250720 : � �� �50��0 c�►au � xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioQmprnvemeat by the Ctty of 80int Psul,v�ia.: ........................�aar,e_BAl�lt../��..,�lll..�+1k�l�1'� Awnw,to U�niwrrity Aveau� ........... .............................................. ...{E3ty-�ht�t-�d►�6ill�--�1..!'o3enl+e+rst••-A�a•�.�i�ltsleti�.�t�out..�lc�,t.........................__... ..•.�u�r�iv�e�i��--�a�s#aR+�sti--a-t�it�dx�.•�me�..r���..�i!!..v..!!�lr........................._.... ......._... �..�d..s�..e1.�...�:t�e.�:..��F.�!�!ii ne�essa�r�,�nd................___ Ds�ed�b3"e�l.to..aa��a�i..�ai'd..ia�rc!vrl�s?�t� _......... Y . ........... ... .....», lg ...... .....................�+�—••-. .. � .t-:�,,,......._.. � u Qmsn. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ........................j�..�..Al.�(�.Sl'1'�..11�t�L..AY�lii�.�'eQ..�eY.'���:�.X.A�........._.............__ — --------------(:Ci��..�,�,�..E��a�) ..sa..fo3.ladri:..R.aancR.f.bu�..�r.*A�t.t�.bloct ............... . .---.._. ._._._....-st�t�t�i�,---�t..af..hifa�d.no�ua..�utta�ti..rt�Rx�ett�:`l�+��..�.'�'�l.�!!!!�..........................._ __ ...._..---..�...taci.31�1�1l1...�1�.�k2_li1,�..s�!�lt�:..x!4i']c.rhi�h,is.n�r���at�► �nd lacid+�atsl. to �lftw �iQ t�raram�eat. • .............................." having been preeented to the uncil of the City of Saint Paul......-•-•...........................•--••---•-•--------- ............._...�.... therefore� be it R,ESOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvemenB. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and eetimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plsn� profile or eketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie asked for on tthe petition ot three a�r more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. �ao ...... ... a��� b 191� pted by the �:ounoil.. _ .... .......................................... ......... Y�se Councilman Butler QCT 6 1�7Q Ca�1 son Approve�.........................._..........._......................_........_... Levine Meredith Sprafka � Tedesco -... . ........... _ ....._._... Mr. President McCarty Meyor. �000 �-e� ' 7;J PUBLiSHED OCT 10197�