D001187CITY OF 5AINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � • � AD�STRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION �: �o� ((�''� �: 3 - �-7 9 7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDIIt, Consistent wiffi ffie aushority granted to the Mayor on Seclion 10.07.4 of the City Cbarter and based on the request of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recreation w amend the 1996 budget of the Municipal Stadium Fu�, d�e Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current R ,�el Department of Community Services Division of Pazks and Recrea6on Municipal Stadium Fund Spending Plan 334-33182-0132 Not Cerkified - Temp/Seasnl 334-33182-0371 Flectricity 334-33182-0533 Material For Resale 334-33182-0289 Rental - Misc. 334-33182-0829 Other - Self Propelled Eqmt 334 ALL OTF�R SPENDING Manager ( han e 9,445.08 1,67Q.19 294.32 (11,115.2� (294.32) 0.00 Amended B�� 26,445.08 35,170.19 294.32 1,884.73 4,705.68 283,248.00 Total 351 r 74R.Ob �.Oi) 3 1�4R (li) ADJUST 1996 BUDGET TO REFLECT PROPER ACCOUNTING FOR YEAR END EXPENSES IN EXCESS OF BUDGETED AMOUNTS. � � Requested by: 17,000.00 33,500.00 0.00 13,000.00 5,000.00 2$3,248.00 � �'���S Date � �/��� j Director Date � w `�---, . .��„s��� . �• 2y 9 .�... Date � Q� 1 � 4�'�7 DEPMiMGT/OFACE7COUNCIL DATEINITATED GREEN SHEET � S� NO. 37357_ Parks a�i Recseation 03/14/97 CpNTACT P6ISON PMO PNONE �NIT/LLIDATE INI7IALIDATE �c Wittgenstein 266-6409 � —1—�Er�wnaQ+T ar�cror� —an couuc� fOF _CITYATTORNEY �_QTYCL6W MU5f BE ON GOIA�IdL AGFNDA BY mATEI qpp� UpGEf DIRECTO� _FlN. & MGT, SE(tVICES DIR_ _J�IAYOHIORASSISfANT1 �_ Chiafi Arnn��ntant TOTPL f OF SIGNAT1RtE PA6E51_ (CW ALL IDCA1pNS fOR tNiNATY1Ef A�,�, REO��: �ECEi�ED Approval of Administrative Order amending the spending plan of Municipal Stadium Fund 334. � n ��� n � G � �iTY CLERK flECOMMENDATIONS: Appove W w Rajett �itl PHtSONAL S6MCE CONiRACTS MUBT ANSWBt TfiE FOLLDN7M6 �UE87M1N5: aeuNINGCOMMI5SI0N _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION �. Hr4bpanoNfvmwerwakedudmacawmfortivstlepartmeMT _CIB COMMIiTEE — VES NO _..� STAFF _ 2. Hr tltie Vd=��rm ever been a dq' anW%ee7 _OISTFUCT COUNCIL __ VES NO 3. Does thie peno�rm poseew � akill �wt normalty poasenetl bY �Y d+rrmrt crty amdoY�7 SUPPOflT3 WHICH COUNCII OBJKTIVEi YES NO EapWn eY yr arowan on aepYab ahee[ uW ettech b prean aAeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUN17Y (Who, Wiwt, When, YVhere, Why1: Adjust the 1996 budget to reflect proper spending authority for year end expenses in excess of budgeted amounts. ADVANSAGES IF APPROVED: Budget wi{I ref{ect proper accounting for expenses. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPNOVED: Major o6ject codes wil! reflect overspending and budget will not be in compliance with the City Charter. TOTALAMDUNTOPTflANSACiION S - n' COSTMEVEIIUEBI�OETmfCIRClEONq YFS NO q� M��nir.� Stwrii��m ____ qctw�ivxuMaet 3:;7A9 FlNANCIAL INFOFiMATON: (IXPLAINI