250089 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK �5a��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a COMMISSIONE �' ATF ELSOLVE�, That th� Ceuacil hereby approves the a�ard sf tbe lurcha:iag Comdittee th�refar aad hereby awards contract f�r farnishiag and delivering C��SaED EOCR SALT A11D CALCIt�t C�ILORID� far th� Gity of Saint Panl, Departm��t of Pablic Norks, St. 2aa1, ,Minnesata.- T0: CABiGII�., II'�C. - 12,0�0 Tons, sore or less, of �BS�D �OQC SALT - $9.75 Per T�n Tmtal A�oant of Contract Approaimately . . . . .$117,000.00 � Terms: 30 days net T0: LY� C�MIGALS, IItC. - 12 Tons, sore or leas, of GAI.CI� GHL�faID= - $78.00 !er Ton Total �a�nt of Contract Spproxi�ately . . . $936.00 Terns: none • iu accordaace pit� City specifications tberefor and the Farmal Eid #4214 of aaid bidders, such bida beiag the loaest aad said c�paaies being reaaonable and reliable enes, aad the Corporation G�rau�;e1 �be and hl�eby is authorized t� draft the proper foss of contracts on bel�alf af tt�e Citq of Saiat Paal. Formsl Bid #4214 AUG 14 19t�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �, � 14 1970 Caxlson A � e� 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith � � Tedeaco A��st 2 21970 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AU G �