250143 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK t CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL N0. ������� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qrF W�RBA�, 3'he Ccm�ittee on Laads, co�rposed of the I�a�ror, the Purehasing Agent, the eo�issioger of �'iin�ce, and the Co�isaio�aer of Pe�rk� aad 8ecreation anal F�blic Bnil.diags mf t�e Cit�* of' Saixt �a.�tl,, has aeevred aa a�grec�ent �or the pnrchase of that eertain prapertT descril�ed as follc�rs: Lc�t 11 and the &ast � of bot 1�, in �lack 3, in Ca�o l�rospeet Additior�, a�c. �].so, the iiest one-half (W.2� of Lot t�elve (i2) ana. �. of �t thirt�e$ (13) in Block three (3) � c�o Pro�ect Aidition, aec. W�AS, The property described therein is nec�saary tor the Loeb Lai..k� Park, Pro�eet ]�o. X,i.nn. �SA_$1 (�y), and the price at vhich the �roperty may be p�rchased i� at the total aiount of �;2b�,0E�.0�, � fair and reaso�able price according to the appraisal o'�tained bg the Cc�ittee on Lauds; atid ii�ER&AS, Said ��ittee has reca�esded the p�re�ase of said prc�perty at th� price stated above, as evide�eed by the letter of said. Cc�ittee au�itted herer�rith; a�, therefore, be it RgSOLVED, That p�rs�arit to 3ection 303 of the Chartcr of the City of Sai�t Paul, the Cot�ncil of the City of Sai�t Pata]. doe� hereby authorize t}�e � gurchase �P the land deseribed as; 3 I,ot 11 a�ad the Ea�t � of bc►t 12, in �lock 3 is �s�m Prmapect n � Adc�itioa, ace. Also, the T�dst one-�half (�T.�� of Lot twelve o -p (12) a�ad a�Ll. o� �t thirteen (13� in �7.o�k three (3) i� Ca�m � Prospeet Additios, acc. � r+ �, RB�LV�D 1�T�R, T�at the proper City 0ffiei�,ls are hereby a�thorized � axid dixected to pay to Rciger 0. T�Thite and Elizabet� C. i�Thite, rceorci fee = c3xners, tke s� of $2�,000.40,�aid svm tc be paid tA the afores�id v�ndar N fr� PIR F�nd Ccde 60E)0, to be rei�bnrsed fr� Fuad 976g-5�2-�01, txpon = thQir f'arnishing evi.denee of good marketable tit1Q in the afuresaid venalor�, and the total payxeat to be �e upon tenaler �y said partiea mf apgrcrpriate deed� eonveyisg ti�le to said property tm the Cit7 of �aint Pa��.l.. p�u� 2 a 197a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �ti�r� a � � ���� :,+,..i�;� - Carlson � Approve� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ yor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED A � �� �97� Mr. President, McCarty �� J. WIL�IAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. nss�r vai�ar�o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci+y Hall Ssint Peul, Minnesota 55102 ss ���'�' ..��,�', �a �c� City Cauacil City of 3aint Pa�a.l Gentleaen and Kadan; The City of Saint Pa,til., e�cti.ng through its Val�ation Bbgiseer, has negotiated to pfareha�e certain prcrperty d.eacribed as folloxs: Lot 11 a.�d the East � of �,ot 12, in �11.ock 3 in Cc�o Pro�pect Addition, acc. Alsa, the West o�e-half (W.�) of Lot txelve (12) aad all of Lot thirteen (13) in Block three (3) in Cono Prospect Addition, sec. Tlie cmner� of the above de�eribed larid, 8oger 0. White and S].izabeth C. Yhite, have aecepted an offer t�ndered thez by the City ia the aa�o�ant of �2�+,000.00 as c�nrp�nsatiort for the sale of the land tm the City. This property, ineluding land aad buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Paul �'or boeb Z,ake Park, Projeet lfo. Minn. ASA-81 (�L). In vicK of the reasonable price for whieh it can be purch�sed, said price being the appraised fair a.nd reasonable market value therefore, we, the Cc�ittee on Lanats, do recc�effid to t�e Conrrcil o� the City of 3aint Pa.ul that it authorize the p�archase of said land i.a litu of condemaation proeeedings at the price o�' $2�,000.�0, as negotiated �ith the c�wner. Very truly yonrs, I�tayor , � Purehas ent i � . y� . �f C ssioner ks, xecreatios and Public Build s . � � C 'ssione��/F�.i¢anc�,� / _ ��-'� ��-� Paxe�l 1Qo. 16 gile No. 17420