250060 . f (Jy' y^� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �5�7 ,. (10 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' �' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. . CQ NCIL RES ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT° '��y!��� WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul intends to submit an applica- tion for a federal grant to acquire certain lands for the Scheffer Park Site, as shown on the attached plan; and WHEREAS, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections, and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully con- sidered the same: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the action necessary to acquire for park site purposes . those certain lands as shown on the attached plan. � ' 1 � �970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� � � ��7Q Carlson � Approvet� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka V or A�ainst Tedesco 5 1970 Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED AU G � • 250��0 DUPI.ICAT�TO MtIN7�R • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO , • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .�r�er COMMISSIONER �AT� wI�EBEAB, the City of St. Paul iattnds to tubmit an applica- tioa for a f�d�ral grant to acquirt cartain lands for the 8ch�ffer Puk 8ite, ae �hara on ths attachsd plrtn; aad iiH6�EAS, A public heat�g lsaving b�aa had upera th� sbo�w improv�nt upon dus notics, and the Council luviag heard all p�raon�, obj�ctions, and r�come�ations rsla�tiw thir�to, and having fully con- sidsrad th� aaaMt: �ORE, BE YT BES�VaD bq the Cou�cil of th+� City of St. P+tul that tha propar City Of�icials ar� htrsby authoriaed �ad dir�ctsd to procssd With th� actioa naceasarq to acquire for park site pwcposea thoa• cartain lands ae eho�m on tha attachsd plan. �, � 3 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� xa� �UG � 3 197� -� Carlson � Approv�� 19� Levine _,�n Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� Aoan;nat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCaxty �� DYTLICATt TO MtIN7�R � CI I 1 OF ST. PAU� ��,�,� No 249;��0 , • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fl`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �RESENT�{Y COMMISSiONER �ATF �AS, ths City of St. Paul int�ads to sub�eit aa application for a f�deral grant to acquirt csrtain lsnd� for park sits purpos�s, and W�EAS, the apacific aitss ue id�ntifitd tnd xill b� schtduled for a publ�.c h�aring before th� City Couacil •a� �ollo�s: � , �rlingt�-AtrkMright-Psrk Sits - July 2, 1970 Prosptrity Fark-Park Sits - July 2, 1970 ost Lsks-Park 8it� - July 9, 1970 Sch�tfsr�Yark 8ite - July 9, 1970 1�T, '1�8, BE IT RESOLVED, that in ord�r to a$quaint in- tartatsd parties with ttu� propoasd pro�ects, the Coaioniosiou4r of Finance be and hersby is directtd to giva notics of a public huriag to be hald in ths Council Chambsr, at 1Q:00 A.M. , as iud icated above. s � � � �/ 3 ,f�� � � �l � �'� 7 JUN i � 1�70 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Comcil 19� Yeas Nays sut�� � JUN 1 0 1970 Carlson Appmv�rl 19._ Levine Tn Favor Mex�dith Sprafka /� � �� 11_Againat Tedesco Nlx. President, McCarty �� ' T,'-'IJIVAS-DAL� D�VELOPiU1�Nr COUNC;� � 9�0 BLAiR-AT-M!LTON " . ST. PAUL, MiNNESOTA TELEPHO NE: 489-8392 August 10 , 19 70 Mayor Charles McCarty City Hall S�. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor McCarty: This �s to inform you that the members of the executive board of the Tnomas-Dale Development Council, � serving as the PAC for �he St. Paul NDP Program in this community , have voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed expansion and improvement of Sch�ffer Playground. As an organization of residents involved in planning fo:.^ the upgrading and restoration of our neighborhood , we ' are concerned about the over-all lack of adequate recrea- tional and park facil�,.ties in Thomas-Dale. We feel tnat the proposed improvements and expansion of Scheffer will help, and we urge you to approve the proposal. Th ank y ou. Sincere y , � ^ ;�f ) ; r� '�" ,: . �- � � � , ' �'--�-�-c � .� � '��'' enneth . Spiel an, President Thomas-Dale Dev lopment Council cc: Rosalie Butler, Commissioner � Victor J. Tedesco " Robert F. Spraafka " • Wm. E. Carlson " � Dean Meredith " Leonard Levine " Harry Schroetter, Scheffer Booster Club � Wm. Q. Patton, Dept. of Parks � Recreation C . � 9� � � � � THOMAS-DALE DEVQ.OPMENT COUNCIL � � 940 BLAIR-AT-MILTON ' � ST. PAUL, MI NIyESOTA TELEPHONE: 489-8392 August 10 , 1970 Mayor Charles McCarty City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor McCarty: This is to inform you th at the members of tne executive board of the Thomas-Dale Development Council , serving as the PAC for the St. Paul NDP Program in this community , have voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed expansion and improvement of Scheffer Playground. As an organization of residents involved in planning for the upgrading and restoration of our neighborhood , we are concerned about the over-all lack of adequate recrea- tional and park facilities in Thomas-Dale. We feel that the proposed improvements and expansion of Scheffer will help, and we urge you to approve the proposal. Thank you. Sincere y , �l �l. .,� ';, `\ r�' %�r % V .�� ,��/I_�'' ��� / � .�,,` �1fenneth4T. Spiel� an; President Thomas-Dale Dev lopment Council cc: Rosalie Butler, Commissioner Victor J. Tedesco " Robert F. Spraafka " Wm. E. Carlson " Dean Meredith " Leonard Levine " Harry Schroetter, Scheffer Booster Club Wm. Q. Patton, Dept. of Parks � Recreation _ Jul,y c, 1�70 4r° Hon. �Lc - - J. �'��:ie;.�c� C�r,l�,r. �" �a.rl.s tec r+�cre��`�ion ��; _ic 33�.c�� . Ii u i i �:.`i ,. r3 ,_a :i?ea:° 'a.:��» The City (;ouncil t�c?a;{ � r�ptec� �. ;i�n la�r ovsr to .�Tu�U"x 1�;th tize m�t��r a� submi:�s' � 01' � aPp_ ica�;i�n ��� � �'�c�.�ra1 �ran�: ta acquire cep•t�a.in l�zrc�� i'�r. th� S ,f�er Par�L "a.te. Th� Counc�_1 �•:���.?_� vze�� t 7.�c�,ti at 1:3� P.P�Z. �n Au�,ust ?th. 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