250676 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK �5Q�`�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� " • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. ,COUNCIL OL T ON—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF W.[�REAS, The Commsittee on I,ands, camposed of the Mayor, the Purchasing Agent, the Cam�niasioner of Finanee, and the Commissioner of Parks a.nd Recreation and Ptiblic Bnildir�s of the City o�' Saint Paul, ha.s sec�red an agrecment for the purchase of that certain property described as follows: Lots fifteen (15), sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) in Block two (2) in Como Prospeet Addition, acc. �TH�REAS, The property described therein is necessaxy for the Loeb La,ke Paxk Site, Open Space Land Project No. �Iinn. �SA-81 (DI,�, and th� price at which the property may be pureha.sed is at the total amotant of $4,250.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtained by the ° Committee on Lands; and WHEREAS� Said Cam¢�ittee has recammended the purchase of said prop�rty at the price stated above, as evidenced by the letter of said Co�mittee submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Seetion 303 of the Charter of the City of Sai.nt Paul, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the land described as; Lots fifteen (15), sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) in Block two (2) in Co�mo Prospect Addition, acc. RESOLVED FURTEIER� That the proper City Officials axe hereby authorized. a.nd di��eted to pay to Dale A. Reinha.rdt a.nd Ruth Reinh�rdt, record fee owners, the sum of $4,250.00, said sw� to be paid to the a�or�s�.id vendors from PIR Fund Code 6000, to be reimburs�d from Fund 976�9-502-001, upon their flirnishin� evidence of �ood ffiaxketable title in the aforesaid vendors, and the total pa.yment to be made upon tender by said paxties of appropriate deecls conveying title to said property to the City oY Salint Pa.ul. FOR PP D ! i orpo io Cou el ! SEP 3 4 � C NCIL N Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Nays �EP 3 p 19�0 Butler Carlson � Approve� 19� Levine Favor Meredith yo Sprafka \, i, A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p���H� vCT 3 �97� � �� i J. WILLIkM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer � ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U 'L a55�r vai�ar�o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS I �`��,�� ' � 286 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 :. ,� � City Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen and �Iadam: The City of Saint Pa.ul, acting throu�h its Valuatiori F..ngineer, has ne�otiated to purchase certain property described a� follows: Lots t'ifteen (15), sixtee� (16) and seventeen �17) in Block two (2) in Como Prospect Addition, acc. The owners of the above described land, Dale A. Reinhardt a.nd Ruth Reinhaxdt, have accepted an of£er tendered thena by the City in the amotant of $4,250.00 as co�pensation for the sale of, the land to the City. This property, ineluding larid and buildings, is �eeded by the City of Saint Paul for I,oeb Lake Park. In view of the reaspnable priee for whieh it can be purchased, said'price being the appraised fair and reasonable market va.lue therefore, we, the Ccnmmitte�e on La.nds, do recammend to the Council oP the City of Saint Pau1 that it authorize the purchase of said land •in lieu of condemnation p�roceedings at the price of $�+,250.00. Ver yours, Mayor chasi.ng Ag � v �� Camt�issioner o rks, Recreation and Public Build gs . f Commissioner of Finance ; Paxcel �o. File Ao. 17 20