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ORIGINAL�O CITY CL6FiK ��` ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. C UNC RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, the t3o�nail of the City of Saint Paul is acsutely �aware of the bt��den which property taxes impo�� on property owner�, p�r�icularly those individc�ala liwing an fixed incaom�s; and ' WHEREA�, the Council of the Ci�y of Saint Paul ia eon�erned abou� the steady growth in tax-�xe�npt p�oper�g whieh serv�s �o inerease the burd�n of taxpayi�g p�operty ownera; and IaIHEF�EAS, the Couneil of the Ci�y of' aa3.nt Pa�l is not unmindful of the v�.luable s�rvie�s per�'ormed by many taa-e�empt organizations, particularly religious and �duca.tional 3nstitutions; and WHERFAS, the Minnegota Legislature ha$ �horoughly studied �his problem and expre��ed its eor�cern through the pas�age of Laws 196gc.925, whieh propoe�a to am�nd Artiale 9 Seat3on 1 of th� Minnesota Constitution to permi� th� Leg�.sla�ure to define or limit the classes of eaempt property, ex�ept ehurehes, houses of worship and property used solely for edueational purpoaes; and WHERSAS, the Council of �h� Ci�y of Saint Pau1 believes the proposed ame�dment to be in the be�t ir���r��ts of tl�e City of Saint Paul and the state as a w�ole, and r�pr�s�:nta a reasonable means of inee�ing �he need �o more equitabl� apread the burden of financing loc�.1 gov�rnment servi�e� while a� the �ame time a�roiding ' imposing undu� financial hardship on edueational and relig3ous � ins�ituti�.�s; � p � N�W T'HER�FORT B� IT R£�54�,�TED that the �ounail of the Cit� cf � � Saint Pat�l endorsse�s the principles of eqe�itable tax policy and � i reform exempl3fied in Amendment No. 1 r�lating to tax-exe�npt a Q property and urge�s its ratification. ¢ o U � � � � � Q `` �T 2 1�74 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19._ Yeas Nays Butler ULr � �� Carlson e 19� �°��" �n Favor Meredith �'� b��s��a l� yor A gainst ` Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBL�ISNED QCT � 0 �97� � � . � � �5�� , - _ , ` � -�.� � ' UltAFT RESOit;TIO:v E:�llOP.SIi�?G AriENDTiENT N0. 1 ON TAX-EXEMPT PhOPERTY Wi.EU:sA , ttie C' (Villa of _ y alm to ly ,,,A�$ `— • d enden on tii rop�rt ax to inance icin serv' es; nd �,o�-,^„"�+ t� �� �•� Wr�ERLAS, tiie is acutely aware of the bur�en which � pro�erty tax25 impose on property owners, particularly those individuals livin� on fixed incones; a:�� �� WnEREAS, tne is concerned about the steady growth in tax-�exempt property which serves to increase the burden of taxpaying property owners; and /► W::�P.��S, t.�e il is not unmindful of tl:e valuable servic�s performed �y many tax-exempt organizations, particularly religious and educational institutions; and �v�:EP.EAS, tiie :Iinnesota Legislature has thoroug:�ly studied this problem and ex�resaed its concern throug:� t:ze passage of Laws 1969c.925, which proposes to amend Article 9 Section 1 of the Tlinnesota Constitution to permit the L`g�s?ature to define or limit the clas�es of exempt property, except churches, houses of worship and property used solely for educational pur- poses; and !i Wh�REAS, th� ��'_�; (+.••_11�0�; ���.�;1 believes the �roposed amendment to be in tne nest interests of ti�e city (e��.,ag�a) of _��►v�__ and the state as a ���nole, and renresents a reasonable means of ineeting the :�eed to more equitably spread tne burcien of financing local government services while at the same time avoi4ing imposing undue financial hardship on educational and religious institutions; � G �{ (.�/� ���t�"Q :vOW THEREFORE IE IT RESOLVEiI that the r�e�—of 'J � endorses tne �rinciples of equitable tax policy and reform exemplified in Amendment ��o. 1 relating to tax�exempt �roperty and urges its ratification. Area Code b12 `�Tl r THOMAS J. STEARNS 223•5121 �� ���•r� ARTHUR M. NELSON � � , JEROME J.SE6AL = (`'-"`'� �' THOMP.S tit. MOONEY . . �.,.,.,:ii,,I � ' ,M '' KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK . 'f'�`-�'`c PAUL F. McCLOSKEY, JR. ' JOSEPH E. CARTWRiGHT C��� �� �,�I�� ���� R.SCOTT DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER firstAs:istant LEGAL DEPARTMENi KENNETHA.SKRIEN 316 Gity Half, St. Paul, Minnesota 55i02 DANIEL A. KLAS , Corporation Counsel i T0: Harry F�9ur�shall . t:i ty 4],erk , DATE: �July ��.1, I�7�� • � Your letter of July 1�', :t�+7t� concerning rasalutiun endox�d�g :'�s�en+�+�tit j'1 ta Lhe :�taL� i Con�stf.tutiUn �tn i�� votad on ir�'v���r 3, . has been ieceived. Mr. ierxy �t�1llvan of this office has been assigned to the matter, and you ma3r direct future inquiries concexning the same direcl�ly to him. DANI�L A. KLAS Corporation Counsel , ����`� � � I,�arry E.,Manhall ��tY o�, Albe�# B. Olsoe 4 City Clerk and ��w ;� Council Recorder 'Commxasioner of Registration � � x o . .� e, -.:�= y'r ,�8 h0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 886 City H¢ll St.Paul,Minnesota 5510.'L R E C E I V E � JUL 1 �� �970 ��RF'ORATION COUNSEL July 17, 1970 1�r. De,niel A. Klae Corporatioa Counsel Build,ing Dear 3ir: The Ci,ty Co�mcil requests that you prepsi,z�e a re�olutioa endorsing Ameac�ent #1 to the State Coastitution to be voted on �ov�ber 3rd, all as more fully requested and set out in the attached inPormatiott fro� the League of Minnesota I�anicipalities. 1/e truly �o�x's, - �;-°�/�� � , � r i �,L, , City Clerk� l AO/ng � � ," � � , ' , • . r �, LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES 3300 University A,venue S.E. Minneapolis, Minn., 55414 Phone: Area 612/373•9992 �uly 15, 1?70 i'o ��iayo rs, I-i�nagers or Cler�:s: The erosion of t..e property tax vase taroiighout the state by tlie steady growt.i of tax-exempt proj�erty (as defineci in tne i�innesota Constitution) is a proulem facing every municipal government in rlinnesota. l.�e state lzgislature, recognizing the need to limit and redefine some of t�ie categories of property now classified as tax�-exempt, voted unanimously to place an amendment on tne nallot in tiie :lovember 3 election concerning tl��s issue. �;menament ��l to ti�e ,i•iinnesota Constitution, Article I�, Section 1, if a�proved i�y tL.e voters, woulu a11ow ti�e state legislature to make some sorely ueeded revisions in tiie definition of tax-exempt property. The enclosed fact srieet iricluaes tae ;�r_ovision for tax-exempt property as it now stands in tlie Constitution, and tiie clianges proposed by Amendment 4�1. 'i.iz League of :iinn�sota I�?unicipalities favors passage of the Amendment and is ast�in; every municipality in the state to pass a resolution of endorsement. A copy of a suggested resolution is enclosed. i3ecause ttie passage of t�iis Amendment could L�e of real help to your commtinity in paving the caay for more equitaUle distribut�on of the property tax burden ann in iialting the trend toward more and more tax-exempt property, we urge your immediate conaideration of tiie resolution. Strong support of the Amend-- ment by local communities throughout the Gtate -aill encourage support by th� votera on .3ovemoer 3. If tize re�olution of endorsement is passed, will you please fill in tlie blanks on tiie enclosed news release and submit it to your local newspaper for publi- cati�n. By publici�ing any positive actien in behalf of Amendment 4�1; we hope ta educate aiiri inform ti� punlic onsthe benefits of voting "yes." iJi1! you please also send a �o�y of your resolution to tliis office so t:�at we may uave a record of the number of municipalities taking action on this measure. Sincerely, ^� ��� � � � ���1"�. �- � � �-�- � _ J L�, llean 2. Luno � � �-..� Lxecutive Secretary �1�J �.���:dma Encls. o�.,�,ri.��� 25U�'11 CITY OF ST. PAUL �,NC�� N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBC�ITED�lf COMI�AISSIONEo �ATE WH�RBAS, tt� i�oeu�oii oY tha aity of Saint Paui is a�outely a�are of the burden xhioh prc�perty ta�o�s i�po�e on property o�►nsr�, partioularly thote individaais li�ring c�ri liaied inao�e f and� WH��l18, the Counail of the City of Saint Paul i� oonoern�d about the steady groxth in ta�c-exea�t property �rhich ssrvse to inareas� the� burden of taapaying prop�rtg oMntre� and WHffitEJ1�, the Oounoil o! the City of BalAt laul ir not urimindtul oP tMe e�luable �ervicea pert'orm�d by mar�y t�ut-f�o�empt organisatione, partio�lar2,y religiow and eduoationai inrfiitutione; and �11l1, the �inntiot,a �egialatur� tsar thoroughl8 rtudi�d thi� p:robi�m �nd e�►t�s�rsa it• oonoern through the pa��age of LaNs 1�69a.98�, whiah propo��• to a�m�nd Az�ielt 9 seation l ot th� Minnesota �on�titut�ion to permit the Legi�latwre to d�lins or iimit ths olae�ees or estm�t property, exoepL atu�rahee, houee• o! �rorship. �uad property t�atd solely for eduoational purposes� and i�Ad�, the Qoc�noil o! the 0it�► ot Saint Paul la�lievss th. pro�oeed amsndm�ent tc be ia th� bsst inter�sts of t�oe Cityr ot Saint Paul and tt�r etat• as a �holo, aru'! repx��ents � rea,oru►Dle mean� o! ma�ting ttu ut�d to more squitabl� �pr+ead the bu�rden oP lir�anoir� local gows�nent serviaee �rhils at the sam� tim� avoicling i�poeing undue Sinaneiai hardship on eduQationai and rsiiglou�r inetituti�rns� �7M T�'�� 8� I'P RF�SOI.VSD that the 6ounoil ot' ths Bity,,,oP Saint �'aui endor�r�s the prinoigi�e ot �quitabi� ta�c pclioy and retorm e�cemplitie� in �mencinrent �o. 1 r�lating tc t�►z-a�mpt propert� �d wrg•a it,r ratirs.vatian. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�j 2 �10 19_ Yeas Nays Butler .�a►'T 21J70 Carlson ApprovAd 19.r , """�'�"'_ Fa�vor Meredith �— � �syor rodA3Tlfit Tedesco DZr. Preaident, McCarty �� _... .. . . _ _� ,. . , . .�..,� . : , . . . y .,: ,, , : - . ,n , i : - �� � `�� t , + � ' ' �� �, � � _ � � i �� � � � �� F � `� : �. . �.r�ac�� s�:� �:, a:��.�i3:�f�� ���. �. � � ����A ca���r� �z� ��r - . _�c�� :: . , � , . , r. . n;, ; _ t �� , , �� ��ro , i Aaae�dme,�t ��. ��i�} a �irapc�sa�. to ataenu t�:I�,����a�c ' � ���'�� .���1.ee ��. � � � S�ect�i?�c �,.,�:.�'�r-f���g:=#�r. �he Cl�s�s � '�es��t��c�� � L: ,' � ' - ,; � .. . , ���"e��'�� . . r�.��►� ' : : . t� � �t$�e �at���.i�i� •?��+ Pxo��tde$ ,���� , � � `'. .,,.pu���c .3���ing �xa�d�, �;�i:c ac�c�ol h�s � � ` � �� �,r,,�� ,/ F� y ��s�s, p�'��i� ��� ��� ` t -�l�i�! 74!F�i*'�'�'$i.��i�,.�'� �� ��J, :���g$�.+� .l�f ��"�RNY���. 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