250694 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK . "
CITY OF ST. PAUL �EN�� NO.'�`��� ��
PRESENTED Mf � ,� -''�� October 1� 1970
COMMISSIONER „�.�,.,oTQ�}�`Q ,� �ATE
R�OLVED: That Application L-5580 for Hotel (195 Room) License, applied for
by Capri-Hotel, Inc. at 7 •• 9 West Seventh Street, be and the same
is hereby granted.�
Informally approved by Council
July 31, 1970 �
Old Location
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii �CT 1 19719—
Yeas Nays
Butler (}CT — 1 1970
� � 19—
`� �n Favor
Sprafka u or
Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED Q(iT 31970
. . . C�
� Capital of Minnesota
. Z�'�(�`� /��.
c� � J �� �
eLJe a�tmev�t o ub�CC'c �a et
� �
roLic� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissianer HEALTH
RALPH G.MEBRILL,Depaty Commiasioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Llcenae Inspector
Ju1y 31, 1970
�ionorable i�;a�ror and City Council
Saint Paul, R�iinnesota
�ent�emen and b4adar�:
Gapri Notel, inc. makes application for
riotel license, 195 rocmis, at 7-9 Y'�". Seventh Street,
which is loaated on the north side of tha street
be�ween S`�'abasha �nd St. �eter Strests.
This location has been licansed for a
sin:ilar busaness since 1923. The present licsnsee,
Lux Hotel Campany, has he3d such a 1.icense since
April, Z962.
T�x. Clayton G. Rein, an officer Qf the
corporation, has been �.n. the real estate business
for the p�st t�cv�enty-five ?�ears.
Ver�- trul.y yours,
Gittit�r� ��r�
License Inspector
�, + G, r�/ '�
��� JulY 29 19 70
, r-�--�•-- --•,•-•r�
1. Appl.ica�ion f'or Hotel L3.aenee
2. Name of applic�ant CAPRI �ZEL, INC.
3, Business addrees $�f.'ytyg�/ 419 Ocawerca Bldg. , 3t. Paul
4. TraBe r�ame, if any Ca ri. Hotel
5. Retail Beer Federa]. Tax St�mp Retail Z,iquor Federal Tax $tamp��!vi,�l bv used.
6. i�ri what floor loeated 4 Eloore Nu�nber oP rocons uaed 200
• St. P�ter and
7. Betwean what aroas strea�a y,���� Whieh side of street PTorth
8. Are premisea naw ocaupied Yes 'V�hat business Hotel g� lpng 55 qts.
9. Are premises no�r unoocupied I�osv long vaaant Previous Use "
10. Are you a new ovv�.sr Yea Have you been in a a�.mil.ar busix�ess beFore �
Where �Yhen
11. Are you going to operate thia buaineas personally y�,�
If not, wh.o wi11 operate it
12, Are you in any othex business at the present time Yes
13, Have there been any`oomplain�l;s against your operation of this type oP pl,�oe No
�Yhen Where
14. Have you ever had any license revoked No What resaon and date
15. Are you � citizen of the United State� Yea Native X Natural�.zed
16. �Ilhere vuere you born 3t. Paul Minn. D�te of birth 12/9/26
17. I am X m�rried, h2y (wife 's� (�i� name and address is qirginfa 8. Rsin
. 6�1 Desnoyer Av�e. , St. Paul
18. (IP married female� my m�iden name is
19. �ow long have you 13ved in St. Paul �3 years
20. Have you ever been arreated � Xi�lation of what oriminal le►w or ordinanae
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St, Paul X Yes �fo.
(1lnawer ful7. and oom le�el . These a lications are thorou h7. oheolced s�xatl sa
lsiflication �{ill be causa for deni.a , ((tVFR)
22, Number of 3.2 pJ.aces within two blocks - ,
23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaoe. �n. Sale Qft' Sale -
24. Nea re s t Church Nea res t Scho ol
25. I�Tumber of bc�a�hs Tables Chair� Stools
26. 1Nhat oceupation have y�u followed f or the p�st f�.ve �ears, (Ga.ve names of employers
and dates so employed.)
Btal Betate dev�elopment — C. G. R$IN CCt�ANY ��t 25 y�ars '
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. Paul, �.aa,�a,,, v�b,o c�a�. ga.�e
infor�tion concerning you,
Name Milton acay, Attorney Address Pioneer Building, St. Paul
Iv&me Sydney W. (3off, AtLorney Addrsss Osborne Buildi
, St. Paul
gna ur .�p �c�
Sta te of �i�n.e s o�a�
County of Ramsey �
Clayton G. B�ain being first duly sworn, deposea and aay�
upon oath that e has rea t e foregoing �ta�ement bearing his aigna�u,fie and knaws
�he contents thsreoP, and �Lhat the sam� is �rue of his o�m, know7.edge except as tp
those matters therein steted upon 3nfaxmata.on and belief and as to those mat�ers
he believes them to be i,r��eo
Si�nat of pplioant
3ubscribed and sworn. to before me
this 29th day of � July lg 70
. �
Idotary Pu� ic, Ramsey Co nty, Minn.es ota
M� COItII't1i931oY1 expli'4 °��' Public, Rzmsey County, Minn.
{Note s T�ese statem�nt f�rms are in duplicate. Both eapies must be fl.illy fil�.ed ou�b,
notarized, and returned to the License Divisia�.�r
' •
St. Paul, Minnesote, "
July 31, 1970
Capri ixotel, Inc.
7-9 ��. 7th Street
To the Applioant:
Your application for licenses has been inf ormally approved by �he Liaanse
Committae and the City Council, 7'h.is favorabls action meana that you aa y
now caQnplete ne�otiations for tranafer of ti�le to property and procaed
with improvementa you may have iri mind.
You should no� go to the City Clerk's t3fPiae, 386 Court �ouse, and pa y the
fees required f or licenses listed below. You w�ill receive a blua receiptr,
which yau must bring t o the License Inspector's Office, 202 Publio Safety
The licex�es will be granted by the City Council v�hen all requirementa of
the Police, Fire anct Health Inspectors have been met.
Hotel 195 Rooms � 390.�0
Resta urant
(�. Sale �dalt
Off Sa le N.f�,lt �
C i�a re tte
Tota1 � 390.00
N.B. If you are applying for Malt Beverage licenses, please read carefully
the nR$gulations Gaverning the Sale of L3n. and Uff S€�le 3.2 Malt Beverage"
�rhich have been handed to you. Violations of any of the regulations �ill
be aause for revocation �of a11 of �rour licenses.
July 31, 1970
Hon. Dean Meredith
Comsr. oP Public Safety
Public SaPety Building
Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin
The City Council today informally approved the application of
Capri H�tel, Inc. f�r Hotel license Por 195 r�oms at 7 - 9 W•
Seventh St.
Will you please prepere the customary resolution covering this
Very truly yoaxra,
City Clerk