250763 ORt6iNAL TO CITY CLtRK '�7F1�■��
. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �.,:�
PRESENTED !Y y� t`�,.�.�.-L � ��October 8� 1970
RESOLYED: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License, and Sunday-
On Sale Liquor License, issued to Herges, Inc. (presentlownership) at 981 '
IIniversity Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Herges, Inc.
(new owaership, officers, and stockholders) at the same address and their
application for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigaxette Licenses
for the same location, be and the same are hereby granted on the cpndition
that within L`�� days of this date said Herges, Inc. sha].l comply
with all the requiresments of the Bureaus of Fire, Health,and Police,
and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and
all other applicable ordinances and laws.
OCT � 19]0
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeaa Naya '�.�. $ ����
Caxlson Ap ov 19—
Meredith � )
Sprafka V � r
Tedeaco ASainat
Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED OGT 10197�
Capital of Minnesota
eLJe a�t�nent o u��C'c �a et
� �
RALPH G.MEARILI.,Depaty Commias[oner
October 8, 1970
Honorable Ma,yor and City Council
Saint Paul, N�innesota
Gentlemen and �a,da,m:
Herges, Inc. (new corporation) is joined by Herges, Inc., the present
holders of On Sale Liquor I,icense No. 7686, and Sunday-On-Sale Liquor License
No. 3674, both expiring Januaxy 31, 1971, in making application for the
transfer of these licenses from them as present holders at 981 University
�?venue to Herges, Inc. (new corporation� at the sazne address.
The officers of the new corporation a.re Harvey 41. Kraemer, President
and Treasurer; and Evelyn A. Kraemer, Vice-president and Secretary. �arvey W.
Kraemer is the sole stockholder.
The new Corporation also makes applic:.tion for Restaur��nt, Off Sale
Nalt Bevera�e and CiUarette Licer.ses for the same location.
Tnis location has been licem.sed for a similax business since 1934•
Harvey Kraemer is self-employed in the real est�,te business for the
past twelve years. Evelyn Kraemer worked for F. 0. K, Co. from June 1964 to
June 1.g65, and for Remington Raivd Co. from April 1966 to October 1968.
Very t ruly yours,
�� ( ` ��
License Inspector
� dli(azt�. �. ���
PNONF� 226-0144
�opte�olb9t' 3t'3, 19?'�3
To The Honarabl.e
Ci�y Cs�uriail �:f �� ��.��* c+f :�t. Paa�1
�rna�r Cot�nty �vu�� '�o��a
St. Pau1, I�iir�nesota
Pl��se be� s�elvi�sd that I a�w pa#rCt��sin� �1 �3.ta1 aatack of that
c�t.�i.n Gn-:iel�e Retail Liq+�4� tu�i�a��e 1,a�ated at� 9�1 ttniverait3r
����,�, �'�. Pau],, �4i.nneso��t, �etira�n as ti��, T.�3�., a 1�ir�nB�ot.�►
�sarpnr�tian� a�nd respec�f�l�y requ�st �as� th� City �'au��i1 of
th� C3ty aP �rt. �'aul, �►ppr+�rs t.hia ���f+�,, al�w�ri� �Y�t N�+ey
t�. i�ra�nar tv b� zhe sole atac�-21rMa�.d�x� o� �sa3.d ��anea�, �hir3h
�nolu�e� �4h� 6c�-..�ale :�etsil y.�.qvor �ice��� in th� n�e Q�
F��� �EaC., ar�d t.c> note y�ur recorr3at a�ac�rdi��ly'.
�'ott�� ve�► �rtitl�,
,�.' .�k1 `�ZCr-�'�y�--.
Aar v�y ae�r+er
Ronald Kraemer as President and sole 'Stockholder of
HEAG�'3, 33�iS�. owner e�f a�oa����d b�sinee� a�d Qn-�sl� �.�-�a��. 3,ie�uo�
�ices��; der�s h�eby r$ape��,fvlly �a3.n ira tl�� ;�bc�►e �i�ionad
rsques� for transfar, and t�t tl�e recard� r$f 1�t tksat Harvay W.
Kra�er i� nan� t,�i� an�mer of sll corpor�►#�a ��o�k af ��ai.d Hergfa, Inc.
�e�p�����a�.Y �urs,
H�'i�t �Y�.'�
�_ !� � "'�'' -
ald aa��r, f�rea3:d+�at
St. Paul, Mlnuaaots
Ootobsr 2, 19p0
Fiear��es, Iiaa.
9a1 tTerivearai t,�r �ve�us
�3t.pr.�1, Minz��ata 551t�
�� �Aaine G. iCrae�r, tiic�r PaMe�3d�at e�d Se+o�re�ar�� o#
H�erge�j T.�ra., a �kinr,�ac►#.�s cvrporatian, doi»� buain�ia
at '�1 U+�i�►srsi#y �v�me�r, 5t. Paui, !kl�nn�to�, arid a
�d�b�r of th• �srd o!' Dirsatarr► c,t s�►!d aorpc�rs�far►� do
herer�► ��b�ait �► x�itt� resi�sttem as euah Yias Pres•
icie�t snd .��rrret�►r� and liewbsr ot �c►ard ot D3re�e ot
�e�rrgee, l�c., t►n �ae+�» stFet�ti�� an flotob� ,�--,
�taapwR�ttvllv eal�oi.�d�
�_,�?� C .
Af.A• . Ta�'
T�te Octcrb�r 2� �g 70
1. �,pplication for Oe-3aTe Rst.ail Liquor -
2. Name of applioant �Q�i �e• Harv•y S�. !�'senar� Prsaid�nt �hd Tr�ae�trtr
s � .
3, Busineas address qal Univ�rei'�y ��epu� Residenve 17$�•���,A��►� 3t. P�ul� �Iinn. -�j,�6
. �
4. Trade na�, if any H��R(}ES IA1C.
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Re�ai1 Liquox Federal Tax Stapap���oa.�,l b� uaed.
6. Qn vQhat floor loeated ��r�� �loor Number of rooa�s uaed 1 Ro+D� and Hallttayr
• r an
7. Between what csross street�parPord g�#,r��t� Which side of atreet ���
8, A,re premi.ses now occsupied`f�e lihat business Lfquor Haw lon.g !�Q y+sArs T �
9. Are premises z�o�r unoaoupied �o Hozy long vacant �' Prev3.ou$ Uae �
10. Are you a nex own.er �e$ I�ve you been, in a similar bueiness befare ��� �
�Vhere «. �VVhen �
11. Are you g oing t o opera te thia bus ine s s pera ona 11y °�ets
If not, v�ia will operate i� «.
12, Are you xu any o�her basiness at the pr�sent ti�a Ys� • Real �t�t�t� �si�ea�(iticot� prOpu��y)
13. Have there be�n any complaints againat yot�r operation of thia type o� plaQe No
�Yhen �' Where --
14. �iave you ever had any license revoked K�' �Phat reason an8 date "
15. l�re you a aitizen of the United Statea Yee Native Yea Na�ural�.zad M
16. Where �w�ere you boxn�aono�a�ao� �iaa• U�te af birth ��uary t� 1�2$
17. I e�.' marri d. My wife's) (l���r) n,ame and address ia �►dl�p A. K�'ae�!
c�1�9fier�+ood l�venvs= �.
�9�-i+��-�r�e, SL.Paul* t�linneaota ��6 :
18. (If married female) my maiden n�me is ••�
19. �ow ].ong have you la.ved in St. Paul 1�0 y�ara
20. Have you ever been arrested ?s� Xiolation of what arimizlal law or ordix�aoe
Dri�ing under the inflne�tae ot �iqaor. (I�i�d�eauor) ��� �
21. are you a registered voter in the City of S�, Paul yes Ye� l�o.
(An.awer fully and oomple�sly. Ti�sae a licat3ons are thorou h�. aheoked and an
Pslsifiaation wi11 be cause for denia . (Q�R)
22. Number of 3.2 p7.aees within two blocka Nons �
23. Closest intoxicating liquor p]�aae. On Sale ���2 blocks �,�• S��e 1•1�2 �7.oeks
24. Nea re st Chnrch �•1�2 �Q�� Nea res t Scha o1 6 block8
25. IvTumber of booths 13 Tables 8 C�ir� 3� Stoola �9 -
. ;
26. What occupation have vou follovaed for the pQSt five years, (Give n,ames of employexa
and date s s o employed.)
Sel!•+e��.oy�rd w- inco�e re�aZ e�tate� p�rope�rt� past 12 ysus
27. Give names and addresses of tv�o peraone, residents of St. paul, Minn„ v�o c3aa give
inf orma,tiox� ooncerning you. '
nTame K�Ivin as�e� Address 9�t5 F'ar3�a�r kven�ss, St. p�tu1� Minaesota
Nams Joaph G. +�l.rre� Address 13�� ��cm� �v�ue, St. �'avl� I�innesots
_ �
5a,�na ur App can
Stata of Minn.esota� Hsz�rey 'sY. Kra�
County of Ramsey �f
�R� k'• ���� being first du1'y sworn, deposes and says
upon oath �hat hs has rea he faregoing sta�emeMt bsaring his si�nature a�.d kx�m�rs
the eonten.ts thereof, and tllat the same is �rue of' h.is own knowledge exaep� aa to
those matter$ there�n s�ated upon information and belief and as to those m�ttera
he be3.ze�ces them to be �rtzeo
s_✓� '
igna� App oa t
H.�zr�ne�r �. �ra�r
Subscribed and swoz�r,. �� before me
this��� day of [3Ct �' 19 70 ,
``i�� Y
No�ary Public, Ramse ounty, Minnesata �
Mar tin J. Lyd�r1
My CcmBnisaion expires ��a��r 28i 1q73
(Note s '�hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be ful,ly filled out,
notarized, and retur�.ad to the License Divisian.�r
Re= �� Sals ��1 License
Name of applicant N��S� INC. Iiarvsy W. Krume�r� Pr�sidee�t at�d 'T�oasqrar
Business address 981 Univeraity Aa�nue, St. �'aul� Minnesota 551dt
A,re you the sole rn�rner of thia business? ��'a. I�' not, is it a partnershipR
corporation? -- �� , other?
C}thers interes�ed in business, include those by loan of mon.ey, property or otherwiset
E� A. :�r�e� �� Sherrraod Ave�nne, R• ��i�e i'rasidsnt • Secr�
Name �7n Address a �.:t�stOO�Ya1�es Hovv Qr'�r
, . . , n .
Eat�#.t ot Frar�k J. H'er�se ��rs o�ing sa3d estat� b�►
ness i s aeaur�al b� Pl� ot
.��'u1ra.� 4tc�ek u HE�4 �
Tf a corporation, gi.ve its name. �����, ���•
Are you interested in any v�^ay in any other retail beer or liqupr busine�s? �o
As sole owner? �- Partner? -• Stoakho],der? ' •'
Qtherwise? (Through lc>an of monay, etcs. Fxp�.ain) Ncc+z�►
Address of such business and nature of interest in same hone
�I -�t�
Signa ur f app i n
�rve�y K. Kra�er
State of Minne s ota�
County of Ramsey )
�� w' �� bezng first duly sworn, depqses and says upon aath
that he has read the f�regoing a�fidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his avdn l�.avrledge, except as to those ma�ters -�herein
stated upon information and belief and as to thoss matters he believea them to be true.
��� F
ignatu of applican
Harvrg W. Kraa�er
3ubs ib d and sworn �o before me
this��"`_`aY of ���u' � 70
� Y� �
iKar���i .b��f � t Y, inne s o�a
My co�n.ission expiresv���r 28 19 73
S8 .
HA1�tV'�.'7f 'r�. K�fAH�lER being firet duly avrorn, doth depu$e
and say that he makea this affidavit in conneation with e�pplioa�ion for.
" � Sale" liqucr lieensa (" Cir, S"�1e� malt beverage liceuse) 3.n the City og
$aint Pau.1,�Minneaota; that your e�ffiant ie a residen� o� the State of Minne$ota
and has resided therein for �� y�are yoarsy a�hs, and is
nc�r aad ha� been Por �h� ti�e abatre a�antion.ed a bor� fide reaident of �aid State
and that . he now residea at �, �A Av
� Addreee
5 t. F'au3 , �2inn.e s ota.
Ci y or ow�n
S��arve,�r . Kraemsr
Subaoribed e►nd avirorn �o before me
this day of � ber 1� ?Q
Y �' � - `.. �
otary blio, ° sey caunty, E�innes ta
Martin J. Lyder�
My ccm�ia�ion expire$ ��asmb�' 2�, 1973
Da te Oo tob� Z, �9 70
1. Applioation fox .Op•3ale Retail vor � • L3.cens�
2. Nams of applicant ��ga� I�10• ��Iyd A. tlaMq'� V • PY'�1�ldiat a�ld �0 �,�►
3. Busineas address 981 Ue�i�srsity 4��tt� Residence '�"'������� �t• p�li 1�lA+
. �
4, Trade name, if any HE�OCiffi� INQ.
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��1], be u+sed.
6. CRz what floor loeated Mr�t P`l,00ar Number of roc�s uaQd 1 Roo� �d �a�,
_ .
� tnror imd
7. Between wk�at cra�s streat� Ozf�d 9tsNt�s 1Nhich ai,de oP street Molta
8. Are premises now ocaupied=� ll9hat busineas �1Qtio1' Haw long �10 ��a�►s �
9. Are premises now unocsaupied�o Iio�,y long vacant � Previous Uee w•
10, pre you a aew o�rner =w� Have you besn ix� a ai,milar bu�ineas before =N
VYhere Lit61� �pp�' Ha�'i L�10. yyyhen �oerbitt 1968
11. Axe you going �o operate thia business personally 110
If not, v�o will operate it Hat�ta? w• ��'
12. Are you in any o�her busineas at the present t�ma �m
13. Have there been any complaints against your opera�ion of this type of place ` �d
�fihen "�' WhBre �-
14. Have you ever had an.�r licanse revoked NO �Phat reason and date �••
15, Are you a aitizen of tYie United States Z� Native =�� Naturalized
_.____.., _.__._.,_.,.,.,
16. 1Nhere �srere you born sL. Panlj, l�itfneMta Date of birth Jatiltai'�r i7: 19Z9
, . .�.. ..r�,..,�
17, Z- am married. My (w�f'e-�` (husband's) name and addres� is �� W �'�r
'�"' S r d A�enve E.
�-����w` S'��� Panl, I'l���acc►ta .
18. (If married famale) �uy x�iden name is �wl� ♦. +T�at1
19. Haw long have you lived in St. P�ul ��r� lit�
20. Have you. ever been arrea�sd l�o Xiolation of what oriminal 1aw ar ordiru+�noe �.
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Pau1 ?q Yea .. No.
(�n.swer fully and .00mpletel�r. Theae a lica�ions are thorou hl cheoked and etn
falsification will be cauae for eni.a . '
22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocka None �
23. Closest intoxioating liquor plaoe. bn. Sale 2-1/2 blocks pp� g��e 1-1/2 block �
24. Nearest Chureh 3�1�2 blocks Nearest School 6 Alocks
25. P:umber of booths 13 Tables 8 Chair� �2 Stool� 3,9
26. What occup�,tion have you followed for the p�st five years. (Give namas of employers
�nd date s s o employ�ed.)
Re�3t�Qton Rand I�rom April 25� 196b ttr O�tobu� 33� 1�
F.�.IC. Ca. Fror� .[vA• 1, 19�4 to d�me 1� 19b5
27. Give names and addresses of �wo persons, re�idents o#' St. Paul, DQia�., who csan g�.v�
in.f'�rmation concerning you.
Tlame ���d F�►rrk �tat� Haqk Address Fold �arl�q� St. Panl� `Nin�uuota
I�Tame �'• I�oP. Bet�1t3.� .Address 1b01� R�dolph A��.,� St. Pattli MitulNOta
' � ��� �� `
Sagnature of A i.ean
S`tate of Minnesota� 81►�1�A A. [!'t �'
Coun�y of Ramsey ) .
��� A• � being firs� duXy sv�rorn, deposea and say�
upon aath �ha� he has rea the foregoin.g sta-�ement bearing his signatur� an,d lrnpwa
the eonten�s thereof, and t?lat the sama ia true o� his o�m. knowledge exaept as to
�Ghose matters therein stated upon inforts�tion and belief ar�d ,as to �those mattar�
he beli.e�es them to be trtieo
+�'i' � -�-��[��
Si�nature of p ivant
i'�relyq ♦. Kra '
Subscribed and sworxi to before me
this o2'T_.�(` day of � 19 70 _
Not�r Pu 1ic, e oun y, Minnesc>ta ,
Marl�t� �. Lyd�t
My Cvmmission expirss �MSb�' Qai 197�
(Note s , These, statemen.'� �orms are in duplicate. Bo�h copies mus� b� ful].y f�.�.1ed out�,
r�.otarized, and re�urned to the License Divisia.p,.��
�3� � 'dy �� �
�s��;����3 .. �:�,,�� ,��_
�9"�:f ;'�1`� ''� '.�J'�i:; ?�'L .a.�
. FOR ,
Re e �?n S�le Retail Li�enae
Name of appli�ant Her ea Tnc. L�rel A. Kraemer Vice Preaidez�t and Secratary
Bu��.nes� ad32es� 981 Universittr Aver�ue� St. Pau3, M3nn�sot;a 5510i4
Are �ou th�s �ole owner of this buainess? No e If nqt� i� it a p�rtnership? No
cox�p�rat�.cm? y� ,, other? "
Othe�°s interested in busu�eas,, ir}c� ude thoae b� l.o�n of' rloney,, property or otherwieea
� bta� 5herwood Avenus, F�.
Name H�eY �'�• ��'$�+�r Address ��"�4"�� Ho�sr ��' oP capital stock ot
� • • � ! • � ho�•
�vver to �n :indabt��se
ank J�
If a Qorporations give ite nama ���`� �•
Are you interested in. any way in any other Retail Bsex° or Liqu�r bueiness? No
As aola ownerY -" partner? ° S�ockholde�°3 ""
Othez°wri.se? (Through loan of money9 etce £xplain) �.
Addres� uf such bu�iness and nature o#' intsx°e�t in. �ame Non�t
Signature of ap ican
�vayln A. Kr�.s -
State of Minnssota� �
Couaty of I�msey )
��� �• � being first duly swar°n, deposea and says upon,oath
that he has read tha foregaing affidavit bearing his �ignature and l�o�rs the contenta
ther-eo�g that th� �ame ia true of his vwn. knrn�rledgas except a� to thoae matters therein
statad upon info�tion and belief a�.d as to those �tters he believes them to be '�2°LlBs
- $�f,gnature of ap icant
�velyn A. 1Cr
Subscsribed and e�o�. ta before me
�hi�x� day of �otober 19 70
Nflta�°y Pub�.ic9 Ramsey Co , r�nesota
Martin J. Lyden D���r 28
�r a�nm.isa�on expires 19 ?3
3TA�'E �&' �+t],NDTE�OTA
S$ ,
EV�,Xi�i A. KRI►SMER being first duly svrorrs, doth depo�e
and say th�t she makes this �ffidavi� in conneatiou with applioation for
" � Sale" liquor licsen�e (" On Ssle� malt beverage lioenee) in the City of
3aint 'Paul,V�dianeaota� that your affiant is a residemt of the State of �in.nesotm
a nd ha►s rs e ided t;herein P or ea�b�e-3't��' �wra, �Gm�b.a, axui 3.s
n�r e�nd hae been for the� time abo�e a�ntioaed � bo� fide x�eEeident o� said State
and that � he now re�ides at �3�►-� ' �1t1� �erwood Avenue, �..
� Addrea s
St. Pavl, , Minneaota,
Ca y or Towu
� �./
Ev elyn A. �C �et�
Subaori.bed and a�rorn to before me
thi���-ot day of October 19 70
.._� �-
otary blie, 13amsey County, �3nnesota
Martin J. Lyden -
�dy oommiasion expirea D�cember 2t3s 1973