03-596QRIGINALa�.���.�� , ��.�.� �$, ���3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Council File # � 3- S ��a Green Sheet # �� Committee: Date 1gt WHEREAS, Ye Olde Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Chet's Tavema, located at �Raymond Avenue in Saint Paul, has requested a waiver of the 45-day nofice requirement for issuance of a sidewalk cafe-alcohol license; and WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park Community Council has agreed to the waiver of the notice requirements; and 8 WHEREAS, the Council finds that the application is in order and there are no grounds for 9 denial of the license and that failure to grant the waiver and the consequent delay in approving 10 the license would cause exceptional and unusual hardship to the license applicant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the licensee agrees that in the event a complaint is received prior to the 13 expiration of the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis for adverse action against the 14 license, that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection may direct the 15 licensee to immediately discontinue all operations until a public hearing is scheduled, and that 16 the licensee shall comply with said directive; now, therefore, be it 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESOLVED, that the 45 day notice requirements of §409.06 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code are hereby waived and a sidewalk cafe-alcohollicense is issued to Ye Olde Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Chet's Taverna, for the premises located at �i9�Raymond, subject to the agreement stated above. '�`l\ Adopted by Council: Date �Q '�O '� 'T Adoption Certified by Counci ecretaxy By: Requested by Department of: By: Fosm Approved by City Atto�ey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: GREEN SHEET sr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �3- S�G No 110324 v �.�,�,,.� � �„�.. _ ❑ an.now�. ❑ arcmuc ❑ F�wctataoexcrsouc ❑ n'�xonttertrtvi�ccrc �rnrort(ort�s�nwry � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ���/'�y'� C���.6��������li�( GU �,� . � /� c=av'G2�L�t �� V � ii9��� �7��2�%�%fi� —'��� � � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS310N TRANSACTION 1. Has this perso�rm ever worketl u�Mer a contract fw Nis department? VES NO 2. Has this persaJfiim ever been a city emdoyeeT VES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill not riwmallypossessed by any wrtent city emDloyee? YES NO 4. Is this person/fifm a tatgeted ventloY7 . YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCI.E ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) „.� ` ” > Q'` JAY BENANAV Councilmember June 18, 2003 TO: FR: RE: Councilmembers CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 3(0 CITY HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1615 PHONE: (651) 266-86�W FAX: (651) 266-85'I4 E-mail: wazd4@ci.stpaul.mn.us Jane Prince, Legislative Aid� Suspension Item 63 -59� JANE PRINCE I.egislative Aide On behalf of our office, Councilmember Lantry has agreed to introduce the attached suspension item, which waives the 45-day waiting period for Chet's Tauerna's outdoor beer and wine service license. As you are aware, we haue recently amended four ordinances to change the requirements for an outdoor beer and wine service license. The St. Anthony Park Community Council has approved the waiver of the waiting period for Chet's. This is additionally appropriate because Chet's applied for this license in May 2002, and their application was referred from LIEP to the City Clerk's Office until this spring, without any action being taken. Instead of 45 days, they've already waited much, much longer. Thank you for your consideration. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Jun 16 03 12:O1p ' t . ������� rr����� F���7���� � SAPCC St. Anthony Park Community Council June 16,2003 Christine Rozek, DeQuty Director Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection City of Saint Paul Lowry Professional Building 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 551Q2 Dear Ms. Rozek. p.2 �3 -SqC Ott Thursday, June 12, 2003, the 3t. Anthony Park Community Council approved the following resolution: To support the application for Ye Olde Restaurant Inc dba Chet's Taverna, ID #1 9980003 1 17, at 791 Raymond AvenuelLiquor-Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) License in addition to supporting the waiver of the 45-day waiting period. We support the waiver of the 45-day waiting period and hope that the application can be processed expeditiously. If you have any questions or concerns with regards to the resolution, please contact me at 651- 649-5992. 3�ncerely, �<<• � M 'ssa Math s � Executive Director Cc: Councilmember 7ay Benanav Mike Phillips, CheYs Taverna 890 Gromwell Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesuta 55114 : 651/649-5992 voice •:• 651/649-5993 Eax 651649-5993 C�TY OF SAlNT PAUL Rantly C. KeAy, pJayor OFFICc OF LICcNSE, INSPECTIONS AND � 3� S � � ENVIRONMENTFlL PROTECTION Janeen E 9cus. P�¢ny V'!Bt$L°F,�,^�e55' wu-wt 5'.p3ulmn�yl¢p COWRYPROFESSiONALBUILDING ta�yp�e-[65t;2s5-sogp Su::e 3c: 3505 -e:er50-ee' Fac;im�te. l651Y26G9093 Sa+n ! P avl.'e:nr , e,�;�;35:•'C2-iS;U '(65fJ2EE-Ste: I agree to the iollowir,g cor.ditions being placed on the following license(s): License #: '19980003117 Type of 8usiness: Malt On Sa?e (Strong) Restaurant {S) - more than 12 seats Sidewalk Cafe Wine On Sale :+pplied for �y; YE OLDE RESTAURANT INC Doing Business As� CHET'S TP,VERNA ai: 79i RAYMONC AVE ST PAUL MN 55114 Conditions ere as follows. 1. The sidewalk cafe is an extension of the restaurant aperahon cn!o a part of the pubiic side�valk which immediately adjoirs the licensed premises. 2. No sidewaik cafe shall be permitted in any porfion of the pu5lic sdew:3lk where normal pedesYrian traHic flow is obstructed. A mirdmum ciearance width af thirty-six (36) irches must be maintained on the public sidewalk at ail times. 3. Na tahies, chairs or uny other furnishings, excEpt piant tubs, shail be piaced in the area used for th� s;dewafl: ca'� during sny pariud whsn ttie sidewaik cafe is not open ard 'neing operated. VVhde such ca€fi is in aperation, all tabies and chairs shall be ke�t in a clean, sanitary condition. 4. The use of a portion oF the pubiic sidewaik as a sidewalk cafe shali noi be ar. exo}usive use. Ail public improvemenfs, including but not limited to trees, light poles, traffic signals, pult boxes or manholes, or any public-initiated maintenance procedures, shall take precedence over said use of the pubiic sidewalk at all times. 5. It shall be the duty of the licensed food establishment to maintain each plant tub at aU Yimes in a sa€e condi!ion at its proper location and to inspecl each such tub periodicaily in order that it mGy be properly maintained. Trees or plarts and their tubs shali ai all times be kept in a neat, ctean arid presentabie conditian. No advertising matter or sign or writing of any kind shall be displayed uaon any tree or plant ar its tuD. "o. Wine and Matt On Sale license holders must strictly adhere to the requirement that the sale of 'vVine and Beer witl take place only in conjunction with the sale and service of food. ?. No outdoor food andlor beverage preparation is a+lowed �vitho��t prior approvai and additional icensing from LIEP. f ��'� c �-..i�-� Lice� - D t l � aGT��'I��DI1':� �.�t',1� JuN r 2 ���., Jun 16 03 11:59a SRPCC 651649-5993 p.2 d3— 59� 1������ �t����� ,��*.�.*, �j������� St. Anthony Park Community Council 3une 16, 2003 Chriscine Rozek, Deputy Director Office of License, Inspec[ions and Environmental Protection City of Saint Paui Lowry Professional Building 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Rozek. On Thursday, 7une 12, 2003, the St. Anthony Park Community Council approved the following resolution: To support the application for Ye Olde Restaurant Inc dba CheYs Taverna, ID #19980003117, at 791 Raymond Avenue/Liquor-Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) License in addition to supporting the waiver of the 45-day waiting period. We support the waiver of [he 45-day waiting period and hope that the applica[ion can be processed expeditiously. If you have any questions or concems with regazds to the resolution, please contac[ me at 651- 649-5992. S�ncerely, �i�• � M issa Math s � Executive Director Cc: Councilmember Jay Benanav Mike Yhitlips, Chet's Taverna 890 Cromweli Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesov SSf 14 :� 651/649-5992 voice �r 651/649-5993 faz 43-59 G 6i6�a3 _ Tm W�om ItSilay concern: Whea we aze able to serve wine and beer at our sidewalk cafe we intend to centinue our curtent practice o£age identification currently successfulin our establishment. All servers at Ghet's Tauerna regiilarly request valid proof of age and identification from individuais that appear to possibly be under the legal drinking age of 22. 'Fhe lay out of our sidewaik cafe, withfour large window boxes serviug as borders andlor barriers, will make it obvious that o�y-patroasof our establislunen� eattase the seating and therefore be the only ones receiving serviee ar cons�iming alcohQlic beverages. The two lazge windows that took out onto Yhe sidewalk frorn our one room d'uung azea enable staffto easily mcanitor Yhe sidewalk cafe. tllcohol will not be served to those who are under legal druiki�tg age, those who are obviously intoxicated or those who aze strictly passersby. If yau have any questions or need more information regazding this sixbject please coatact usat (6�1) 646-2655. Tlianks. `� Since , J -(�.� i,�C� I� ��,�..� � MicheIle NL Nordhougen and Michael J. Phillips