250685 ORI61l1{AL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENCIL NO. ����` �5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE eY't Bf�Ca � prF S�1fiffitIIAS, In the aiatter of Coaptroller�s Contract L-7228, Gity Fro ject No. 69-G-1885, for Grading, Bitu�inous Surfacing, Construction of concrete curb and gutter, Installation of drsina�� facilities, Construction af Stora StWer, SanitBry Sewer aRd Seiver Service Cor�nections o� IDAt30 AVENUE fros Mackub3n Street to C�mberland Street, OOHANSBY STRBEf froea the cul-de-sac to Idaho Avenue, ARUND�L STRHET trua the cul-de-sac to Idaho Avenu�, J. R. W�lk�,r & Soas, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of coepletion is August 31, 197�, and WHBREAS, The Contractor did not cosplete t�e contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials be a�d they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an �s�nd�ent to ssid eontract extending t�e time of coepl�tion to Septe�b�r 18, 1970, provided however, that this resolution shall �have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor�,c bc>nd consent � � thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Co�ptroller, and be it FURTHER RHSOLVED, Th�.t the City of Sai�t Faul hereby waives all cl�in for liquidated daffiage� and that rw �ngineering and in�p�ction costs on this pmject will b� charged to the Coatrector for such extended period. �pRM PR E� �orp ati C° n OCT - 1 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler QCT � � ���`� --Z.��L d 19— _ L�ne `!�n Favor Meredith ,,, Sprafka U or Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty puet�sNEn OCT 319T0 � � (� (� . DUTLtf'JC�'t TO PRIN7�1t � _J�V��5 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �,�' 11 �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�AM�MI� NO Eo �e�li"t *_ �t�at� nAis ` �tia�, In t1r �tt�s ot t�y►troll�:'s Coatsae�t L-�t2�. Citp it+e,�et 110. 6l-Q�-litS. tor 6sadias� sit�inoas �n�ri'tata=, Co�str�tocRi�w et Qo�b� �sr aod �utt�r, iutsil�atio� ot atsiAa� taaiiiti�s. Coaatsastiee e! �tot� t��, �saitarp 8�ws �i SNwr S�rria�� Comnectioas o� IB�A/0 �VSNni iswi Maelwbin 8ts�st to �rlsea Strht, C�SZY fTASiT ls+a� tY� eol•d�-s�e to 2daio �ir�, /►t�llDS1. STlti�' iro� tlN �1-d�•s�e to I�ahs A�r�. J. �. fialic�r i fo��s. Ia�.. Contnceos. t1w apeaifi�d d�tN �t esewpl�tioe ia �npst !1. il7a. �ud tiaERt�t'i, T1r Coatrae�tor did eot �pl�t� t1� esotraat b' �sid dst� s! ete�l�tios, t1MS�tior� be it RzsOLVSD, That t1a� p�+o�c Qity OiiiMals M sa� tw� �sr lMtc��r �wtiist'tsad aAd dis�et�d to a�e�E� aA �t !rs s�id �eoat:aat �slr�ifa� t►� t� o! e�pi�tioa to =�ptrb�r lA. il70, pu�o�rid�d law�nr. tVt tkia r�ael�tioA a1�ai1 l��n n� ioraa es �it�ct nel�ss tlue sur�tiu oa tia� Cvetsastot'• iw� sowrsat t�s�to sud til� snah �s�ue ia Mritias �eitY t1� Citq Co�pts+ell�r. a�d b� it Ft1�TIfQ �OLYED, ?1�at tb� City of saiot laal 1�tsrbp wiins •11 elsi� !or liepidat.��i d�su a�d tbat Ao es�i�ari� aad iasp�atton aoat� oa thi� pro��a! �rill b� �ara�d e�o t4s Coottaetor f•t snsh �st�sd�d p�rf�d. OCT — 1 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler OCT — l 19)0 �� �, Approv� 19_ � � rn Favor � Meredith Sprafka � �� AgAlI18t Tede�co Mr. President, �eCarty ��