250142 , , f ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���A� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.� �� Lzc�;s� coi���T�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� AU US't ZO 1.Q O COMMISSIONE ATF �' f J7 RESOLV�D: That applic:: tion for the transfer of On Sale Liquor and Sunday-On-Sale Li�juor licenses issued to James C. McKelvey at 737 Selb�r l.venue to The Janet Corpor:�.tion at 1414-18 ��,'hite Bear ��venue, and their ap;:lic���:tion for �testaur�-:xit, On and Off Sale Nla,lt 13evera�e and Ci�c,rette Licenses for the same loc�.tion, be z,nd the same are hereby gr�:nted on the condition th�.t �rithin�[ !t� days of this � d�,te said The Janet Corport�t�on s�7a11 comply ��;ith all requirements of the Bure�,us of rire, He:�lth, and Police, ancl the License Inspe�tor pursuant to the �t. Paul Legislative Code �,nd �,11 other ap_z�iicable ord.in_.;nces and laws. AUG 2 " 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ���� <,�{9b� L B�rtier "=�' - " Carlson Approve� 19— Levine ✓ � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A 8'ainst 2� i y�t1 Q�QLI$HED U G Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � S O J Capital of Minnesota � � aUe art�ne�2t o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIItE PROTECTION PoLics DEAN MER,EDITH,Commiasianer HEALTH ItALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commieatoner DANIEL P.M¢LAUGHLIN,Lieense Inayector .F�uF ust 13, lg7o L-'onor��le I�layor and City Council Saint Y�ul, P"�in:;.eNot�, Uentlemen ana Ti�,da.m: ihe J�net Corpo_•��.�ion is joined b�- J�:.�es C. P�icKelve� in r.iakin�; �p_:Iic�tion fer the trr:x�sfer of On u�.lE I:icl!aor i,icense '�;o. 7749, a.nd Sunca.y-Cn-:W:��le-i,ic�uor Licel.se Itio. 3�29, both ex�,iring J��.nuary 31, 1971, fror^� the licensee, J�mes C. I�ici�elvey at 737 �:elby ��v�:ue to The J�:net Corpor�tition. 2`he Ja.net Corp�r�ztion also r.i�.ke application for the tr�.nsfer of these licei:ses from 737 Selby :ivenue -�o ldllt-l� t�:�hi�e �ear �lvenue z�,ThicYi is or� the Last side of trle street betrreen E'irli� Tl7e cor;o��tian �,lso r = ��'i�,lt Bever�.ge and Cibarette licf The Officers of the c� Adopted by the Council ' PicKelvey, Vice-presia�xit; <:n.d. S'. 197— Jvmes C. and ShirlSr I�i. NIcKelvey Yeas Nays ht 1414 ;;rr,ite Bear :'�v I�t 1418 ;-1liite 1�ear nvenue t�:lere ��' e i�ep�ir busi:�ess fro� 1948 i o 19 �ARLSON ° o�e�atin� under tne saxne adclres LEV 'Z'here 2,re no 3.2 est� .lE Liu,uor -y�12ce is four �locks anc '� EREDITH , awa�.. `l'he neaxest chu.rch an�. : � �pRAFKA � Jas�.et Rose �;as er:r::lo� �IDESCO 'r Ph�,r��cy, to T�iove:�ber 1967, at Crucible Incorporated. R. PRESIDENT (McCARTY) JGxnes 1!��c��elvey h�,s b� �;elby rverzue since 1963. Shirley IV�cKelve�.- is 1 73�,n� sir�ce JGnu:.;:.r�- 1970. O \ ��� y� �'1� � �c � Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin August 11, 1970 Page 2 Our office stands ready to provide you with any further information which you may desire regarding this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours very truly, ROBINS, DAVIS & LYONS • � ' �+�7?.l� JQ� Leelie H. Novak LxNJ� . Enclosures 0 LAW OFFICEB ROBINS. DAVIS & LYONS MINNEBOTA BIJILDINO •o��v naaiwo �u��us e.owvie S T. PAU L 5 5 1 O I M 1 N N[Ar O ll• M. ANNOLD IYON• 910N[Y B.IEINBERO DAIN TOWlR MAROINO A. Op11EN lERNARO f109ENl6119 T[IEPHONE �Ei�a) 124-SBC4 , fMONAa D.f61NB[110 ARNOID M. BEllls JAMEB A.KARIGAN LAWRENCE 2ELlC ROSERT J.TW[[DY WILTON E.OENVAIB WA9MINOTON,O.O. ELLIOT B.KAPIAN MOWAqD A.PATNICK (�FJ 1025 CONN[CTIOUT AV[NU[N.W. � .J11M[6 L. FETTERIY 9TANl[V E.KARON AU�.US� ��� �{7 I O �TANFOpO ROBINB JOHN F.EIBBCRO fIDNEY KAPLAN OALE I.lAR90N - CMARL[9 A.HALPERN f1911•1965) JOMN T. CMAPMAN ST[PHEN A.KNUPP tNOMAB C.KAYt[R LEO F. /[ENEY , MARK M. RODMAN STNCN L.ROB■ J[«REY �.MAIrCNN 9TEPMlN J.DAVI• JAM[� l.AOMW[DO[I� JO/[PN NANKN[B�.JR. �T[V[N M.OOLDO[NO JAM[0 11./ArL[Y 110�[RT M.WATT�ON MICMAEL •.L6�ARON OAI�V J.MLM l[eLl[ N. NOVAK JAMt/t./AKt11 � WASIIIN9TON.0.O.O►FICt IICNAlO A.JAGK�.Of COUNY[L � Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector 2 02 Public Safety Building 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 � Re: On Sale I.,iquor License of James C. McKelvey Our File No. 569-0074 Dear Dan: Please be advised that The Janet Corporation was incorporated on . July 31, 1970. Mr. McKelvey will be the vice-president, a dire�tor, and principal shareholder of the corporation. Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Minutes of the first meeting of the directors of The Janet Corporation. Mr. McKelvey wishes to transfer his On Sale Liquor License to thu.s corporation. In addition, his esta.blishment will be relocated from 737 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota to a building located at � 1414-18 White Bear Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Mr. McKelvey has recently purchased the building and land at this new location and, thus, will be the owner of the premises. You will find attached to this letter a receipt from the office of the City Clerk evidencing the fact that all pertinent taxes have been pa.id in full. Also, attached please find the completed City of St. Paul Application for On Sale Liquor License. Lastly, you will find attached to this letter the Department of Public Safety, Licen�e Diviaion, Applications and Affidavita completed by the officers of The Janet Corporation. CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEP.�RT�NT �F PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNfSION , _ Da te A��s t 1,.1:..,.19,,,,�Q,.�„r, 1. Applica�ion�for _ Licenae 2. Name of appliean.t 3. Bueiness addres$ 1414- 8 �i� �3e�_ Ave. Residenoe_^ _ 21 ,0 Como Avenue 4. Trade name, if any 5. Retail Beer Federe�l Tax Stamp�.RQtail Liquor �'ederal Tax Stamp �i.11 be t��ed. 6. fhl v+rhat flaor loeated . Firet Number of roamis used _ �e � � � 7. BetweeM wha�t• oroas straets Arlington and Gh e,�yyp,Q,d Which a ide of atreet East 8. Are premises naw oaaupied ye� '�Ihat bus3.nesa Laundromat Haw lox�g 3-1/2 years"� 9. Are premises now unocscupied�_Hoti,r long vacant Previoua Use 10. Are you a aew o�mer vpQ Have you baen in a similar business before no --�-.-_..-- Where When 11. Are you going to operate thie buainess personally �p , .., ,.., If nat, vdio wi7.1 operate it .Tames C_ McK .l,vey � ... 12. Are yuu in any other busineas at the present time no 13. F�ave there been any aomplaints again$t your operatior� of this type oP p1aCe no ,_...,.._.�,., �Yhen Where 14. F3ave you ever had any license r�voked „� 9Phat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States��Native�_Naturalized 16. 1Nhere were you born MenQ,�,onie. _ Wisconsir��e �� birth July 6. 1944 - w �.�+ +.�+�1� 17. I am��^married. My (vJife 's) (husband'a� name and address is 18. (Tf married fen�le) my xr�siden name is not a�plicable . �,. 19. How long have you lived in 3t. P�ul 5 �ars _..,_._..__.. 20. Have you ever been arrested � Niolation of what arirainal la� or ordin+e►►ace .,.,,..,..._.. 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of 5�. R�ul Yee � No• (Anav�er full and aom 1ete1 . These a licationa are tho�ou hl checked and e�x� alaification v+n11 be caase for enia . (OV�'R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within. �ro bloaks___�nnQ . -„ �iafner�C�c�tail Lounge and Restaurant 2:3. Closes� intoxicating liquor p oe. e � � hl��g Qft' Sale Hillcrest L•ia�or Store Divinity Ev. Luthern Church ^ 2 blocks 24. Nearest Church / 1. 080 feet Nearest 5chool Hayden Hei�hte School, 1, 080 feet I T � 25. Numbsr of bo�ths Tables Chair� Stools 26. What occupa�ticm have you followed for the past five y�aars. (Give names of employ�@ra and date s s o employed.) - o o A enue - Au st 1966 - Au st 1967 ^ x - art Plumbinr. 2096 C"omo Avenue - Au st 196? - November, 1967 Secretar - cor orated 2911 Como Avenue S. E. , M ls. , Minnesota - Nov. 1967 - present 27. Give names and addresses of �wo �rsone, residents of St. Paul, ll�i.z�n,., vcho qa� g�.ve infarn�,�ion con.oerning you. ���s Earl 1K �in dddress 1777 Carl Street Name Rn},r�rt R»�gP� Address_ Nliller Pharmacy, 2309 Como Avenue �. —, , Signature pp 3.can Janet S. Rose S`ta te of �rla.xu�:a s o�a� ss County of Ramsey � being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has rea the foregoing atatemen� bearing his sign�turs and l�nows the coatents thereof, and that the samo is true of hia ov�rn l�iowledge except as �tc► those matters therein sta�ed upon infox�nstion and belief and as to those matter& he believes them to be cr��e. ��2�a.--�__—�� Si�nat e of Applicsant Janet S. Rose Subscribed and sworn to before me this� day of�� 19 ?o Notary Public, msey County, Minnesota BETTY GOODAIE My Co�nission bOd�liR3d�lic, k:.r�s-.; ��.:,,�•�iy. Min��. My Commissio- c-t�,i..� r�•�. . , (Note s These s�tatemen-� forms are in duplicate. Both copies mus� be f'u11y filled out, notarized, and returnad to the License Divisicm.�� AFF IDAV IT B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETAIL BEER UR LIQUOR LICENSE Re: _On Sale Liquor Liaenee Nama of appiicant_ J��_S__ E3.ose,, President BU�1Ti898 8�dd2et98 1414-1R WhitP Rpar Aypnne Are �ou the sole oavner of this busineas? No e If not, is it a partnership4 No corpuration?_ YPg , o:bher? �` Othera interested in busineas, inelude those by loan of money, propert�r or othex�rise� Nams i.ibertv State Rank ,�ddress 1579 SE�y A`tenue ��loan of money St. Pau� Minngsota C�.�„� O__1� �,�� �/...,2,�./�r� �%�.� Gr �!� r " /�t �'f"`� , ,ll�/ .v. �0.� �Y. �� � If a Qorporation, give its narne The .TanPt C�rn�ration _ Are you interested in any vray in any other Retail Baer or Liquur bueinesa? No ,Aa sols o►�n.er? �� partner? Np Stoakholder? No Otherorise? (Through loan of money, etc� Explain) No Addresa of such bueiness and nature oP interest in sam�e NonP Signa re of applioan Janet S. Rose Sta te of �Sinne s ota aa C ounty of l�msey _ Janet S_ Ro@g being first duly sworn, deposea and aays u�on oath that he has read the foregoing affidavi� bearing his eignature and }�o�vs the contents thereoPg that the same is true of his awn laiawledge, exaept a� to thoae matters therein statsd upon inforn�tion and belief e�#�d as to those matters he believas them to be true. U���--� $ignat e of appl cant Janet S. Rose Subsoribed and sworn to before me thia /�� day of _19 '70 Notax°y ublic, ey County, Minnesota BE1TY GOODALE M,y Qar�isB�b�ky��?�e,� ,y, Minn. 19 My Comrni,�i ' � � . � :b, 1974 s�a� � ��so�A� COUNTY QF RAMSEY ) S$ Janet S. Rose bein.g firat dul�t aworn, doth depose and say that ghe �kea this affidavit in conneetion �rith applioa�ion for "_ Qll Sale" liquor licenae (" On Sa 1e" malt beverage licer�se� 3n the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota; that your affiant is � resident of the State ofl �innesot� and has raaided therein fo� � 5 yeara, no aianths, arLd is nc�r and has been for the tim�a abarre �ntioned a bor� fide rsaident �f said Stste and that B he now resides at 2130 Como Avenue -" Aaare�s St. Paul , Mit�nes ota. City or Town I Jane . Rose Subsaribed and s�rorn to bePore me this �/''�' ci�y of 19 '7� �� �����,�� A�ota�io(TRamaey County, �'innesota �dy co�unission expirea dETTY QOODALE NotarY �ublK, F r.s:� .•��'�ry, Minn; My Comn�i.5i�� t . , _ .. i6, 197a CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTh�NT �' PUBLIC SAFETY . LICEmTSE DNTSION � . . . . .. D8ti8_ AL LSt� Il_,�w�`9 `�(���, . *�r.ar 1. Applioa�ian for Lice�.ee 2. Name of applicant 3� Business addres� 1414-18 Whits Besr Ave Residence 1101 North Dale � �� 4. Trade na�, if any 5. Retail Beer Fede�l Tax S�amp�_Retail Liquor Federsl Tax Stamp��rwi11 be uaed. 6. L�i �rhat floor loeated F�rst Number of roarns uaed One Arlington and 7. Bet�reen what eroas atraeta_ Sherwood Which aide of atreet East �___.._.,_.,..�,,, 8. A�e premises now occupied��'Pahat business ��dromat H�r long 3-1/2 years � 9. Are premiaes now unoacupied n�os+� long vacan� Previous Use 10. Are you a new own.er ���I-�ave you been in a aim�lar buaineas before Ye8 qYhere �7s�elt�s Av nuP 1Nhen 11, Are you going to operste thia business persanally yes __,._,__:.. If not, v�o will operate it 12, Are you in any other business at the present tima no 13. Have thera been any oomplaints against your operation of thia type of p];aGe�+ �eII ��,s vPra �,rg 11�here _ 7�7 Se�,b,y Avenue _ hig�,i,,,grime rate are_a ,_„�,,,� 14. I3ave you ever had any license revoked yes What reason and date serv?n�,af -----,...�..... o _ _ 1 5I 15. Are you e aitizen of the United Statea�_Native��NaturaJ.izad 16. 1Nhere �rere yoa born Stanles_ Minnesota �te o� birth June.21. 1922 ,_,�..,�,.,_,........,....�....,. 17, I am x married. My (wife's) �S$�cS�cname and addresa is Shirley M. MeKelvey, i ota 18. (Tf married female� my maiden name is not anplicable 19. �it�w long have you lived in S`E, Paul 16 vears � . 20. Have you ever been arrested yeS �Tiolation of what oriminal law� or ordinaaoa ...,�......... - e c of an alco olic li uor _� h L y 21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of S�. 1'aul X Yes No. (Anawer fu11 and com letel . These a lications are th�rou hl aheaked at�d �x� alai�ication vrill be cause for enia . (OV�,R) 22. Number of 3.2 placss within i;wo bloaks N�np �.. ....�,.. —.-r..,-..�- Haf ers Cocktail Loun e and Restaurant 23. Closest intoxiaating liquor plaae. 6ri Sa�1.e �y�f Se�le Hillcrest Li�uor Store Divinity Ev. Luthern ChurcFi�� �"�"""'"" 24. Neareat Church � 1,,�8Q feet Nearest Sahool Ha�����chooL 1. 080 feet �yw�T � P+ 25. IvTumber o� baoths Tables Chairs Stoola 26. What occupation have you follo�rod for the psst five years, (Give names of employe�xa and date s s o employ�sd.) a r o r - ast five ears 27. Give names and addraeses of t� peraona, residents of St, paul, ]I�inn,, v�o c�n. ga.ve information concerning you. PTame ...re.mr�� .KQi�'.P Address_ 1�55-Y�� �1�'�� _' ..,.� ,..�. ,...,.�.�, Name S� Miller _ Address 3 oodr Ch � L Si ure o App ican ames . cKe vey Sta te o f �tinne s�ta ss County of Ramsey ,�an�g_s C,_�VlcKelve�,.�� being first duly sworn, daposes and say$ upon oath that he has read the f oregoing atatement besring his signa�ure and kri.vws the contents thereof, and that the sama is true of his oy�m. 1�owledge ��ccept as to those �tters therein stated upon 3.nformation and belief and as to those �tters he bel:ieves them to be �r��e. � � G� L S �ture of Appliaant James C. McKel ey Subscribed and s�ryorn to before me � this 1�ti aay of �ls�o Notary Public, ey Coun.ty, Minnesota BETTY GOODALE ��r C0�II0.19S10ri 67c�Y� Pubiic, F zs�.�. .;,�u:�ty,'Minn. (Note s �hese statem�nt forms are ixs duplicate. Both copies must ba f'ully fil�.ed ou�, no�tarized, and returned to the License Division.r� AFFID�V I'P BY APPLICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I:ICENSE Re: On Sale Liquor Lioen�e Name of appliaant J �ea C., M�Kelvey. Vice President Bu�ineas addreesl�l4-18 White Bear Avenue A2°e �ou the sole �wner of this buaineas? No e If not, is it a par�tnership? No corporatiari? Pg , o#rher4 �� Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Nama �iberty Statg Bank Address 1579 Selbv Avenue x� loan of money St. Paul Minnesota ��,P,� fn .1�+,`� !!! � .v.�� �1.. .C�..��. �� S� ,�! 3 e .�paY•ww Ce,.r.e ��.� � If a c orporation, give its na� The Janet Co�poration _ Are you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Baer or Liquor buainess? No As sole awn.er� No Partner3 No Stookholder? No Other°uriee? (Through loan of money, etc, Explain) No �lddreas of such business and nature of interest in same None � � Sig ture of applicant Jamea C. Mc elvey St�te of Mi.nnesota as C ounty of �msey James C. McKelvey being first duly sva�orn9 deposea and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavi� bsaring hia signmture and loa.ows the contents thareof; that the same is trus of his o�m knowledgea ex�ept aa to those matters therein stated upon inforn�tion and belief and as to those �tters he believas them to be true. . �a�1 � i��� G aiN� � tur°e of applicant me . v Subsoribed and sworn to before me thia �y' day of_�G��u,� _19 7 0 Notax°y P blic, e� Co� �dinnesota BETTY GOODALE �� OO2tiT#L'138��}�J9�G��'QS.rs�:Y Geunty, Minn.1,9 My Commisslur, Expirr.s FeD- . s�� � �n�so� ss C(7UATY QF RA�SEY Jamg_s C�. �McKelve� being f irat duly avrorn, doth depose and say that he makes this effidavit in conne�tion with applirsation for " On Sale" liquor license (" On Sa1e� malt beverage license� in the �ity of $aint Paul, Minneaota; that your affiant ia a resident of the State of Minnesota and hae resided therein for 48 years, one mo�.thH, arid is noor and has been fur the tiu�a �bo�re �antioned a bona fide rsaident of said State aad that he now residea at 1101 North Dale � �,ddre a a St. Paul , �'innesota.. Citq or Town �����G� mes C. McKe vey Subsaribed and 3W61"T]. to before me this ���' day of �G�',C�.� 19 7� T l�otary�iblia maey County, �innesota �r oo�iasion eapirsa � BETTY GOODALE Notarv Public, R<�msey County, Minn. My Commisslo� Expires Feb. 16, 1974 CITY (7F SAINT PAUL DEPARTB�TT fJF' PUBLIC 5AF'ETY LICENSE DNISIUI�T Da te st 1 �.9 7 p -...�._.. 1. A,pplica�irni f'or On Sale Li uor Licenss 2. Nams of appl�.cant a er 3. Business addreas 1414-1s �g B�ar Av�nL���id�nce__�O1 North Dal� .... _....��.,.. 4. Trsde name, if an�r White B�ar Inn 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�_Retail I,iquor �'ederal Taz Stamp X wiil be uaed. 6. (�i what floor loeated First . Number aP roamis uaed pne 5herwood '�"� 7. Between what oross atree�s A�lington and/, Whioh side of street East 8. Are premises novr oaaupied yes 'What businesa Laundromat Hau�r long 3-1/2 years 9. Are preinises now unooaupied np Ho�r long vacant Previou8 Uee 1(?, Are you a ne�r owner �Yes Have you baen in a aimilar busineas before yes East Lake S t. , Mpls. Where 7�7�Y � nQ and -l�!_�en_ ___ _�954 to 1960 - 1952-1954 11. Are you going to operste thia busineas personally �� , If not, ro�o will operate it .Tames �_ 1V�eK�lvev�.______� 12. Are ynu in any o�her business at the present tia�a n� ____...., 13. Have there .been any csomplaints against your operation of this type of place na �.. filhep. Where 14, ltave you ever had any licsense revoked np 1�'hat reas on and date 15. Are you a ci�izen of the United Statea�_Nat3.ve X Naturalized __...._,._..,. 16. 1Nhere w�sxe you born Menomonie, Wisconainl�te of birth May 24, 1929 � , . . � .,......,�..�.�.. 17. I am x �rried. My �a� (husband's j name and address is James C. MeKelvey, 1101 North Dale St. Paul, Minnesota 18. (I�' married f'emale) mya�siden name is___ Shirle��,,,,M. Roae , .._ 19. �ow� long have you lived in St, Pau1��Xe�re 20. Have you ever been arrested no Xiolation of what oriini�al lavv or ordinanve _........� 21. Are you a registered voter in the Gity of St. Paul X Yea �Jo• (Ana�rer full and oom le�el . These a lications are thorou hl cheoked axtd �n a sific�tion wi11 be cause for denia . ���) 22. Number of 3.2 places within t�wro blocsks Hafners Cockta nge an es uran 23. Glosest intoxiaating liquor p7,aae. �n Sale 1 � �loC s ,r,,,. ��' sa7,e Hillcreet Li uor Store Divinity Ev. Luthern Church 2 blocks 24. Nearest Church / 1. 080 feet N�$rest School Hayden Heiqhts School, 1, 080 feet .,.,,._..,.,- .,.,,�,�,.,,- 25, Numbar of booths Tables Chair� Stools 26. What occup�tion have you followed f or the psst five years, (Give nauies o� employers and date s s o employ�ed.) o ew fe - 4-1 2 ears American National Bank - encodin machine operator - January, 1970 till present 27. Giv� names and addresses of �wo �r�one, residenta oP St. Paul, I�i,nn., veho c�a�. giva infort��ion conaern.ing you. N�me Ral�h Rovie Address 1302 North Dale Name Katherine Lon� Address 1105 North Dale � c Signa ure o Ap a�n Shirl y . cK ey S�ta te of �a.aas�.e s ota� ss County of Ramaey ' ��j',�,�,�y_LVI. McKelvey being first duly sworn, dspo�es ar�d say�� upon oa�h that he has re�a t e foregoing sta�ement bearing his signaturs and l�owa the contents thereoP, and that the sam� is true of his oro�m l�.i,owl�edge except �a to �hose mattera therein stated upon informstion and belief and aa to those matters he belze�res them to be �rue. , c i�na�ure af iQant i y M. cK ey Subscribed and svaorn �o bePore me this ��� day of �19 70 � o�ary Public, msey County, M3.nnesota BETTY (300DA1E ]�('y Ci011]I717.�81.OX1 9X��PUbI1C� k:;fl'.CFy' i�i.�J�iLy� Mi�1n. ym �.. �. . , . (Note s Theae statement fnrms are in duplicate. Both copies must be fu11y f�.11ed out, notarized, and returnad to the L�.cense Division.j� AFFIDAT�� B Y APPL ICANT FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I:ICENSE Re: On Sale Liquor Lioenae Name of applioant eas rer Bu�iness addr^ess 1414-18 White Bear Avenue Az°e you the aole awner of this buainess? . If not, is it a partnership? No corporation? yge , o:bher? No C�hers intereated in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or other�.sei �a� j.i_ herr�y State Bank A�d�s� 1578 Selbv Avenue �� loan of monev St. Paul. Minnesota e. i�.`l� � ia � �t/-�c!Q.,?� V��iu�. � -S � � ,�r 3 d ��..�- �s�-�. ��_ If a a orporation, give ite na� T�e .Tane Cor�pration Are you interested in any vpay in any othar Retail Beer or Liquor buainass? N4 As eole awner? No Partner? No Stoakholder? NQ Othei°ovise? (Through loan of moneya e�ce Explain) No ,�ddresa u#' such buainess and nature of intereat in same None , Signature of app ' ant Shirl M. CK ey State of' M:�.nnasota as C ounty of �msey Shirley M. McKelvey bei.ng first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bea�^ing his aignature and kna�s the contents thereof; that the same ia true of his own lrnav�rledge, eacept a� to thoae matters therein atatsd upon information and belief a�d as to those mattera he believea them to be true. 3i.gnature of a cant Shir ey M. Mc ey Subsoribed and aworn to bafore me this�day of �19 70 Nfl�ary ublic Rameep County, �d.i.nnesota BE?TY GOOD4LE �Q�T OOR�I71��rS1IRu�iCpli'A6 �y, Min��. ].� My Commi,si" c- •b. ' s�a� � Mn�so�rA� � ss COUNTY 4F R11�lISEY Shirley M. McKelvey, being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that $he a�kea this affidavi� in connsotion with applioa�ion f or " On Sale" liquor licenae (" On S'ale� malt bevarage licenee) in the City ofl Saint Paul, Mianesota; that yc�ur affiant i8 a roeident of the State of Minnesot� and hae resided therein f�r 21 yeare, 11 moriths, and 3s nvw and has bsen Por the ti.me �borre m�n.tioned Q bor� fide reaident of aaid Stata $n.d that ghe now residas Qt � Addreg s St. Paul , Mirtnes ota. C3.ty or Town � Shirley M. elvey Subaori.bed and sw�rn to before me this ��� d�y of 19 �o .�5��'�� �otary �'ublia Ramaey County, �innesota My commiasion e�pires BETTY GOODALE NOtarY Puthc, f rS' . ' � - 'tY� Min��. My Comn�issin• c ; ��� • � � :6, 1�74 , St. Paul, Minnesota 8-13-70 The Janet Corporation lq.14-18 Z��hite Bear Ave. To the �ppliQantt Your application for licenses has bsen informally approved by the Licsense Co�ittse and the City Council, This favorable action meana that you xray no�rr ear�plets negotiations for transfer of title to property and procaed with improvements you �y have 3.n m:i.nd, Yau should now go t� the City Clerk's C3ffice, 386 Court House, and pay the feea required f or licenses listed bslow. You �rill receive a blue receipt, v�rhich you must bring to the License In�pectorts Office, 202 Pub].io Safety B�ilding. The licenses will be granted by the City Couneil when all requirementa of the P�lice, Fire and Healt h �nspectors have been met. LTCENSE CUM6�ITT�E Trfr. On Sale Liq. 0.00 (From James C. MeKelvey to The Janet Corpora.tion �same or�nership� irfr. Sun-OndSale-Liq. 0.00 and from 737 Selby Ave, to 1414-18 �rdh. Beax �ve. Resta urant 45t00 Ckz Sale Malt 150.00 Off Sale IV1�lt � 15.p0 C iga re tte 12.00 To�a1 � (F�ndin� On Sale Ma.lt� N,B. If you are applying for �!'alt Bev+�rage licenses, please read carefully the "Regul.ations Governing the Sale of Dn and Off Sala 3.2 N1alt Beverage" whiQh have been handed to yoa, VioZations of any of the regulations will be csause for revocation �of all of.your licensea. 7-23-69 Aug. 13, �70 1 ,r-------� Hon. De�.n Meredi�h '` � �.---...�'�,.. Coms.r. o� Public Safety � �,,�1 Public Safety Building ; Dear Sir: A tion•�, r. Daniel NZcLatzghlin The City Council today �--�_..date a� �aring for August 20th in the matter oP the app3,i�ation �4� th��..���,nsfer oP Qn Sale Lic�uor and Sunday-On-Sale I,�� or Licen � 1Vos:�,�7�9 and 3827, respective�y, both e�iring Jan. 1�71, fr� ames C. hieKelvy at 737 Selby Ave. to The Ja.net Corpar on at l�+l�+- White Bear Ave.; ALSO application of The Janet Corpor on for Re uxant, On and 0�'f' Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�axette..li_cense o�r 141 White Bear Ave. ..�,7 Very truly yours, City Clerk ng C 0 P Y � CG» Co�.is�ioner �8-2G-�0) N'iles lippn. ��u�. 13� 197� �3on.�eaxa. l�:eredit�a Comsr. o� Pu�13.c :;ak'�ty Public ti�uf.�ty ;;ui�,�i�:; T�E:�.Y' alZ'. ��ttention» Mr.Daniel MoLau�::lin The City Council tod�,y se� a �a�e of he-:rin� for �u�;ust 24tki in tlie m�,tter of tr:e apl�lic�:;,tian for the trc:.n:�f�;r of(7n :;��l.e Lit�uo.r. and �ur�day-vn-:�wle 1,i:��.aor Licen;:es 7�0�. 77A9 n.�d 3F327� res;�ec+ivelyr botlzexpixiri�, Jan. 31, ��71, fxom .i ames C. AicT��eln�� �;�,t j�7 '�:�ei�;; ��.ve. to 'I'he J��et Co�i�o�atio.�i <: t 1414-1fs '��'��ite Ee�r .;ve.; .N�;>C app�ie�stior, of �'h� JG.net Cor�ax�ation for i'�o�t�,ur�z�t, On �und Of�' f3�.1e P�i�.lt �3�ver���� �.nd Ci�ar�tte Lic;erises for 1q.lq.-l�3 l°�3�zit� ;�€:�r .,fiv�, Very trs.i:ly you:c�„ S� Fic.,rry r:. T'It�,rsYza].1 City Clerk � C OP �1