250148 ORIQINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���� �jlJ � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ��`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. COUN LUT N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Spra COMMISSIONE ATE J WHEREAS, By authority of the La.ws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 a,nd ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs . of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property awner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the fo7lowir� described parcels of Property be relieved of the following amount: Description Amount I,ot 30, Blk. 13, Como Prospect Add. $212.1g Lots 30 and 29, Blk. 1�+, Camo Prospect Add. $208.87 West 25 ft. of Lots 19, 20 & 21, Blk. 2, Pottgieser's O Sub. of Lots 5-16, incl. a1.1. of Weide & Dawson's Garden Lots to S�. Paul $202.82 ,� � Lot l, Blk. 5, Stinson's Rice St. Add. $202.83 � � Ex Ea.st 5 ft. to City: I,ot 26, Blk. 5, Sti.nson's � m Rice St. Add. $202.83 O Lot �+5, Blk. l, Johnstone's Sub. of Blk. No. 1, of _ Stinson's Div. of NW� of 36, 29� 23 $196•53 j w 66 ft. of Lot 11 & W 66 f`t. of Lot 12, Blk. 8, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $106.26 Lot l, McDermott's Add. $209.37 Lot 16, McDermott's Add. $209•37 West 2 of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Blk. 3, Weed & Lawrence's Add. $238.91 JLot 5, Blk. 3, Weed & Lawrence's Add. $208.63 ; I�� COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _1n Favor Meredith' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty ��� ORIWNAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Sprafka, COMMISSIONER DATF Description �a�t Lot 15, Blk. 3, Syndicate No. 3 Add. $182.31 Lot lb, Blk. 3, Syndicate No. 3 Add. $224.8�+ Lot �+, Blk. 2, Weed & Lawrence's Add. $203.8$ Lot 5, Blk. 2, Weed & Lawrence's Add. $203.8$ Lot l, Blk. l, University Sub. of Lots 1,2,3 & 8 I�yde Paxk $203.88 Lot 16, Blk. l, University Sub. of Lots 1,2,3, & 8 I�yde Park $203•$$ Lot 16, Blk. 22, Syndicate No. 5 Add. $204.64 Lot 1, Blk. 2, Sheldon Grove Add. �20g.46 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $3,831.38, now therefore be it, RESOLVID, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 the amount of $3,$31.38, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1y69 Sidewalk Contract 69-M-�+79, District No. l, Levy No. 3, Z-7156, in the amount of $3,831.38, said Permanent Improva�nent Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Loca1 Improvement Aid Furid, og2o-�+61 (1970) �,,�,�,� . ��G 2 � 19�� ILME Adopted by the Counci� 19— COUNC N Yeas Nays F�tter� ��� 2 (1 �.��� Caxlson A roved 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Mc�arty PU�BLISH,EQ, qu� 2 �97� �� � � , �. . �50��8 �u���cwTS To�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C.�OMMI�SSION� ��t' !• S� �ATE 11��:A8� �/ �q�t•60l1t�1' OS th! L�oM� Of l�i�m�O�t tRn' tlf! yMT 19�9 f Cbap��r �}00, H.?. 21? an�d ratiti�d D� C.�'. lro. 19�^lb, +�p�aco�d llq 2, 1959, tl� City o! �laiat Paul, a� p�,T a potti,on o� ttir aaa�sssLl.� coo�ts o! Sid�lit Coa�s�ra�tieran �eu snah coat�s s�cc�rd �ht b�wlits to 1�ht pacop�rt7 �, NSl�lA9� T6 has 1��mt t'�rteraia�d t.bat �t lollarin� d�sarib�d paraeL ot lr+�r�,jr D� r�li�nd �rt t.� l�+ari� a�annt t D�tscri_,ptiog �nt I.o�t 3Q, �• a 3, Ca�eo prosp�ct l�d�d. �212.19 Le�s 3t� and 29, �l]�. 14, C�r lre�sl�a� /ldd. �C8.a7 Mqt 2S !'�. ot Lvt� 19, 20 d� 21, lit. 2, l�a�Et.�ies�r's $uL. ot Loks 'S«3�, i�l. all e! 1�liei,� b Da►aa'i's t�ard� iats to S�. lrnl �.� � Lat 1, ]llt. g, stinson•s xic� st. A�dd. �8v2.83 bc �ast 5 !'C. to Citys Lo�t 26, Blt. S, 8tinsva'� 8ica 8t. �d. �20�2.83 Lat $S, D�37c. 1, Johns�'s 8n�. o! �llc. �o. 1, ot Stiaaon'• Di�r. o! � o! 36, 29, 23 �196•s3 ii 66 i'C. o! Lo� 11 b N 66 t't. o! Lest 12, Hlt. 8, I1�r�Lach aud �d's A�d. �].06.2� ?+o� 1, �kttDt�atit's JIA�d. �249•37 I� lb, lfaD�an■o�t'• �d. �9•37' 1►ist � os' Le�ti 3 and all oi Lert �, S11c. 3, Nad d� Z�nr�oa�'s a�d�d. �38•9i1 Lo� S, Dlt. 3, ti�d � I,arredc�'s A�dd. ¢208.63 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�*+ci1 19— Y�a Nays Butler Carlson Appro� 19_ Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �°r A gAIIISt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��� � h ., �50��8 nurucwrs To Mgn�tsit � CITI( OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ne��c�r Rob�rt �. 8 „A� COMMISSIONER � ���O�i � Lvt lg, 1{].t. 3, �rn�dicate l�o. 3 JIOra. #182.31 I.v� L6, Hlt. 3, 8,yadieat� �o. 3 A�d. �284.84 LOt 4, 811[. 2, t►ield d� I�'e�ct'• A�,d. �203.�8 I�aE S, Dllt. 2, tilNd d� I.a�n'�ne�'s A+�d. �203..88 Lo�t 1, H1k. 1, th►itrers ity Sub. o! Le�tts l,2,3 b 8 � P�'� �243.88 bmt lb, Blt. 1, qaivar�it� 8nb. of LaCs 1,2,3, b 8 � �Y �243.88 Iro� L6, a]]t. 2Q, S�mdid►ts lb. g A�!!. �20f1�.6h Lo� 1, Dlt. 2, 81��].d� as�crre l�dd. �203.46 �AS� !!N tatiat e�ero�ue�t of ass�saable eosta th� Cit�r �yr pyr is �3,831•38, ao+r thayt'c�r� � it, Rl�tx.YYID, ?l�at � Ca�issi�es o! p�lic iiaorlu b� sad h� is h��t ant�oris�d to p�r ira■� tb� � �oro�v�a� RrvolvirK ?umd, Cotl�1 �000 th� a�ount ot �3,831•38, • lor�iaa� v� tl� assusalrl,� �t� o� 81d�►llc Co�stra�etion m� tlu 1969 Si�a+�,3t Com�tr�at 6g-1E-k7g, Di�triett xo. 1, L�v3► Ao• 3, L-71�6, io thie a�o�a�nt o! #3,831.38, said P�a� �r+�Mat Rs�valrin� ?uu�d to bt r�ia�u�sM lra� tht City's Shar� o! LoQal 3�ucov�snt Aid ?wsd, 0920-�i61. (19T�) AUG 2 0 1970 - - COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Cotmdl 19— Yeas Naya �e� q� 2 0 111Q Carlson Approv� 19— �°�e Favor Meredith Sprafka �� __ l� A�inst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��