250139 i , OIIIOtNAL TO CUfY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. ' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the Council did Resolution No. '249940 approved August 4, 1970, authorize the issuance and sale of $3,000,000 Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1970F, to be dated as of August 1, 1970, and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and said advertisement required sealed bids to be submitted on August 19, 1970, and as the bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the City Comptroller, and the City Comptroller made the recommendation to the Council that the (joint) bid of HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. , Joint Managers, AND ASSOCIATES was found to be the most advantageous, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the (joint) bid of �gIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. , Joint Managers, AND ASSOCIATES be accepted and said bonds awarded at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with a coupon rate of 6.00 per cent and a premium of $ 8,127.00 ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of the Sinking Fund Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. FORM APPROVED � - Asst. Corporation Coun � AUG 19 1916 COUNCILMEN Adopted-�y the Council 19— Yeas Naya �-- �,ua�a 1 � 1970 Carlson . A rov�i 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka 0 yor Tedesco ABainst 2 21��� Mr. President, McCarty p�g1.�SHED A � � � . 2�� �3 . � . C1TY QR�' SA1NT PAUL, MIIaiBSOTA LIST � BIDS RECEIVED AUGU.,,_ST 1�, 1970, (1) $4,SQ0,000 CAPITAL �' 2 B�QDS, SERIBS 1970 �2) $3,0�O,OOQ URBAN flFdiBWAL BONDS, 3S8IB.S 1970F (3)$13'0003000 CIVIC CEN'tER �TDS� SBRI�S 1970A an+d 1970B �.�..mDKx OOUP�� p�,� Y� '8t�okers 7�Cast Campaay) Jt� ���� (1) 5,10� $ 5,805.00 S.47b5# Blqth & Co., Inc. ) (2) 6.10 25,071,.00 6.0507 Chennical Bank (3) b.10 I04,000.00 6.0532 Smith, Barney & Co., Incos�posated Bepublic National Bank af Dallas Damiaick � Dominick, Inccr�orated First of Michigan Corparation Bacon, Whipple & Ca. 8obert Garrett & Sons, Inc. The First National Bank of St. Paul Stern Brothera � Co. Zhixd National Bank in Nashville Nachavia Bank & Trust Caa�auy Prescott, Merrill, Turben & Co. 7�e �io Co�aay Baker, Watts � Co. Parlcer/Hunter, Incorporated Allisott-Wi111ame Campany Seattle Trust and Savings Bank Boettcher & Con�aay Baatman Dillon, Union Securities) JC. � Co. 1 Shielde & Co. � I"J8r8• BeBr, Steartts b� Co. Reynolda � Co., Inc. Bache & Co., Incorporated Hay+den�, Stone & Co. E. F. Hutton � Co. Estabrook � Co. Dick & Merle-�ith First National State Bank of New Jeraey Purnam, Coffin • Doolittle - Newburger Speacer Trask & Co., Incorporated McDougal tx Ccndon James A. Andrews 6 Co., IAc. DeHaven Townsend, Crouter � Bodine Stern, Lauer & Co. park, 8yan & Co. perry Ad,sms � Lewie, Inc, F. R. Cole � Co. 3anney, Battles � B. W. Clark, Inc, Aer�ert J.� Sime � Co., Iac. Manley, Benaett, McDenald 6e Co. Ferris � Co. �continued next page) o � ' LisT OF BIDS RECEIVED AUGUST 19, 1970 Page 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NAME OR BIDDER COtJPON BATE P I[1M IELD 7�ie First National 8ank of (�icago (Mgr,) The Northern Trust Companq . Caatineatal Il.linois Natioual Bank and Trt�et Caanpaay of Chicago M�ellon National Bank and T'�ust Compaay W. $. Morton & Co. White, Weld � Co. Dean Witter & Co. Laidlaw � Co, Elkins, Morris, Stroud & Go, Bacon, Stevenaon & Reeves William Blair � Comparry Robert W. Baird 6 Co. Incorporated New York Hanseatic Corporation Hutchinaon, Shockey, Brley � Co. Altgelt & Co., Iuc, Rowles, Winston � Co. , Inc. J. A. Glyaa & Co. American National Bank of St. Paul Wheat � Co., Inc. Davenport & Co. Seunders, Stiver � Ca. Van Rampen, Wauterlek & Browa, Inc. Harris Truat and Savings Bank, Chicago) (1) 5.20 1k,245.00 5,1424 The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.) Jt. Mg�. (2) 6,00 8,127,00 5.9840�'r Merrill Lqnch, Pierce, Faimer � Smith (3y 6.00: 29,757.00 5.9866* Seattle-First National Baak First National Bank in Dallas First Wisc�nsin National $ank of Milwaukee Franklin National Bank Chester $arris & Co., Inc. 1Yuat Coonpany of Georgia City National Bank & 1�ust Co. Shaugizneesy � Company, Tanc. Suplee, Mosleq, Close � Reraer, Incorporated First National City Bank ) Jt. (1) 5.10 None 5.10 The First Boston Corporation ) Mgra. (2) 6.00 7,560.� 5.9851 Bank of Americaa N, T. � S. A. (3) 6.00 26,338,00 5.9881 First National Bank of Memphis Drexel �rriman Ripley, Incorporated Wertheim & Co, Clark, Dodge � Co.�, Inc. United Californis Bank Weeden � Co., Inc. Baak of the Co�nouwealCh Barr Brothers & Co. Roosevelt � Cross, Inc. J. C. Bradford � Co. (continued next page) , ' • LIS2 OF BID6 �t8C8IVBD �TSt 19, i47a Page 3 C ITY � SAIIiT PAUL � � BIDDBR � �tAT6 � y,� T�ood, Stratt►ers 6 ilfnthro�p, Ina. The Fidelitq Bmak Yoduatsial Natioaal Bank of �ode Llaad l�iarine Nation�al 8ach�age Bank Bro�wa Brothere Harrima� 6 60. The Chieago Coxposatioa �torth Caroiina Hatioaal H+n�c United qirginia Bank/State P�cs ��P�'9•�8eier 6c Co., Ittia. Craigie, Incarporated Fahaeatock � Co. Model �land � Co.� Ityc. Fir$t 8atioaal Bank of At�tts Virginia �aCiaial Baak Anderson S� Stxudvick Austin lbbia 6 Co., Iac. Jur� b M,00dy, �c. 5cl�eicicert 6r Co. Mosgan Ouaranty Trns t Ca�a� of lfev Yot1c�1� 5.20 9,900.00 S.1f�0 Salomnn 8rothers t2'� 6.10 24,780.�0 6.0513 E3) 6.I0 100,230.OU 6.Q549 i,el�oan Bsothers ) Joint {1) 5.30 4,34T.04 5.1824 Ridder, Feabody b Co., �ac.� bf�tager�r =2) 6.�0 7,853.50 6,08�6 and As�ociates (33 6.10 25,863.50 6.08y9 Ia Association with Ph+elps, Fetm b Co. aad AssoeiA�as IAII MC�&EL�NA *Successful bic�er CTIY CQ�LLS� ��,n;��,� 250��9 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �►Na� N� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � CO�MM�IS.S�IONE1 oAT� i1REREAB, tha Council did by �s�olution l�o. Z49940 appro�v�d An�wt 4, 1970, authosise tbe i�swnQS ao� sal� ot �3,000,000 Ozban �sns�al Doada, Ssrias 1970l, to bs dat�d aa o# Au,R,vat I, 2970, aad at the propar city o��io�ra hwa fuily caus�d the aaid bands to b� �dv�rtissd for saLe aad raid advtrti�a�nt r�quir�d s�al�d bida to be sub�ittad on Ausnat 19, 1970, and as the bids wre wbmittsd aad openad, ac�in�d aad tabulatad by th� City Corptroil�r, and the Ci�y Comptrollar �ade the rec000e�dation to tb� Counail that the (jointy bid o# BI1�1I8 TA1S! AXD SIIVDIQB 3A�, CHICAl�O, TH6 � MA�BA?� �. 1t.A.. Joint Masut�ara, AwD /1�lOCIA�S Mas fauid to ba th� aost advantageaus, thsrefore ba it �OLRD, thtt ehe (jaiat) bid of �Ig �g! � ge� �, �I��p, � C9A8S 1tA�lAlL� �, �'.A., Joint Managara, AMD ASlOCL17�lS bs aaeept�d an�d said bonda aasrdad at a price, namslp, par and accrued intsrsst With a , oaupon rata of 6�pp psr esnt and a premium of � a�127�pp ; bs it ?OBTHit RESOLVED, tt►at tha Couacil h�rebq ratifiea and appra�res esah and evary aat o� ths Sinking lund Ca�ittee ta caanectiaa with tha sale of eaid bonds. AUG Y 9 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 18—. Yeae Nays ' �- � AUG i 9 ���� Carlaon APPmo� 19- Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Mayor A nninat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, MeCarty � ��