250757 Oelsinal ts Cit7 Cisrk � ORDINANCE ��p��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� �\ � ���, � ,� ORDINANCE NO �.�. v AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF RICHARD ALIPERTO AND DOROTHY A. ALIPERTO, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSB.AND AND WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-421, to Richard Aliperto and Dorothy A. Aliperto, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �750.00, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or near 1270-1272 East Magnolia Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on September lg, 1969. Section .2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporalaon Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. OCT 2 2 1'7d Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler •�I Carlson � Tn Favor Levine (� Meredith u O Sprafka Against Mr. Presid�-# c y) OCT 2 2 1970 � � ° Appr . Atte� . er - n Mayor _ �� - �orm approved Corpor��ion Counsel By _ PUBLISHED OCT 2 41970 / n�u�e.a r,�aa� � 0-3� DINANCE 250�'S`7 , COUNCIL FILE NO._ � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE ND / � 4 � � AN 4�DINAITCE 3ETTLI�GF 'rBE Ci.AIM OF RICBAiiD ALIP�TO J1ND DOROTHY A. AI,IPBB'tt), I�iDIYIDIIALLY A�D J18 �i'SnAI�iD A�D WIFE� AGAIDiST TSE CITt 4F SAII4'i' PAIIL '!'B8 CQD�IL OF T� CITY OF SaINT PAIIL D08:t 43flAIxt Se�etion l. That the proper Cit� oi3i�ers are herebq enthorised � ; and direct�d to pa� ont oi the Tort Liabilit* Fand 003�—�r21, to { Riehard Aliperto aad Dorothy A. Aliperto, iadiiii�sll� aad ss iasba�d ` I I a�a�d Mile, the stu ot �7�0.00, is fall oettle�nt o! their clai� for f de�a�eo a�! in�nries su,tained by reaeoa oi a iai2 oa a d�tective � ; , sidexalk at or near 1270-1272 Bast Ma�nolia Straet, 3aiat Panl, Minassots,4 on Septeaber 19, 1969. I ' Seetiog 2. ��at said s� shall be psid to t�te �aid elai�s�►t � E � npon �►eir e�cecntian and deliverp oi a reles�e is tnll to the Cfty, � in a lors to bs approTed b� the Corport�.on Conasel, !or all d��s6e� � and nrie� snstained in the sanaer aior��aid. � � ; 3ectian 3. T'nat this ordi�sacs sDell tsl�e efieot asd be ia j I iorce thirty day� siter it� paasaae, apgroral aad pgblicatioa, � � r ; i ; } p�T 2 2 1970 Yeaa Councilmen ' Naya PaBeed by the Counc;l i Butler n Carl�on � Tn Favor Levine i Meredith D A oy.ingt + sp� �� T�a� x Mr. President (McCarty) APPrnv�: OCT 2 2 19�a � Attest: l City Clerk Mayor � �� ',' ; �'orm a}�Fmv!�i Corpor�ion �ouneel By .. _ 1 � i � Ist ' � � . . 2nd '� / Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted ��'/Z Z''� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � Butler Carlson ���t..� \Carlson Levine !�� � Levine Meredith \�.Meredith 5 rafka � `s rafka P \ P Tedesco Tedesco v Mr. President McCarty .\`'• Mr. President McCarly O