeot Director • 2 ' Att i 3 a ar's �ce Ma oN istaot 4 uncil i 5 � Cler Ctitv Clerk (Clip All LowGons for Signature) Action Requested: _ Approval to transfer $140,000 from council contingency in Promote Saint Paul to make conh-ibution to Capital City Partnership - Mazketing Committee. Rewmmendations: Approve (A) or R Planniag Commission CIB Committee . _ Civil Service Commission ���`�' the � �s this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes NO 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normaily possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): I Capital City Partnership has requested a 2003 contribution to the Mazketing Committee. The committee intends to use these funds for � ' mazketing and promoting the city in azeas such as communications, neighborhood events, investor marketing, and business recruitrnent. , AdvanWpes If Approv¢d: The city wil] continue this public/private partnership of mazketing and promoting the city. Disadvanta5�es If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Mazketing and promorion opportunities wIll be lost. Total Amount of Transaction: FundinA Source: �a0000 Promote Saint Paui CosNRevenue Budgeted: Y Activitv Number: GL-050-30108 REC�'V CI �`Y qTTORNEY Fi nancial Information: (F�cplain)