250141 ORIGII�L TO CITY Cl.6RK !,_���� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL H�EN�� NO. r� ., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Council did by esolution No. 249939 approved August 4, 1970, authorize the issuance and sale of $13,000,000 Civic Center Bonds, Series 1970A and 1970B, to be dated as of August 1, 1970, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required sealed bids to be submitted on August 19, 1970, and as the bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the City Comptroller, and the City Comptroller made the recommendation to the Council that the (joint) bid of HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. Joint Managers, AND ASSOCIATES was found to be the most advantageous, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the (joint) bid of �RRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, THE CHASE MANHATTAN �ANK, N.A. ,Joint Managers, AND ASSOCIATES be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with a coupon rate of 6.00 per cent and a premium of $ 29,757.00 ; be it FURZfiER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the sale ,of said bonds. FORM APPROVED °^" _�_ Asst. Corporat�on o nsel AUG � � 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays � �a�� �, � ��7 U Carlson � A rove� 19— Levine _1n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AUG 2 �y�U -r, �� . • ' �� � �� ) / � CITY OF SA�N? YAUL, MINNESOTA LIST � BIDS RSCEIVED AUGITST 19, 1970 ... ....� �._.��..._._....� (1) $4,500,000 CAPITAI, Il�ROVEt+�QT B�DS, SERIES 1970 (2) $3,000,000 ORBAN REN841AL BONDS, SERIBS 1930F (3�$13,000,000 CIVIC CF�N'TER B4ONDS, SffitIBS 1970A and 19708 ,NA��.....BIDDLR OODP�RA� F�� �. &mk�ers iresst Camapaay� Jt� ���� (13 5.10� $ 5,8�5.� 5.0765* Blqth & Co., Inc. ) (� 6.10 25,071.00 6.�507 Chemic�tl Bank (3) 6.10 104,000.00 6.0532 Smith, Barney & Co., Iiacorporated Rep�ublic National Baak of Dallas Damiaick � Do�ninick, Inca�rporated First of MiChigaa Corporatiaa Bacon, Whipple � Co. Robert Garrett & Soae, Inc. �e First Nationa]. Bank of St. Paul Stern Brothers � Co. Third N�tional Bank ia Nashville Waahovia Bank � Trust Can�anp Preacott, Merrill, �rben & Co. The �iio Com�pany �aker, Watts � Co, parlcer/flunter, Incorporated Allisot��lilliame Campany Seattle Trust and Savings Bank Boettcher & Caco�a�y 8aatman Dillon, Unian Securities) Jt. � Co. � Shtelds & Co. ) �'ISr$• Besr, Stearns � Co. Reynolde & Co., Inc. Baahe & Co., Incorporat�d $ayden, Stoa+e � Co. E. F. flutton � Co. Bstabroak � Go. Dick & Merle-Smith First National State Bank of New Jerseq Yurnam, Coffin - �olittle - Newburger Spencer Trask & Co., I�orporated McDougal & Condon Jam�es A. Andrewa � Co., IAC. DeAaven Townaend, Crouter � Bodine Stern, I,auer & Co. 1'ark, Ryan & Co. perry Adams � Lewis, Iac. F. R. Cole � Co. Janaey, Battles � S. W. Clark, Inc. Aerbert J.� Sims � Co., Yac. Manley, Bennett, Mcnvnald � Co. Ferxis � Co. (continued next page) v � LIST OF BID6 B�CSI�iBD �1tUS1' 19, i97D page 3 CITY 0� SA,IIiT PAtJL ,�.�..,�. $...mT�.� C0� �tA18 � �..� W�d, Strather• � wf�inrop, Itre. T�e Fidelity Bank I�dustrial l�atioaal 8ank o� �ode Ll�fd Marine 1�ational Bkct�eage Bao1c Braaa Brothers Harriman 6 �o. 7�e Qiieago Coxporatioo �orth Carolina �ti�al Ba�lc United Virginta Bar1c/State Blaaters Dempse�►-Z�ege ier � Co., Itrc. Craigie, Iacorporated Fa�mestock � Co. Model �oland & Co., �a. Fixat �atiooal Bank o# Atl,anta Vir�tais Watiatal Baok An�ders� � 5tx�udwick Austia lbbin � Co., xnC. Juraa � M�oody, Ync. Sct�eickert 6 Co. Morgan Quaraoty �t Ca�apt�r o! l�r York(1� S.�f 9,900.00 5.1600 Salomna Brotbers �2'� 6.10 24,78Q.00 6.0513 (3' 6.I0 lOQ,230.00 6.QS�+9 Le�osn Brothers ) Joint {1} 5.� 4,347.Q0 5.1824 Ridder, Peabodp & Ca.., Ioc.) �a�eges�t �2� b+20 7,853.50 6.0836 and Assoc�iattea (3} 6;10 26,8b�.50 6.Q8y9 Ia Aasociatioa with Phelps, Fets� 6 Co. and Asmociat�r I�t1II � *Succesafeil bi�er CI1Y C�7°R'Oi,LER . LIST OF SIDS RSCSIVED AUC,tTST 19, 1970 Page 2 CI1Y OF SAINT PAUL NAME OF BIDDER QOUPON RATE pR�tII1M ,�ELD The First Natianal Bank of (�icago (Mgr,) The Northern Trust Compauy . Contineatal Illinois National Bank and �Yust Cc�apaay of Chicago l�ellaa National Bank and �ust Cco�paay W. $. Morton & Go. White, Weld & Co. Deaa Witter � Co. Laialaw & Co. Blkins, Marris, Stxoud � Co, Bacon, Stevenson � Reeves William Blair � Company Robert W. Baird � Co. Incvrporated New York Hanseatic Corporation flutchinson, Shockey, Erleq � Co. Altgelt � Co., Inc, Rowles, Winston � Co., Znc. J. A. Glyan & Co. Americaa Natioaal Banl� of St. Paul Whest S� Co., Inc. Davenport & Co. Saunders, Stiver � Co,. Van Kampea, Wauterlek & Brown, Inc. Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago) (1) 5.20 14,245,00 5.1421i The Chase Maahattan Bar�k, N.A.) Jt. Mg�. (2) 6.00 8,127*00 5.9840* Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner � 9mith (3) b.�: 29,757.00 S.9866* Seattle Firet National Bank First National Bank in D�allas First Wisconsin National Banlc of Milwaukee Frauklin Nation,al Bank Chester Sarris & Co., Inc. Trust Company of Georgia City National Bank � Trust Co, Shaughnessy � Company, Inc. Suplee, Mosley, Close & Rern�er, Incorporated First Natioaal City Bank ) Jt. (1) 5.10 None 5.10 The First Boston Corporation ) Mgra. (2) 6.00 7,560.00 5.9851 Bank of American N.. T. � S, A, (3) 6.,00 26,338.00 5.9881 First National Beak o� Memphis Drexel Barriman Ripleq, Incorporated Wertheim & Co, Clark, Dodge & Co.y Inc. United California Bank Weeden � Co., Inc. Bank of the Co�munwealth Barr Brothers & Co. Roosevelt � Crose, Iaa. .1. �+'• B1gd�Old �1c L'Or (continued next page) ' o��,�,.��.�,� � �5�fi�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ��er ' COMMISSION� DA*� WB�REAB, tht C�ouaail did b� �saolutian l�o. ?A9939 appzavad Angust 4, 1970, �uthorise th� i�aua�rr +�al ul� of �13�000,000 Civia Cantsr ponds, �riea 1970A and 1970s, to i� datad a� ot A�wt 1, 1970. and aa tt�s pYOpar city ofliars hava lully caw�d th+t uid bonda to be adv�rtiaed for sala a� oaid �dv�rtis�ment r�quis�d a�alsd bid� to b� wbri,twd on Augutt 1!, 19�0, and aa the bids wra aubaitt�d anc! op�nRd, �insd and tabulat�d by tha City Cosptroll�r, wd tht City Ca�ptroll�s �aael� th� sycoa■Mndation to tha Coeuscil thst th� (�oiat) bid of HARtI�3 Tdt8? AI�D S�AVINti� 3�A�[, CBICAi00. � CAI1�S 1�AUAA1'PAN BAIIR, 11.A. Joint M�ua�ra, A�D A�SOCL1a8 ws loand to bs t�a nost advant+�ous, thar�fore b� it �i8aL.1RD, that t2u (joiat) bid o! HA�LS l�T8T Il�iD SAV2�8 3Alft� CHLCIWO, i7B AAS� MA�IA1TJl� L1�, ■.A.,Joist M�magara, A�ID ASSOCIAl�S b� sacapt�i and said bonds avard�d Nt a pric�„ nae�el�, par a�rd aecru�d iat�r�st aith • Qanpon rata oi 6.00 ptx oent and a pra�ium ot � 29�757.00 ; be. it !'t��ER Es80LVSD, that ths Couacil har�by ratifias aad appraves esch a� ev�zp act of ths Sintieing 1►und C�o�mitt�e i�t �onn��ctioa vitL the sale of said bonds. AUG 19 1970 COUNCII�IEN Adopted by the Connc>> 19_ Yesa Nays R��+.� AUG 19 19�0 Carlson Appmv� 19_ ��e Favor Meredith Sp�a � Mayor Aoauinat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty • ��