250665 ORIGIN/�TO CITY CL6RK "�` �� \Q r?,�� ; � CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO. r����, �1 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF W'HEREAS, The Couneil of the Cit;� of Saint Paul has provided for a co�prehensive Health and Welfare Insuranae Program for City employees and consolidated sueh �ules and regulations in Couneil File No. 231269; and W'HEREAS, '�'he Cit��s Health and Welfare Committee has recommended modifieations in said resolution $o as to provide hospital medieal insuranee coverage for permanentl.� di�abled employees and �heir dependents; now, therefore be i� RESOI�YED, That Council File I�o. 231269 be amended by �.dding to Section 5 thereto the fal].owingt "G (i) Such employee who is eligible for disability re�ire- ment benefits due to total and permanent disability in�urred as a result of personal in��ary or aceident arising out of and 3n the course of his employmen� with the City ar�d as ascertained either by The Industrial Combais9ion or the Corporation Cou nsel subaequent to th� date of �anna:i� 1, �9?c�, shall eontinue to be e13.g3.ble for the same citp pay �overage as is provided for activ� employees. (Such coverage gha11 �xclude in�uries or �ickr�ess for whieh employee or dependent is entitled �o receive benefit under any work�anis �ompen�ation law. } "GF (ii� Eli�ible ,dependents of any such employee eligible for disability retire�aent benefits due to total and permanent y disability� incurred as a result of persor�al in�ury arising out � of and in �he course of his employrment with the �ity shall Q � contir�ue �o be eligible for �he same city pay eoverage as is u, � provided for the dependents of active employe�s, �ub�eet to o � �° a maximum payrnent by the city of 50� of the eost o€ sueh � o coverage to dependents, and be it Q a ¢ o � � � ¢ � -•,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Le�ine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka , - A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty O ORIGIN(�it TO CITY CLERK 2(�0�,�5 , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � FINALLY RES4L�TED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direa�ed to s�r�d copies of this resolution to the Mir�nesota �tospital Service Association, St. Paul Fire and Marine In�urance y Company, (�roup Health Plan, In�. , and Harrg R. Ochs Ageney, Ine. SEP 3 � 197i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas �vaya SE�P � 4 197D Butler Carlson ove 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco. Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT 31970 � Sept. 30, 0 .�._...._...._.� .���� ��, ,/,;�---,.~�� `�,, Harry R. Ochs Ageney, Inc. /;,l �I 3�+5 Cedar St. j � St. Pau1, Minnesota � � Gentlemen: �\�\ � \ 4%,' Transmitted;���i�i��i is``a, `�pry of a resolution of the City Council, Councll Fi�.��o. 25(�b5, atrt� ing Council File No. 231269, allowing certain di�s bled empl� g to�e ellgible for group insurance - coverage. Very truly yours, � �-�-�-_- . City C1erk AO/ng Sept. 3.,ti�, 1970 � � � ��-----..�..__ , �-._—_..._ �,. ___.....�v.. � , �� St. Pau1 Fire and Maxine Insurance/ . �'`� 385 �ashington St. ' /�' St. Pau1, Minnesota �� � ,�' �; , Gentlemen: ��, \� �,�.�'� Transmitted herewith i,,s�'r-1` �of a"��e�olution o�' the City Council, Couneil File No. 25 , amend Cou� File N�. 231269, allowing certain disabled em yes t� be i�ibl��'or gr�up insurance cover- age. � Yery tru]y yours �'._---�.� '� � i .,-�—_", ��-- � City Clerk AO/ng �� sept. 30, 70 .�_4.-_`�.� � _,._�... �� .. ., �. ----� °°,� . �' � ��� ;r: Graup Health Plan, Inc. /� / 2500 Como Ave. �, / St. Paul, Minnesota `� ,�°'� � ,.,�,�' Gentlemen: ,—__� � , � ='%-�---`.. `, •�;�`�, Transmitt erewith � a co�v of e, resolution of ths City Council, Caune File No. 2 65, amending Council File No. 231269, allowing ce ain dieable employes to be eligible �or group insurance cov ge. / ;--''—.=.J � .�--_---�- ,/ ;�/' � '��._�_•--"'� V@Z'3► t.TLI�.}� 3/OLIY'$� �'ts/ L'le'P1C AO/n� Sept. 30, 1 70 ,---.._..` � ..�_�___ � . ���. Minnesota Hoapital Service Associ��`�•; '�' ;, �, 3535 Bl�e Cross Road //� � ti St. Paul, Minnesota �! Gentlemen: ��\ � `�.`�.�,J,';, Transmitted her�with '�_�qpy,_oP a,�z'�qsolution of the City Council, Cauncil Fi�.e No. 2� , amen�n� Co c�',1 File No. 237.269, allowing certain disabled em ,oyes to be e�.igi�l for grc►up insurance cover- age. I �� � Very truly yours, � � i __�,� `.�--_--i i / City Clerk AO/ng Oct. �, 1�� i ,- -____... � _ r \`� � � ��—�1�`� `� Harry R. Ochs �lgency, Inc. i� ' �. `�. 3�+5 Cedar �. �% 1 i �t. Paul., Minnesot�, `� � � \ � Ge�a�tlemen; A'1"��?t'�` ?: '�. ?��'1VDELL F'Ii�I,r�IP�; ---�- , Transmi.tte�� hererai..�l1 i ;� c�rapy'��' a re`'S��,uti�n o�` th�� Gity C��?nr.��J_r C�uncil £'i1.�v N'o. 25C3(� �.', am.en�inf; '"��anci`l.%F'il.e I�r�. ?31?�<), �1.?_o�f'int certain c�isabled Pm�. ,;res to be eli�i.ble for �roup insttranee r,av- EY'd£?'P. 1 1 ��--�, ��' VAry tru�y �fotars, / • � City C1�r}r AO/ng � �