03-597ORIGII�AL CITY Presented By Refened To Council File # � - 5 `t 7 Green Sheet # �� � O� � RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Departrnent of Parks and Recreation will host a Hmong community soccer festival on July 4`� and July 5`� of 2003 at McMurray Field in Saint Paul; and 4 WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation provides City of Saint Paul employees to 5 assist with jobs at the event, such as refuse removal, grounds maintenance and site specific tasks; 6 and 7 8 WHEREAS, through the wark of Parks and Recreation staff, community festivals are safer, more 9 efficienfly run and more proactive to residential concerns; and 10 ll WHEREAS, the two-day event schedule requires approximately 25-30 employees to work at the 12 event over regular meal times and scope of this work in some cases makes it impossible for these 13 employees to take a much needed lunch or regular break; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the City Councal finds a public purpose for providing food and beverages far Parks 16 and Recreation staff when the employees are required to work over a meal time; 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, that the Marketing Division of the City of Saint Paul 19 is hereby given the authority to purchase and provide food and beverages, with the exception of 20 alcohol for Parks and Recreation employees for the Hmong soccer festival, in an amount not to 21 exceed $SOO;and �� i�'�'�'`�I�'�R RESOLVED, that said sum shall be chazged to activity 2 the Marketing Division's budget. ooa�-o�� 0 3 _S4� Requested by Department of: �� Form Approved by City Attorney �� � Annroved by ayo for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date \9' �oo� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary D3-S9� Councilmember Pat Hazris 6-8630 i BE ON COUNCIL AGQmA BY @4iq �,.��N�,� GREEN SHEET No 2��s�i cnrm.o. IIIISIGM 1111fIBB2 FOR RWf711Cs TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ov�m�rtowECrae ❑ a�YwnoieEV ❑ arvnmc ❑ f�l/J1q4.iFRVICFf GR ❑ AI�tlC1Y.fFRY/ICCTC ❑wYaR1���M�) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolurion giving the Marketing Division the authority to purchase and provide food and beverages, with the excepfion of alcohol, for Pazks and Recreation employees for the Hmong soccer festival, held July 4 and 5, 2003, in an aznount not to exceed $500. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION P S SOURCE Flas thic persoNFim e�.xrxwicetl under a contract forfhis depaM1ment? VES NO Has thie PeisoNfirtn ever been a dty empbyee7 YES NO Does this persorJfirm poseess a sidll not normallyposc�ced by any curteM city employee'7 YES NO Is ttxs pe�soNfiim a tarpeted vendoR YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YES NO INFORMATIXJ (IXPWN)