250065 Oripinal to City Clerk ' � ORDINANCE 25��65 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO � ���� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF LOUIS MORELLI AND SANDRA MORELLI, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Louis Morelli and Sandra Morelli, individually and as husband and wife, the sum of �1,000.00, in full settlement of their claim for damages and injuries sustained on August 14, lg6g, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Gail Oie, at or near the inter- section of White Bear and Sherwood Avenues, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said� sum shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages hnd in�uries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � �UG 2 8 1970 Yeas Council n Nays Passed by the Council Carlson�� ��- Me�h n Favor `� �e#e�se� �� �c Sprafka v A gainst �� � AUG 2 � 70 Mr. resident (�} �� Approved: A est• � '� � C' Clerk Mayo �� Form approved Corporation Coun By � ,�� sEP 51970 �- . Is} � / � � 2nd � � Laid over to l 3rd and app � —Adopted —�/� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson Carlson Levine ����' �5 L�ewaa. Meredi+h ,�Meredith � Sprafka \ Sprafka Tedesco fed�o Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ������,� ���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ���� d�� .�iN f�r��IN�1NC� SETT?�ING TH}�' CLAI?�1 0�' L�UIS M(��ti�LLI r'��vTT? �f�_ATI1Ti..� i�'IG'���:I:T�I ' :1 VllIV�DU�11�LY r1NI) �:5 ��TJ�FAN3} 1�NNI? ?:'ZIa'E� :'�G9.IItIST T�I£ CITY Ol� S.t1INT PAUL THU COUI�TCIIa ��' THL CITY �OP SAII�tT PAUL �OES ���DAIN: 5ection 3.. That the �roper City officers are hereby �,uthorized to ,ay c�izt o� the To.rt Liability Funfl 0035-4��-, ta Louis Niorelli and San��a �orel�i , inc�zvid��ally a,nd r�s husb�rad and wife, the su� o� ��'':�r�t��?.4�, �n �ull settlement of �heir cl�,gm for ciama�;es a.nd izajuri.es sustai�ect on �ugust 14, 1969, as a result o�' an aceident involvan�; � City vehicle d�iv�n by Gail (?ie, at o.r near the inter-- secti�n c:�' '.:`h�a_te ?�ea.r €�nd �la�r`41aod ��venues, ��int E'�,�I, :'�Iinnes��ta. 4�ect�axz :?. �'�it�t sa�.d su� shall be ��a.:�d to the sai� cl�,ir�a,nt s upoi� tilei.r execu.taon �,nd delivery c��' a rel�a rye 3.n :ful�. ta tY�e City, ixz u �o��;: �:c� be a��gro�e�3 �y the Cornoratioxa Coun�el , �'or al� ��,�z�a�;es and in�t��rie� �ust�.i��ec� ii1 t��ac �tzn.ner ��oresaid. :���ctio�l 3. �'hat t�ai.s ox�din�,nce sha31 tar.e e��ec r, and be :�n force thirty days after its passage, approval and publicatior�. „ �,,, � ��°��,ti;' �, , . Yeas Councilm� Nays Passed by the Council Carlson( -� � �L.= �+- ��' ' `� In Favor Meredith - � -' �� ge�e�san �r �� Against Sprafka �e�esee r��i� s' �% ���'� Mr. President ru��� ��z-�-� �-� 'L [���-�� Approved: —