250656 o���,a� - 25���6 � ORDIIITANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � v An Administrative �rdi�a�ce pertaining to fihe Park Policemen and providing for their transfer to the Bure�u of Poliae. THE CDUNCIL OF TI3E CTTY �F SATNT PALTL DC1E� 01'�DAIffi: S�etion 1. Pursuant to authority ecnfer=ed by Cl�apter 151, Law� of Minnesota� 1955, the P�rk Police force 3.s h�reby aboli�hed effective January 1, 1971, ar�d all member� of aaid Pa=k Poli�e on active duty as of January l;19� are hereby authorized to �an�lce appiication for transfer in gra to the Bureau of Police. Section 2. Upon receipt of applieation for tr�n:fer by any membe� of the Park Poliee, the Chief of Police is heseby authorized and direc�ed to �c�ept the appiication and to employ sueh applicant as a patrolman or :e=geant, a: the case m�y be, in sa�id Bureau of Bolice with all rights, privileges and benmfits as set forth in atoresaid Chapter 151, Laws of Minnesota 1955 (coded M.3.A. 423.821) , incl�ding but not limited to police pension rights, civil service seniority rights, depart�aenta�. s�niority rights�, oner- tim� and ec>mpensatory time, and vacation and sick lesve b�nefit�. Seetion 3. This ordinance shall tak� e�fect �nd be in force thirty d�ys from and �fter ita pa�saage, appro�a►1 and p�blieation. C}C7 2 2 19Td Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler lJ Caxlson � � 1n Favor '� Levine Meredith Sprafka Against T���° OCT 2 2 1'70 Mr. sident�(1VIcC ) d: t: `� - �� � �,�.'/�.' . _ __\_ , .__ Ci Clerk ayor � �� Form approved Carpor�tion Counsel By T 2 41970 � � pUBLISH D I st � ' ` ' 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app.��dopted � ���� Yeas Nays�����`�� Yeas Nays �� Butler . `Butler , f 0 / , — Carlson �Carlson '` � . Levine ����.`'��U `V..evine � � �;,��_ Meredith �.��eredith _.- - ' Sprafka \Sprafka � . � � Tedesco \Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy r. President McCarFy O