250764 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� N0, • � Lzc�vs� cor�zTTr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM '� , C MMISSIONE j ATF October .8,�1970 RESOLVED: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sund�y-On-Sale-Liq.uor licenses issued to H. Ne Ivey, Inc. at 351-3 IIniversity Avenue to the Gopher Lounge, Inc. at the same address and their application for �estaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Bevera.ge and Cigarette licenses for the sar.ie location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within ��:day� of this date, said Gopher Lounge, Inc. shall comply with all requireme�ts of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, �nd Police� and the I,ic�: se Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordin�nces and l�.ws. OCT � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �`j � 1�� Butler Carlson App 19— Levine �J ,l In Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ yor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, McCarty � PUBLISHED OCT 101970 �� � CITY OF SAIIITT PAUL ��� - Capital of Minnesota ��� eUe aHtrne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION POLICE DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RAI.PH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commlesloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenee Inspector October 8, 1970 Honorable r;ayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and riadam: The Gopher Lounge, Inc. is joined by H. N. Ivey, Inc. in making application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7642, and Sunday-On-Sa.le Liquor License No. 3E45, both expiring January 31, 1971, from H. N. Ivey, Inc. at 351-3 UnivErsity Avenue to the Gopher Zounge, Inc. The Gopher Lounge, Inc. also ma,ke application for Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licelses for the same location. The officer� of the corpc�ration a.re Eugene J. Schultz, President and Treasurer, and Gloria E. Schultz, Vice-president and Secretaxy. They also are the only two stockholders. This loca.tion has been iic�nsed for a similar business since 1934. The present licensees, Fi. N. Ive�, Inc. nave �ield the licEnses since �pril 1968. r':r. Schultz is a m�:mber of Local No. 34, Abestos Workess. Mrs. �chultz is a housewife and has no outside employr.:ent. Very truly yours, ��%,G�-`oC �.�=�-, Licens� Inspector � } �O . , �' �'-t� /y 70 .�,.,���.,�.2�. � �,�� ,� ' �'� � � � � � 1��� 1�,� �'H.�.o�'�-�- � . ���� o�,�.�-,�.�- `���-��-� �,.�.�y►.��,�' .< 0,�.�-1�-�-- � � l � 1 .� . �a,�:� �l-�" � J' C�,u.�, � .�s' �� � � . ��� � ��� � ,�=�. �i� � l7• � � � �` ��- .� o� � �� ,� �. ��-�.� /� ��e. � �' , �' ��� : :Q.� . � � . �� . , . � � �1� � � .��. ,,/--�L�J'�'�-u�� A���� . �� ������ �, ,�' �;��"�.�J � �� � �'`' � �� ��L��.� � � ti�a..��,y � �Cr.,Vt�f, ,J`'�+-,.�.-,�...e-e� S.e�t. 2/�, T 970 !'J�. 1�7c La�.cglr.Ci.rt l,i_a�n.�� Jna�.ecta�t C�t.r� o f' S.t. �aue D.euit S.i�t: ' Tfu.4 .�.a a �:ec�.Cee,t o� �a� .ta cact �au'a�a,�.E'.r� .in .tJ�.e .t�r.crrr.e�eic ' a� a,P.2 necp.decvu� .Zi_c.�na� .ta a�e�a.te an �on.-.au.?.e .P�cfu.arL .ea�.''�i.ahoceiLt .i.ra S.t. /�au�E. �� �iran� fG N. Jv.er� Can�ana,t,�oR .tv Ga� Loun�e Jrr.c. �° S.�nc.�e�.r�, �r � -.�'� ���� �� ,� , � s�� � ; � ��s/� �� � 'r'-`�.. � .� �%7° �. �� � . �� DORO HY ' . Mt1NKEL1NIIZ Notary Pu lic amsey County, Minn. My Cominiss on Expires Oc�25, 1970 . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEP,�RTA'�NT !OF PUBLIC u�AFETY . LICENSE DNISIOPI ��� �., � � �9� 1. �,pplioatian for �-z L3csex��e 2. Name of applicant _. �.C d �l � �C. 2 � Z_ 3. Business addxess �� 1�� � �-, Residence / � �^ r� 4. TrQde nam�, if anY � �� � a� ,�� ;� `�i �: � ��, r% 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp R�tail Liquor F'ederal Tax Stamp��i],,1 be u$ed. 6. Qn what floor located �'�'� ,�.. ��� Nwnber of roaana used � � 7. Between what. or�ss atraeta � � ' � 1��q�,iah aide of strset ��-�`�G_►�/7 .� ..,...�. 8. Are premises now oQaupied��� � business�� �i aw long ��3 ' .�,..�.. ,..,._..,, 9. Are 'pre�riises now unoacupied�I�osv long vaaant reviaus U�e 10. Are you a new owner .t� S Have you baen in a aimi.lar business before—FT��r, _.—,�... Whe re �fihen 11. Are you going to aperate thia business personally S If not, w3�o will operate it 12. Are you zn any other business at the present tima __ �p . . - _ - i� � w � . . 13. Have there been .any vomplain��s against your operation of this type o� place �Q Y�fhen YPhere 14. I�ave you ever had any license revoksd`_��yPhat roeaon and date 15. Are you a aitizen of the United Statec� 2� Native �'� Na�uralized � _�__..r,.... 16. VVhere ware you born �—�.`� '� �.c� � Aate qf birth �— I � �. `.� .�.....�..,. _.,__.._.._, 17. I am �rried. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and address is �/�i✓ � � -� � VI. l.-E �'t— C SI� A-v' ' f'' `_ 18. (If married female� my maiden name is 19. �ow long have you lived in St. Paul �� � • c� �P ���' 20. Have you ever been arres�ed '�iolatian f �vhe;t ori.inin�al w or ordir�nae � � �.... h�u�t.s.�y.0 ' o — 9' '�L�� �'.�/"� 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. I�ul .(�s Yes No. (Answ�er fully and aompletel�r. Thsae a lications are thorou hl cheoked a�td s�n falsif iaation v�rill be cause for enia . ((�VG'R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within tq�o blocks ' 23. Clasest intoxa.cating liquor p].ace. �i Sale ��,�/ ����i�h�,st�'f Sa1e J�d�./?�_,..,..... ��44�s 6vvL �L%P�5 1 � �, 24. Nea.rest Chureh c�`� ��,4��� Q y^f � tdearest Schopl �. 25. Nwnber of booths ���Tables_F_� C��.�� ��Stools_^������ 26. What accupation have vou followed for the past five y�aars. (Give names of' employpx� and date s s a employed.) /� ` �L // / �L � � /7 i�E'� 7 v� �"�,� -2✓"" 27. Give �ames and addresses o£ two peraons, residenta o� St. Pau�., �(3.x�n..t yu}�o ��. g�.�'e infora�ation concerning you. Ptame o �� Addreas �p(v � �Q ���yy�r •� �7'v � � I�ame����,,,, � ��q.. .Elddres s I � O �"i O ! � c�a- > -�..._ _, , � � : , � � �_ � � � � i�na e o � i:aan � Ssta te of-Minne s�ta j ��J �S3 v COL171.�� O�' I�lZi5Ay` � �/(J ���'' L 2 beix�g first duly sv�rorn, deposea and says upon o�th that he has rea the foregoing sta�emen� bearin� his signature and l�ov�ra the cantents thereof, and �hat the sama is true of his ov�m lmawledge excep� aa �o those mattera therein sta-ced upon inf'or.mata.on and b f and aa �o thoae mattar� he bela�eves them to be trtaeo �_ Sig�t of Ap i an 3ubscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19� � ta y Public, msey County, Minnes�OM FAYE A. MA ��ntY,Minn. My C onuni s s i on e xpi re a NotarY��k•R�mseY ���� (Notes These s�a�ament forms are in duplicate. Both co�ies must be fullq filled out, notarized, a�d retux�ned to the License Division..�� • AFF IDAV I'P B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA I�, BEER flR LIQUOR LICENSE Re s C3� - Sale / � Licsenae �� ---� � � �- Name of applioant ;p � '�� • � � � Busines� addz^ees -� � � � .,r� � � .� Ar°e �ou the eols e�nrner of thie buainess? . If not, i� it a partnerahip? corporatian? t�n- � , o�her? Others interested in businesa, inelude those by loan of money, proparty or othes�iset Nams�� Address ��j�d��N,•.�,s,.•�.s.�i Hoev �/./'/LGi. r �C . If a a orporation, give its n�ma � r � , .�� , Are you intsrested in any way in any othar Rstail Beer or Liquor bueineas? ��l/ « As eols own.er� Partner3 Stoakhfllder3 (}thervr�se? (Through loan oP money, etcs, Explain.) Addr�sa of sucsh buainess and nature of interest in aame .�" °gna tu e of p aant State of Minnesota as �ounty of Aamsey _ /(J� � " bei.ng first duly a�rrn, deposea and says upon oath that e haa read the foregoing affidavit bearing his aignature and �niaws the contenta thereof; that the same ia true of his awn lrnawledge, exQept as to thuae matters therein stated upon inforn�tiun and belief �thd as to those mat e believes them to be true. `�. k • $�.gnatur° of ap cant Subsor' and svrorn to fo e me �hia da of 19�_ No r ublic, Ramssy County, Minnesota b�,y oeQnmission expirea FAYEi9. MATTISON . R'��Y County, Minn Mr Commt�lon Expir.s Oct 30. 1976. s�a� � ��so�) . COUNTY OF RA�SEY � � EUGENE J. SCHULTZ being firet duly sw4rn, doth depoee aad say that he makes thie affidavit in oonnection with applic��ion far " On Sale" liquor licenae (" ���;4c�gic�Q�� 3.a the �ity of $aint �Paul, Minneaota� tYiat your affiant is a resideat of the State of Minnesota and has rsaided therein for 38 yeara, �oo�, a� 3a n� and has been for the time a�bo�re m�entioned a bona fide rsaident of said St�te and the►� he navv reaidee st 1958 Margaret, � Addreas Saint Paul , Minnesota. Ci y or Town ,. - _ � �j !i � i /, $ubsoribe d a'r�rn. to before me this 2 th � 0�,5 eptembe r 19 ?0 , o blies, Ramsey ounty� �R3nneao�a b1y mmis�i.on exp3res FAYE A. MATTISO�'�1 �ry�Pum bN f�R�rK Cpct, t3a 19'7b . CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTR�NT OF PUBLTC SAFETY LICENSE DNISIOId �te` -� � 19 �l/ ,., 1. �,pplioatian for �� �ti'� Lic�ne� 2. Name of appliQant �� + - -� �� 3. Busines� address ,3 �-�����_v� Reaidenee ��� � � � � 4, Trade name, if any �,c,� � �- 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp R,et;ail Liquor F'ederal Ta$ Stamp��i�,�, be uaod. 6. (k� what floor locsated ,�/l�/J�� Number of' roa�s used , -,.,.�...-..�.,...., 7. Bet�mean what csross streets��� Which aide oF atreet���� -� \ � 8, �,re premises now oaaupied��fL� 'Y�ha�"� business tic .F�� Haw long�� ���_ � -_.�...�. 9. Are premises now un�acupied�Ho�r long vacant Previoug Uee 10. Are you a nev�r o�m.er � Have you bsen in a aimu.lar buaineas before����_ __.. Whe re ll�hen 11. Are you going to operate thi� business personal�.y `� �' �r � I� not, ro�o will operate it 12, Are you in any other business at the present timia `�-�/ � 13, Have there been any complaints against your operation of thia type of pl,ace ' ,�v .-� When �here : 14. I�ave you ever had an�r license revoked G �,t; �Phat reason and da�e 15. Are you a citizen of the Uni�ed Statea Z � Native `'� Na�uralized � .�' 16. 1Nhere were you borx� • Date of bii-th ���-� �- � � � � .. �.�.�.�....�,_�.. 17. I am rrie �. My (w fe's� (husband's) name and addresa is ;; �c��,.�.� � � 18. (If rnarried female) my msiden name is Q�c�� 19. $ow long have you lined in St. Faul " �� ; � 20, llave you ever been arrested i'L�" �iu3.ation �f what ari�ninal law or ordinamae -----___..,.. _�...._,....., 21. Are you a regis�erad voter in the City of S�. Paul Yes IJq• (Ans�auer fully and aompletely. These a lications are thorou hl oheeked and �n �alsif ication wi11 be cause for denia , (OVf'R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within �o bl.oaks -- -�,�.�, . - , 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p],�oe. Lh� Sale D,f'f Sa1ea t�S•4✓��7lr.pt �� 24. Nea re s t Chureh'���r'1�-��c.�Z�� Nea re s t Sch o ol / �'�`���y'� 25. Number of booths Tables '����C���� �3"'� S�oola � 26. What occup�tion have you follov�ed f or the psst five years. (Give names o�' employera and date s s o employ�ed.� 1 27. Give names and addresses 4f �wo �rsons, residents of St. Faul, �.x�n„ �hQ ca� g�,ve infor�tion concernir� you, Plame i����Ld. /'��' ./.��.c-��-� Address � � �� .C�-G-�-��'°��--� Name.!Ga�� �" �ddress �� �l.����Gz�L G� - �t,o � �'J,�-a--<-.�-�. �c - -�-�r.�.� ignature o App iQan sta te of �dinrie s ota j )sa County of Ramsey ' GLORIA E. SCHULTZ being first duly sworz�., depa�as �nd �ays upon oath that he has rea the floregoing sta�ement bearing his $igr�ature a�d knmva the coz3.tenta thereof, and that the same is true of' h.is own. l�aowledge exc�pt as �o those �tters therein stated upon informat�.on and belie� and as to those ma�te�s he believes them to be �rtaeo �. �c.��. � - � �-e�" S �; ture af Applicsan� Subscribed nd sworn to before me �his 25 y of September 19 70 � Notar blic, Ramsey ounty, Minnescrta FAYE A. MA7TISON Msr COIIIITt1.9SlOri 9xpiz'9S Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Oct 3Q 1976 (Note i These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be fu�.ly fil7.ed c�ut, r�otarized, and returned to the License Division.�r . - AFFIDAV TT BY APPLICANT ' FOR RETA II, BEER OR LIQUOR I.ICENSE Res G�--Sala� . , ! I,ioen�e Name of appliaant �� � , „ �,�„� Bu�ir�eas addross � `�� � � . Are you the sole cywner of this busiaeas? , if not9 i� it � partnerahip? corporatiari? � • , otsher'T � . Others interested in busa.neas, include those by loan of money, propart�r or othes�ise� r�a� , ,�aa�s$��h x� �it� 9' �, l�u.�� --�r- - If a o orporation, give its name ,L � • � Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor buaineae? �4 As eole c�wm.sr? Pe,rtner? Stoekholder? Otherarise? (Through loan of money9 etce Explais�:� Addresa of suah buainess and nature oP interest in same �1R� ignature of applioant State of Minnasota 8S C ounty of �msey _, GLQ�L� E_ 5CHULTZ bei.ng first duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�o�►s the contents thereoPg that �he same is true of hia oara l�aavledgea except as t� thDae matters therei.n atatsd upon informe�tion and belief ahd as to those rr�tters h� believea them to be true. V���lA. l, CO - �C� t,.�� �.�t�� of spplicantT Subsor' ed d aworn to before me thia 5th d f 5e tember _ 19 70 � No y ublic, Ramsey County, Minnesota FAYE A. MATTISON I�r O�nTni387.On expirea NO�ry Pu��.�.R�msey County, Minn. �Qct 3q,3Si7la . • , • s�� � �n�SO�A) CQ�UNTY OF 1�SEY � � GLORIA E. SCHULTZ being first duly mrorarn, doth depose and say tl�at She �kea this €�ffidavit in conneQtion with applioa�ian for " On S�le" liquor liQense ("xxxxx.�t�st��x3as�oemm�ax��ma� 3.n the �ity of Saint Paul, ,Minnesota; that your affiant is a re�i.dent of the Sta�t� of �+Tinnesota and has re�ided therein for 3? yea�ra, �, amd 3a nvar �nd has been for the tiu�e abo�e �ntioned a bo� fide resident of aeic3 State 4ad that s he no�r reaidea st 1958 Mar aret � Addreea Saint Paul , Mihneaota. City or ov�m ��� � . ��� GLORIA E. 5CHULTZ Subaoribed and e�rorn to before me this 2 h y ofSeptember 19 ?0 S �� � blio, Retmsey County, E�ir�neso�a I�y oommisaion expirea FAYE A. MATTISON Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M�t C0lrtmis�ion EacDkii IIct.3Q.1471i.