250107 ORIGINA►.TO CITY CLHRK r--{� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO _�'� , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL OLU N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE �' � ATF RESOLYED, �hat the proper City offieer� hereby ratify and approve the si�nature of �ommissioner� Victor J. �edeseo, in behalf of �he City of Saint Paul, own�rs of prop'�rty l�gally describ�d as followss "Vacated P�deraen �tr�et ad�oining and sub�ec.t to Ruth and Conway and Wilaon �treets, the north 685.67 fe�t of W�s� 93o feet of �outh�as� � of Sec. 35, _T. 2g, II�. 22;�� upor� a peti�ion by Jo�eph 1�. Klos to reaone the south�est corner of Ruth and Wilson Streets from "A" �iesidence Diatrie� to Commercial Districst, bein� legally described as �o� 1, Bloek 8, Hud�on Road (�ardens, it b�ing the further unders�anding of. this Couneil that �h� hereinabove aaquieseence is solely for the purpose of holding � publie hearing. �, . N C � O � � p � �v � d Q � � Q « a � � 1a iyro COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays c���, 1 �� ���_(,�, °�ttt}er— Carlson � ve� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith ��o Sprafka d Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED AU G 2 21���1 � �� o�,�,�,��,� 250�:�"7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEhIERAL FORM PREiENTED{Y CAMMISSIONER �A*F AE30�,VSD, That the proper City cffiaer�t hereb� ratify and approve �he eignature o� Commi�sioner Victor J. Ted�eeo, in behalf oP th� City of Saint Paul, owriere of property legally deearibed as f'olloxat "Vaoa�sd Bedereen Street ad�oining and sub�eat to Ruth and Conrray and wsison streete, tne north 685.67 Peet of Wee� 930 feet of Southeaet � of 3eo. 35, T. 29, R.2i;a upon a petition by Joeeph M. Klo� to reEOne the eouthMemt oorner oP Ruth and wileon �tre�te from "A" Residenae Diatriat to Qo�eroial Distriot, b�ing i�gally dsaariDed �e Lcft 1, Biook 8, Hudaon Road C+ardena, it being the fu,rther understanding o� thia Counoil that the ttereinabove acquiesoenos ia solel,� for th� purpoae oP holding a public h�aring. qUG 1 a 19i0 COUNCIL�2EN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xa'� ALIG 18 1970 �— Carlson / Approv� 19— Levine �o rT Favor Meredith v �ay°r Sprafka Aaaninat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��