250689 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 'S K-- ° CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO.���� � LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rR�s�rEC er � October 1� 1�70 COMMISSIONE AT� R�SOLV�: That Application I,-5927 for the Transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 7634, expiring January 31, 1971, issued to Chris Christensen at 1567 IIni.versity Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to William J. Cardinal, Jr. „ at the same a,ddress. • On Sale Lic�uor �stablishment TR�NSFE� (Licensee) Informa,lly a�roved by Council September 15, 1970 covNCU.�rr OCT - � 1970 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler QC�( - A i�<< !' � A 19— �;eviu,e � n Favor Meredith Sprafka `� yor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty p�JBLISHED Q(;'j' 31970 �� �r=zsU 6 g9 � ����- �° CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE . Application No William J Cardinal .Jr.........,..... ...G...._.....--�---....._........... 45 Name of Applican�.........._...._.__..._...._._._..__...._........._._... �,_.} Age._..._.r.._._._.._._.__._...._._ R,esidence Addresa.1427wWest California.,�,_St�..._.au4_n..r�inn.g"�1�8. Teiephone No.._..644-3963 Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?_.__..._..._...__.. _.....------Yes...._......................_..............-------._..._...__.-------_...._._..._......_.--.---.___...._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? Yes - as an employee of Chris Christensen-license subject to this application When and where�.........1947...to.._date .at_.1567 University_Avenue, _St._:P:aul? Minnesota � ��� If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation................._.....______..__._.__. ....._.__._.._.._...._........_.._._._. .�.__ Whenincorporated?.._._.__......_...._...._..._._ _._...._.._...._._.._..._._.._....................._........_. If club, how long has corporation owned or lea.sed quarters for club members?................_....._...._...._._._........_...�.._...._..._.._. Ho«� many members?..........._..---------•---...___...._----_..._...�._..._...._..._..... Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and addreas of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . N�,ines and addresses of Stockl�olders: Give name of surety company which will,write bond, if known.Western.Casualt� .& Surety_Company Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1567 : University ; North � Asbu�y , Snelling How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?..........none near How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?....................two .blocks ....... ... .............._.........--•--••---------.._._._...._._.__......._.__...__ How many feet from closest public or parcehial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....eight .blocks ...... .. Hancock Name of closest school.---•--�----�--_..........__._................_...._------.........._....._.............._...----�-��-•----..._........................._...............--�-----...................._...._...._..__.__ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?...........................�.7�,gk�t___�ndt�strX_______..._...._ Onv►�hdt Roor located?..................M��...............---�------�---_.........._..._._._.......--��----....---.........------�-�-----._...._............-----............_..._._........_......----.............._.----•------- Are premises owned b � leased Chris Christensen Y You or leased.....................................If leased give name of owner.._............--�--........._....................-�---�--..........._..._ If a restaurant give seating capacity?....................75.................... .................................................._.................----.......-•--�-----._...._...........---�---�---......_..._...------� If hotel. seating capacity of main dining room?....._.............�...........--�--................_...........--•---__....._.....----_..._...._....................._................_..__........._......_._ Give trade name..:................Christensen'_s..Bar ----�-----------------------------------------•�----•--.....------------------------------------------- �---�--------•--• Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Main Bar Room only .....................................................................-•----_..._....----------_...._..........._................._.---.....--�--��------........_-----...........---...........................---._......_.-�---........---......-�---..............-----........_........ (The inlormstioa above mnat be given for hotels and restaurants which uae more than one room for liquor sales). Iiow many guest rooms in hotel7----_...._...__....................................._................_....__._..__........_.._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)....._................................................._..._.._._..__.._.___.__.._____ " .._.. Give names and addresses of three business referencea:____.._...._._..�_._.....__..._.__...._._.........._..._...._...__._.._..._................___._...__........_ 1.. _Jacob Schmidt Brewin� Company --•--._...... .--�--__.....__.. ..._....................._..___.__.....__.................................._..........._...._..._...............__...__._........_.___-�---_...._._.._.._...._.....__ 2 _Midway National Bank .._...._._._...__..........__.......__......._._...._..__..._....._...._...._._..._..._....._...._..._.._._.._...._----_..........-•----_..........._._...._...._-------------_..................,.._---_....--•-•----• 3. .Hamm.Brewing Company THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DUL'Y AUTHOR,IZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � sTA� oF �nvrrESar�, � COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• William J. Cardinal, Jr. �g � d� d�� deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and l�ows the contents thereof,and that the eame is true to the beat of his knowledge,information and belief. � ' �� ��. .r� ._..... _ illiam J. C inal, Jr. �5ub�cnibed and ewo to before me � a. .__ day of t �-:?�er......___19�� _ ........_.__..._...._..._._...._...._... � . � �._ Notaiy Publ , s Coun � Minn, ��'�b'D� Pl: ALLtN, My commiaeion ex ...._...._....__.___.. ��,�,�.��;na. �����r����s� STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY� S8' _._.........._...._.._...._..._...._...._...._.._..._... William J. Cardinal,,...�re......._._..._..__....___...___ ._.being Sret duly eworn, deposes and eays tha�...._.......__..._....�____�+ec hp ;� th,g,�,p�j,j.C�„horo;,, �._........» ...._..._...._......................................_...._........._....__.._.._ ....._...._...._.._..._..._.._ ......__...._�. �a�eea�stjpn� tha�..................he................................._................has reaci the fore�oina application and knowe the contenta thereof�and that the eame is true to the best of..........his.._............._. ,,,,,lrnowledge, information and belief; thst the deal al8zed to the foregoing inetrument ie the corporate aeal oi eald corporation; that said application waa aigned� eealed and e�e- cuted on behalf of eaid corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors,and said application and the execution thereo!ie the voluntary act and deed of eaid corporation. . �- . . ; _ . ..:�r1Y .....�� ;_ . G%� i�ub bed and eworn to be! e . . ...day of..._S�pter; .er__o._..19�.�. �.. .. Notary Public� Ii.. �e.. .unLy� Mirui. . �.i► co�ms.aon .�cpire�.....:�......a...u..�...�....,_