250741 . ' �50��1 � � COUNCIL FILE N0. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Approving Assessment BY --- — and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.___1Z4�_ and F'ix�g Time of Hearing on the Award of Damages i� #� ��t+�� _ � ; ' �. Open, widen and extend ROSE AVE. between P.rosperity Ave. and Barclay St. by ' taking and condemning that parcel of land in the N� of NFF Section 27, ��' Townshi� 29, Range 22 described as follo:�,s: Be�innin� at a. �oin�� on �he south line oF Rose Ave. as o�r�ened by C.F. 207351, 270.69 feet ��;esterly f`rom the z��esterly line of I�I�.:ryland Heights; thence Z•resterly on the south line of Rose Ave., a d.istance of 57.�+6 feet to the �ngle noint on the soui,h line of Rose Ave. as .o�ened; thence south�resterly on the south line of Rose Ave. a distance of 57.�+� feet; thence northeaste"rlyo un a curve to the ri�;h-t havi7l� a: central an;;le of 2�-°17' azid a radius of 267 .Feet a distc:nce o� 113.07' to the point of be�inning. ' Also o-�en, i;Tiaen and ex'cend ROSE AVE. bet�•reen Prosperi�y Ave. ?nd Barclay St. � by ta�ing and condemnin; that roarcel oz" 1Gn.d in the PT; of T+1�14, Section 27, Tovmshi�� 29, Run�e 22, descriUed as folloti;s; � Beginnin� at a ��oint on the nor�h line of Rose Ave. as o,r,ened by C.F. 2073j1, 535.06 feet �•�este.rly frorn �he westexly lYne of Maryland Heigh�ts; thence ea,s�erly on the north line of Rose Ave. a distance o�' 57.1+6 feet to the an�le point on the nori,h line of Rose Ave. as o�ened; thence northe�stexly on tize north line of Rose Ave. a dis�;ance o�' 57.�o feet; thence southz�resterly on a � cilx�Te to the ri�lzt having u centrwl an;le of 2�+°17'� a,nd a radius of 267 feet a distance of 113.07' to �he peir.t of beginning. i Aiso �_pen, :�;iue!� a?ic� extend Rose Ave« a�; �ros-neri�y A,ve. by ����irg ar1d condeam�ing that �?arcel of l;�nd in the N� of N��^lu, Section 27, Toi:rnsni;? 29, I Range 22, described as foll.oi-rs: Begin:iing Gt zhe �oint of intersection of the ea.sterly line of Prosperity Ave. �:nd the north line of Rose Ave. as oy�ened by C.r. 207351; thence nortne�s�exly a distance o� 28.�+5 feE-� al.ong the e�.sterly line of Pros�erity Ave. ; thence southeasterly on a curve to the �_eft na.ving � central angle of 12�+°21+' and �.. radius oi' 15 feet a dist�.nce of 32.5�+ feet to -the north 1_ine of - Rose Ave. ; thence z�resterly on the north line of �4ose' Ave. �. clistance os 2�.�-5' .to the }�oint oi beginizinj. �11so, condez,ui arci tGke an e�.serment in tne lar_d necessary .for i,he slones;. cuts razd ai1�?s, inc7�aciin� ri�ht of rer�oval oF la�eral suy�-�ort �'rom su:oject land or rema7 nc�er thereof, occasioned b,y excavutions thereo��or constx�a.etion of slo,�es in the '�radin� and surfacin� srii.h bitu�;linous m��eria:l and constructin� concre-�e curb ��rd �;ut�er on ROSE AVi'. from Pros;�eritST Ave. �o Barc]_�y St. (G-19�o) __--- r�u a LtK._ . __,-�_ _ - - - c�^����_,���N � OCT 6 1970 � ��.;;;�:c Adopted by the Council ��-b��_� f.� R�DITH App �; 2;�FKq " T�DESCO In Favor McCARTY /� yor !`�Ae ainst Form R-3 �'� PUBLISHED OCT 1 O �970