250702 Oit1AtNAL TO CITY CLERK � �� � ! CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����'���Q �!�� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT� WHEREAS, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act and the State Natural Resource Fund provides for the making of grants to assist local public bodies in the development of outdoor recreation pro3ects; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul desires to develop certain land knawn as Crosby Lake Park, which land is to be held and used for permanent open space; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of developing said interest will be $250,000; r10W, �HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul that: l. An application be made to the Office of Local and Urban Aff airs of the SLate Planning Agency for a grant from the Land and Water Conserva- tion Fund,as amended in 1965, in an amount presently estimated to be $1�5,000, and the applicant will pay the balance of the cost from other funds available to it. 2. That an application be made to fhe Office of Local and Urban Affairs of the State Planning Agency for .� grant from the Natural Resource Fund (Chap. 879 and 1139, �nnesota Laws 1969) for an amount presently esti- mated to be $62,500, and the applicant will pay the balance of the cost from other funds available to it: 3. That the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such application with the State of Minnesota, Office of Local and Urban Affairs of the State Planning Agency, and to provide additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Agency, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the City of St. Paul, 4. The proper_ city officials are authorized to execute such contracts as are required by said agency. �ORM Ai'PROVED COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays eORPORA i0N COUNS� E—L�� Butler Carlson Approve� 19` Levine • n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��� • O.R1Q"sINAL TO CITY CLBRK ��� ��' ' • ' • , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF Page 2 5. The proposed development is in accordance with plans for the allocation of land for open-space uses, and that should said grant be made, the applicant will develop and retain said land for use as designated in said application, and approved by the Office of Local and Urb an Affairs and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. 6. The United States of America and the State of Minnesota be, and they hereby are, assured of full co�mpliance by the applicant with the regulations of the Department of the Interior, effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. dCT 2 1�?� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� � �970 Butler Carlson 19— -��v=�9—_ —�n Favor �SCI"CR1TiRL'! p� yor -�i�— V A gainst Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBL�SHED OGT 101970 � 250��2 � �DI1rLIGTR TO lRIN7�R ' . � . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C4UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED!T COMMI5910NER �AT� N�, !6� La�d a�1 Nal.ts 4au�ratiaa lhmd Aat �1 tl� ftat� NatYlal �SOas� �i psovi�s !or tha �kin� oi pra4�a ts anist losal p�lia tiodir ia t1M �a�ntlaprat ed aetdoos rsaread.oa �ro�sats; and ili�L3, t1� Citar o� :t. �a�tl �aisu te da�lop �mastds la�� 1�sweo a� CrosLp Lk� lask, vhi� laud i� to b� b�ld �ad w�d fo�e p�s�t ap�a a�aat; a�d ti6�Li, it ia ati��d dut th� aost o! dswlopfa= said iut�rat oili tis $?�50,000� liCii. T�BFO�, 3S IT � 1tBS�.YED �► tka Co�m`ail of tha Cit� e� St. pai2 that: 1. v appliwti�a b� �nis to dns Ofliaa af Loaal aad tisi�ae Aitaiss ot . ttia :tata llaoatai A�Sa�7► !or a =rant fra� th� L� and Natar Cvesasv� tiaa ltiawl,as a�nd�d in 1965, in aa arouat prn�nt]a► �st.t�at�d te tia SL't.S,O�. aad dt� applia�t riil pay ths �aianoe e# ths cest lro� oth�c tmds a�ailabLa to it; 2. That au applicatioa tia �ads to ths O!`fie� o! Local aad IIrl�a� Aftaiss oi tLs Stata Plmmin� /1�ncp !os a arant troa th� Nat»ra]. R�oasoe !"�d Ctiap. 879 and ill9, �i�tsota Lan 1!6!) !or aa �t psa�atl� �sti- :. sat�d to ti� �Z,S00, asd t� alplir.�t will �agr th� bal�w of t1a oost tsaa othas lmdds available to it; 3. That ths Co■�iasioe�r of Parka �d �scrsation aad P+�lia auildings is bareL� authoris�d a� �is�actad to ezseate and to fi].� such a�pliaatioa aith t6s Stat� of Miaa�sota, Offics of Local a�md Orban Afiairs ot th� Statt Plan�int �i��7. and to protids additional iatoz�atioa and tio fnsniab s� do�ta as sq ba raqnisyd t+y aaid ll�r,�c�, and to act as tba a�ntLorissd aozrs�poad�nt of ths City of St. Paul; 4. Th� propar cit� otficials ara authorir�ed to s�ose�ts such cantraets aa us rsquired b� said agane�; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_. Yeaa Nays Butler C�rleon Appmv� 19� �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ��_ Tedeaco AB�st Mr. President, McCarty �� o���,�,��� �50��2 �r , CITY OF ST. PAUL �E NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRBENTED{Y COMMISSIONEQ �A� Psp Z S. T1rt Pro��d d�slop�t ia in aaso�'daoa with plau loaC th� alloeatios o� la�i le�rr opnr-sps� wM, and that i�l� aat+d Sssa�t bs aa�. tbs appliQant will ds�rele� aud ratasa �ati 7.aod tos ur� r �si�t�d in saLd applioatiaa, and appso�wd � drs Ofli�s o! Loeal and iTrian �tlsiss �etd trh� Sus�aa ot Outdoor Lar�atioa. 6. Tbs Dait�d Stata o! vrsica a►d tL� 3Ea� ot �o�a tis, a�d t�ap h�x+�bT ar�, asswnd s! fa71 aa■iplias� � tbs applioa�at vttfi tht r��ulati�s oi t1N Dapasl�t �' th� Ist�si�s, +tti�atuatia� Titlre VZ oi� tha Ci�ril Risbts Act of 1964. �� 21970 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counc�l 18— Yeas Nays �T � 1']Q Butler Carlson APP�oA'� 19— �i°�" Favor �� Mayor � t Tedeaco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��