250053 Counoi! File N������"
T6aundereignedhereby propoeeethemai�ingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City of$sint Psul,vis.:
Open, widea ahd exte�d the aliey i� BUC. 3, WILD ROSE AD�ITtON by conder�aing and tsking
the,south,.20_feet_of ,tl�_.e�st.1.0.feet.�of._lot�il in said BLK.....~............�.�..�.........._.~....w.....�..--
--• ..,. ... ., , . 3 and the south 20 feet
of the west 10 feet of Lot 12 i� sa i d B ������'��"'�'""'
..........................._....____.............................,....................�._3...................... ...........................,.......................�......_....
D�ted tbts.. 12thM...»day oq....�...Awgwst.............._...................._............................o..........................__.._.........
�\�S7�wJ�. ................... ..., 19 �
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WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the foIIowing improvement, vis.;
O�en�.wi de�t..a�nd �xtand th� a 11 eY i a �LK. 3 W 1 LD R06 E AflD I T I E�! b candemn i ng and tak i e�g
.............................. . ..............___..:...............................................
t he south 20 feet of the east 10 feet of Lot ll in said BLK, 3 and the south 20 feet
cf_t�e rwst.l0..f�et.of .Lot.i2 ia.',said.BLK...3 .................................................................. .�.........._+......
� . ........................
6aving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul...........-•........................................................................
t6esef�re,'be it ..............................................».............
. ;R��BQI.YED, Tba,t the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered aad dtreeted;
1.. To iaveetigete the neceesity for, or deairability of,.the malcing of eaid improvement.
2: To inveetigste t,he nature, extent and eetimated ooet of said improvement. and the total oost thereot.
3. :To furnieh a plan� profile or eketah of said improvemen� ,
4.-- To s�ste whether or not eaid improvement ie aaked for on �he petition of three ar more ownere.
`6. To report upon all of t,he goregoing matters�to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe.
AUG 12 1970
Adopted by the Couna'1..............._----•-...».......,,...,.
Counc I lman �$al�et--
Ca r l son �pproved......AUG_1 2 19��}............
Levi ne .........................._
Tedes co .._._.
Mr. President McCarty r. ""
�000 �.s�
�'� ; PUBLISHED G 15 �9��