250653 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ����1�V � . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY COMMISSIONE ATF � RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Amendment No. 3 to Contract H-1214 between the City and the Depa.rtment of Housing and Urban Development pertaining to the development of the Human Resource Subsystem, said Amendatory Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. �E.P 2 9 1'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEp 2 ' 1970 Butler Carlson 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainst E�R ��ROVE Mr. President, McCarty As Corporation C ns '�UBt1SHED OCT � �g70 �� _ .._�._�.�:. _...... ... .. .. . .. � �5� �;� , � �. C�J[RAL SERVICES ADASIN!SIRATION �fi��;�C?h',i�.'6��!T C�� SC:�lCt�Q11:5fy/i�r�C�DlFICf�ilC��'�S U� C��vT�l-�CT � z FED. FFCC. f`:EG. (A1 CfR) 1-16.101 1. AM[NDME JT/MODIfIC.�TION NO. 2 EfFECTIVE UATE 3. REQUISfTION/VUitCHASE RECZUcST NO. 4. PROJECi NO. (If�r/i/�lrrrilh•/ S. ISSUED EY C.UDIi ASA_� 6. ADMINIS7EkFD EY (!f o1Ger lhn�t block SI COI)!! �v�_2 Department oi Housii�g & Urban Deve].opment Contrac�t,s and kgreemer�ts Division S�� �l 7th 5treet, S. .�1. , Room 2132 � . i�Jas}iin�ton D. C. 20l+10 ; 7. CUNTFAC70R COUE FAC.Il.I7)" COU(S $, NAME AND ADDRE55 AMENDMENT OF � . . � �SOIICITATION NO. � DA7ED (Set b!o'rk 9J �s<«<<, �„y, City of Saint Pau1 rorrnly, tfult, � � � � µppIFICATION OF Code)!P A Municipal Corx�oration �x CONIKRCT/ORDEP. No. H-121�. Cozirthouse, la.th & 'vdabasha Streets � - �� �Saint Faul, Minnesota 55107 . 3 4 � ,_. � DATED� (See G/uk 11 J 9. TNIS R:OCK APPII[5 ON:Y i0 AMEND.V,ENTS OF SOlIC1TAT10N5 � 7}�e oSove numbered solicitafion is omrnded as set furin in Llo;k 12. The hour ond dote spe:iRed for receipt of O�ie�s� is cxtended, � is no!ex�ended. Oflerors most o:knowladge receipl of this omendrneof prior to ihe hour ond dote specified in the solicitalion,or os omended,trj one of 1he following methods: (o)By s�gr,ing ond rel�rn;ne copi�s of this omencment;(b)By ocknowledging rrceipt of this amendment cn eoch copy of the oHer submitted;or(c) By separate letler or teleorom wh�cF�inclvdes o reference lo�he solid�otion ond omendmsnt numbers. FAILUR[ OF YOUP,ACKOVIIEDGr.M1ENT�O BE RECEIYED AT THE ISSUING OfFIC[ PnlOR TO TIiE HOUR At1D DATE SP[Uf1ED 7.4AY P.�SULT IN FEJeC110N OF YCUR OFFER. If,by vfrtue o(thi;omendmenl you desire to chnn9e on ofter al�eady submitted,such chonge moy be macle by lelegram or Ietler,p�ovidrd wch teleqrom or le'ter mal:es re(erence fo the solicitotion nnd fhis umendment,and is raceived prior to Ihe opening 6ovr and date specified. • 10. ACCOUNTING AND APPROFHIATI�N O:�TA ((f reyuired) � �61010� � � 11. THI$ 6lOCY, APPUES ONLY TO MOUiFICATIONS OF COK(RACTS/ORDERS � (a) � This Change Order is issued pursuant lo � The Changes sef forth in b!ock 12 ore mode fo Ihe ubave nvmbered coM�aN/order. - (b) � The obove nvmbered contrad/order is modified lo reflect Ihe odminislralive chonges(suth us clianges in paym o15ce,appropriation dolo,etc.)sel forth in btock 12. (c) Q This Sopplementol AgreemeN is entered into pursoanl�o avthoriry ot�-1 Uo'So C! ��2��1�J) � • it mudifes the above nombered centract os set (orth in block 12 , 1?. DcSCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION . WHL�F�fiS, in accorciance with the intent of the pa,r�ies as set forth in the con�ract, it is desired �;o extend the contrac�t performance period. . WHER�AS, this change has no°effect on the total contract estimated cost; and ir1 � �!�S, HUD and �Lh.e Contractar �rish to amend the con.tract to reflect the above describeci modification in �lrticie IV.A. 1�'OW� T�-iEREFOT�E, Contract H-121L� is amended as follows: , • l. In Ar.ticle IV:�., the term "September 30, 197ot� is deleted and the term "October 31, 1970�� is substituted therefor. �-�;F;:i., �"A,P�'r�Ci'.JEJ � � ' A�st. Gorporation Counse6 , ' � � Eacu�l of provided herein,oll ferms ond condilions of li�e doc�menf referenced in block B,os herelo(orc changed,remain unchonged ond in f�ll force and eflect. 13. — ❑ CONTDACTOR/OFfEROR IS NOT REOUIREO � COf,1TRACTOR/OFFEROR IS REQUIR[D TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN�_COPIES TO ISSUING OFFlCE TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT id. NnMF Gr CCNTRACTOR/OFfERC�R CI1Y OF SAITdT PAUL 17. UNITED STATFS OF AMERICA BY�.— BY � �r (SignoNro of penon uvthori:ed lo sign) (SignaWre o/Conlroding Otiicer) �—_ _. . I5. NAME AND TITIE OF SIvN£R (fy.!�or/�rirt!) 16. DAiE SIGNED 18. NAME OF 40NTP.ACTING OfFICER (7 j�rr or Orist) 14. pATc 6tGKCD Cit Clerk City Comptrolle NATIiAr? BLACT�R � . DU#LICAT6 TO lRIN7"[� � /r/50��3 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� ' FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DA*F �ts�L'i�r �a,t t�w�t ��c �►t�►' �r�ea�s as� �� MAt��it� rmd i�il►rri � ��ts � 'b�►lf o� t� �il� +�f #a�w� 1ha� M�at�� l�. � !�r �it ��,t�4 b� tirs ��►► a� �re D�sq�� at �r� �d � 8�lo�w�rr�c ��rRa#�� t� tc'�t ��►�� of t�s �a�t �� ���, � ��uns� 11�rr�e�s�u� � a►+�� �+e�r �aad i��,� �iu�� 'i�r ��t� ; : ` � ��P2 � 1�� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Coua�il 19— Y� xa'� SEP 2 � 1�78 � Butaer . Carlson Approved 19� Levine , T++ Favor Meredith Sprafka Ysyor t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� i