250736 ORIOINRL TO CITY CLCRK � ������y CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � �� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. I,ICENSE CONIl'4ITTE�: OUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �- October 6� 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF R.F;SOLVID: That Application L-5707 for Hotel (30 Rooms� Cigarette� and Cigaxette Vending Machine Operatmr (2M�� applied for by Bernard C. & Isabell 0. Rubel at 1706 University Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally approved by Council September 3, 1970 Old Location .�i� ` ��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya �� b ���o Butler Carlson ve� 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 101970 �� . � � c � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' Capital of Minnesota ��..� 7��' �eaHt�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�c� DEAN MESEDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH RAI.PH G.MERHILL,Depaty Commiasioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspector Se ptembe r 3, 1970 Honorable �,:a�,ror a�x3. :,ity GouY�cil Saint �aul, I%innssota Cen�lenen er_d :'adar:�s �err�rd C, and isa�ell L. I�ubel make application for ':otel (30 units) license at 1706 ti't. universi�y .a�;enue, yJ?zic� :_s loca�ed on the sou-th side oi" the street betv�en .�9,ldzna and �:srschel. ^lhis lacation has been licensed i or a s ir:ilar business sirce April, 1966. `��'Y:e present 1?censee, I?or Uot Tnn, In,c. nave held such a liconse since A�ril, 1965. �?ernard C. �ube1 opera�ed �he ;�'laza T;;o�tel in �loamin�;ton, x��°inneso�a flrorz June 1963 to �1.pril, 1968, and he is a1�o an eloctrician. Isabell L. ';ubel is a ?:ouseVrif'e and has also been self er.l�loysd as an accountant and has prepared ��x p�pers, or s-�atar�en�s. Z;e ry �ruly yours, � � /� G G�'i`'r'C'�i�/7�/p� L��aniel �, a;:cLa,�a��lzn License Llspector ,,�"_f �.,.��. ��__ . `� �, �' �: �o �V O . . , CITY OF S,AINT PAUL , DEP.�RT�2ENT �F' PUBLIC SAFETY ` LICFNSE DNTSICItd Da te AM� � �9 � �---�• 1. A,ppliaa�ion for � Eo��l l�ett�l 's0 Onit� �� Cisar�tt�� Lioex�.ae 2. Nams of applicant : 3. Business addresa 17Q6 Dmilrrt�ity Ati. Residenoe �� �tlaod �ry• $• 81oo�1�iae 4. Trade na�, if any l�iea��t ,� 5. Reta�.l Beer Federsl fiax Stamp�tail Li,quor F'ederal Taa Stamp��l be u�eed� 6. (:bi vvhat floor located Number of xoama used � . ^.._..�.......�. 7. BetvueeM vvY�t orosa atreets �� � �� 1Nhieh aide �f street �'� 8. Are prem3.ses naw oaoupied � 4Vhat businass ���� Horo�r long � y�� 9. Are preinisss x�ovv unoocupied Ho�,y long vacant Previous Uae � 10. Are you a new o�mex y� Have you been in a si.milar bueiness before �J'� ._.,.-,�....__. Where ��►� �°� '�a�"st�t¢to�4 ��en o�w� I R#r �'a Ap�L t 96i 11. Are yoa going to apers�e thia business personally y�+ " �� a �M ' If not, ro�o wi7.1 opezate it ��M► " CRai#Esa. .�'�-�eda��N 12, Are you iz� any other business at the prese�t tia� '� - 13. Have there been any oomplaints againat your opera�ion �f this type oP place "M _._.,._._...,.. YYhen Where 14. Iiave you ever had an�r license revoked � @Phat reason and date 15. Are you a aiti�an �f the United States �� Native �+ NaturalYZed -----•..,. 16. Where �rere you born � �� ��+ Date of birth ��• �� /9�'t 17. I, am married. My (wife 's) (��� name and address is ���\'E• �'�� - ____._.._ ��� P.s,�t.,Mc A�r.� �i., �o«.�i� Mi�.. ssaao . . 18. (If ma rried Pema le) my ms iden name is , 19. How long have you 13ved in St. Faul +� � �� � �► �++� � �dM �. 20. Have you aver ba�n arreeted � Niolaticra of what or5minsl 1aw or ordinanoe � �� 21. are you a registered voter i.n the Ci�y of S�. Pau1 Yes � No• (Anawer fu1Xy and complete�. Theae a liQatior�s are tho�ou hl aheoked and an �a],sificatioa will be cause for denia . (C'DFR} .. . , 22. Numb�x of 3.2 places within two blocsks . 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. � Sale fl,�'f Sa7,� " 24. Nea re s t Chureh Nea res t Scho 01 25. IvTumbsr oP booths Tables �haira Stoole - 26. What occupation have vou follovaed for the past five years. (Give namas of employ'sxa ax�d date s s o employ�ed.) �'te��sl.c�La�c .�saat� �?9? �F�i �;�a• Rl�. 27, Give names and addresses of two peraons, residen,ts of St, Paul, �ir�n,, �rb.o c�a gisre infox�t3.on concerning you, �las�s d. �+�.o�c • �li0 ICta�w Rps,.s S�. Pa� ����»�i f t rlame �4` �urLt� Address �� '°�+�s y ��4r �s�wG 9"7'1+tt�2?: Na�ns Ed eo�t�s �`l�► �Addre s s �391 f�l.�arsa� ►�:,;, 5, Al� d3?'!++�M4?f � � Signature o App iQan �a te of �inne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) b'Mw�C �'. +'��tbs� being first duly s�rorn, depos�s and saya �pon oath that hs has rea the forQgoin.� st�tement bearing his sa.gnature and I�ncr�r� the conten�s thereof, and that the sam� is true of his o�,rn. l�owladge except aa to those mattera therein atated upoxa. information and belief and as to thase ma�tera he believes them to be triie, � igr�ture of Applioant Subscribed and sworn. to before me - this��J� aay o�' �is� � Notary Pu�3ic, Ramsey ��� �.�e�g�-I�ELL` Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn.�� ' � �y ComaniSSion expars�9 �Y�ommission Expires Feb.26. 1976. (Notet These �i�a�ement forma are in duplicate. Bo�h copies mus� be fu�ly filled ou�, notarized, and �eturned to the License Divisian.j'� . 1 � • ; . CITY OF SAT1dT PAUL DEPARTD:�IVT �F' PUBLIC S�FETY ' LIGENSE DNTSION I�te R� � �g 7�!!, ..,...,�.. 1. Appliaa�ion for Ho�l ( Mo�l �� �0 IIb.tt�* ii��i�r4� Qi��tt� �,3ce�,�e 2. Name of appliaant Sssb�11 L. 8qbo1 3, Bu�iness addre�s 1706 Dniv�rsitl Residence �1 �r��d ��• S• ���6t� 4, Trade name, a.f any 1M��0�R 9�a 5. Retail Beer Federal. Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��17. b� u��d. • 6. (bi what floor located Number of' roomis used 84 ' 7. Betvasen what. oross� atreata �� 6 E�+4+4� Which aide of s�re�t �►� 8. Are premises n,aw oaaupied gsa �}.iat busineas -��•�� Horov long � � 9. Are premises no�r unoocupied Haw long vacan� Previous Uae 10. Are you a new cramer q� Have you been in a,aimilar business be�ore � t+�Yiere��� ��,r ��°'�"p�or4 ��Yhen �Nrw M`!4d I �le� � ! J9�d 11. Are you going to operate thi� business personally yt�a + ws,t!► a sawn� If not, who �rill operate it ��s}� � C�i�+N. 1't+���EsoM 12. Are yDU in an�r other business at the present ti�a � � 13. Have th�sre been any oomp].sints against your operation of thia typ� ofl plaae +M' �� When �Phere 14. Have you ever had any license revoked �M �Phat reason and date �� 15. A,re you s citizen of the United Statea �� Native +�+► Natux�a��sed _ __•....._. .__._..._.. 16. Where w�sre you born��"'+���, �� ��� Date pf birth �•�r ���� 17. I am married. My (��p�OMU� (huaband's) name and address is ��'�+�� �+� � a�eol p.�.s,ta»t �s, s., ��...�,�s.,y� ��. x���a : 18. (If �sarried fax�►le� my msiden nam.e is '�� �. ��'M rk"a�b� 19. How long have you la.ved in St. Faul � �Z .t,d� �t�e � p,s,�,► a,�l! 1�s ysvu. � .. .__..,_�.,....,� 20. Have you ever been arrested �' Xialatioxi of' what crim3.r�al 1a� or ordi.n�nca --�-.-*-.•r � `= 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�, Paul Yes � Nqs; � _ ,. � � � �� (Answer ful�. and oom letel . Theae a liaations are �horou h�. aheaked and �n lsiflication will be cause for dersia . (OVta'R) i. y • 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocka 23, Closest intoxicating liquor pl,ace. �3n Sale �P Sale 24. Nea re s t Chureh Nea xes t Scho ol 25. R�Tumber of booths Tables Chair� Stoole 26. What occupation have you follov�ed f or the past fiv� y�sars, (Give �mes of employers and date s s o employ�ed.) ido ' �caow�awt & ? s�s,a • �st o �ui, 27. Give namea and addresses of two psraons, residen.ta of St. Paul, Mixua,,, vpho Qaz� g�v� inf'orma�ivn concer�ing you. No.e�ra. 11. �or+�.ort « 11�a R�,w�l.�o R�r�., 5t. Pa,.t, �a.�+a„ :��s»�a ff Name :�,�,�.'�.�,� Addresa +t?t Pau/A� Rits.� St. 1�a,�L 77'l*►1't�1� � . ..._.,. .,,.,.,�,...,. Name �d+.�,rs Lts�.,� .�ddrees �9Gt f�l.a�.aa++t �+�e, �'. �"lp�. a27M�t�$j .___----�� • �°. ✓����%�°� Si�nature � App �.can S`ta te of �tin.n.e s�ta� ss County of Ramsey �f 9�s6s� 1�, I��� being first duly sworn, deposea and says upon oath that he has rea the foregoing atatement 'bearing his signatuxa and l�rnxs the contents th�reof, and that the sama �.s �rue of hi,s o�ra knawledge exce}� as tv those mattsrs therein stated upox�. information and belief and ae to tho�e ma�ters he beli.eves them to be triio. �( . Si�nature of App 3.Qarst Subscribed and s�orn to before me this '7�� da�r of 19�Q .�i:.%ru���s"�—- �. � J . . . . . Notary Pub2ic, Ram.sey County, Minnescsta FLORENCE R. ERICKSON, �� CO.tt�T119810ri HXp1Y'AS Notary Public. Ram e y. ommission Expires Jan. 24, 1977 (No�et �hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be f'u,11y f'a.],�.ad out� notarized, and returned to the License Divisiem.j� a 3ept. k, 1970. Hon. Dean Meredith Comar. of Public SaPety Public Safety Bldg. � Dear Sir: Atte_ ntion: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin The City Council tod�ty inPormally appraved th! application of Bernard C. and Ieab�ll L. Rub�$1 for Hotel (30 unita) license at 1706 ��?. Univereity Ave. Will you please prepare the custo�sry resolution granting this application�? Very truly yours, Ci.ty Clerk �8