250050 o,�s�.t to c ey c a k � � �O~RDINANCE 25���0 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO � �--�--,L � AN (�[tDINI�NCE AME(Y�ING CNAPTER 22 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CUQE PER- T�IINING TO SIGNS AN� �IJTDOOR DISPLAY STRUCTURES. THE COUNCIL OF THE CYTY aF SAINT PAUL DOES ORQAIN: 5ection 1. That Sectior� 22.03 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code pertaining to permit regt�lations, as amended, by deleting Section Z thereof and inserting the fotTowing ir� lieu thereof: p Z. Per�ri t Appt i cati or�s. (a) Applications for display strt�cture permits shall be submitted to the gureau on farms supplied by said Bureau. Each application shali contain the name and address of the awner of �he di splay structure; the address at r�hi ch��any signs are to be erected; the lot, block and addition at which billboards are ta be erected and the street on which they are to front; and a complete set of plans showing the nec�ssary elevations, distances, size and details to fally and clearly represent the constr�ction and plaEing of the display str�cture. (b� Applications for display structures erected, maintained or used for the public display of posters, painted signs or reading material shall be accompanied b�r a lease.agree- mept or deed indicating �he scsnsent a►f the owners of the property upon wh�ch the disp'�ay structure is to be erected. Section 2. This ordinance s�,11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days fran and after its passage, approvat and publication. AUG 2 7 1��Q Yeas Councilm�tler Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �gkek _�� Tn Favor Meredith `:� \� �'e�t�x�s+nn �--� C7 ` C� Sprafka A gainst T_J� p�t`� c�arty) AUG 2 7 1J70 - Approved. A est• � City erk - ay �� orm approved Corporation Counsel By ��s�EO 7fiUG 2 91�10 Dnplicatc to Printer t� RDINANCE ���� �� COUNCIL FILE NO �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � � Ah� �}RDIf�APdCF AP�1Ef�DING CHRPZER 22 OF TffF SA:IhIT PAl1L LFGISLATIVE CEI�E PE�?- 'rr"��i';If�� TO SIG�iS ARtD OUTDt��R DISPLAY ��TF;�CT�fRES. TNE COUidCIL C}f T��� CTTY �F S�II�+T PAUL B1ES f�R�AIN: S�ction 1 . Tt�a� S�c�ian 2�.J3 ofi tf�� Saint Paul Legislativ� Cod� pertairoi�,, i:n ���rm�t r��:a����i��rs, �s a�7nn�4ecl, ��y delPtir�� Secticn 2 th�r�af and i r���:r�i r4{,, tia;� �f�a 11�°;vi�7�; i n 1 i eu th�r�of: :�. �"���rn�i 3; �",npl icati c�r�s. (a� Ap�lic�tior�s for dis�:lat� structur� �er��ii�s s„ail bc ai��.js�:;it�:cd t� tl�e �`;,.�r�au �n f'c�rnrs Si,'!'�t�lE'.� b;�/ sa�c� �;ur��au. F:ach �n�?li�ation s:��ll co�t�in t�e nam� anci ac!ar�ss of the o+.rn�r �f -��� di��l�wf �truct�cre; t�L address �t ��;hich �r��� �ic=ns �r� �;� `�e erecte�l; the lot, hloc!r and adciition at ,;�.r�;�c�3 `�ill�oards Gra to hc� er�c��� �n� the str�-�et nr� .�fiicti �,�ey arn *� fr��fi; �n� � c�rnnl�t� snt �f 3,1:�;?s s �:>�.i���� tlz� nec�s�a.rv G1�vriCi�n�, :listt��icc�s, jize ariu �s.:�i�ils �c� ���.�llv� and clearly re�r�sen� tl�e construction and ��l�cin�;� of the �iisf�7a�r s�r�ac�ure. (b) ;4��licatio�as far displa}r structures ��r�cted, maintainPd or uswci for ��;e �u�lic �isn7ay� of �os�;cr::J, �aint�� si�ryns �t^ rF���iin�; rr,�t�rial sl��11 ��c� �cco.a�r���niti�,1 �y a l�ase ayrEe- m�n� or c(eect indicati�� Lha consent �f t�� �{����rs ofi t;�c �ro��rL;.� u??c�n ��;�''tiei� tnn �4i5rrlu�,� s�r�e�c���� ►s to 5� Pr�ctrk:l. `:>�c�i�n 2. 'i"��iS Ci"i�7i��i'1C�� s��a17 �;a1.�� ���'f�::ct ae�cl �� iii f�rc� ti�irtv (30} ciF�ys f��:� �_��� aft�r it� l:�ass�c3�, a�}�rova� r�nu �?ulalica�io�, fr� " �,� �, .�,,,'��r.t, . - ..� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson �tler � '���sh � In Favor Meredith P.eters°n.-�=�:-^-�— � Against Sprafka T�deas� ;� ;; ;���_. Mr. President (�3�xns1 McG`artv `� ' '" '" "� A�_..._.._�. I st - ` ' ^ 2nd C Laid over to 3rd and app ���dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � Butler Carlson ���`�n �Carlson �� Levine .Lerine�— Mered ith \Mered ith Sprafka � �prafka � Tedesco `\ �ed�ey�� Mr. President McCariy Mr. President McCarty O