03-61Council File # 03 - 6 \ Green Sheet # �13�{.��1 LUTION Presented Referred To MINNESOTA Committee Date Resolution Recognizing David Baker 2 WFIEREAS, David Baker has served as Real Estate-Business Development Manager for the West Side's 3 Riverview Economic Development Association for more than five years, working with dozens of micro- 4 entrepreneurs in developing business plans and launching their neighborhood-based small businesses in the 5 District del Sol; and 6 WHEREAS, always an innovator, Dave convened the city's first commercial-industrial Neighborhood Watch 7 program among the businesses in the Riverview industrial area; and � 8 WHEREAS, Dave is a master of networking, managing to draw together West Side business and community 9 leaders for monthly lunch meetings, periodic "After S:OOs," and an annual golf toumament; and 10 WHEREAS, Dave is leaving REDA to accept a position in the Corporate Training and Assessment Center at 11 Saint Paul College; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul thanks Dave Baker 13 for his tireless efforts on behalf of the entire West Side community and wishes him well with his new 14 endeavors; and 15 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council declares Wednesday, January 29, 2003 to be Dave Baker 16 Day in the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Aepartinent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � � Appt � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date ^l.c� Adoption Certified by Council S cretary � �`\ � '� DEPARTMEM40FFICElCOUNCIL DnrEIN1TIATEu c�ty coun��i Jan. 22, 2003 GREEN SHEET No � �$72Q . CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE NItlaYDab �nitlWDate ', Chris Caleman -, �.� . MUST BE �N COUNCIL AGENOA BY (LIqT� wasicx ` 1-22-03 (Suspension) M ��� ❑rn,r�.rwnEr ❑ona.�uc nounxc �� .nwr.uuaEav¢Fac�c wuxcwtmnn�ccrc ❑ wmalort�sascwrl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) _, C710N REQUESTm , , - Resolution recognizing David Baker upon his resignation as the Real Estate-Business Development Manager for the West Side's Riverview Economic Development Association and declaring January 29, 2003, to be Dave Baker Day in the City of Saint Paul. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) w Reject (R) PERSONALSFRVICE CONTRAGTS MUSTANSWERTXE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: , � ' 1. HasthispersoNfirmevervrorkeduntleracoMracttorihiedepartment't PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO � CIB COMMITTEE Z Has Nis persoNfirtn ever heen a ciry empbyee9 " � qVILSERVICECOMMISSION YE5 t�10 � , � 3. Does Mis persoNfiim pocsess a sidll not namaltypossecsed by airy curtent ciry empbyee't , VES NO 4. I8 MiB�persoNfirm a tarpeted venAO(1 - VES NO � " F�ylain aIl Y� answers m sepaiate sheet aM atqch to Oreen sheet . INI7IATING PRQBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . ; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUOCEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �.. FUN�IN6SOURCE ACTIVITYNUMBER � FINPNCIqLINFORMATION(IXPWNj