250140 OR161NAL'r0 CITY CLBRK �� , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E NC�� NO. 'i ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . OUN IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Council di by Resolution No. 249938 approved August 4, 1970, authorize the issuance and sale of $4,500,000 Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1970, to be dated as of August 1, 1970, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required sealed bids to be submitted on August 19, 1970, and as the bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the City Comptroller, and the City Comptroller made the recommendation to the Council that the (joint) bid of BANKERS TRUST COI�ANY & ASSOCIATES was found to be the most adva��ageous, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the (joint) bid of BANKERS TRUST COMPANY & ASSOCIATES be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with a coupon rate of 5.10 per cent and a premium of $ 5,805.00 ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. FORM APPROVED . ,� Asst. Corporation Cou se1 � AUG ? 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays ��r �U.�.� 1 � l��t� Carlson ve� 19— Levine "sn Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISHED AU G ���� Mr. President, McCarty � . � . • � ��� �� � . CITY OF SAlIJT PAUL, MII�INBSOTA LI5T �' BIDS RBCEIVS,D,AtTGUST 19i 197Q (1) $4,500,000 CA�ITAL II�IPB�OV�iT B�iDS, SSRIES 1970 (2) $3,00O,OOQ 088�Att RENEWAL BONDS} 38�I83 1970F (3�$13�OOQsQ00 CIVIC CENTSR BONDS� SBAIES 1970A attid 19708 ,IiAME�0�'�'M B ID�D,EB t3Q[IPON RA7E � Y,�D, Hsak�ere trast Cao�anY) Jt. Managete �1) 5.10� $ 5,805.00 5.076S* Blyth & Co., Inc. ) (2) 6.10 25,071.00 6.050� Chemical Bank (3) 6.10 104,000.00 6.�532 9mith, Barney & Co., Incorporated Republic Pationel Bank of Dallas Daminick � Da�inick, Iaccrporated First of Michigaa Corporation 8acon, Whipple & Co. 8obert Garrett & Sons, Inc. The First National Bank of St. Paul Stern Brothers & Co. lhird National 8ank in Nashville Waehovia Bank � Trust Co�auq PrescoCt, Merrill, Turben & Co. The �io Campany Baker, Watts & Co. Parker/Huater, Incorporated Allisan Willisms Company Seattle Trnst and Savings Bank Boettcher & Cano�any Eaataaan Dillon, Union Securities) Jt. 6� Go: � Shields & Co. ) �8r$• � Bear, Stearns 6c Co. Reynolda !x Co., Inc. Bache � Co., Incorporated $ayden, Stoae & Co, E, F. Autton � Co. Estabrock � Go. Dick & Merle-Smith FixBt Natioual State Bank of Rew Jersey Purnam, Coffin - Doolittle - Newburger Speacer Trask & Co,, Incorporated M�cDougal & Condon James A, Andrewa � Co., IAc. D@HSV6n 'rOWri8efld� CIOLtt6I � BOt1�.II@ Stern, Lauer & Co. park, Rpan � Co. Yerrq Adams & Lewis, Inc. F. R, Cole � Co. Janaey, Battles b E. W. Clark, Ix►c. Aerbert J. Sime � Co., Iaa. Manley, Bennett, McDonald 6c Co. $enis � Co. tcantinued aext page) v ✓ � ' LIST OF BYDS RECEI9ED AUC�ITST 19, 1970 Page 2 CI1Y OF SAINT PAUL NAME OF BIDDER (�OUPON RATE � �LD The Firet NatianaZ Bank of (�icago (Mgr.) �e Northern 7�cusC Company . Coatinental I1liaois National Bank and Trust C�npaay of Chicago l�eellon Natioaal Batxk and �ust Compsuy W. $. Morton & Co. White, Weld � Co. Deaa Witter & Co. Laidlaw � Co, Slkins, Morris, Stzaud & Co. Bacon, Stevensan & 8eeves William Blair � Compairy Robert W. Baird & Co. Iacorporated New York Hanseatic Corporation Hutchinaon, Shockey, $rley bc Co. A1Cgelt & Co., Inc. Rowles, Winaton & Co., Inc. J. A. Glqnn & Co. American National Bank of St., Paul Whe�t � Co., Inc. Davenport � Co. Saunders, Stiver � Co.. Van Kampen, Wauterlek & Brown, Inc. Harris Trust and Savings Baak, Chicego) (1) 5.20 14,245.00 5.1424 The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.) Jt, Mg�. (2) 6,00 8,127.00 5.9840* Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner � Smith (3) 6.00: 29,75�.00 5.9866* Seattle•First National Bank First National Baak in Uallas Firat Wisconsin National �ank of Milwaukee Franklin National Bank Chester Herris � Co., Inc. Trust Company of Georgia City National Baak � Trust Co. Shaughnessy � ComP�F, ��• Suplee, Mosley, Close � Rerner, Incorporated First Natfonal City Bank ) Jt. (1) 5.10 None 5.1� The First Boaton Corporation ) Mgra. (2) 6.Q4 7,560.00 5.9851 Bank of American N. T. � S. A. (3) 6.00 26,338.00 S.9881 First National Bank of Memphis Drexel Aarriman Ripley, IncorporaCed Wertheim & Co. Clark, Dodge & Co.y Inc. United California Bank Weeden � Co�, Inc. Bank of the Camaanwealth Barr Brothers & Co. RoosevelC � Crose, Inc. J. C. 8radford � Co, (continued next page) r � • , � Lis�r og sr�os x8csrnsn �c�rst �9, 3470 Page 3 CITlt 0�► SAINT PAOI. �-�. $...m,� C00� �tAT6 � 8i Wood, Sttvthers b �lfothtcrp, LdC. �e Fidelity Bsak Ioduatrial itatioaa! Bank of �l�ode Lt�d Marine liational 8achsoge Baoic Browa Brothers Harriawa � Cc. �e Chicago Coxporatian �orth CaYOlix�a Hation8l 8�ek United 9irginia Bank,/Stata Pl�cs Dem�as3►�3�e6eler & Co., Yaa. Cxaigie, Ia,eorporated Fat�neatvck 6� Co. l�odel �land � Co., 2trc. Firat �ational B�g of ��ta Virginia Natia►al Baak Aa�derso� � Stsudwick Auatia 'lbbin 6 Co., '�c. 3wc� 6e lrtoody, Yn�. Schweickert b C+o. Morgaa Ouaranty i�rnst Caopaa�q o! l�ev York{i� 5.20 9,900.0� 5.1600 Salramn Brothers �2� 8.10 24,780.00 6.QS13 (3, 6.I0 100,230.04 6.4549 Lehmaa B�others ) Joiut (1) 5.20 4,347.� 5.1824 Ridder, Peabody b Co., Yoc.1 �magers (2) 6.10 7,853.50 b.08�6 and Asgociates (3? 6.10 26,865,50 6.0879 In Aseocistioo wit6 Phelps, Fem b Co. and Aasoa#at�a L01T MCBENNA �Successful bidder CI'lY C�ZI.BR DU►LICAT�TO rRIN'RR . � ��O�.�O , CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�� �� , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO . , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRg�rm.r COMMISSIONE� �A'� � id��BAB, Ch� Ca►ncil did by R�e�olution �ta. 2k9938 appro�vsd Au�wt 4, 1470, authorise the isaunaa aad �als of �4,500,000 Capital Ia�►rav�nt llond�, 8eries 1970, to bs datad as ' o! su�uat 1, 1970, and as t6� prop�r city officers hava fnlly caused ths aaid bonds to be advsrtised for aal�t aad aaid adv�rtisa�snt rsqv�is�d sul�d bids to b� wb�ittal aa /luguat t9, 1470, aad aa tha bids �rars subonitted and apen�d, �um�in�d aad tabulated by th� Cit' Com�troii�r, aud th� City Caonptroll�r msda ths racar�endation to tht Council that th� (�'oint) bid ot' D�A�RE�B ?�DSr t�Q�AI� i ASS��CU�S Maa tau�ad to ba tbe moat sdvsnaf�gaous, therefore b� it �E80LiRD, tt�at tha (�oint) bid of ' D�BS T�IJST t�QlPA1fY b A880CIAlES � bs aaatptid �tnd said boods aaarded aC a price, nsel�, par aad acaru�d iutsssat vith a coupoa rata o! 5.10 p�r cent and a premin� of $ S,8p3.00 ; be it ltR�iA RESOLVED, that t6s Co�u,acil harebq ratifisa and approvas each and svsry act of ths Sinking Ftiiad Ce�ittae in conasctfon with tha aale of aaid bonds. AUG 19 19�0 COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19— Yeaa' Naye � AUG 1 � 1�78 Carlson ' APPi'o�"� 19_ , Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A auinat Tedeaco . Mr. President, McCarty ' ��