250673 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK �5Q�•�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , CO CI ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . �� COMMISSIONER �ATF �iF�EAS, The Camnittee on Lands, eompos�d of the Mayor, the Purchasir� Agent, the Co�issioner oP Fina.nce, and the Cc�missioner of Paxks a.nd Recreation and Publie Baildi.ngs of the City of Saint Pa,ul, ha� secured an agree�ent for the pvrchase ot' that certain property described as follarrs: I.ots three (3), four (�), and five (5), in Block t'ive (5), in Como Prospect Addition, acc. WHEREAS, �he property described therei.n is neeessary for the 7,oeb bake Park Site, (3pen Space Land Projeet �to. Minn. OSA-81 (DL), and the price at ' which the property may be purcha.sed is at the total amo�nt of $8,850.0�, a fair a.nd reasonable price aecording to the appraisal obtained by the Co�ittee on �ands; and W.[�R�AS, Said Co�maittee ha.s reca�emd.ed the pt�rehase of saiel property at the priee stated above, as evideneed by the letter of said �e�nittee �ubmitted herewith; no�, therefore, be it RESOI,VPD, 3'h�at pursuant to wection 303 of the Chaxtcr of the City of Sai.nt Paul, the Council of the City of Saint Patil. does hereby authorize the purchase of the land described as: �,ots t�ree (3), foiar (4), and five (5), in B].ock fiv� (5), In Camo Prospect Addition, acc. RESOLVE➢ FURTFIER, That the proper City �fficials are her�by authorized a.nd directed to pay to Lloyd N. and LaDonna �4. �achs, record fee cx�m�rs, a�d Herman and Jean Helbenleib, contract for deed vendees, the sum of � �8,850.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendars fram PIR Fund Code 0 6000, to be reimbiarsed fram Fund 9769-502-001, upon their furnishin� � e�idence of good marketable title in the aforesaid vendors, a.nd the total w pa.y�aent to be �ade upon tend.er by said paxties o�' appropriate deeds con- � �o veying title to said property to the Cit�r of Saint Paul. a � a o � � ° �EP 3 0 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays S E� 3 0 �� Butler Caxlson A prove� 19� Levine �jn Favor Meredith � Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco �l161:ISHED Q(,''T 31970 Mr. President, McCarty � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-b317 �Jaluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ��^ Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS v�#�1��� 286 Ci4y Hell Sain4 Paul, Minnssota 55102 � City Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen and Madam: The City of Sa.int Paul, acting throu�h its Valuation Engineer, has negotiated to purchase certain property described as follows: Lots three (3�, four (4), a.nd five (5) in Block five (5), in Como Prospeet Addition, acc. The contract owners of the above described land, Herman and Jean Ha�lbenleib, have accepted an offer tendered them by the City in the amount of �8,850.00 as compensation for sale of the larid to the City. �his property, ineluding land a.nd buildings, is needed by the City of S�.int Pa.ul for Loeb Lake Park. In view of' the reasonable price for which it can be p�trehased, said price bein� the appraised fair and reasonable marke� value therefore, we, the Camnittee on Lands, do reco�mend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize the purehase of said land in lieu of condemnation proceedings at the price of $8,850.00. Ver r ours, Mayor Purchasing A nt � Com�aissioner o r , Recreation a.nd Public Bui ngs , � f Commissioner of Finance Parcel No. 30 File No. 17�+20