250070 i-_ - _-` � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK �3 �y � ;, CITY OF ST. PAUL H EN�� NO. v� (� • O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K COUN LUTI G NERAL FORM COMM 5�NE Robert F.S ra ATF WI�REAS, By authority of the Laws of M esota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 a.nd ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved Nta.y 2, 1959� the City of Saint Pa.ul� �,g pa,y a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exeeed the benefits to the property owner, W�REAS, It has been determined that the following described pareels of property be relieved of the follo�wing amotant: Description Amount So. 2 Ft., Lot 8 & all of Lot 7, Blk. 10, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $225.12 I,ot 1, Blk. 1�+, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $209.58 Lot 20, Blk. 14, Auerbach a.nd Hand's Add. $209.58 Lot l, Blk. 2�, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $203.60 Lot 20, Blk. 2�, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $203.60 Lot 10, Blk. 13, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $203.63 Lot 12, Blk. 2, St. Bernards Villas $20�+.45 So. 1/3 of Lots 13 & 1�+, and So. 1/3 of East l0 ft. Lot 15, Blk. 2, Como Place $190.82 F�ccept alley; Lot 9, Blk. 21, Auerbach and Hand`s Add. $203.77 Except alley; lot 1.0, Blk. 21, Auerbach and Hands Add. $203.77 Lot 1, Blk. 32, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $200.15 Lot 18, Blk. 32, Auerbach and Hand's Add $216.93 Except alley; Lot 9, Blk. 22, Auerbach & Hand's Add $ 23.15 �/ " . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty - p�BLISHED AU G 15 ��• F OV Q Asst. Corpor t� n Counse► �� y 'OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ���� �o •► CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`� `� ~ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMI5510NER Robert F. Sprafka DATE Description Amount ESccept alley; Lot 10, Blk. 22, Auerbach and Ha.nd's Add $196.02 Lot l, Blk. 31, Auerbach and Hand's Add. $202.08 Lot 18, Blk. 31, Auerbach and Hand's Add $257•75 WF�REAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pa,y is $3,15�+.00, now therefore be it� RESOLVID, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $3,154.00, a portion of the ass�ssable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1969 Sidewa.lk Contract 69-M-�79, Levy No. 2, District No. l, L-7156, in the aanount of $3,154.00, said Perma.nent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Smprovement Aid Fund, 0920-�+61 (1970) l!`/ � , aC� AiJG 13 197.0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeae Nays ��— � :, a 13� i97D Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine �7 �n Favor Meredith Sprafka r �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�g�SI�ED AU G 151970 � _ _ � ` z5a��o ou���cwn�ro Me�t� - CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�MM S�SIONER a� F.S�II'LS�LL nATe �$� � �IOQ'j.�/ O= �'r�L! �IS O= K�1NE'1frR ZO3" �l� �T 1�9f �6�taz 300, 8.1r. 217 �1d 1s1:1ti�d b� C.!• I�D. 192�]�►, apparo�►�d M�Y 2, lq'Si9, !� City ot 8siat Pwl, sa� pyr a �ioa o! the a�eessabl,� costa v? Si�w�St Costattvation �+h� svah coste �otca�d t�2u b�efits !o tht P��Y ��', �tsAB, I� bas beea dit�raia�d tLat t�te t'bS].oMia� d�s�ri� paretls o! p�crp�artY b� r�liiv�d ot tht loS�A�tieig as�rmtt: Dres�rip�i�o�n Atoroa�t __ So. 2 i't., Lot $ da all of Lot 7, Blk. 10, Au�erbaah and F�umd's A�dd. �.12 Lot 1, D,tic. lh, An�erba�h and �ru�d•a A�,cl. �249•58 I�t 20, D1t. 11�, Aw='tiltch affi t�l�ud's A�Ld. #209.58 Lo�t 1, H1Ic. 2�►, An�baeh ar�d &�d's /1�d. $209.60 Lo� 20, Bllc. 21�, Awrbach atsd �Imd'a /Wd. �03.fi0 zat lo, a�c. �,3, �wrua�h anat �'s �aa. �203.63 Lo� 32, D1t. 2, 8t. atrsiards Yi.1l�sat #^04.45 so. 1/3 oi Lvr. 13 b ]#, ana. so. 1,/3 ot �..t lo rt. Lo�E 15, D11c. 2, Coo� Pl+sce �3.90.82 E�ccs�t +�i1�0►3 � 9, 81t. 21, An�rLaeb aa�d Ii�ai•s Add. �203•TT Excrpt +�lle�►3 l�t 10, atl�. 21, An�rb�h a�od �da Add. �203.Tl Lat 1, Blt. 3�, Awa�aah and �d'a Add. $200.15 Lo� 18, H�3]C. 32, A�mertiaah aad H�ad's Aad t2L6.93 �ccspt +�il�p►3 1.at 9, B�]]c. 22, Aa�bach d� �aad•a A�! � 23.iS COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19_ Yeae Naya Butler Carlson Approvt�d 19_ ��e Tn Favor Meredith Mmyor Sprafl�a ro�►inst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� .. .�, r DUrLICAT[TO rRIN7�R � �'�O •� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� N0, '�5d� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f�61M1�SS10N� Robtz� F• BpraPks „�,� DMOt' iAn. � l�caept alle6►3 Lo�C 1Q, B�lt. 22, Av�rbssh and �ud'� A�!! �196.02 La� 1, H1lt. 31, Avuarbaah aod I�nd'r �d�d. �202.08 Lot 18, Blk. �]., Attrrbllab aDd A��d's /l� �'S'f.7"S �, ?tie tah�]. vwunt o! asaNaab].� oo�ts th� Ci�► sq► Py► is �3,154.0�, a+ar therefore be it, R�BCLVED,. TDat th� Cc�ission�r oP Pablic Wc�]u b� aad h� is h� suthoriz�d to p�y ira� th� P�rman�o�t �a�+r�aC Rwc�lvia� l�ud, Co� 6000, th� �aqn� ot �3,154.00, a poartion o? t,2a ass�sasDl� aosts oT Sid�allc Cot�s�trtyctia� t�tid�t7r the 1969 $s,a�e�.� co�t� 69-�.�T9, iw�ry ao. 2, Distriet No. 1, I�-7156, in the a�am� o! �3,154.00, said �rs�a�snt T�parervaNnt R�nrolving ltimd to be r�ia�r�s�d t'r�a� tdu City� 8hwrs ot Looal 11■�ro�va�t Aia Ptiu�d, 0920-$61 (19T0) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> �UG � 3 � 9_ Y� xa� � 13197p � Carlson Appro� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � � A$alri8t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��